• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)

Her eyes fell on Carmen again, and just simply waved at him. "Sorry, that I left... I just needed to uh...clear a thing." An idea popped into her head and she squealed for joy, sure Chance hadn't really said no to the proposition, though. "Carmen? Wanna watch my VHS's with me? It'll be fuuun!" She said, clearly slightly deranged, she inhaled and held one of the VHS's in her grasp tight. "It's nothin' gruesome, the crew wouldn't allow me to bring any... actual murder evidence in, which is honestly so fucking sad!" She said in a rushed voice, her eyes wide and slightly diluted, she grinned and scratched at her arm.
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Pastry Pastry
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script]

[div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently
[div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]
[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: Pastry Pastry
Mentioned: C.C.

O z a r a ♦ E x o d u s ♦ L o c k h a r t

He couldn't hear her inquiry about why he ended up here, and she was okay with that. She wasn't sure Chance wanted her to know. She would always listen if he wanted, but meanwhile the girl shrugged and spread her arms into a stretch. "I swear I want so much coffee my stupid heart gives out. I love café. It's my actual drug." She smirked, glimpsing at Chase and Wesley. "Fugly? Well Weasel is a fugly ass name." She laughed, unfazed by his comment about everyone's appearance. "When we're done here, you should come check out what I've done with my room, C.C." She winked and stuck out her tongue, giggling.​

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
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Billie eyed Oz, and almost glared at her, Chance was her friend, grumbling, she unrolled her comic book and began to skim the pages. She honestly was too... she doesn't know what feeling she felt, but all she knows is that she did not like it, one bit. Exhaling deeply, she sucked her teeth and glanced at Oz once again, she felt her blood bubble somewhat and she gripped her comic, coughing, she shrugged and carried on flipping onto the next page.
Queen. Queen.
Carmen glanced over at Billie once more when he saw the movement. He bit his lip as he listened to her words and he looked down, bleating a whimper pass his lips. Did she really want to hang out with him? He thought...he annoyed her or something before. Carmen wanted nothing more than to hang out with someone but...the video. A video about a monster who raped and killed young gay men... he couldn’t watch a video abou that...it would only make him uncomfortable. “Billie...I-I’m....” his voice trailed as he looked away. The last time he came out, he was bullied tremendously...

No. They wouldn’t do that here. Right...? “Billie. I’m...im gay...i dont...feel comfortable associating myself with that man...” Carmen muttered softly, meeting her gaze. “I’d love to hang out with you but...not like that...”
wesley konstadin
mentions: N/A
interactions: Billie Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence , Ozara Queen. Queen.
Wesley snickered at everyone's reactions and responses, wondering how none of them understood the lighthearted joke. His eyes glanced over at a woman with teal-looking hair who looked like she was about to lose it. "I feel you on that one. I haven't been able to take a swig for the last eight hours." Wesley commented with a sigh as he looked out the clouds with fake nostalgia. "But welcome to Hell, am I right?"

He chose to ignore everyone else and zone out for the shortest second before a red-headed woman spoke up. "Wow, can none of you recognize a joke and sarcasm? Are you all in here for having tight asses or something?" Wesley shook his head, offering pitiful looks towards everyone that responded negatively to his fugly and fuglier joke. "Well, I guess that's expected considering we're all in rehab."

Wesley finally addressed the comment about his nickname. "Say whatever you want and I still won't give a shit because I love my nickname. Why? Because no one would expect a sociopathic murderer to be called 'Weasel'." His lip was curved ever so slightly, an almost sinister glare in his eyes. Yes, he had a problem with taking his jokes way too far, especially since he was acting seriously.
"...Oh. Yeah. Nevermind, I totally understand. It was completely insensitive of me, I am very sorry." Billie apologized, and scratched her head. "I mean... I understand you, dude. My dad was one of the cops to uh... y'know. Arrest him, so eh..." She chuckled, and coughed nervously. Deciding to put the VHS's in her bag, she removed her necklace and shoved it in her pocket, along with her comic. Maybe she did need to shed this obsession. The 'obsession' first came to light when her dad arrested the man and came home, looking absolutely distraught. After she had found out who and what he was, that was when she practically begged her dad to let her speak to him, obviously, the answer was no, and Billie spent almost three months on the sofa, in a mood because she felt that he had taken the one person who she had ever related to. Though, she understands what he did was wrong, definitely, she just felt... lured to him. No pun intended. Hah.

"Uh... so. Yeah. Sorry about y'know...I..I didn't know." She said, clearly upset, she sat on the sand and wrinkled her nose up.
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726

Location: The beach
Interaction: none yet

Damien had followed the others to the beach and sat down in the shade to look out at the waves. He had to admit that while the sun wasnt his favorite thing in the world he kind of thought it was nice at the beach. The waves made silent sounds as they splashed onto the sand and people were talking and having fun. He missed the times where he could just have some stupid fun. Sighing he lightly slapped the side of his head to stop himself from going there. The past was one thing he needed to leave behind and stop thinking about it. He spotted a stone in the sand and smiled before picking it up. "why not have some fun? Fake it till you make it as they say" he said and chuckled before he threw the stone at the water which then sank with a toud noise. It might not have been the best of distractions or the most fun but it made him think of less depressing things and brought him back to look at the others around him.
Sorry. She was sorry. The young man’s smile brightened a little more. He’s never heard the word sorry be used to him. Nobody has ever apologized for anything Bryce done to him. Hearing this girl apologize to him, it made Carmen’s whole day. He bit his lip, watching her sit before he hesitantly sat down beside her. “It’s okay, Billie. I forgive you,” Carmen said softly,
looking at her with bright eyes. This is the first time he actually felt happy here.:.was he making a friend?

“Billie...would you like to hang out with me at the beach? I-I mean... if you’re not swimming that is,” he said softly, glancing at her. If she wanted to go swimming...he couldn’t join her. Not with how he looks, not with his insecurities, his shame. “Only if you want to though...”
Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
"No.. I don't swim. Kinda did a really dumbass thing, and uh. Now, I have initials carved into my thigh! So, no. I'm not really swimming." She said, hiccuping, she smiled back at Carmen. "But, I really, really am sorry about that.. I should have thought before.." She coughed out, and pulled her knees up to her chest, she rested her head on them and gazed at the male. Her smile was mixed with genuine sorrow, and a daydream. Her eyes watered somewhat, though that could be either of two things. She was crying because she hurt his feelings, or the sun. .. Or both, knowing Billie. She hated hurting people's feelings, so much.
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Carmen tilted his head in curiosity as he listened to her words, laughing lightly. He shook his head and looked forward, breathing out a gentle sigh. “Good. Th I n I’d love to sit with you and chat, if you’d let me,” he said softly.

Carmen glanced at her when he heard her apologize once more. “It’s okay, really. I appreciate it, you saying you’re sorry and all. It...really means a lot me, Billie. Thank you for apologizing,” he said in a soft tone, meeting h and her gaze. He smiled gently, pushing himself to a stand. “Come on, we should catch up with the others. We’re grtting left behind,” he said, gently holding out his hand to her.
Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
Chance sighed, “Sorry they don’t have coffee here, or any exhaust suppressants.” He muttered. Walking down to the beach line, taking his shoes off and carrying them by the shoe strings, he sighed. “It’d be nice to see your room... maybe it’s better then mine.” He muttered, picking up a sharp rock, but the guards looked at him and shook their heads. He smiled and shoved the rock in his pocket when they weren’t looking. “You’ve met bee, haven’t you? She’s nice.” He said, looking over to Carmen and Billie. Chance seemed to be a bit more relaxed now. He turned around, walking backwards. “How’d you get here?” He asked, twirling his shoes around as he sling them around his back.

Queen. Queen.
Gregorio watched as everyone began to head outside the building towards. 'Guess it's beach time,' he smiled in thought. Leaving his headphones in and MP3 in the bag, he pulled the bag over his shoulder and stood up heading outside as well. There everyone seemed to glow with excitement with knowing the destination they're going. He noticed everyone already sitting down and in a group, or at least, no too far apart from everyone else. From the distance he was behind, he could see the frail boy and the blue haired girl sitting with another guy together in the sand. He remembered her necklace as it would shine from the sun coming from the window of the lobby when she waved at him. 'Wonder if that's about Jeffery Dahmer,' he thought to himself.

The fact that Freak on a Leash by Korn was playing through Gore's headphones as he was walking with made him laugh a little in thought. His hair flowing with the wind and his dark make up highlighting his stern face. His "model walk", as his friends made fun of him, now moving with slow beat of the music as he caught up with the group. "If only that was recorded in slow motion," he smiled to himself. Holding the MP3, Gore dropped his bag in the sand and took his boots off setting them next to it. From there, he took his shirt off, maneuvering the MP3 to not get tangled and setting on top of his bag along with the MP3 and headphones after pausing the song. With a deep breath or relief, soft smile on his face, breeze through his hair, and soft sand surrounding his feet, Gore made his way to the ocean where the waves crashed against his legs with each step until the water was reaching his mid thighs. The calmness of the ocean was the best view and sound he could imagine. It was lovely, beautiful, and somehow... sad. It was upsetting to be here for some reason. The feeling of no stress, no problems bothered Gore... because he knew it was all a lie. Now with no drinking, he was beginning to feel annoyed and angry. Angry at his past , of why he almost jumped. Angry at how he's feeling so weak, so pathetic. Those reason are why he's here. His hands ar now shaking in clenched fists, jaw tight and heavy breathing. 'Calm down,' he thought to himself. 'You can do this!' The weight of his whole life was now pressing down on him and all he wanted to do was scream. With a final deep breath, Gore exhaled as his eyes began to water. "Fuck," he sighed as he wiped his tears, minding his make up, then crossing his arms.
Squeaking, Billie took Camen's hand and pushed herself up. She dragged herself in time with the lad. Humming, she took out her necklace and felt it. She enjoyed the way the beads felt and the smoothness of the picture, coughing, she blinked and looked up at Carmen. "Not everyone is a Hybristophile, aye?" This caused her to chuckle and awkwardly moved her eyes around. "Also, what are you into? Like, interests?" Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Switched to this. But also this and this

Interactions: No one

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For some minutes, Alameas was sitting on her board, dangling her feet in the water. "Well, here we go."She palced her hands on the board before standing up and balancing on it. Then, her hand reached into the water and she grabbed her sail, which she slowly pulled out of the water. Well, if she'd pull it out fast she way smack herself with it and fall into the water. Happened twice before. Not a cool feeling. She placed her right hand at the boom cut-out and her other hand on the boom. Her eyes wandered from left to right, before standing as straight as a oole It didn't even take a second until the sail and she started moving. It was slow, that was....well, unusual. Back when she started, the wind was always very strong. Of course, due to that Alameas dropped into the water faster than you are able to look.​
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script]

[div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently
[div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]
[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: J Jules8008 Pastry Pastry
Mentioned: C.C. Almameas
Pastry Pastry [/div]
Pastry Pastry
Pastry Pastry [/div] Pastry Pastry [/SIZE][/user][/div] Pastry Pastry
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Hearing Oz, she raised an eyebrow, she snuffled and decided to wave to her. Getting up, she dragged herself to the pair and just simply stared. "... Hey. Wanna know a thingo?" She asked, inhaling deeply, she scratched at her hand until it was red raw. Her eyes, on the other hand, were just dark. Cold, and dark, exhaling, she snuffled and carried on. "What if Jeffrey just put his victims in a travel bag, kicked 'em round a tad and then chucked them down a stair well... or a fire escape? I mean, I'd like to imagine his neighbour, Pamela, would be just like 'Oh, Jeff, you and your shenanigans!' and then he'd be like '...Yeah. Just a hobby I do.' She finished, shutting up and sitting back down on the sand. Queen. Queen.
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Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Switched to this. But also this and this

Interactions: (Indirectly) Ozara ( Queen. Queen. )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

While on her board, Alameay didn't really do any tricks, she does know her fair share of tricks. But, for now, she decided to not do any. Maybe she will do them during a bonfire, or when no one is close. She only stood there and was loving the wind in her hair. For a moment, she stopped, dropped the sail and sat down on the board. Then, she glared at the beach and spotted a few other patients. I'm not an asshole, she thought to herself and decided to wave at those at the beach. The sky was crystal clear, she liked that. Back at the old Rehab, the sky usually was full of clouds. Pretty sad, seeing the sun there was pretty rare. For about a minute, she didn't move at all, she was just relaxing and liking the ambience. And she was waiting on better wind conditions.​
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script]

[div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently
[div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]
[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence J Jules8008 Pastry Pastry
Mentioned: C.C.

O z a r a ♦ E x o d u s ♦ L o c k h a r t

Swearing she could have seen the girl on the board in the water before, Ozara perked a brow. The girl waved to her, but they were too far away from one another to recognize faces, so she was most likely being polite. She sent a peace sign high above her head, chuckling. That girl seemed nice. But everyone could snap. She learned that easily in life. Even the kindest of hearts could rip and tear into an ugly shape. The teal haired female approached, sniffling. She was coughing earlier, too. Ozara took a step back, her immune system crap. She listened to the girl speak about Jeffery Dahmer again, this time snickering. "Are you a hybristophile? You know, those people that obsess over people or a specific person that's done or is doing bad shit?" She questioned, wondering why she felt the need to come over here and say that. Billie, or Bee, as Chance called her, was scratching her arm raw with her little nails. "Hey. Cut that out. You're gonna get sent to the room if they think you can't control your own body." She muttered, almost going to reach for her arm, but fearing getting sick. But after her huff about the rapist/murderer/all around disturbing man, Ozara watched her slump into the sand. This girl didn't seem okay. However, she herself wasn't okay either to say the least. The redhead was just better at fronting it.​

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
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"... I guess so.." Bee said, her voice shaky and low. Inhaling, her hands sweated and she shakily exhaled. "I will always go to him, whenever I'm lost and empty." She said, there was something else in her voice. Sadness, almost? Flickering her eyes upward, she gave Oz a small smile, it was just so cracked and broken, that it looked like she was trying to hold in tears. For the most part, yeah. She was. She resented her dad. She resented him so fucking much for putting him away, and that made her incredibly sad and almost, angry. Clenching her teeth, she gripped at one of her VHS tapes. Queen. Queen.
Carmen walked quietly beside the girl, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked. Looking up when he heard the question, he looked at Billie. Biting his lower lip, he looked forward and let out a soft sigh. "I don't...I don't really know. I mean...I don't really do anything. I like to cook... especially baking. But that's about it..." he said softly, glancing at her. People who knew him always thought it was strange that he loved to cook, being that he wouldn't eat anything he made. He just enjoyed cooking for other people...hearing what they say about the food itself, if its good and such.

Carmen sat down in the sand, glancing out to the ocean with a soft sigh. The young man loved the ocean, he loved to swim, but... he couldn't possibly take off his shirt in front of everyone. It would be far too humiliating. Laying his chin on his knees, he watched the water with an almost...longing look. He was only pulled from his thoughts when he saw movement in the corner of his eye, his eyes glancing up at Gore as he readied himself for the water. His eyes traveled down the man's slender body as he bit his lip, watching him go. Oh, he wish he could follow him...

Carmen suddenly looked over when he heard a stone hit the water, his gaze looking at Damien. Biting his lower lip, he laid his chin back down on his knees, watching the young man. He wasn't bad looking...that was for damn sure. Carmen continued to watch Damien, a small smile touching his lips. He wanted nothing more than to approach the other male but... what if he laughed at him? Called him a freak and walked off? What if hes straight....? Carmen knew all those things were highly likely to happen.

Mentioned: Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence SinisterFreak SinisterFreak R i v e r R i v e r
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Switched to this. But also this and this

Interactions: Ozara ( Queen. Queen. ) and Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was only a short round, but the wind was basically nonexistent and it felt weird to be the only person in the water. For a few seconds, she stared at Ozara and Billie, before deciding to be somewhat social today. At least, she wants to try. Has trying hurt anyone before? Well, uh, her voices do occasionally tell her to not try it, so...who knows? Being the only one in the water is weird, so she decided to paddle back to the shore.
Once at the shore, she jumped into the knee-high water and dragged her belongings onto the sand. She quickly unmounted her sail and board, but decided to let it lay there for a minute. Even though it was too tempting to go to Billie and Ozara bare feet, she decided against it and put on her shoes quickly before running to both quickly.​
"... Hi. ... You look, familiar..." She said, wracking her brain to remember where she had saw her face. It hit her. Billie was at a horror con a couple months back and she had talked to the female. She doesn't think Alamea got who she was dressed as, though that she doesn't mind. "... Alamea, is it?" J Jules8008

Location: The beach
Interaction: Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726

Damien was getting a bit bored as he sat there doing nothing, just as he was about to stand up and take a walk he felt someone watching him and looked around to see who it was. It didn't take him too long to find him and smiled before waving at the boy. He seemed cute and shy so Damien decided to walk over to him and see if he wanted to join Damien in the water. He slowly walked over so he wouldn't scare the guy before stopping in front of him, he was suddenly feeling a bit flirty and smiled "Hey there cutie, do you want to go into the water with me?" he asked despite the fact that he had no bathing suit and was wearing his clothes. He didn't know he would go to the beach when he had packed his things and so he would just have to go in with his clothes. He had done weirder things in his life before and bathing in clothes wasnt even reaching the top ten in this week alone.
Carmen watched the other male, chewing on his lower lip as he looked over his body, looked at his face, took in every small detail about Damien. When the other male caught him staring, Carmen's face flushed a light pink out of embarrassment as he raised his head, shifting slightly. He quickly looked away as Damien approached him, his heart racing in his chest. Oh god, he was going to question him, beat him, something. When Damien stopped in front of him, Carmen was beyond scared as he shifted once more. Glancing up at the boy, Carmen was beyond shocked to see him...smiling? He...he wasn't going to hurt him...?

Carmen's face turned a brighter red when he heard Damien's words. Cutie. He thought he was cute!? Did...did that mean he was interested in guys? Wait. He called Carmen cute!? Never in his life had Carmen been called such a thing... it made his stomach fill with butterflies. When he heard the question, he timidly glanced toward the water and shifted slightly. Of course he wanted to go into the water with him but.... he bit his lower lip and glanced up at Damien. He wasn't in swimming trunks... just clothes. Did that mean he was going to swim in his clothes...? Carmen could do the same....right? Its not like hes wearing a white shirt... Slowly, Carmen nodded. "Y-yeah, I'd love to," he responded softly, pushing himself to a stand. Biting his lower lip, Carmen glanced down at the hoodie covering his torso. He couldn't swim in a hoodie though...

Letting out a soft sigh, Carmen unzipped the hoodie and pulled it off. Luckily, he was wearing a black long sleeve shirt to cover the scars on his arms. Setting the hoodie aside, Carmen timidly glanced at Damien. He called him cute. This was okay... everything was going to be fine. Hes not....he not judging Carmen in a bad way, right? Without his hoodie on...Carmen felt much more vulnerable, felt much more embarrassed of his body... but Damien called him cute. He didn't care if he was fat, right...?

Mentions: R i v e r R i v e r

Location: The beach
Interaction: Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726

Damien saw how the boy was unsure and shy which was why he was even happier once Carmen had agreed to go into the water with him. Damien smiled at the boy "well cutie, my name is Damien. Nice to meet you" he said and took off his shoes before taking the boys hand and start running towards the water "I hope you don't mind bathing in clothes. I didn't bring any swim stuff with me. A bit dumb of me considering the beach is so close to the rehab center" he said giggling before he let go of Carmen's hand and dove underwater only to come up a second later. This is fun! he thought to himself as he smiled at Carmen "come on, I won't bite you, you know" he said and swam just a little bit before stopping again to look at Carmen. The boy sure was cute, he seemed like the shy type. Usually Damien preferred to hang out with less shy and more direct guys but there were exceptions in every rule right? Besides Damien could use some friends while he was here.

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