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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)

Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Ash, Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime ) and Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili )

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The panic that Allie tried to hide now started to reveal itself, "Oh fuck man! Should we get a doc?" Allies eyes were darting around the room to see if a member is close by, but it appears no one is. "What're we supposed to do? Like...I ain't a medical expert!"​

Carmen fumbled with his hands before glancing up at Damien when he heard his words. A small smile touched his lips as he heard the nickname before that small smile turned into a grin. "Thank you, Damien," he said happily, grinning as he watched him. He nodded slightly when Damien mentioned a shower. He was right, it would be a good idea to take one. A bright blush formed on the boy's cheeks when he heard Damien's words, a soft giggle passing his lips. "I am not..." he stated softly, glancing down as he played with his hands. He glanced up when Damien ran off, his eyes watching him before smiling softly.

"Come on, Gore," he said with a grin, following after Damien. He headed to the center, glancing around as he stepped inside with Damien. "Uhm....my room number is D17, So...you can just walk in and put the clothes on my bed, if you'd like. And I can meet you in the hallway?" Carmen asked softly, glancing at his new friend as he walked to the room. "I dont...I don't want to go down to the dining room by myself, Damien..." he said softly. Was Carmen coming off as too needy...? Too clingy...? He hoped not...

R i v e r R i v e r

Location: The center
Interaction: Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726

He couldn't help but smile at Carmen and the chuckled "well I am sure I can find your room once I am done getting ready. If you happen to be done first just wait in your room and I will bring you some clothes to borrow okay?" he smiled again at how cute the guy was when he asked to meet each other in the hallway to go back to diner together, to calm the boy down he nodded and chuckled "of course we will go together silly, I need to see if the clothes will even fit you before we go down" he said and then added "besides, I like spending time with you", he winked at Carmen before he ran up the stairs and to his room.

He took a hot shower and hummed happily while doing so. Once he was done and went to pick out some clothes he started having a slight headache so he hurried up even more. He knew just what he needed to do so his day or rather night wouldn't be ruined. Once he found an outfit he thought would look good on Carmen he himself got dressed and sprinted to the nurse to ask her for some meds. They knew why he was there so they would also know what needed to be done. Once he got the medications he needed he returned upstairs to find Carmen's room and knocked on the door.
arden song
outfit: Dress, Hairstyle
location: Front Desk
mentions: N/A
interactions: Artyom J Jules8008 , Samuel EricSings EricSings
The poor girl was still trying to make eye contact, even though it was obviously very difficult for her. With her eyes flickering about, she tried to think of things normal people would say to continue a conversation. Then again... they were exactly normal, were they?

As if on cue, and thankfully enough, a familiar face appeared before her. Samuel, with his nice smile had taken it upon himself to greet them both. Even he seemed to want to make eye contact, allowing a smile to creep onto her slender face as she felt more at ease. They'd only met a while ago, yet Arden somehow felt comfortable around the man.

A startled expression appeared before it was quickly replaced by a pleasantly surprised smile. She pulled at her dress and did a small bow before happily resting her hand on his arm, allowing him to lead the way.

"It's nice to meet you..." Arden called from behind, "Artyom."
Johnathon was having the dreams again. Whispering in the darkness. A black figure that followed him around an abandoned building. He turned around and screamed. The figure was in fact a pitch black space suit with a skull inside it. He awoke panting heavily. Picking up a piece of chalk and began to write another equation. "O-okay. There has to be - there has to be another explanation for this."

*Cue Creepy music*

On the cameras if one was to look closely they would be able to see a black figure lurking outside the cell door to Johnathon's room. The lights flickered and it was gone.

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili ) Alamea ( J Jules8008 )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: Worried

"Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit-" Axel shook his hands, frustrated. "Ok, ok, we, um...does this place even have a doctor or nurse or whatever?" He shook Ash, which probably didn't help, but he did it anyway, then he processed what Millie said, "Wait, chocolate?"

Interaction: GoldenSlime GoldenSlime J Jules8008
"Nothing a piece of brown gold can't help" she said. "There's got to be a vending machine here or something", she looked around, before turning to Axel as for confirmation. "And does not this place got to have at least a nurse? It's filled with medicated teens". She tapped impatiently with her foot, like that would get the sudden stress and panic out of her body. "I am surprised they are not already here"
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Ash, Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime ) and Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili )

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"W-well, the place sure needs to have a doctor, would be weird if they didn't had any doctors, or at least nurses! B-but besides the normal staff, I haven't seen anyone. I'll go to the reception and bother them to send a doctor to the dining room." When she turned to the door, she just said "Marshmallow will stay here. I'll try to hurry up!" Before turning on her heels and sashing off towards the reception.


Artyom Lukyanov

Outfit: This

Interactions: Arden ( koala koala ) and Samuel ( EricSings EricSings )

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Being close to the woman kind of calmed Artyom downn. His day was already stressy, it felt good to have a moment of peace. The peace kept until another guy, with ice blue eyes, started to show up. Again, as he did with the woman, Artyom was eyeing him from top to bottom. Something about this guy...feels off. Especially after they both stared at each other and offered his arm to the woman. Maybe they are in a relationship? Maybe the guy thinks he's flirting with her? Something...seemed off, but he was unable to pinpoint which part felt weird. Something creeped him off and gave him ominous vibes, that's for sure. Stuttering, the man just responded "I-It's nice m-meeting you t-too..."​

Carmen nodded slightly hearing Damien's response, his eyes glancing up at him. "Alright, yeah..." he agreed, nodding as he smiled up at the other male. He was actually excited...to wear Damien's clothes. Was that his plan? Kind of. For one, he really didn't have the nice clothes the facility wanted him to wear for this dinner. For two, he wanted to wear Damien's clothes, maybe they would have his scent on them... He grinned at his thoughts, a small blush growing on his cheeks at his thoughts. Carmen looked up at the other male when he heard his response, his body visibly relaxing. He nodded, "right." Carmen suddenly looked at Damien when he heard his words, his blush darkening as he giggled. He watched him go before slipping into his own room.

Carmen stepped into his bathroom, softly shutting the door behind him before peeling off his wet clothes. He tossed the garments of clothing into the hamper, averting his eyes from the mirror as he turned on the shower. He stepped into it, beginning to wash his hair and body as he thought about Damien. He thought about his smile, his laugh... the other male was perfect... This was a crush...that was for damn sure. It was growing stronger and stronger the more time he spent with Damien. The young man stepped out of the shower and dried off, wrapping the towel around himself. He sighed softly, glancing over when he heard the knock.

Carmen walked over, "is that you, Damien?" he asked softly. Once he got the confirmed answer, Carmen opened the door halfway and reached out to take the clothes. He couldn't let Damien see him like this, even if he was covered with a towel. "I'll be right out," Carmen said, shutting the door and stepping back. He pulled on the clothes, smiling as they seemed to fit right. It was confusing for the young man. Damien was much smaller than him, in weight, so it didn't make sense for why his clothes fit so perfectly... He shook his head. That doesn't matter.

Carmen opened the door and stepped out, glancing up at Damien with a soft smile. "Thank you for lending me some clothes," he said, brushing his fingers through his still drying hair.

R i v e r R i v e r - I hope the slight god mod was okay, with him getting the answer at the door and all lol

Location: Hallway
Interaction: Carmen Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726

Damien leaned against the wall as he waited for Carmen to come out of his room. He had to admit that the thought of Carmen wearing his clothes was kind of nice. Not to mention that he was curious how the clothes would fit him. The boy was such a cute one but since he seemed a bit skinnier them him Damien wasnt all too sure his clothes would fit him the way they probably should. He smiled at the thought how Carmen would look in oversized clothes and shook his head, it would be so cute to see that but Damien wasnt that tall or big so it would just have to be in his imagination.

He was getting really hungry by now and smiled at the thought of dinner while sitting next to Carmen. The hallways were already mostly empty since the others have already gone to the dining room but he wasnt worried. They still had a few minutes until it would officially start and it would most likely be worth the wait anyway. Besides Damien never really cared much for following rules.

As the door opened he straightened up and turned to look at the other male. The clothes actually fit him nicely and he looked really good in them, as Carmen brushed his hair back Damien smiled "well cutie it seems you look a lot better in those clothes then I do. Besides its no problem, I like seeing you in them. Okay, so you ready to go?" he asked and chuckled at himself when he offered his arm like he saw some guy do in a movie once. It seemed Carmen just brought that side out in him, interesting. He then noticed Carmen's hair wasnt entirely dry yet "But are you sure you don't want to dry your hair first? If you want to I can do it for you?" he half-whispered as he leaned just a little bit closer to Carmen with a playful smile.​


Ash Westfield

Mentions: Alamea ( J Jules8008 ) Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: OUCH!

Ash rubbed their head. "U-uh...I'm ok," they muttered, seeing everyone panicking. "I'm ok, really! Axie, are you ok?" Axel groaned at being called 'Axie.' Ash hugged Axel and then hugged Millie. "Thank you for worrying about me but I'm really ok now! Maybe a little hungry though..."


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