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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)

Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: No one

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Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. On neither of her social media platforms is anything interesting. Allie leaned back in her seat and rolled her eyes. what a show that was. But she decided to not comment on it. But she for sure will carry a grudge over the tantrum Billie threw. Well. Her eyes wandered to Axel, before saying "Anyway, I will head off to my room now. If you need anyone to talk to, my door will be open with a tiny crack. La khãwn - er, goodbye!" saying that, Allie stood up silently, nodding at Axel and then going up the stairs, her dog following close behind.
"Ah, there it is!" She didn't had to look long for her room. Slowly, she opened the door - even though there was no reason for it. After carefully examining the room, she entered it and once her dog was inside, closed the door until only a tiny crack was visible.​
Peter frowned hearing Billie's words, his eyes glancing down at her. "Awe Billie...I'm sorry," he said in a gentle tone, hugging her close as he rubbed her back. He glanced up at Millie with a slight frown, "I've got this." The man looked back at Billie, brushing her tears away softly. "Anyone who breaks up with you is an idiot, Billie. They're not worth the tears..."

Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence KajaTheChili KajaTheChili
«Sure thing doll», Millie said and shrugged. “Hit me up if you need a hitman or something” She continued her quest for some snack by walking down the hall
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: No one

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In her room, Allie decided to unpack her belongings. everything was neatly folded by her, and partially by the staff. Luckily. Would have sucked if she would have to fold them all over again. Back and forth between her bed and wardrobe. It took her about four minutes to place everything. "Well, good, that's done." Yawn. she slept really bad last night, probably she was anxious about her transfer here. Who knows?
"My room is still a mess." Allie rolled her eyes when she noticed she has to find room for her equipment. well, for now she leaned both aaginst a wall, next to the window. With one swift hand movement, Allie partially opened one of the windows and stared out.​

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: J Jules8008
Location: Ventura Rehabilitation Center (rooms)

"Dammit!" Axel slapped himself in the face. He always did this when he started to think about Ash, he would completely tune out everything. "Dammit dammit dammit!" He thought about Billie and Alamea and suddenly heard Alamea say she was going to her room. "W-wait!" he exclaimed. He chased after her and then sighed. "I-I'm sorry," he told Alamea, through the door to her room, "I-I'm sorry for going into my own world for a second...w-what happened?" He knocked on her door, slightly. "Please don't hate me..." Going through the memories was hard and it always made him tune out. He'd close his eyes and remember everything just as it had happened, and suddenly it was like he was in his own world, he couldn't pay attention to anything around him. "Please..."
Alamea Sayasone

While in her room, Allie heard Axels voice from outside, grantically apologizing. So, she decided to open her door and looked at him. "Huh? What are you apologizing for? I just remembered I need to unpack my belongings. I have to do it while I am able to. Well, for what happened...I am not sure either. Billie was mad about something, I asked about what she was mad about and then she...well, yelled at me. Had an outburst. Don't ask me what that was about. It...overwhelmed me." she responded, whole opening the door more. "Feel free to go in, by the way."
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: J Jules8008
Location: Ventura Rehabilitation Center (rooms)

"I'm like a vampire," Axel said, "I won't come in unless you invite me. That's the way I was brought up, I guess..." He walked inside and quickly became self-conscious of his height, compared to Alamea, especially since she was wearing high heels. "Um...I sort of...tuned out. It probably seemed like I was ignoring you guys." He sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Billie had an outburst?" he asked, "Jeez, I hope she's ok...um...a-are you ok?" He looked at her and then took a small plant out of his pocket. It was purple towards the top and slowly faded into white. A turnip. He held it out to Alamea. "Here! Turnips always make me feel better...it's high in vitamin C."
Alamea Sayasone

"Don't worry man, I know what you are talking about. I am occasionally spacing out too. Worst thing: When you space out, someone asks you something, you stop spacing out and gotta answer the question in a reflex." The. Worst. "I once asked a question about how well I have slept with 'Yes'. Great." For a brief moment, Allie paused, before talking on. "No clue what happened. She just suddenly yelled at me and then, after some time, went away. Didn't even apologize. Hmm, didn't expect one anyway. B-but yeah, I am fine. Could have been worse during a delusion." Allie slightly ndoded. Then, once Allie saw the turnip, her face was glancing. "Oh my god a flower! I love flowers!"And, without hesistating, she took the flower.
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: J Jules8008 Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
Location: Ventura Rehabilitation Center (rooms)

"Flowers are pretty, unlike my soul!" Axel said, putting on his best super edgy Gerard Way voice. "But yeah, turnips are delicious..." He wondered what was going on with Billie but thought she probably wanted some alone time. "That sounds pretty jerky," he scoffed, his stubborn side kicking in, "Damn emo-" He stopped. He liked Billie and wanted to make friends at the center, and he certainly couldn't do that by insulting people. "Um...yeah, it's rude but she'll probably apologize later, right?" He didn't know Billie well but, if they were worth being around, people usually apologized for things eventually, in his experience. "Anyway...there are no...like...stories about this place, right? Like some people being murdered here 20 years ago or this place being haunted or something like that? Because, honestly, dying is not really on my bucket list." Upon entering the center, Axel immediately felt an impending sense of Friday the 13th Syndrome, also known as Teen Slasher Syndrome, a feeling of being in a "typical slasher movie" scenario (for instance, an abandoned mental hospital or moving into a new house that the local kids say is haunted).

Ash Westfield

Mentions: N/A
Location: Check-in/Rooms

Ash parked their tan Toyota Corolla. Axel headed in to check in but Ash was busy getting their luggage. Lazy, Ash muttered to Axel in their head. They lugged in their multicolored bags and Axel's boring, plain black bags. Checking in, they found their room and put their luggage down. Then, they decided to break out their iPod and headphones. Playing some Marina and the Diamonds, they decided to go see what was going on. They loved making new friends and hoped they could make some long-lasting relationships. It was nice to have Axel here with them, he really needed it and they liked going in already knowing someone, but they didn't want to spend all their time with him. Axel was like a big brother to them (even though he was so smol) and they loved him. They were very happy when the center agreed to let them share a room, Ash hated sleeping in a room alone. They walked through the center, looking for people, but it seemed rather empty. They had gotten to the center late because their car had broken down.
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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"Man, I remember back at my old rehab. My room was full of flowers. My entire windowsill was full with them. Was a pain in the ass to manage all of them. But, luckily, my room was always sunny, so only the minority of flowers wilted away." And Allie plans on buying a ton of flowers for this room, too. Flowers make her incredibly happy. Allie sat down on her bed, looking at Axel. "Huh, I dunno. I am unsure if she's a person that would apologize. I don't eexpect one from her. But alas, she shouldn't expect me to talk to her in the next few days. But who knows? I am bad at reading other human beings, so." For a brief moment, Allie paused, but listened carefully to Axels question about if this building is haunted. "No, I haven't heard any stories about this building. My old doctor didn't tell me anything about Venturas backstory. He only told me that it's a rehab center in California. But, for me, the building doesn't seem and feel haunted, if that counts."​
Millie continued her search for a snack and/or somebody who wasn’t having an emotional breakdown. This wasn’t the easiest quest for somebody in a rehab

Ash Westfield

Mentions: KajaTheChili KajaTheChili
Location: Check-in/Rooms

Ash started to get hungry and decided to see if there was a kitchen somewhere. After walking around for some time, they bumped into a young woman with bright pink hair. "O-oh!" they exclaimed, "Hello? Do you know if there's any food around here?" They combed their hand through their green hair. "I'm Ash! Who are you?"
«Millie, or Milliepad if you are my father”, she said, with a slight smile on her lips. “Loving your aesthetics by the way. And I don’t know. That’s actually what I am looking for myself. My life would be empty without snackbreaks”. She tried to see if she remembered anything about Ash, but nothing.
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
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Location: In front of the Center
Interaction: None

Kris was late, very late, as he made his way from where the car had stopped after a three-hour ride to let him out and walked to the rehabilitation center. He had another sleep attack before they had started driving but thankfully his friend Liona managed to get him into the car and drive him to the center while he was out or he would have been even later, of course he hadn't been out for long, he just decided to try and sleep after that so he wouldn't be a mess on his first day at the center. Yawning he walked and took in the surroundings which he had to admit were beautiful despite it being so warm and sunny. He kept yawning all the way to the reception area and once he got signed in and received all the needed information he quickly went to his room to freshen up, fix his hair and most of all fix his make up. Dinner would be soon so once he put on fresh clothes and made sure his medical bracelet could be seen he returned to the reception area to think about what to do until dinner.
Because he had basically slept the entire time Liona had been driving to the center -which admittedly surprised him- he was for once more or less rested, well as rested as he could be anyway, he suspected it had been because he had been nervous and now he was in a somewhat good mood. When he didn't spot anyone close to him to go talk to he walked out and sat on a bench in the shade next to the center to listen to some music and watch a clip on youtube Liona had made and just uploaded a few hours before they had left.
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erzulie erzulie KajaTheChili KajaTheChili Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence J Jules8008 Pastry Pastry GoldenSlime GoldenSlime xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 J Jules8008 Queen. Queen. koala koala R i v e r R i v e r SinisterFreak SinisterFreak apolla apolla Radioactive Radioactive Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.

Ms. Santos, the main coordinator, happily hummed to herself. She imagines herself as a ballerina, and twirls through her greenhouse. Scents of lavender calm her, and the sight of wild ferns and beautiful roses excite her.

These moments are considered precious, and although she has staff and patients to attend to, she is thankful for her sanctuary.

Brown eyes look through one of the many windows, and she notices the sun has almost completely vanished behind the mountain terrain. She uses both of her hands to pat her maroon pencil skirt, as if to rid the material of collected dust. Delicate fingers then adjust her glasses, a new sense of confidence arising within her.

She inhales deeply, and reaches for the door knob. A rusted mechanism, though it compliments a flimsy wooden door that is painted white.

Once outside, the melodic sounds from songbirds enlighten her. She glides across the courtyard, admiring the trees and the pollen upon the ends of their branches.

~ ? ? ? ~
As Ms. Santos approaches the main lobby, she is greeted by Michael, one of her staff members. He smiles to her, and nods.

"Your new intercom is assembled, as it should be."

Michael disappears, leaving Ms. Santos to do her job. She picks up the new piece of technology, but waits before making an announcement. Her eyes scan the beautiful facility, and all speakers seemed to be in place, including the ones outside. She presses the button, her voice now audible through the connected software.

"This is Ms. Santos, please give me your full attention." She laughs, falling in love with the sound of her own voice. "Our first dinner will be ready in thirty minutes, please look your best. If you need assistance, please ask any staff member for their help."


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Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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For a minute, Allie was thinking about all the different things. How long will she be here? Will it even work out? Maybe she won't be able to battle her problems and will go back to Redmoor Rehab. Who knows? The thought gave Allie the chills.
The announcement, which echoed through the halls - Allie didn't know they had speakers, she hasn't seen any - startled her, and she twitched. "Oh my god!" Then, she looked around the room before looking to the door. "Dinner in thirty minutes? Finally! I am starving!"


Artyom Lukyanov

Outfit: This

Interactions: No one (NPC: A woman in a bus)

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"Oh my god I am late! Of course the flight gets fucking delayed! Of - motherfucking - course!" Artyom dashed out of the airport towards the bus. What a terrible day! His Uber is sick, so he had to cancel his drive and now he has to use public transit. The only positive about this day is that he'll get his bike back tomorrow - it's in the workshop today, for a routine checkup.
He barely made it to the bus, it was only a matter of seconds until it departed. But he made it. and two seconds later, it drove off. Yikes, and another problem. Every seat is taken. "I swear, this is the reason I fuckin' hate public transit..." he quietly told himself before moving towards one of the windows, where he leaned against. Next to him, there was a woman with at least four or five shopping bag, sitting there and doing her makeup. The ride will take an evernity, so the young russian decided to ask the woman if she can place some of her bags on the ground. "No, fuck that ideea. They'll stay next to me! What if they get stolen?" Then look at them from time you time you dumb idiot. He rolled his eyes and basically killed the woman in his mind.​
mentions: N/A
interactions: Samuel @ErikSings, Malik erzulie erzulie
The sound of the intercom croaking to life sent a unnerving chill down Arden's spine. Ms. Santos' voice resonated throughout the building as if she were standing right next to her. The Korean woman's eyes flickered from Samuel to Malik and then back to Samuel anxiously, before she let out an awkward laugh. "Well.. I guess we should go get ready now?"

Although she wore a calm smile on her face, she was rather nervous. A ball and a dinner meant an ample amount of time to indulge in food, something she shouldn't do yet couldn't control since anything food related was a test for her. Sometimes she wasn't hungry, however, whenever she's alone, she tends to binge which is the exact reason why she was in rehab.

Without saying another word, Arden scurried off to the main desk where she asked her room number. Unfortunately, it was on the second floor so she spent a great deal of time trying to find stairs. Elevators stopped being a thing for her after her mother forced her into a health regime in order to shed some weight. Should she have taken the elevator, though? Possibly, but none of the employees have really specified what her rehabilitation schedule would be like yet. Until she was told otherwise, she'd continue living as normal even if she knew in the back of her mind it was wrong.

Arden swung the door to her room gently and spotted her luggage placed neatly next to a bed. Assuming that was hers, she plopped onto it and felt the cotton covers. A slight frown formed on her lips as she soaked in the rough material before she let out a sigh and kneeled onto the floor. She knew the bed sheets were probably not going to be the greatest so she brought her own satin set. It was a very light gray that seemed to reflect the light that streamed through the windows. She admired the texture as she replaced the sheets, throwing the boring white ones into a corner. It wasn't until she was done that she realized maybe she wasn't allowed to decorate the room.

Whatever the case, Arden decided she'd leave it for now, not really caring if she was following the rules or not. It was impossible for her to sleep in anything that didn't feel silky, plus laying on cotton was really bad for her hair. She always woke up with an afro.

When she was finished speculating the pros and the cons of switching bed sheets, she sat down and stared into her suitcase. Arden was aware that there'd be different types of activities, it was in the pamphlet and on rehab center's website. What she didn't like was that most of them were summer- and looking pretty-related, meaning she was going to be showing a lot of skin.

She didn't used to have that problem, but after getting so many looks and hearing so many things, she gradually became more conservative. Showing her skin and body was no better than walking around naked at that point in her life, but she understood that nothing would get better if she didn't at least try. Regardless of how shitty it made her feel.

Location: Inside the center
Interaction: None

As the loud noise from the speakers sounded out, Kris got startled and without warning, he fell and was now sprawled on the bench while listening to the announcement without being able to do as much as twitch. On the inside, he was boiling with anger for being shocked into a full-on cataplexy attack. It was very rare for him to have one -even minor ones- but it did happen when he was extremely scared or startled by something all of a sudden. Okay so the minor ones were a bit different but still. He just hoped no one saw him or he would feel even more embarrassed once it was over. By the time the announcement was finished he was able to sit up again and groaned.

He hated when it happened, it made him feel weak, a bit scared and angry at how he couldn't do anything about it. It didn't help that every time he was in that situation he remembered what used to happen in high school and he got even more scared that someone would do something to him while he was down. Of course, he was sure that something like that wouldn't happen in the center but the fear was still there. He took a deep breath and went with his hands through his hair before fixing it again and standing up. He took out his compact mirror from his small coffin shaped purse attached to the belt of his hotpants and checked his make up just in case it got smudged but when he saw everything looked good he sighed and went inside the building to find the dining room. Since he always looked amazing he was sure that the outfit he was wearing was good enough for dinner.
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Artyom Lukyanov

Outfit: This

Interactions: No one

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His stop got closer and closer, and with every passing second he hated the women more. This woman clearly noticed that Artyoms leg isn't working properly, yet she just rolled her eyes and minded her business. So, the whole time he was leaning against a window, hoping the stop would appear soon. Until..."Next Stop: Rehab Center." Finally! Took an eternity! Artyom went closer to the door and waited until the bus slowed down. And once the door opened, he looked at the lady again and just said "Nuff said, but you look like a clown and buckets full of color had an unholy lovechild and you are the offspring of it." before leaving the bus. He just heard the woman yell "Mind your own fucking business!"
There it was again. Ventura. He didn't miss the place at all. In fact, he missed his hometown. And family. BBut that's a whole other story! The young man slowly made his way to the center. "Huh, the doors are open? what did I m- oh, new arrivals. yeah, I remember, the staff told me they'll get fresh meat."
The rehab center was still as bright as one week ago. well, would be weird if it wasn't. The receptionist already noticed him and nodded to him. Oh, yeah, he needs to sign a letter saying that he's back. So, he went to the receptionist, greeted him and signed he letter. "New arrivals?"​
Oh well, Millie thought, at least there would be food. She went to her room and put on a white t-shirt and just quickly splashed some water on her face. She liked the careless look, and she liked who little effort and time she had to put in for it. She hoped they had spaghetti for dinner, and even more that they would get dessert. She didn’t like it here at all, but this was a great chance to meet everybody, maybe even play some lame games where the only point was to get to know each other, not winning, which was a waste of time.

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