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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)


Carmen looked up when he heard the announcement, glancing at Damien and Gore. He bit his lower lip and glanced down. He can't let these two see how embarrassed he was to eat... could he? He really wanted to eat dinner with them but...they'd probably make fun of him. No. They chose to talk to him. Why would they make fun of him for eating? ...Because they haven't see him eat yet, that's why. Carmen shifted slighted before pushing himself to a stand, "you two ready to head back now? " he asked softly, glancing at them. "I don't...I don't really have any nice clothes..." the boy said softly, glancing down and fumbling with his hand. "Damien... do you have any extra nice clothes? Something I could borrow? Please? If not, that's okay, I just... they want us to dress nice and I didn't bring any nice clothes because I didn't know we were supposed to bring anything nice and..." Carmen went silent as he noticed his anxious rambling, sweat beginning to form on his hands. He was making a complete fool of himself. Just shut up.
R i v e r R i v e r SinisterFreak SinisterFreak


Peter frowned and softly rubbed Billie's back, "everything is going to be fine, Billie. I'm here for you, I promise," he said in a soft tone, laying his chin softly on top of her head as he held her close. Glancing up as he heard the announcement, he looked down at the teal haired girl. "Hey... its almost time for dinner. Would it be okay if I sat with you?" he asked, offering a gentle smile to the girl as he brushed his fingers through her hair. "This is the part where you smile and say yes," he said teasingly, grinning to the girl as he tried to cheer her up. He hated seeing anyone upset...
Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
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Location: The beach
Interaction: Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 SinisterFreak SinisterFreak

Damien had to admit he was getting a bit hungry so he was glad dinner was going to be soon. He chuckled at Carmen's cute rambling and ruffled his hair playfully "I don't know what qualifies as nice around here but don't worry cutie. I am sure we can find you something that you can borrow from me. But we really should hurry. I still have to shower to get all this sand off of me. You probably have to as well." he said and looked Carmen up and down with a smile "your so cute when you ramble on like that. Anyway, let's get going people. I am getting hungry!" he said and laughed before running a stretch only to stop and look at the two "well? will you two come?"

The day had turned out quite well. He got to meet the cute Carmen and even swim with him as well as meeting Gore, the center was so close to the beach, he would get to go out into town at some point as well and now there was also dinner. Not to mention how happy he was that he somehow managed to get the shy Carmen to open up a little and be less shy around him. He was sure he could also find some clothes of his that would look good on Carmen despite how skinny the boy was.
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Ash Westfield

Mentions: N/A
Location: Rooms/Halls

"Millie is such a cute name!" Ash replied, "And thank you! I try to keep up appearances." Being deaf, they couldn't hear the intercom and wondered what was going on. "W-what do you mean? What happened?" But Millie left before they could continue their conversation. Ash decided to try and find Axel, hopefully he would know what was going on. They walked the halls of the center, lost and confused, hoping to find someone- anyone.

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: N/A
Location: Rooms/Halls

Hearing the intercom, Axel decided to head back to his room and wash up. Most of his clothing was ripped (that was the aesthetic he was going for) but he tried to find something in his closet that looked nice. He put on a white, collared shirt with studs on the collar and cuffs under a grey-ish green sweater with a skull on it. Then, he slipped on some not-too-ripped (but still pretty ripped) blue jeans with a black studded belt. Lastly, his black converse high-tops with white lace. (something like this) Casually brushing his hair to one side with his hand, he decided he looked, well, as good as he was going to get so he headed to the cafeteria- except he didn't know where it was.
Millie headed out of her room, hoping to detect the smell of food and then follow it. The problem was just that the rehab smelt like... well, a rehab. It was this weird combination of teens and medicine, and certainly not anything edible. As well as having the scent of a rehab, it had the hallways for it too. Long and confusing and all looking alike. Great, just great. It was just like a labyrinth, and one that wanted to starve her, more so. Luckily, she heard steps after not to long and followed the sound until she found the back of a guy with bleached hair and converse-shoes. “Hi there!”
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime 230477F3-7A3F-4460-9B59-37D33C1B77BF.jpeg
Alamea Sayasone

After Axel left her room, she left it with her dog too. "Well, I think we have everything!" Allie said while slightly giggling, before locking the door and running down the stairs.
While dashing down the stairs, Allie heard someone giggling. Out of reflex, she stopped moving and looked around. Huh? Gigglinf? Who was that? What was that? She looked around, trying to locate the source. Nothing. Maybe - hopefully - it was just her imagination.

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: KajaTheChili KajaTheChili
Location: Rooms/Halls

"Hey," Axel replied to the pink-haired girl who approached him. "Where's the grub?" He realized that sounded rude, but he was hungry so he didn't really care. "I'm staaaaarving....oh, Axel, by the way." He took one step and tripped. He blushed, realizing his shoes were untied. Sighing, he sat and tied his shoes. You're so charming, Axel, he thought to himself, sarcastically.
arden song
outfit: Dinner
location: Front Desk
mentions: N/A
interactions: Artyom J Jules8008
A deep, shaky breath escaped her lips as she gazed into the bathroom mirror. It had been a while since Arden dressed up, a few months to be exact. She wore a rusty rose-colored dress that flowed loosely against her skin, revealing a slither of skin down her chest. It was enough to be considered "nice," yet it also provided the amount of coverage that didn't make her feel self-conscious.

She finished doing her makeup, which was as natural as possible, and silently watched herself. The power of makeup was a scary thing. It was as if she wasn't sick and didn't look like a raccoon dog with her black under eye circles.

After tying the top portion of her hair into a loose bun, leaving the other half to cover her neck and frame her face, she put on a pair of nude sandals. It was important for career that she protected her feet, so her shoes were always open-toed her form fitting.

Arden quickly grabbed a book since she knew she'd need a distraction while at the dinner before heading down the steps. She was unconsciously making her way passed the front desk before clumsily bumping into a wall... or so she thought.

"Oh, I'm sor-," She began, tucking her book away, before realizing how incredibly tall the man before her way, "-ry." Arden tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, unsure of what to do, as she tried to avert her gaze towards someone or something else.
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
She forced herself not to laugh, and camouflaged the outburst as a cough. "First and foremost starving, then Axel? You sound like my kind of guy", she said, trying to keep her voice neutral. "I'm Millie. And I have no clue. I was hoping you knew".
The scraping of chalk on a wall was all that was heard in Johnathon's cell. "There has to be some kind of equation that explains the reason for why it is after me." He tossed the broken chalk aside and wrote off another failure in his book. Despite being in a reinforced concrete and steel cell he still felt quite vulnerable. Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw it. A pitch black humanoid figure. Blinking his eyes resulted in it's disappearance. He knew that he was alone. However he felt otherwise...
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: No one

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Well, wait, if it's her imagination it could mean that an episode is about to start, which would suck...during episodes, Allie is very paranoid and usually retreats, usually for hours, rarely even for days. So, now she's hoping it was genuine laughter. even though it was very creepy. She patted her dogs head before slowly making her way down the stairs. On the last step, Allie slipped and almost fell face-first. But she managed to catch herself with her hands, which could have also ended badly. A sprained hand is supposed to hurt like hell...at least, that's what she has heard. So, in an instant, she stood up again, took a deep breath and moved on to the diner room.
Upon arriving, Allie noticed that she's one of the first to appear. Only few others were here, but she decided to ignore them. In a heartbeat, Allie also decided to sit in a corner.


Artyom Lukyanov

Outfit: This

Interactions: Arden ( koala koala )

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"Yp! Those are the new patients, they arrived just a few hours ago." Hum, he could have been able to greet them when they arrive, but no, the stupid plane was late. "Anyway, thank you very much! I suppose my luggage is also in my room?" The receptionist nodded before Artyom turned around, walked away and...thud. someone bumped into him, someone he hasn't seen before. He looked at the woman and eyed her up and down. No, he is sure he has never seen her before. But alas, he is a socially anxious wreck, so it's possible she has been here for longer. The young woman appologized, although she did it a bit hesistant. Artyom decided to not care about it, and just said "It's ok, nothing happened." He shook his head before he decided to introduce himself, "My name's Artyom Lukyanov, I've been here for about half a year. And you?"​

Ash Westfield

Mentions: Alamea ( J Jules8008 )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: Dog-obsessed

Ash walked the halls until they made their way to the cafeteria. They walked down the steps gingerly, hoping not to trip, and made their way to the bottom. They didn't see anyone they knew but decided that they should walk up to someone. Looking around the room, they spotted a young woman with a dog. Ash was an avid dog lover and decided to go meet this dog- er, person who had a dog. They walked over to the dog and owner, greeting them, "Hello! My name is Ash! Can I pet your dog? I love dogs!"


Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili )
Location: Rooms/Halls
Mood: Embarrassed/Hungry

Axel finished tying his white laces and pushed himself up off the ground. "Starving doesn't even begin to cover it," he replied. "But I think I know where the cafeteria is. I saw someone walk towards there." He started in a random direction, walking a foot or two and then stopping. "Well?" he asked, his arms crossed, "Are you coming or what?"

Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Ash ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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For a moment, Allie wasn't paying much attention to her "real world", but instead watching out to see if other symptoms started to appear. Because she fore sure will leave this room if she sees a scary, 7 feet tall, shadow-y humanoid figure with glowing green eyes. she has speculated as to why she sees this, and not other stuff. Honestly, she always wanted to find out...
While thinking about things she is unable to change, someone approached, and Allie didn't notice. so, when that someone raised their voice and started talking, the person startled Allie and she let out a small scream, before looking around and spotting the someone who talked to her. This Someone turns out to be someone who's called Ash, and apparently, Ash loves dogs. Allie was a bit perplexed, bbut still said "O-of course. My name's Alamea, by the way. and my dog's called Marshmallow."​

Ash Westfield

Mentions: Alamea ( J Jules8008 )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: Confused, but still dog-obsessed

Ash couldn't hear the scream and wasn't sure what Alamea was doing. They could see her mouth move but it didn't look like a word. "U-um..." For a moment, they weren't sure how to respond, but then their dog-loving side took over and they dropped to the dog's level and started petting it. "Sooooo cute! Marshmallow is such a super, duper adorable name! Border Collie, right? I've never met one with this coloration!" As they got more excited, their deaf accent got thicker and it became harder to understand them.

Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Ash ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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While ash was petting Allies dog, she was eyeing Ash from top to bottom. Well, at least Ash looks somewhat tidy, and not like someone who hasn't seen a shower in months. While Ash was occupied with Marshmallow, Allie glared out of the window, before looking looking into the direction of the main lobby. When Ash asked if Marshmallow was a Border-Collie, she just, without emotion in her voice, said "Yeah, she's a Border-Collie. I was supposed to get Golden Retriever first, but my doctor said they would be too wild for me, so I got a Border-Collie. I've had her for about....what now? A few months? A year? I totally lost track." Briefly, Allie stroked her hair, before looking at Ash again. Just now she has noticed Ash's hearable accent and started wondering what they had. But this would be a private question, so she avoided asking.​
arden song
outfit: Dress, Hairstyle
location: Front Desk
mentions: N/A
interactions: Artyom J Jules8008
She was fiddling with her the hems of her sleeve as she tried to maintain eye contact, although failing. It wasn't that she was feeling relatively shy or anything; extremely tall people were simply intimidating.

"I've been here for about half a year. And you?"

Arden paused to take a small breathe, forcing her gaze upwards to meet a pair of blue-green eyes. "I'm Arden Song. I'm uh..." For some reason she stopped to steal a glance at the receptionist, who simply shrugged and went on about her own business. "I'm.. new." Her voice cracked slightly and she coughed to clear her throat. "I just arrived here a couple hours ago."

The young woman managed a small smile, although it was clear she felt a bit awkward. Socializing was never really her thing unless it involved networking. Anything else was usually third party.
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Ash Westfield

Mentions: Alamea ( J Jules8008 )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: Dog-obsessed

Ash looked at Alamea. "I love Golden Retrievers! They're so cute! All dogs are cute! I didn't know the center allows dogs." They realized they were probably being rude and stopped petting Marshmallow. "S-so...are you enjoying it here?" Ash asked, trying to make conversation. They took a step backward to resist petting the dog more and smashed into Axel, who was coming into the cafeteria. They yelped and fell forward, Axel tumbling after (and onto) them. Ash groaned and passed out with their head hard against the floor.

GoldenSlime GoldenSlime J Jules8008
“Oops”, she said, looking at the mess of limbs and groaning on the floor. “You are too graceful, Axel”. This time she could not help the smile breaking out on her face. It was not a evil one, she just enjoyed simple humour.

Alter "Axel" Bane

Mentions: Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili ) Alamea ( J Jules8008 )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: Worried

Axel groaned, standing up and rubbing the back of his head. "Well damn," he muttered, "Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after." He rolled his neck and stretched. "Ash?" he asked Ash. "Ashie..." He nudged Ash's body with his foot, but they were completely unconscious. "Ash, please get up," he begged, nervously, although he knew they couldn't hear him. He pulled one of Ash's arms around his neck and tried to lift them up.


Location: Dining room
Interaction: None​

Once Kris figured out where the dining room was he realized he still had some extra time and made a sudden decision to change his outfit. He had many clothes that would fit a formal dinner by far better than the one he was wearing at the moment -well at least in his opinion- so he turned around and headed up the stairs to go to his room. Kris always liked to look good and since it would be the first impression he would make on the others he might as well try just a bit harder then to appear in everyday clothes. Taking two steps at a time he soon reached his room and went straight to his clothes to leaf through them.​

Once Kris was done changing he looked into the mirror with a satisfied smirk "now this just looks so much more like a formal dinner" he said and put on a new pair of platforms before heading back out of his room. The hallways were already somewhat emptier than before so he picked up his pace. In hopes that the food would be good he finally reached the dining room and looked around to see where to sit. Since he didn't know anyone yet he just walked up to an empty spot that seemed like it would be most comfortable by not demanding too much attention but not being hidden away in a corner either and sat down waiting for the dinner to start.​

(like in the photo but instead of red its dark/forest green)

(the pants)

(the platforms)


Outside on the large patio, Samuel is rolling his jeans down and wiping sand from his legs and feet. He puts on his socks, and enters the facility.

Samuel manages to find his room with ease, and proceeds inside.

From his window, he looks out to the ocean. The sound of the waves sooth him, so he closes his eyes. He drifts into graceful dance, and presumes to get ready for dinner. As he dances, he becomes lost in his movements, and his meth addiction seems less daunting.

Although Samuel longs to dance under strobe lights, and also be adorned by magical flowers, he tends to exude his confidence in different ways. He realizes what ones presentation means, and he believes in his own resilience.

He opens his suitcase, and begins taking out clothes. For this occasion, he pulls out a white t-shirt, with horizontal, light grey stripes, accompanied by a pair of dark colored jeans, and trendy dress shoes to pull his look together.

~ ? ? ? ~

The young man thinks to himself as he approaches the main lobby. He reminds himself to put his emotions aside, and encourage those he meets. As he reaches the main lobby, Arden's presence captivates him. "Oh, Arden..." Samuel pauses, raising one finger to his lips, his eyes full of cheerful expression. "I have been thinking of you, and I must say, you look wondrous!"

Samuel stands next to Arden, and hopes to lock gazes with Artyom.

"I am excited to meet everyone," he begins, offering his arm to Arden, "shall we?"

koala koala J Jules8008
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Ash, Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime ) and Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili )

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Just before Allie was ale to answer Ash's question whether or not she enjoys it here - she would've been unable to answer it, as she has only been here for half a day, maybe - , Ash suddenly got up and bumped into Axel, who has since appeared in the dining room. She couldn't explain what actually happened, but it looks like Ash fell down, and when Axel tried talking to Ash, Ash didn#t respond. "Oh fuck!" Allie mumbled, stood up and wennt towards Axel. There, she gave Axel a panicked look and, asked "Um...what do we do now?!, with hearable panic in her voice.

Ash Westfield

Mentions: Alamea ( J Jules8008 ) Millie ( KajaTheChili KajaTheChili )
Location: Cafeteria
Mood: OUCH!

Ash slowly regained consciousness. "W-what's going on..." Their vision was blurry and they could just make out the outlines of Alamea, Axel, and Millie. Axel helped them sit down on a chair and they looked around, anxiously. Being unable to hear, they were nervous to not be able to see anything, either. "Alter?" they asked.

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«holy cow”, Millie mumbled distressed. “Are you okay? Are they?” The last question was to Axel. “Shall I go and find somebody? Or water? Or chocolate? Or ... anything?” What in the heavens was going on?

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