• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)

Several of the crew members appeared at once, trudging down the hallways of the rehabilitation center. They were clad in maroon uniforms, complete with silly hats and matching shoes. The main coordinator demanded everyones attention, raising her voice until everyone stopped talking.

"Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center!" She waved her hands around almost frantically, though she was simply excited to meet everyone. The woman has been working with troubled youth for a decade now, and was finding this to be her specialty in life. "Please allow my crew to take your belongings," she began, the men and women moving in perfect harmony, "for we are going to the beach!"

Samuel blinked twice, releasing the grip on his suitcase. He smiled to the man who took it away, all while resisting the urge to light up another cigarette.

The young man took this opportunity to observe everyone else. He offered Ms. Evie a snooty look, but chose to approach Arden, admiring her wavy locks. A smile tugged at his lips, his eyes closing as he smiled blissfully. "Are you okay?"

The main coordinator motioned all of them to get ready for their beach trip, for the rehab center was located about two miles from the beach. "Please get ready, although you are not required to visit the beach. Move freely around the rehab center, for I am certain most of you are anxious and have feelings of discomfort. I will be going to the beach myself, but many of my staff will be here to answer questions. "

Samuel looked over his shoulder as the woman spoke, assuming she was nice enough. He admired her style of work already, and wondered if everyone else did, as well. His attention was back on Arden again, hoping she didn't mind him talking to her. "Want to go to the beach with me?"

The crew member took his bag already, so he had no chance to grab his swim trunks. He sighed, figuring he could simply roll his jeans up and go from there.

apolla apolla koala koala
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[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script]

[div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently
[div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]
[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: Pastry Pastry
Mentioned: C.C.
Located: In the facility

O z a r a ♦ E x o d u s ♦ L o c k h a r t

As Ozara exited her room promptly, having organized her collection of quilts and hung paper cranes of all colors, she began to think to herself how grateful she was to not share a room. She needed her solitude, and thank the skies that she had it. She approached the area that the crowd seemed to have gathered, hearing something about a beach. She curled her lip. The feeling of sand between her toes both made her skin crawl and soothed her. It depended on her mood. Today, she was feeling rather skin-crawly. Ozara spotted a figure, and for a moment she froze. There was no way it was him. "Chance??" She asked with almost a squeak to her tone, wrapping her arms around him from the side of his body. He was engaged in conversation, but Ozara had the tendency to cut through social norms and forget about being polite. This was the first guy she had a crush on after the tragedy with Grayson, and she couldn't believe he was here. Why was he here? She didn't care. The redhead didn't know if she still had a crush on him, but she adjusted the clothes of her outfit and took a large step back, looking over his taller frame. "C.C., dude, it's Oz." She practically jumped up and down, if she was being honest.​

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
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Romana Azikiwe
Outfit: 1

Romana believed that it would be best if she stayed inside. For one it was hot and she had lots of questions. She smiled politely as her things her taken. “Thank you.” She stood up from her seat. Romana shifted from foot to foot awkwardly. She looked for one of the staff members to talk to.

Malik Feast
Outfit: 1
Malik eyed the staff as his things were taken. He didn’t grab any trunks but he was fine with swimming in his boxers. He stood up and stretched. He had been plenty of times with friends. It was a place of good memories for him, one of few actually. Malik placed his hands behind his head as she walked over to the door, waiting for the director and others.
Chance didn't hear Billie. He turned around and was attacked by Oz with a full on hug. "H-hohmygodit'syouozzie" He said in a jumble of words. She let go, declaring that it was... Her. "Where's your stuff? Did you just get here?" He asked, looking around her frame for a few bags. "Why... Are you here?" Chance said, then noticed the coordinator, whom he had talked to once he arrived there 23 days ago. "Let's talk on the beach." He muttered, lightly touching the back of her arm in order to direct her to the Doorway, close by where Malik was standing.
Sighing, Billie rested her head on her lap and eyed Ozara, and raised her eyebrows. Wriggling her nose, she tilted her head and grinned. "Hi." She said the gal's eyes widened and she stared at the redheaded female, and exhaled deeply, she moved her hair out of her line of sight, and she somewhat relaxed. She felt okay here, she felt safe, and okay. Though of course, she got up and dragged her VHS tapes and the comic in her arms and dumped them by a small mound of sand.
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. // //These comments put be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script]

[div class="Desktop base" style="color:black;"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently
[div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]
[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"]Interacting: Pastry Pastry
Mentioned: C.C.

O z a r a ♦ E x o d u s ♦ L o c k h a r t

Ozara nodded slowly, her heart lurching in her chest as he questioned why she was here. She never thought that far ahead when she saw him. She was just super charged up from the eagerness of seeing his familiar face again. "I've actually been here for a little while... A couple months." The woman admitted, scratching the back of her arm before letting out a nervous chuckle. She was so glad to be called Ozzie again. It felt warm. Right. C.C. declared that he wanted to chit chat on the beach, and Ozara sighed with a weight on her chest. At least the water wouldn't be dark. Dark water terrified her. She wasn't a very good skinny dipper. The feeling of hearing his voice again made her chest feel like it was expanding infinitely. She probably did still have a crush. That sucked ass. But she would make due. The girl with blue-ish teal hair greeted her, and she wrinkled her nose for half a second as a way of acknowledging her. "Oz. Meet to nice you." She told her, backwards, purposely to be comedically dumb. She eyed her comics and vhs tapes, wondering why she dumped them. "Jeffery Dahmer. Serial killer, right? Cannibal?" Ozara kind of raised her brows and laughed, but shook her head. "Not my thing. But it's cool that you have your interests." She returned her interest back to Chance and spoke up. "So. What's up with you being here?"

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
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"More of a necrophiliac...but yes." She nodded, sat on the sand, and exhaled deeply. The female hugged one of VHS tapes and muttered something, these were here lifeline, odd, that, but it's true. All she wanted to do was go to her room and divulge, but for now, she just has to bite her lip and do all this shit. She was never really social, and she cast her eyes back to Oz, and pushed a VHS to her, a small, crooked smile on her chapped lips. "Cool, right?"
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Switched to this. But also this and this

Interactions: No one

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When the crew members started appearing, Alamea was looking up and staring at each of them carefully. so, those will take care of me now? She...doesn't really trust them right now. But alas, she doesn't know them yet. When they announced the staff will bring their luggage to the rooms, and they will go to the beeach now, Alameas eyes started brighting up. The beach?! She grabbed her luggage bag and took out her swimwear - and an empty bag -, before closing the bag and looking at the crew member infront of her. "Can you please take care of Marshmallow now? I have already taken my meds today, and she is most likely exhausted." The member nodded before grabbing her luggage and Marshmallows leash, before leaving.
The beach. Finally. Alamea jumped up and had to conceal a squeal. She did a mad dash towards the women bathroom, where she instantly entered a stall and changed her clothes. It took her less than a minute before she left the stall and ran - yes, she can run in heels - towards her equipment. She was giggling, happy like a little child. She grabbed her board and the sail. She already knows that bringing her gear back will take years. Especially considering that she has to carry the sail on her head. Sail on her head (Like this), and board on her left hand. She gave the others a faint nod before suddenly dashing off.​
Billie didn't have a swimsuit, mainly because the entirety of her lower half is covered from scars, and in the middle has 'J.L.D', and so that is why she doesn't swim. At all. She wriggled her eyebrows, and pulled her knees up against her chest, and began to read her comic again. Inhaling, she coughed awkwardly and carried on reading, after a while, she flopped on the sand, and exhaled deeply. She watched as her stomach drew in and back out, she was quite fascinated by this, and looked for around twenty five minutes.
image.jpegMore and more people starting entering the building and Gregorio let out a soft sigh as he put his compact mirror back in his small bag. Everyone here was jumping from conversation to conversation it was hard to know who knew who and who was just uncomfortable. Some stayed by the door and everyone else was just sitting. 'What the hell am I gonna do here?' He thought to himself. It was a funny thought to know a celebrity was here, that would definitely be an attention grabber. Soon the workers ended up entering the room with this one lady being very eccentric and childish. Her actions made Gore clench his jaw from annoyance, but relieved himself as they mentioned going to the beach. "Sweet!" He whispered to himself. The beach was a perfect spot to relax and unwind. Before the workers grabbed his luggage, Gore grabbed his smiwuit from the luggage and kept a hold on the small bag he carried. Grabbing the bag and his swimsuit, Gore made his way into the nearest restroom.

Opening the door, he was greeted with the appearance of a frail boy who looked malnourished. The bathroomwas smal, but still roomy. "Oh, I'm sorry, the door was unlocked I thought no one was in here," he stated holding his bag and swimsuit. Somethin g seemed to be bothering this boy and Gore wanted to ask, but he really just wanted to change into his swimsuit. His mind. Was changing back and forth from asking and leaving. Until he finally decided that hopefully, asking the boy would hurry this up and have gore change to head into the beach. "Um," he started, "is everything alright with you?" Gore spoke in a soft and kind voice that helped With his kind of high voice to seem friendly.

Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
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Carmen flinched when he heard the door open, his gaze looking up at the other male who stepped into the room. "Oh...its okay. I was...I was just leaving," he said softly, pushing himself to a stand and tugging his sleeves down more, despite the fact that they were already down. "I'm fine... thanks," he said, looking away from the other male and shifting under his gaze. He was being stared at. This is exactly why Carmen wanted to go home, be away from all these strangers. He didn't like it here.

"I-I'm sorry," Carmen apologized in a quiet voice, moving past Gregorio and out into the lobby once more. Looking at all the people getting ready, Carmen frowned and noticed the swim suits some of them had changed into. It was long before Carmen found out why. They were going to the beach. What would he do at the beach? He didn't know anyone, he didn't have short sleeves or shorts, he didn't have a bathing suit. Why would he? Carmen glanced back toward the bathroom, biting his lower lip before looking away. Surly that guy didn't want to be friends with him... He looked like the type who would be annoyed to easily with his presence. Despite how much Carmen wanted to talk to the guy when he came out, the boy walked away from the bathroom and headed across the lobby to the sofa. He sat down, looking around the room in hopes of finding someone who would want to be his friend.

SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
Billie decided to gather her stuff and walks back inside, she didn't feel comfortable around people, well. Somewhat, she was a massive hybristophile, and sunk back into her chair, eyeing Carmen, she tilted her head and a small smile peeked upon her chapped lips. Exhaling, she cracked her knuckles, and cleared her throat. "Hey there.." She said, her voice slightly less grainy and more cracked, as if she had been crying for an hour and her throat had gotten really dry, though she hadn't.
image.jpegThe boy seemed very nervous and afraid, or at least he did in Gredorio's eyes. As the very skin boy squeezed passed Gore, the door shut behind and an annoyed sigh filled the restroom. "What's the use in trying to talk to these people?" He spoke to himself. The whole thought of trying to socialize with the people he thought were weak was such a bother to him. Changing into his swimsuit, he looked into the mirror to see how how looked. His slim waist looked amazing in the short shorts that fit perfectly over his hips and cropped muscle shirt. "God, I could totally go for a drink right now," Gore muttered. The thought of having a drink reminded him of having fun with all the people he met at bars and clubs. It also reminded him of why he almost jumped off a bridge. He shook the thought away and grabbed the Iron Maiden shirt he was wearing darling to wear over the cropped tank top. Putting his shows back on and grabbing his bag, he headed towards the door. 'I guess I should TRY to make friends,' he thought to himself. 'That skinny guy looks like he could use a friend.'

Gore opened the door to the lobby and looked around with his face still stern. He never thought he had such a bitchy face, so he sometimes wonders why people don't like confronting him. He spotted the boy sitting and Gore took a deep breath. 'Be friendly,' he thought to himself. The first step away from the restroom and someone already began to speak with the frail boy. "Crap," he sighed. Even if he didn't want to socialize, he did want some company to not go crazy from being so alone. Gore looked around and sat by another chir waiting for someone, or everyone, to start heading towards the beach. It felt weird for him to be the first one going anywhere sober. He was always the leader when he was drunk. Taking everyone on beer runs and bar hopping. The thought of wanting to get drunk began making his leg shake since he knew he wouldn't be able to. Even the cigarettes in the bag he was carrying wouldn't take the edge off. He just carried them to have an excuse to leave a situation. Or pretend to. Digging through his bag, he found his MP3 and put his headphones in to listen to music.
Billie heard the door open, and swiftly moved her head towards the lad, her eyes followed him. All she wanted was a friend, like, really wanted a friend. Maybe she was coming off as too strong? She exhaled and bit her nails nervously, tilting her head, she waved at Gore, she had seen him for the first time, and he fit her aesthetic, somewhat.

Her hand played with her beaded necklace with the word 'DAHMER' on, along with a picture of the convicted necrophiliac, sighing, she blinked at cracked her knuckles, she just stared at him, as she didn't want to speak. She does things like that, and well, doesn't get her very far, though she doesn't give two wheezes. SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
Carmen wrapped his arms around his stomach, breathing out a slow breathe as he kept his eyes on the bathroom door. Just one friend. That’s all he needs and wants. It can’t be that hard...right? He chewed on his lower lip in thought before flinching when he heard the sudden voice. Looking at the girl, he slowly relaxed.

“Hey...” Carmen responded softly, glancing at her eyes before looking down. He shifted in his seat, tightening his arms around himself as he tried to push his thoughts away. She spoke to him. She chose to speak to him. Surly she isn’t judging him...right? Hearing the bathroom door open caused Carmen to immediately look up again. The boy watched the male, his eyes instinctively traveling over his body. Carmen let out the breath he was holding as Gore sat down, and he quickly averted his gaze. The last thing he needed was to let one of these guys know he’s checking him out. Surely a guy like that wouldn’t be gay, and he would definelty beat his ass if he found out...right? Though that didn’t stop Carmen from thinking about his slim waist, his legs in those swimming trunks...

Carmen snapped out of it as he remembered the girl beside him. She came to him. She wants to talk. “M-my name is Carmen,” he said softly, meeting her gaze with a slight smile.

Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
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"Billie. My name is Billie, you alright?" She tilted her head back, and leant back in her chair, exhaling deeply. She was a very ill gal, though had extremely good posture, and is collective, she smiled back and huffed her teal hair out of her sight. She gripped the comic and shuddered, and handed it to Carmen, maybe he liked the same odd things she was into, her slim, pale arm was extremely long and was pale enough to see bright red scars and her blueish veins run through her arm. "I understand if it's not to your liking, I understand not everyone has an 'unhealthy' obsession with an incarcerated murderer. But anyway, why you in here for, buddo?" Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
While he waited for a response from Arden, he took another moment to look around the beautiful lobby. He enjoyed the atmosphere, and has always been a fan of plant life. They were everywhere inside, so he could only imagine what he would see outside. As more and more people rushed outside, he could smell the ocean from outside. He has been to the beach before, but never in California.

Instead of being snooty to Evie, he figured she would appreciate companionship like the rest of them. An attractive man with dark features also caught his attention, causing him to bite down on his lip. He always liked darker men, but he made it a point to approach him the proper way. Samuel didn't want to leave Arden's side, at least not for now... so he simply motioned both Malik and Evie over to him. Perhaps they could all hit the beach together, and begin to learn more about one another.

He inhaled softly, stretching momentarily and rubbing at his shoulders. They ached from his drug binge the night before, but this was no time to complain.

apolla apolla erzulie erzulie koala koala
mentions: Chance, Evie, Gore, Carmen, Alamea
past interactions: Billie Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
current interactions: Samuel EricSings EricSings
The feeling of nausea washed away as quickly as it had arrived, partially due to the sudden voice of a women next to her. Arden peeked up through her glasses, immediately laying eyes on the bright, sea-colored hair.

She was always told to stay away from people that looked different from the rest since they were "bad" influences and would affect her career. The real question, however, was whether or not that still applied. Arden had become the type of messy person that her parents had warned her to steer clear of. Besides, she was always a little jealous of people that could express themselves in such a colorful way.

A few seconds passed and the women immediately let out an awkward cough, realizing she must have left too long of a moment of silence. "N-no.." she replied as she fiddled with the hem of her sleeves. "I just eat and throw it back up. You know.. bulimia.. eating disorder.. and what not.." Arden didn't really know why she was telling Sea Hair girl anything. In a normal situation, she would've ignored whomever decided to speak to her.

Before they even exchanged names, not that it mattered, Sea Hair girl had turned her attention away. It was during those few minutes to herself that Arden really noticed the other people present. There were two relatively normal looking guys, a woman that gave off a celebrity vibe, a guy that stood out as much as she did in his dark clothing, and a couple others whom she couldn't really classify. The group was definitely a diverse one.

A group of maroon clad facility members suddenly made an appearance, their footsteps almost echoing throughout the large interior. Arden listened to whom she assumed to be the main coordinator, nodding every once in a while as she soaked up her words. When a beach was mentioned, however, her lips pursed slightly. Beach? Water? Swimming? There was absolutely no way she was changing into clothes that didn't practically drown her.

Still... she'd never gone to the beach or went anywhere that was considered a vacation. All her family trips were business or career related.

The answer she needed approached her then in the form of a tan man with crystal blue eyes. "Oh, sure." She bit her lower lip as she watched her luggage being taken away, wondering if she'd look weird in her attire once they got to the beach.
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Switched to this. But also this and this

Interactions: No one

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The beach! Finally!" Alameas face was shining. The beach makes her whole soul vibe with happiness. without hesistating, she brought her equipment close to the water before taking off her shoes, placing them neatly in the bag she brought with her. The bag she placed next to a rock. Then, she went to her equipment and mounted the sail onto the board. This whole procedure took her about two minutes and a half. Then, when she was done, she moved the board towards the water. For a moment, she was staring at the vast ocean, before turning around. Besides some patients she was unable to identify and staff members, no one was here.
The cold breeze of the ocean felt good. So, without hesistating any longer, she pushed the board onto the water and jumping onto it, paddling into the openness of the ocean. It wasn't very windy, but also not windless. and - luckily to her - , her prosthetics are waterproof and she mentally feels good. It has been eerily quiet in the last few days...well, except when she heard she was going to be moved to Ventura. Later this day, she had a delusion that all the other humans were actually a highly advanced alien AI and she was the only, non-advanced alien AI. Weird. Eerie. She tried avoiding other other "aliens" for the entire day...well, except the chief doctor and boss. He noticed something was up, so he kept it short and sent Alamea off again. For her, it is always better to let her alone when her delusions kick in.​
Without saying another word, Billie got up, and walked out of the lobby and out onto the beach, sighing, she sought a small place and sat down on her own, wriggling her nose, she sighed. She just wanted to be left alone with her fantasies, she bit her lip and shoved the VHS tapes back in her bag and turned away from them. Snuffling, she wiped her eyes and rested her head on her knees, her eyes fell upon Alamea again, and waved to her, though she was just being friendly.

Whenever 'that' would happen, she'd switch off and just fade in and out of reality, sighing, she looked down at her comic and a wave of guilt hit her. "This...this has gone too far, like oh my God." She muttered, and exhaled deeply.
wesley konstadin
mentions: N/A
interactions: everyone
He was late, of course. Wesley Konstadin was never on time and probably couldn't be even if his life depended on it. There was something about being one of the last people to arrive that sent a feeling of euphoria throughout his body. It was weird, honestly, but he didn't expect anyone to understand.

The black-haired man kicked the door of his Uber open, earning a gruff of distaste from the driver. His only response to that was a cheeky sorry that was obviously sarcastic and uncaring. While the driver was about to complain, Wesley quickly grabbed his bags and sprinted up the stairs like a triathlon athlete. The last thing he wanted was to be scolded in the melting heat.

Once he was inside, he noticed a group of people shuffling outside. They honestly looked like a pack of sheep being herded towards their deaths. Well... at least some of them gave off that aura.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a group of workers taking the bags somewhere. Wesley followed suit by signing in, something he was quite familiar with at that point in his life, and allowed his own belongings to be taken to his room. When he was finished, he casually followed the group outside and let out a humorous huff. "Well, aren't we all just a group of fugly and fuglier."

He had a grin on his face obviously, but there was an odd tone to his voice. It was both serious yet sarcastic, cold yet warm. Wesley would raise his eyebrow to anyone that reacted or responded before placing his hands behind his head and finding a nice play to lay down.

"I'm Wesley, by the away everyone." He announced, loud enough for the seagulls to hear. "Or Wes. Or Lee. Or Weasel if you really want to be friends."
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Malik Feast
Interactions: EricSings EricSings , koala koala
Outfit: 1
Malik peeled off his shirt. He’d wait until they got to the beach before taking off his pants. He watched as others grabbed their swimwear before going to change. Malik ran a hand over his head. The youth looked around the room until he spotted someone waving him over. He stared before looking behind himself, wondering if they were really talking to him. When he saw no one Malik stared again but eventually walked over. His pace was unhurried, he watched the two of them with his hawk like gaze. He looked at them with what could only be described as a mean mug. Malik nodded to them. “Aye.”

Malik looked the two of them over. First the other guy, like most Malik towered over him. He looked normal but having grown up in the place he had Malik could guess what was wrong with him. He then looked towards the girl, she was small and he noticed how skinny she was. It didn’t occur to Malik that his gaze was probably considered rude but he didn’t care. “Name’s Malik.”

Malik turned his attention to the new arrival. He kissed his teeth at his insult, already he was annoyed by him. Malik paid no mind for now. As long as he didn’t step wrong to him he’d ignore him. He looked back to the two before him. Malik figured that he should to be social with at least two people.
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". . . I mean, yeah." Billie responded, her voice low and cold, she fluttered her eyes up to the new comer, and protectively held her VHS tapes up and examined Wesley, her eyes cutting him up and down in almost a frightful manner. Snuffling, she coughed into her fist and sighed. She rolled her comic book up and placed it in her back pocket. "I... could really use a smoke right now.." She said, her voice now agitated and somewhat anxious, she scratched at her arms and groaned. She knew that she wasn't getting out of this, and she despised it. She just despised it, every single last bit of it, and the day has barely started. koala koala
“Really? Wow this place must be hella big.” He said, looking around, “I’ll have to see your room someday, as long as I don’t have a mental breakdown from all this excitment.” He said, suddenly hugging her again. “God it’s good to see you. My dad visited the other week from jail, and I’ve just been feeling like hell ever since.” He admitted, letting go. “I’m just going to go outside and get my tan the fuuuck on.” He declared, walking funny out the door.

Chance followed the group outside, staying around the doorway and waiting for everyone to pass. One of the greenies, arriving late and rude passed by him. He felt a sudden switch in his overall demeanor. He opened his journal, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “You’re late... Wesley.” He muttered, scribbling on his paper as if he was writing something down. “And rude.” He said, he didn’t like it when people would fashionably insult people for no reason. Bitter laced his tongue. Why did he dislike this person? He didn’t know.
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Carmen glanced at the comic in his hands, frowning slightly as he saw the name he knew all too well. It was a man he feared...a man who surely would have preyed in him if he was alive back then...Jeffery Dahmer. Carmen shifted uncomfortably and he opened his mouth to answer before watching the girl go. He frowned and looked down, averting his gaze as he sighed softly to himself. How was he supposed to make friends if they got bored of him too fast? He whimpered and put back his thoughts, looking around the room. He was tempted to go over to Gore but...no he didn’t want to be bothered it seemed.

Carmen sighed and pushed himself to a stand, heading outside. He’d rather sit in the sun and sulk than sit in this building. Maybe the fresh air will make him feel better... he played with the sleeve off his hoodie, looking at the group of people before looking down. He didn’t belong here...he was too different...

SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence

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