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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

(Okay, I wasnt sure on what to do)

Nacht realized maybe she shouldnt have left those clothes out there, maybe humans would come by it and be assholes or something. She created herself another portal, jumping through and looked around. She noticed this new guy, and growled when she noticed what he might have been doing. "Back off!" She hissed at him, claws at the ready.
"grrrr! stay calm svienhunce." he gives the goddess a stare.

"vhat ze? vhat are you?" he asked as he adjusted his glasses.
Nacht didnt waste her time, jumping and slicing her claws at him. THough she purposely missed, possibly just scraping some of his clothes if even that. She just wanted him to back up. "What am I?" She asked, tilting her head. "I'm the goddess of fear and paranoia!"
He stumbled back slightly from the attack. "Ga!"

He growled under his breath as he regained his balance.

"Ah , And I am a man of medicine."

He took a bow , (the taunt).

"And zat is one of my DNA samples...now please...Go home."

He attempted to shoo' the goddess away , using his hands to gesture a 'Go away'.
SHe growled at not being taken seriously. "DNA sample? What even is that? And that's not what those are!" She hissed. This silly human, did he not believe in the divine?!
He set down his backpack, opening it up and taking out the Blutsauger.

"Ill say again...Go...avay...Do you understand? G.O. A.W.A.Y. Dummkofp."
He stood up sharply , keeping form as if he was in an old duel.

aiming the unusual Item at the fear goddess.
"I wouldnt, if I were you" She snarled. Her eyes flashed red and she attacked his mind, trying to find what he was afraid of and causing that fear to start makin him scared.
He back up , knowing the tricks. "Ohh...vhat a tingly sensation!" "But-I cannot stay for other discoveries..." He swiped the clothes and stuffed them into the pack, quickly scrambling away.

He was quite fast for a human.
SHe snarled and took off after him, aiming to catch up quickly but holy crap was this human fast! She didnt expect it, having to keep up her speed. "Hey! Get back here!"
"GRRR! YOU ARE TRYING MY PATIENCE!" He yelled as he rounded a corner, taking out the Blutsauger and firing, he ran backwards as a spray of needles flew at nacht.
Nacht yelped in surprise, having to stop to try and block. THough there was no way she was able to block all of them, getting one in the shoulder and another in the leg. She hissed in pain.
He corrects his course, turning around and running again, turning another corner and seeing the ambulance.

Scout is eating a bucket of chicken , leaning against the ambulance with a bored expression.

"Start the engine dunmkofp!" the medic shouts.
Nacht took the needles out and hissed in irritation. She jumped up on a building, well climbed up it, and started running the way she thought he went since when he turned a corner she couldnt see him after that. She watched everything all at once, she was going to catch this guy!
he climbed into the back as scout started the engine.

seeing the goddess, he knows that he has won.

The medic starts laughing and pointing at the goddess.


She thought she heard something, looking around as she stood on top of a building. Stupid human, where did he go?! Ugh, if only Morgana was here! She had that lighting fast speed and can do that whole thing she does, uh, forgot the name of it. Drat!
The engines roared to life as it started, rolling down the street at the speed of the speed limit.

it drove normally , as to not draw any attention to it.
Its an ambulance, a big white vehicle is going to draw the attention of a goddess who has the attention span of a squirrel. She tilted her head, maybe they know where he went! She jumped from building to building and finally got ahead of the amulance and jumped. She timed it, landing on the vehicle. She climbed down to the windshield and looked in at Scout and grinned, waving. "Hiya!"
"WHOA! " he fell back to the other direction, waving his arms as if he was doing karate.

"What the-? What do you want?"
"I want that human that stole stuff from my friend!" She growled. "Uhh, has a funny accent (even though German accents are the bomb), uhh, red gloves, glasses, has a gun that shoots needles"

[QUOTE="Airfield Hime]“Please, if you could h-help me… I need Shelter and food!” The look of desperation had over-come her previously angered face. Truth be told she needed serious TLC. (Tender, Love and Care.) She reached into the satchel at her side, offering them what looked to be Trinkets and Baubles.
You Humans, are very fond of this aren’t you…? I can o-offer more on my safe delivery.” She would extend her hand, to whom ever would decide to take her on her offer. Struggling to stand on her own two-feet the Bident had become her only support.

"Oooo, shiny things!" The horsemasked, electrical tape-clad Maniae said reaching out for the trinkets.

"Lol, we're not humans lady. We're-we're.......what are we exactly?", one of the Maniae in a onsie asked the others.

"We're spirits of madness under Mania (or Lyssa as she's known when she gets pissed.) Charged with the spread of her influence across the land.......or something idk.", the Maniae in the sailor outfit responded while walking towards the stranger to help her up.

"Ahw, you smell like burned poptart, lady.", the other Maniae in the onsie said helping to lift her.

The Maniae began to talk like EMTs into radios they suddenly had, calling in other Maniae with a medical helicopter they somehow procured to airlift the stranger back to Olympus.

(Mania and her Maniae are essentially like the Cat in the Hat and the Things only they all look alike and are more R-rated.)
"Hm? You mean Doc? He is-" the scout said before he was interrupted.

"Dont tell her..." the medic whispered.

"Its a 'her'?" The scout asked back.

"Heavy tell." The heavy proclaimed.

"Shush you imbeciles! "The spy shuts them up.

"He's in the back with the others." He said quickly.

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