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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online


Resurrected Darkness

Hello everyone and welcome to Sword Art Online!

The beta is over and the game just came out in stores!

Are you prepared to start the fight of your life?

((Adding more things to Overview so look there! Once I get 3 or more players, I'll start!))​
Acelynn ran to her bedroom, not caring at all for what that monster who she lived with. Once she was in her room she shut and locked the door then ran over to her NerveGear and put it on, no hesitating at all to say "Link start!" Once the NerveGear was activated she was transported to her charie in the game that just got released, Sword Art Online. She had to admit, this game was her savior when she needed an escape, and what was better was the fact that she had played in Beta so she new exactly how everything was so she'd surely be on the front lines fighting along with her guild. Now that Acelynn was The Bloody Reaper, she got into character, the fearless gutsy girl she'd made herself up to be on here. Reaper ((I'll call her this from now on seeing as that's her name in game.)) walked into the Town of Beginnings, taking in a big breath then letting it out. "Ahh.. good to be back." She said happily, the started walking to the arena, taking note that there was a countdown in the sky, saying that there would be an announcement in roughly 5 minutes or less.
Cobra nodded to his mother, then went into his room locking the door as fast as possible and out on the nerve gear as well as layed on his bed and put a blanket ontop of his feet "Link Start!" After his nerve gear turned on he was in the world of sword art online "Well this is better than reality, and I'm not even accepted here" his username was Kandy. He walked out the city and drew his two handed sword killing three boars at a time and sighed knowing no one would want a warrior in their guild he started to head towards the floor one boss alone "I'd as minus well try yes?" He chuckled lightly and started to run.
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y0k9o said:
Cobra nodded to his mother then went into his room locking the door and out on the nerve gear and layed on his bed and put a blanket ontop of his feet "Link Start" After his nerve gear turned on he was in the world of sword art online "Well this is better than reality, and I'm not even accepted here" his username was Kandy, and walked out the city and drew his two handed sword killing three boars at a time and sighed knowing no one would want a warrior in their guild he started to head towards the level one boss alone "I'd as minus well try ya¿?" He chuckled lightly and started to run
Hey! I like your post, but can you please try to use proper punctuation and English? Like Bunneh said, we understand slip ups, but please be more careful :)
Roth had just got back from work putting on the last touches to the graphics in SAO and he decided to have a bite to eat before he hopped on the server until his wife got home. He mad a simple sandwich and glass of milk and wrote on the white board leaving a not for his wife that he would be working when he was at home too. Once he finished eating he went to the room and put on the nerve gear "Link Start." And just like that he was being logged in and all the sensory processing being checked 'Beta Test?' Well of course he marked 'yes' and put in his login information. Once everything had rendered he looked around and found himself in the starting city "Looks like I'm not the only one already logged in." He saw that another beta tester had logged in already "So, how does it feel to be back in SAO Bloody Reaper?"

(PS my name is The Flaming Dragon)

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Reaper turns to look back at him, a soft smile playing on her features. "It feels..amazing actually. I really missed the game, and its pretty awesome to have some noobiea around. Know what I mean?" She said, her tone quite playful. "What about you Flaming Dragon? How does it feel to come back and know that you're a wolf among sheep?" She asked, the teasing tone still in her voice when she'd mentioned that 'wolf among sheep' part.
"As did I, I was stuck to a computer fixing the graphics to be finalized, what do you think?" He crossed his arms and looked up at the sky "I think it looks pretty good if I do say so myself." He looked back at Reaper "Well hey, who knows, the sheep may turn and bite back, it will definitely be interesting." He placed his hand on her head and ruffled her hair a bit just to be a bit playful, after all people have to be friendly eventually.

Kandy stopped running and leaned on a tree to catch his breath. " Where is the boss anyways?" He looked around and saw that he was lost in a forest. "This floor is wayvtoo easy for me anyways. I wonder if I could have a beta tester lead me in the right direction, maybe even help me. No probably not, I haven't seen anyone a higher level than me lately." He got off the tree and started to run towards the giant spiral in the middle of the world, hoping to find someone, especially a beta tester.
Reaper laughs. "Of course. The possibilities are endless." She said then looked up to the sky, inwardly taking note that the timer had only two minutes left before the announcement. "Hey.. do you know what that announcement is about? They never had any in beta.." She said, her eye brows creasing together, as she thought on why they'd have one now, unless it was just a welcoming thing..but then again they didn't have that for Beta testers so why now?
"C'mon, Lizzy! Just lemme play!"

"No, Erik. I've told you a million times, go do your homework then maybe you can play." Eliza turns to her twelve year old brother and gives him a stern look, her blue eyes staring into his green ones, giving him no room for argument. "I will keep you home this weekend if you don't listen to me." The young boy's eyes go wide in horror, "Y-You wouldn't!" As his elder sister's gaze does not falter, he sighs in defeat and hangs his head, "Okay, fine... I'll go do my homework.. But don't go too far without me!"

Elizabeth smirks, leaning down she kisses her brother's forehead, "There's my good boy." She laughs as he quickly wipes away at the spot she'd kissed, turning around he walks off while muttering something about 'cooties' and 'stupid sisters'. The black haired girl turns and enters her room, shutting the door behind her as she walks to her bed, grinning happily at her Nerve Gear there. "SAO, here I come." She breaths out to herself before laying down and placing it on her head. "Link Start."

And, with that, she's in the world of Sword Art Online. She puts in all her login information, going through all the hoops, doing all she must until, before she knows it, she's standing in the starter village. She lets out a small squeal of joy, her icy blue eyes shimmering with excitement as her white hair whips around while she jumps and spins. "I've missed you." She whispers.
"That's actually a good question, I don't know, maybe he just did a collaborative welcoming announcement, who knows, its not like its important anyways." He started to wander off a bit further into the city and looked back over his shoulder "You wanna join me in getting my equipment, its not like we have anything else to do while we wait."

Reaper shakes her head. "I'd rather not, besides why get starter equipment when you have what you got during beta?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow, as she just stood there. She honestly didn't see the point in him getting equipment if he still kept what he had while a beta tester, the armor and weapon would be better than anything her could get while in the Town of Beginnings.
He forgot that he was able to keep all of his equipment after the beta was finished. "Oh yea, I forgot that we didn't have to start over." He opened up his inventory and equipped his sword and shield and walked back over to Reaper. "I decided to be a tank, if you didn't notice, I thought it would be pretty useful, what do you use?" He couldn't remember what everyone used, there were so many beta testers he stopped keeping track of ones he didn't keep in touch with.

Reaper smirks. "That's a secret though. I don;t want people already fangirling or boying over me yet.~" She teased at him with a chuckle. "I'll tell ya this much though, Its a two handed great sword." She said, a smirk etching its way across her lips as she thought about he favorite weapon, Anguish. It was by far the best blade she'd ever gotten in the game, and she wouldn;t trade it for anything in the world, her and Anguish were partners.
"Oohh, interesting, I'll definitely keep that in mind." He opened his inventory once more and unequipped everything so that he looked like a noobie, while he was in there he sent Reaper both a friend request and party request. "You know, just in case one of us gets in a pickle." He started to think how much more damage he could do with a two handed weapon, but he would have to double the strength requirement to use it in one hand, but maybe later on he would try it. "Two handed, I may try that once I get enough levels on me to one hand it, but for now I'm going to stick to my sword and shield." Then another idea popped in his head, two tower shields, then nothing could touch him, but, again that was quite a ways away.

Reaper looks at the invite and thinks for a moment. Hm.. A party so soon..interesting indeed, but hey he seems like an alright guy, and hopefully he'll back me up real good too! She thought to herself then accepted the invite. "I'm counting on you then! Don't let me down out there alright?" She said and she stuck up her thumb and grinned brightly, inwardly laughing at how silly she probably looked.
"And the same goes to you, also, you look like an idiot, just saying." He looked back up to the timer with only seconds to go "Looks like were about to find out what this big announcement is for, I'm interested in what its about." The possibility were theoretically endless but realistically he could only think of one thing that the GM would be announcing and that's just a congratulations for joining SAO.

Reaper laughs and puts her hand down, narrowing her eyes at him ever so slightly. "I'm aware. Just thought you could use a laugh jeez!" She teased at him as she started to walk toward the center of town. "Come on, we'll beat everyone there!" She said then took off running, a bit of laughter being able to be heard from behind her.
He chuckled a bit at Reaper "Well it was funny, HEY wait a minuet!" He took off after her going towards the fountain at the center of Starting City "No fair, you got a head start, cheater." He was teasing her just to see if she would react like a little kid would but it wasn't too long before they arrived at the center of the city.
Reaper cheers in delight as she had won the race, this cheering included jumping and twirling around by the fountain. "Yay! Hehe I beat you!" She teased as she bounced up and down in happiness, then stopped when a loud siren echoed throughout, this meaning the timer was up and all players got ported to the town's center. The announcement would begin when all players got there.
Kandy heard the buzzer in confusement and drew his sword charging towards a boar then swung down with half force and then was teleported to the begginers town. "What the...?" Kandy's sword hit the ground and the ground cracked from the sphere force of his sword and got stuck. "Aww man this is just great." He looked at TFDragon and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me can you help me get my sword out the ground? Its stuck and I can't get it out."
"You butt, you beat me here." He looked around seeing all the other players getting ported here into the city, it was getting pretty crowded quick, he pressed through the people and stood next to Reaper while he waited on the GM to make his welcoming announcement. "Well looks like its time Reaper."

Reaper nods. "It appears so." She said then looked back at the pink haired boy who needed Dragon. "How..did that happen?" She asked him, trying her best not to laugh, as she couldn't believe someone actually got their sword stuck..in the ground. A small bit of laughter seemed to sleep though as she bit her lower lip to stop it.
"Your sword..... Is stuck..... In the ground..... What the h*ll." He walked over to the sword and gave it a bit of a tug, it was in there alright, but how it happened who knows. He went through his inventory and drew his sword while grabbing the other and cut the tip of the sword off and handed it to him "You, need to pay closer attention to what your doing, its not broken, just damaged." He walked back over to Reaper and placed his arm on her shoulder "Well there he is." Looking at the GM that just appeared in front of everyone."

@y0k9o @xEmoBunnehx @whoever is the GM
Chikara quirks an eyebrow as she's transported from the outskirts of the village to the center, along with everyone else. "What the frell?" She winces as she realizes her mistake. As she had grown up quite the nerd, she often adapted to using languages learned off of TV shows. And as her latest sci-fi show addiction was Farscape, she already can expect herself to be under the influence of translator microbes for the next few arns.... Er, hours.

She looks up as the game master appears, a small wrinkle appearing between her brows in confusion. "This is new.." She mutters to herself, trying to figure out a reason the GM would be holding a meeting, as there was nothing like this during Beta.

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