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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Ki

Location: Power Controlling Classroom

Interaction: Ender, Theda Nunally

Tag: @The Endergod @Aio

"I know you can make it snow and stuff, but what other applications do you have of your ice. We are in power-controlling class. Can you make a shard storm?"

A shard storm would be extremely inconvenient if she was a ghost, and plus, that would have the capability of killing anyone. Now that I think about it, how do fights even go about in this school? Her and Luc were far from anything being fighters, they were more of distract-and-run than anything else. None of her abilities were capable of hurting someone anyway, it all boiled down just to physical skill, which she lacked. Sure, she taught herself how to react to situations, and she was forcible taught hand-to-hand, but it's not like that would be any help if the person she was fighting had wide-ranged attacks.

Though, it's not like that anti-power couldn't help. But everyone here seemed to be pretty capable of pretty much, anything. She felt inferior to them, and it was kind of surprising they went to a school when they seemed pretty skilled at swordsmanship and things like that. Then again, who is she to judge.

Lining up in the middle as she was told, she responded to the teacher's question.

"The concept of incapability is being unable to achieve, or lacking the qualifications to perform something to the best of one's ability, correct?"
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Setsuna

Tag: @iChaotic @Aio

(it's Moka lol)

"Uhh he's alright," Moka said as she shook her head a bit not wanting to talk about these kinds of things. Many thought Moka was bisexual or even attracted to girls but the thought of having crushes and talking about them with others was a waste and plus she hadn't been so serious. Moka turned back and said,"Maybe he might be perfect for Setsuna who knows," She said and turned back to give off a small wink. Moka went back to paying attention.

Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender turned around to look over at Ki. "Yeah, but only projected forwards, the last time I tried to do it all around me I tore myself up real bad. I can do most anything with ice and that kind of stuff, just as long as I don't hurt myself in the process." He said as he looked down at his right hand, which was currently glowing a light blue hue.

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Name: Setsuna and Amber

Location: PC class

Interaction: Moka , Raven , Theda

Amber chuckled while Setsuna glared at both Moka and Amber before he and Amber stood up straight and listened to the teacher. " Its the concept of being unable to do or achieve person's maximum potential and or power. " Setsuna said to the teacher. Amber noticed Raven and called her over. " Raven get in line" He called

@iChaotic @the unnamed beast
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The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon @Anyone else

Ryoichi was getting annoyed at the muttering that was going on behind him. "Would you three knock it off." He said in a hushed voice, a slight annoyance in his tone. Kiyoko sighed as she watched her brother speak to the three people behind him. She jumped off the table and proceeded to walk over to the line, barging in front of Moka, she gave her an evil glare.

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Name: Theda Nunnally

Location: PC class

Interaction: Everyone

"Correct. Ah...Ki is it?" She looked down at her list of names to second check, finding she was correct the first time. Turning off the powers of the ones who did not wish to comply was obviously not working, therefore, she turned off everyone. She knew that there would be some parents who would be angry to hear a teacher messed with their child's powers but she was willing to live with that. "All of you in here are incapable of using your powers." She looked at the Arata twins, knowing they both overly confident in their powers. "If you think you are complete control of your powers, please do step forward and prove me wrong." A smile appeared on her lips, she knew full well none of them could use their powers, especially with her turning their powers completely off. True she did want to see them make a fool of themselves but that wasn't the only reason she was doing this.
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The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @Aio

Ryoichi turned back around and stared at the teacher. "I will gladly show you my powers." He smirked. Stepping out of the line he stood next to the teacher. "Watch and behold - Protector Of The Dark." Stretching his arm out he closed his eyes, but only a slight glimmer of a single diamond appeared. "Huh?" Ryoichi said puzzled as he opened one of his eyes. He stretched out the other arm and tried the same thing, but the result was the exact same; only a glimmer of a single diamond. His patience was beginning to disappear as he growled under his breath. "Why isn't this working?!" Ryoichi suddenly yelled.

Amber and Setsuna gaped. "You can't be serious. " Setsuna said as he began trying to make Glyphs or summoning ice. Setsuna growled until it occurred to him and pulled out his rapier. With a flick of his wrist a thin sheet of ice appeared on the floor , his rapier still had power. Amber was trying to create fire but couldn't. Setsuna glared at the Arata Twins


Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender was still looking down at his hand when it suddenly stopped glowing. He was extra confused and was shaking his hand around violently trying to get it to glow again. Then the teacher said that she turned off everyone's powers. He looked at her, then at his hand, and then back to the teacher with very disappointed look on his face. "Man, a real bummer that is." He said to Ki.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: Power Controlling class

Interation: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @iChaotic @Aio

Moka smiled when Ryoichi turned to tell them to be quiet,"You're finally wanting to pay attention?" Moka said and gave him a fake applause. Moka saw that everyone were trying to use their powers but she couldn't either,"I don't understand how you want us to be able to control our powers if you take them away Ms. Nunnally." Moka said as she spoke aloud so that the teacher can hear here.

Name: Ki

Location: Power Controlling Classroom

Interaction: Ender, Moka

Tag: @The Endergod @sprouhtt


Looking as people struggled to use their powers, she didn't really have any that she could have tested that theory out with. Well, except one. Raising her arm, she looked at her hand. If she put enough effort into it, which usually hurt, her hand should've gone opaque, and then translucent, like that of a ghost. However, it didn't. She felt the familiar tingle of pain, but nothing changed. It was then she realized that what the teacher did was similar to her own power- she was able to nullify the ability of , well, everyone.

Ah, it's pretty refreshing seeing how maybe power-nullification isn't so useless.

"... ha, yeah. There always is that one person that has to ruin it for everyone."

Bringing her gaze over towards the twins at the front, particularly the boy who seemed to be struggling with his power, she heard a girl talk behind him. With, how would they be able to control their own powers in this class without it. Half-turning her head in her direction, she spoke

"Well, before we can control our powers, it looks like we should get our emotions in control first."

Which, as usual, only a few were needed to ruin it for the whole class.
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Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : N/A

The two looked at eachother, puzzled when the teacher stated she had turned off their ability to use their powers. Sairen tried to conjure up a shield with her hand stretched, but nothing appeared. She looked to her brother, who was trying to turn into his Komainu form, which also failed. They shrugged and watched as others tried to use their powers, only to get the same result. "It's not like we have much besides our Komainu states anyways," Lairen said loud enough for others to hear. Sairen nudged her brother, urging him to face forward and listen.

Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Setsuna and Ki

Tags: @djinnamon @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender saw as Setsuna pulled out his rapier and sling ice onto the ground. "Whoa man, how come you got to keep that!" He practically shouted towards Setsuna. "They ganked my hammer like as soon as I got here!" He said while looking seriously distraught. Extra bummed now, Ender looked back at Ki. "So is this what you meant when you said you had anti powers?" He said with a slightly saddened tone in his voice.

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Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Anyone

The young male had been wandering around the halls for quite awhile trying to find the classroom where they held Power Controlling, but he just couldn't find the right doors, the right walls, and the place that's similar to his small map, navigation wasn't his strongest point, but knowing that making a mistake this early would be bad, he just moved the piece of paper back to his pocket and tucks both of his hands taking a random guess. Through a deliberate and careful observation of his surroundings he finally spots the place where students come and ran, knowing that he's probably already late the he rushed to the entrance

The young male then stood near the entrance looking at the doors with a lazy expression as he lets out a sigh, clearly there's no safe options for him, if he ran away he would be searched by his teachers and if he did enter then he would of course receive detention, but knowing that standing around and doing nothing is probably worse than the two. The male gently pushes the classroom door, the creaky sound should be audible enough for those who are inside, yet he hoped that the teacher won't notice a single thing and he can enter and sneak in to the lines peacefully.
Setsuna turned to Ender then looked at his rapier . " I took a test and got permission, the test is kinda like the test you take to get a drivers license. " He said. Amber and Setsuna then folded THIER arms and glared at Ryoichi. " Do you see what your arrogance has caused. " Setsuna said in a harsh tone.

Name: Theda Nunnally

Location: PC Class

Interaction: Everyone

"Good so you finally noticed." Theda smiled as she watched them struggle. Noting that next time she should collect all the weapons, seeing one of her students whip out his rapier. "Before class started I observed from the outside on how you all were interacting with each other and I have come to conclusion there is no way I am able to allow you use your powers if you, as Ki has said, could not control your emotions." She kept their powers down as she walked around the room. "Emotion does play a heavy part on if one can control their powers. Example." She said, stopping in front of her class as she looked at them. "Stress is a common thing among teachers especially the first day. If I had allowed my stress to get to me during this time say goodbye to your powers forever. Emotion is a dangerous thing, and don't you forget it." She checked the time to make sure she would be able to finish her speech.

"As a teacher, my priority is your safety. If I allow someone who is unstable to use their powers and potentially hurt someone I have not only failed you but I have failed myself. I take this job very seriously and I hope you all will take this class seriously as well." She stared down each and everyone one of them, god did she love these kids. In her years of teaching she had always tried to be there for her students, she hoped they could see she genuinely cared for their safety though she saw some would be harder to get to than others. "When you leave this class your powers will be restored but I ask you only use them during my class or Combat Class. If I find out anyone has been using their powers outside of these two classes, they will be seeing me in detention." She checked the time again seeing she still had a few minutes to spare but decided to let them go early. "Okay, tomorrow we will start using your powers. I hope you all will take consideration of what I have said." Hearing the door creak she lifted her head tp see a young man enter. "Class isn't officially over but I am done for today. You may talk amongst yourselves till the bell rings. If you have any questions please come up and talk to me before class ends or after school. The young man who just entered as soon as I'm done speaking we'll have a chat, and Mr. Atara I like a word after class." With this she was done speaking, going over to her desk and sitting down waiting for those she had called to meet her there.
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Name: Ki

Location: Power Controlling Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

When he said if that was her anti-power, she was kind of confused. What did he mean by that? Was it how the teacher could make anyone's power's obsolete, or maybe he thought that she allowed certain people their powers, and not others? Either way, it wasn't too hard to assume with how sad his expression seemed to be. Poking his nose, her expression was indifferent as her voice was monotonous. When she spoke, it was rather hushed, as if trying to whisper it.

"... I tend to keep pretty low-key about it."

If everyone knew what your power was, and how it wasn't really anything offensive, obviously they can work something around that. She was pretty much a normal type in a world full of everyone else being their own type. So she needed any sort of boost that she could get, even if it meant keeping her main ability vague and somewhat secretive from everyone else.

But with the teacher present, it probably wouldn't be long before they figured that out.

"Not really a huge... fan of it... but, I guess it has it's perks."

The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @Aio @djinnamon @Anyone else

Ryoichi glared at Setsuna. "Oh shut up." He growled. Taking a glance at that teacher, "Fine.." He responded. Kiyoko sauntered over to her brother.
"Nice demonstration Ryo." Kiyoko chuckled. "Be quiet Kiyo, I didn't disturb you when you were in a bad mood." Ryoichi responded. "Why would the teacher want a word with me and not you? I didn't do anything wrong." He said as he put a hand through his hair. "Wait for me after class though, would you Kiyo?" "Course I will, the Arata twins aren't going to be separated." Kiyoko grinned.

Ronnie was kinda worried, about his ability, his magic. When he killed he absorbs their soul. He was thinking about maybe that was wrong, not letting their soul move on. Ronnie's facial expression looks sick and scared. @anybody
Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction @Aio

The male knew that he's going to have a bad day today, no wonder that breakfast tasted like it was made of bricks, hard, tasteless, painful. Just like today, so he's really not surprised when he's being called to talk to the teacher. Pulling his hat lower, he tried to cover his face not wanting his early days and first times to be this bad. He also tried to conceal his face not wanting the people knew who he is. The boy slides one of his hand to his pocket and starts walking nervously to the teacher's desk.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

The class was concluded and they were left with free time that they didn't know what to do with. However, the other set of twins did interest them. They were a bit rude, but they were twins as well. Lairen pulled his sister along again, pulling them near the other pair of siblings as their mask swung from their waists. "Hey, twins?" Lairen called out, giving them a small wave like the usual friendly guy he was. Sairen didn't like them, and so she didn't even look their way.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: Heading towards the cafeteria and then the nurse

Interation: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @iChaotic @Aio

"Wow, that's so true" Moka thought to herself and thought Ms. Nunnally's speech was pretty great. "Hmm.." Moka said under her breath when Setsuna said that to Ryoichi and plus he deserved it. to herself as she excused herself from the classroom to go down to the nurses office since she realized that her necklace was on. Moka told the teacher that she had to leave, and plus Kiyoko had gotten on her nerves when she aggressively moved in front of her. "Hey Setsuna and Amber, I'll be back in just a bit." Moka said but in reality Moka couldn't take people like Ryoichi who thought they were better then everyone else and plus she wouldn't be missed if she took a walk back down to the nurses office. Moka took her stuff and excused herself from the classroom saying she would be right back she needed to see the nurse. She wasn't actually going to the nurse she just needed something to eat before she passed out and plus they had a lot of time to spare since Ms. Nunnally was done for the day. Moka walked down the hallway heading towards the nurses office but she made a quick turn to the cafeteria. Moka had already gotten the credits she needed for that class last year but she didn't know why she picked to take it again. Plus she was feeling a bit light headed from when Mrs. Nunnally took her powers away but now that she wasn't near her she got it back. Moka took out her student card which was renewed with money every week from her parents. Moka was running on an empty stomach all day and even the yogurt couldn't fill her up so she got a lunch meal. Moka could really put it down and never gain a single weight.

The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Miss Nunnally, Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Aio @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko waved at the other pair of twins. Ryoichi didn't do anything but scowl.
"Well, see you in a minute or two Ryo." Kiyoko said as she began to walk in the direction of Lairen and Sairen. "Hey, so, I guess me and my brother aren't the only pair of twins in this school." She grinned.

"Yea, see you Kiyo." Ryoichi sighed as he watched his sister walk off. Standing up straight, he stepped in front of the teacher's desk. "What is it you want miss?"

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Setsuna walked up to Ryoichi with a glare. " No I won't , because of your arrogance people were punished. I am by no means a saint or non vain but I'm no where near you or sister's level arrogance. And you. " He said turning to Kyoko. " If you ever mess with Moka again I swear to god you'll regret it. " Setsuna said before he spun around and walked back over to Amber. " Let's go make sure Moka gets to the Nurse's office ok. " Setsuna said. The two excused them selves and followed Moka. " You are hungry I see. " Amber said.

@iChaotic @Aio @sprouhtt
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: Heading towards the cafeteria and then the nurse

Interation: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @djinnamon

"I was a bit light headed so I thought I would go to the nurses office but I realized that I was just hungry from a lack of food," Moka said when she turned her head to see Setsuna and Amber coming towards her table. "You guys can have some," Moka said offering them food and she let out a small smile and put another shrimp in her mouth when she finished dumping it in duck sauce as well as taking a dumpling.

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