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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: N/A

Tag: N/A

Moka walked towards the room where Power Controlling was going to take place and when she walked in she saw mats everywhere and a few chairs that were lined down the room against the wall. Moka saw that the teacher wasn't here yet so she picked herself up, straighten her back, and took in a deep breath and walked over to a chair and she put her belongings down.

(Just fill in the blanks ya know? Just act out what your character will do even though shes not here yet. Take mine above for example)
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @Anyone

Ryoichi scowled as he heard the bell go. The next lesson was power controlling and honestly, both him and his sister found it pointless. They could control their powers rather easily but still, the teachers insisted they participated because there was still some things 'they could learn.' Ryoichi grabbed his notebook and stuffed it into his bag, Kiyoko huffed and proceeded to stand up and head towards their next lesson. Her brother followed her. Upon arriving at their next lesson they saw the teacher hadn't arrived yet. A mischievous smirk crossed the twin's lips as Kiyoko sat down in a seat near the back and Ryoichi picked up a marker and wrote on the board 'THE ARATA TWINS WERE HERE.' Popping the lid back on the marker he walked over to his sister and sat beside her before letting out a chuckle.

Name: Aiko

Location: Halls

Interaction: None

Closes his locker as he heard the bells rang signifying the time for second period. He just arrived here and paid little attention to the lessons, he nearly fell asleep at history class and it's not getting better. With half closed eyes he lets out a yawn and tucks both of his hands to his trouser's pocket.

The teen's lazy gaze scanned his sides remembering the school's interior. Being new to this place and still unfamiliar, the young man takes out a piece of paper and pauses in his way trying to match what he saw and the clues in his map of the school. One of his weakness that he always have is direction and so he just stopped there lifting his head sometimes to try and match the place where he stood with his map.
djinnamon said:
On his way to class he saw Ronnie and walked over to him. " Are you lost. " He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Ronnie looks at him and says,"I'm so lost!, so terribly lost! This place is like a maze!"
Abel stepped into the room with a playful grin, looking to the few that had already arrived. he then looked to the board, and his head tilted to one side. Arata...huh.

he proceeded to pick up the marker, seeming to test its weight. he didn't do much, just gave a decorative underline to the phrase. he returned the marker, turning and making his way to a seat. any seat would do. he got comfortable,feet propped on his desk as he closed his eyes.

"this school is a bore..."


Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom > Power Controlling Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

"Yeah... I don't really have a, er, "power" per-say."

She definitely did have other powers, though the one that she used the most, can't really be considered one. It was pretty much an anti-power. Stuffing her hand in the pocket of her uniform, she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't have cool ice powers, or mesmerizing illusions, or anything like that. It's more like an anti-power."

As long as she could pass the class, that was good enough for her. Upon arriving into the class, she saw the twin's name on the board, breathing out a sigh. Ah, they had to deal with these two in every single class. How fun is that.

(ok now actually afk)

Ender Egotarum


Location: Halls and PC

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

As they were walking, she explained her predicament. Ender honestly felt bad about it for a second, then he thought about it for a moment. "What the hell does she mean by "anti-power"?" He thought to himself as they entered the Power Controlling classroom. Once they got in the classroom, he sat down and thought about what she had said.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: N/A

Tag: @iChaotic

Moka saw the twins writing their name on the board and she thought it was completely disrespectful. Moka got up from her seat and as President of the Student Council she sought actions in erasing their names. Moka wasn't going to put up with anybodies 'bs' today and most certainly not the Arata twins. Most people called Moka uptight, stubborn, not a rule breaker, and so on and so on but that's just the way her father taught her to be. Given the fact that she is the daughter of a war god her father held many expectations for her making it hard on herself as well. When Moka was up near the board she took the eraser and began erasing their names. Moka wasn't afraid of anybody nor was she going to let their words get in the way of her doing something she has set out to do.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Moka


Their jaws dropped at the sight of someone rubbing their names off the board. Someone had basically challenged them. Ryoichi scowled and was about to get up when his sister placed her arm in front of him.
"Lemme deal with this Ryo." Kiyoko grinned. Getting out of her seat she strolled over to Moka and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, whatever your name is, but what do you thinking you're doing? Those are our names and you have no right to rub them out." She growled.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Kyioko

Tag: @iChaotic

"My name is Moka Hirabashi and you can't tell?" Moka paused,"I'm erasing your name from the board, it's not relevant to this class." Moka told her as she let out a small chuckle when she had turned around to see Kyioko behind her. Moka put her hands on her hips seeing that she was talking to a Succubus like herself, Moka thought Succusbus's were way to desperate looking for a mate for all eternity or even taking their souls from their victims. Moka had come in counter with a few incubus's like Kyioko's brother and she fell in love with an Incubus until she found out he was only using her to get to her father to learn about the God's secrets. Moka was devastated but she got over it in a couple of days. Moka put the eraser down.
Name: Setsuna

Location: Power Control Class

Interaction : Arcata twins , Moka

Setsuna arrived in the classroom after pulling Ronnie their only to see some girl growling at Moka. Setsuna let go of Ronnie's hand and walked over before standing in front of Kyoko . " I highly suggest you seat your ass down. That was a board for the teacher to use and you just vandalized it so go and take your seat like a good girl. " Setsuna said.

@iChaotic @sprouhtt
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The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Moka

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Kiyoko stared at the teacher for a few a seconds before her focus returned back to Moka.
"Why do you have to be such a teacher's pet?" She hissed. "If you think about crossing mine or my brother's path again, you'll be sorry." Kiyoko proceeded to stamp her foot on the ground before walking back over to her desk. "Such a goody two shoes, miss know it all." Kiyoko muttered angrily to herself. "It's alright sis, if she thinks about messing with you again, I'll make sure she gets put in her place." Ryoichi responded with a grin.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Kyioko & Setsuna

Tag: @iChaotic @djinnamon

"Please Setsuna, I can handle this." Moka said as she put her hand on Setsuna's right shoulder when he was in front of her. Moka listened to what Kyioko had to say and she heard her mumble something under her breath,"I really do hope our paths meet again," Moka told her keeping her cool. Moka put her hands on her hips as she looked at Setsuna.
Name: Theda Nunnally

Location: Power Control Class

Interaction: Everyone

Theda stood outside of the classroom, watching the events unfold, a small smirk playing around on her lips. She chuckled slightly under her breath before she opened the door and walked in. "I want everyone to move the desks to the side of the room and stand in a line in the middle of the room. Got it? Go." Waving the students away from her board as she wrote her name. " I am Miss. Nunnally. You can call me Miss. Nunnally. I am the Power Controlling Teacher. Welcome to hell." She said with a smile, putting the chalk down as she turned to the others.Beside her name in big cursive writing was the word 'incapable'. A simple word she hoped most knew about. Crossing her arms as she waited for them to follow her orders. She could already tell some were a little full of themselves but she could easily deal with that.

"I don't have all day people. If you are not in line in the next minute I'll see you in detention." Truth be told she never really was this harsh on her students, most alumni she actually kept in touch with after the years. Though it was the first day and if she didn't have some structure there would be chaos.
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Name: Setsuna

Location: Power Control Class

Tag: @iChaotic

Setsuna couldn't help but scoff. " That idiot thought I was a teacher , she really needs to go back to pre school . " He said before the teacher walked into the class and gave instructions. " Let's take the seats at the back of the class by the window. " He said to Mika before he began walking , as he passed a the Arata Twins he sent a teasing wink THIER way. Once he arrived at the desk he pushed it to the side of the room.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon @Aio

Ryoichi knew his sister was in a bad mood now, so he pushed their desk to the side by himself. Kiyoko jumped on the table and crossed her legs, folded her arms and pouted. No matter what the teacher said would make her stand in that line. Ryoichi didn't stand next to his sister but decided to join the line that was being formed in the middle of the class. He rolled his eyes at his sister before turning back to the front.

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Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: no one... yet



Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender was sitting at is desk watching the girl who passed out in history completely shut the twins down. He smiled to himself when they eventually backed down. Then the teacher walked in and wrote what he thought was her name on the front board, he can't read cursive like at all. She had told everyone to get up, move their desks to the side, and line up. Ender wasn't really feeling it, but he eventually got up and shoved his desk to the side of the classroom. Then he walked over to the middle of the class room and stood in line.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Setsuna

Tag: @iChaotic

Moka walked back with Setsuna,"Thank you for earlier," Moka muttered to Setsuna since she didn't like say 'thank you' to him since he was right about her being in terrible health conditions. as she moved the desk to the side. Moka had went in line behind Kiyoko's brother and didn't say anything nor do anything. Moka turned and waited for Setsuna to come over.
" Setty ! " Came a call from Amber as he busted into the room and glomped Setsuna. Amber was Setsuna's second best friend and they had known each other since they 6 years old. " How have you been. " Amber asked energetically. " I talked to you yesterday. " Setsuna replied making Amber pouted before he spotted Ryoichi and pointed at him. " Its he cute and totally your type. " Amber said. " Hell no. " Setsuna said as Amber got in line behind him. " What do you think Moka . " He asked

@iChaotic @Aio @sprouhtt
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Setsuna

Tag: @djinnamon@iChaotic @Aio

Moka waited for the teachers next direction and she wondered why they were in line right now. Was this part of something? Were we going to do a trust fall kind of thing. Moka turned to hear Amber joking with Setsuna and she laughed a bit,"What do I think of what?" Moka asked Amber.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : History Class to Power Controlling Class

Interactions : @Entarriance

While Lairen waited for a reply, but the sound of a rather harsh teacher caught his attention. It appeared the class was already starting, and the teacher sounded quite terrible. "Damn, we better hurry, Sai. She sounds like a pain," he said to his sister, grabbing her hand and pulling her along. "You should hurry too before she decides to punish you," Lairen called back to the boy from earlier before hurrying to class first with his sister in tow. Sai just glanced back at the boy before looking forward.

The two entered the class just as they were lining up in the middle of the room. They followed suit, noticing another set of twins who seemed to be causing a ruckus. The two lined up behind the long haired male and his friend, Lairen in front of Sairen. Lai turned his head back to Sai after getting a feeling that she wanted to say something.


"Thanks for earlier."

"No problem. You shouldn't need to say thanks, honestly. I'm your brother. It's what I do."


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" What do you think about the guy in front of you , isn't he cute. I totally think he is Setsuna's type. Don't you agree. " He asked Mika while Setsuna shoot him a glare , he hated it when this idiot got like this. It always ends with Amber trying to get him and the guy together.

Name : Theda Nunnally

Location : PC Class

Interactions : Everyone

"Incapable." Theda started off with. "Who would like to tell the class what this word means in terms of powers?" She watched as most did as they were told, those who did not wish to be part of today's lesson she used her powers to turn off their powers. They would only feel a slight emptiness, though she really wanted to know if anyone had noticed. She doubted it,unless they paid close attention they wouldn't notice her right eye turning into a violet hue, a red v taking center in her eye.

She watched as a girl ran into her class, frowning at the sight as she cleared her voice. "Unless you are not part of this class I suggest you get in line or get out." She crossed her arms infront of her chest, staring down all of her students. She was just asking them to figure out what she had done but it seemed as if thy were completely lost.
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