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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Theda Nunnally

Class: Power Controlling class


Theda watched as the young man came her way. He looked skittish so she would try and go easy on him. "You have three minutes to explain why you were late to my class, and you better make it good." She nodded as Moka left, keeping a close eye on Ryoichi to make sure he didn't go anywhere. She saw to others leave deciding that if anyone else asked she would have to say no. She tapped her fingers on the wooden desk waiting for Aiko's answer. She wasn't an impatient woman, though she did have some things she needed to handle after she spoke with the two she had called forward.
Name: Ronnie

Location: Power controlling class

Interaction: None

Ronnie looked like he was deep in thought he also looked like he would be sick all over the floor any minute
Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic @Aio

The young student was calmly and trying to pull so little attention to himself, keeping his head down and slowly approaching the teacher's desk he suddenly heard a question being fired in a voice so confidence. Wanting to know who this person is the male speeds up his steps and finally reached the teacher's desk, he spotted the other student. He did remember that the teacher called two people instead of one. He clears his throat once he's close enough lifting his head at the teacher "Uhh well you see" He starts moving around with his hand "This school is very big! a-and there's a lot of rooms, so uhh you see one could get lost in this kind of place, r-right?" He answered nervously forcing a smile on his cheeks "I'm sorry, this is my first time sir-- I- I mean miss!" He lets out a small laugh after that mistake. His eyes would sometime peek to the side wondering about the other student and why he's called here.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

"Yeah, what a coincidence, right?" Lairen chuckled, pulling Sairen from out behind him. In his own opinion, Lairen thought the female was rather attractive, his eyes glued to her face. "I'm Lairen Kyrenei and this is my sister, Sairen Kyrenei," he said, gesturing accordingly. Sairen gave a brief glance and wave before looking at the other twin male, who was talking to the teacher now. The Arata twins didn't look as similar to each other as she and her brother did, but it wasn't surprising. "What are you names?" Lairen asked, his ever bright smile beaming towards her.
Setsuna and Amber sat next to Moka. " I see. " Setsuna said as he took a bite of shrimp. " What is the next class. " Amber asked as he twirled his hair.


Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ki poked Ender in the nose which snapped him out of whatever profound sadness washed over him. "You sure like poking people don't you?" He asked with a chuckle. "Also, why aren't you fond of your powers, they're really powerful if you could use them like this." He said in a hushed tone.

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The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

"Name's Kiyoko, but my brother calls me Kiyo. And his name is Ryoichi, but I call him Ryo. Though, people know us as the Arata twins." She replied quite cheerfully. "So how long have you two been coming here?"

Name: Ronnie

Location: Power controlling class

Interaction: Anybody!

Ronnie needed to stand up and stretch. As Ronnie got up, and started to walk his pants fell down AGAIN. Showing his pink underwear as he trips over his own pants, hitting his head on a desk.
SomaFel said:
Name: Ronnie
Location: Power controlling class

Interaction: Anybody!

Ronnie needed to stand up and stretch. As Ronnie got up, and started to walk his pants fell down AGAIN. Showing his pink underwear as he trips over his own pants, hitting his head on a desk.
( I'll save him soon )
Name: Theda Nunnally

Class: Power Controlling class

Interation: @iChaotic

Theda smiled and nodded. "It is a rather big school. Let's see if you want I have a map right here that I can lend you, full layout of the school. Or Mr. Arata over here could help you around. Your choice." She smiled to reassure Aiko before looking to Ryoichi. " Mr. Arata if you give me a second I'm almost done with Mr.Odagiri." She looked back at Aiko before she pulled out a small map of the school and placed it on her desk, waiting for him to make a decision.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently: SHe is in the cafeteria

Interation: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @iChaotic

"We have math next period," Moka said stuffing her face with delicious dumplings. Moka had a serious love for dumplings and she could eat them all day long without getting tired of them. "So are you seriously going to like Ryoichi?" Moka asked him jokingly as she teased him a bit knowing that Setsuna didn't like Ryoichi.

Name: Ki

Location: Power Controlling Classroom

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel

"A friend used to poke me when I was pretty zoned out, so I guess that passed down."

Chuckling, she brought her index finger towards her chin, thinking about what he said. Sure, it did have it's use, but at the same time, team battles were a huge pain. It was usually useful, but the fact that she can turn the place into a huge martial arts arena was unfortunate to those who relied on their powers for combat.

"... sometimes. It makes team battles pretty... useless though..?! Oh my god, are you okay?!"

Hearing a thud of something against the ground, she immediately turned around. Darting over towards the boy who's uniform slacks were around his ankles, as well as being hit against the ahead, she spoke with a concerned tone. Being hit on the hip was one thing, but on the head could cause a concussion if he hit directly against it on a corner. Grabbing the boy by the shoulder's, she attempted to help him up. Unlike most, she was rather unflustered that his pants were down, mainly because one of her best friends was obsessed with literature. It's embarrass if you have to hear every sentence of yours finished with a line from Julius Caesar.

"Ender, you're a living ice pack, lend me a hand. Literally."

Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

"Nice to meet you." Lairen looked down to his sister, who gave a small shrug. They didn't seem that terrible, at least for now. "We're pretty new, actually. Before coming here, we just sort of wandered around, you know? Haha. A very boring life, honestly," he explained to her. He gave a small glance to the side, checking in on his sister. Her habit of staring was worse than his, especially since she was now staring at Ryoichi. She just needed something to focus on that wouldn't notice her back.
Name: Ronnie

Location: Power controlling class

Interaction: Ki

One little problem, Ronnie was out cold. The hit to the head hit just right, oh and his head is bleeding!
Name: Aiko

Class: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic @Aio

Just decided to go quiet when the teacher was talking to him. Judging by her tone and how she said it, it seems she's not mad? Though it seems there's a lot of people who can hide their anger perfectly these days. Not wanting to anger her further he just nods after everything that she said. Then he heard the choice being offered, looking at the other student's appearance and the way he speaks to the teacher he seems to be not the friendly type. The student scratches his chin, he had the map, but he still got lost, he lets a small chuckle eyeing the paper "Ah I'm not sure if maps will help me ma'am" He peeked to his side wondering if the other student understood what he meant, however should he refuse he's also ready to wander through the halls alone again and explore the school on his own of course.
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

"Me and Ryo have been coming here for a while now." She replied. Kiyoko had to admit, the boy was pretty cute. And so was his sister. She was bi-sexual so there's nothing wrong with finding them both attractive. Kiyoko took a glance at Sairen, "Your sister seems to be admiring my brother." She smirked. "I can't blame her either, he's a real womaniser." Kiyoko added with a chuckle.

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Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Ki and Ronnie

Tags: @Entarriance @SomaFel


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender thought about what she said about team battles. "Yeah, that would be a bit troublesome, but at least..." Before he could finish his sentence, Ki had ran over to the unlucky kid. She then asked him to go over and help her, so he walked over to the kid nonchalantly and helped Ki lift him up. Then Ender placed his hand on the kids head where it was bleeding and held it there. "We'd better go take him to the nurse or someone." He said to Ki while keeping his cool.

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Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

Sairen's attention was immediately caught by Kiyoko, who had pointed out her staring. Her face turn a bright red as she managed to mutter an explanation. "Oh.. n-no, I was just looking. I wasn't really... admiring him or anything..." she mumbled, her eyes watering just slightly in embarrassment. Lairen let out a laugh the placed a hand on his sisters head to pet her. "She just has a habit of staring. She's shy and not used to strangers."

Name: Ki

Location: Power Controlling Classroom > Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel@djinnamon

"Out like a light... thanks."

Nodding as Ender came to help her, she looked briefly towards the teacher. She did consider asking first, but this could technically count as an emergency. I mean, if some kid just slammed his head into a desk and it was bleeding, that's definitely the sign that there could have been severe damage done to his head, especially since he seems to be human enough. Ki was amazing when it came to the maths and sciences... not so much with literature and history. Though she knew well enough that a hit to the head and to have it bleeding was anything from a good sign.

"We should head off to the infirmary. I heard there's a new nurse too."

Considering how she didn't really have the strength to lift someone over her weight, and the fact that Ender was helping by putting his hand over his head, she let him carry him for now. She did feel a little bad she was pushing that weight onto him, but he seemed capable enough. Nodding in the direction of Ms. Nunally, Ki pushed open the door with a creak. Looking out onto the hallway, the first thing she attempted to do was turn into a ghost, so she could use her intangibility to look between rooms to find the infirmary. Unfortunately, as her powers were rid from her, the first thing she did was slam straight into the wall of the hallway.

"... I deserved that."

Trying to play that off, she rubbed her head, and took off into a straight jog in the direction of the history room. Didn't someone run off to the infirmary earlier? It couldn't have been that hard to find, anyway.

Serena was sitting in the infirmary feeling bored.

Entarriance said:

Name: Ki

Location: Power Controlling Classroom > Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel@djinnamon

"Out like a light... thanks."

Nodding as Ender came to help her, she looked briefly towards the teacher. She did consider asking first, but this could technically count as an emergency. I mean, if some kid just slammed his head into a desk and it was bleeding, that's definitely the sign that there could have been severe damage done to his head, especially since he seems to be human enough. Ki was amazing when it came to the maths and sciences... not so much with literature and history. Though she knew well enough that a hit to the head and to have it bleeding was anything from a good sign.

"We should head off to the infirmary. I heard there's a new nurse too."

Considering how she didn't really have the strength to lift someone over her weight, and the fact that Ender was helping by putting his hand over his head, she let him carry him for now. She did feel a little bad she was pushing that weight onto him, but he seemed capable enough. Nodding in the direction of Ms. Nunally, Ki pushed open the door with a creak. Looking out onto the hallway, the first thing she attempted to do was turn into a ghost, so she could use her intangibility to look between rooms to find the infirmary. Unfortunately, as her powers were rid from her, the first thing she did was slam straight into the wall of the hallway.

"... I deserved that."

Trying to play that off, she rubbed her head, and took off into a straight jog in the direction of the history room. Didn't someone run off to the infirmary earlier? It couldn't have been that hard to find, anyway.

The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko giggled as the girl's eyes welled up.
"I'm just messing with you, don't take it so hard." She smirked, giving Sairen a playful punch on the arm. These two didn't seem that bad, if Kiyoko was honest. Her and her brother disliked pretty much all students in this school, they even hated some; Moka was a perfect example of someone Kiyoko hated. "Anyway, do you two wanna grab something to eat after Ryo is let out? I'm sure he wouldn't mind, but just ignore him if he's in a bad mood."

Amber was bored until he got an idea. " Do you guys what to see the new dance I made that I'm going to teach the dance club. " He asked. Setsuna nodded. " Ok sure. " Setsuna said and he and Amber Turned to Moka for a answer.


Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Ki and Ronnie

Tags: @Entarriance @SomaFel


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender throws Ronnie onto his shoulder as gently as he could while still holding onto his head. He nodded to Ki and followed her out the door and watched her slam right into a wall. He quietly laughed to himself as he followed Ki down the hall making sure not to let Ronnie fall or move around to much.

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Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

A small smile appeared on Sairen's face for just a minute before she returned back to her emotionless face. She seemed to have judged them wrongly at first, but even now was too early to say for sure. When asked about lunch, Lairen looked down to his sister again. "You want to?" He asked her, taking his sisters opinion on it before making a deciding. She gave him a small nod, to which he smiled. "Yeah, that'd be great. Hopefully he won't scare Sai away," Lairen said jokingly while patting his sisters head. "By the way, which one is the older of you two?"
Name: Theda Nunnally

Class: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic

Theda sighed as she looked at Aiko. "Very well Mr.Arata will be your guide till you feel comfortable to walk through the school alone. Now that that is settled, Mr.Odagiri you may go. Mr. Arata we can have our little conversation." She folded her hands on her desk as she nodded to a chair in front of her desk. "Please. Sit." Her voice had a level of sternness but it was glossed over by a smile. She wasn't angry nor was she annoyed. She just wanted to make sure they were all on the same page.

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