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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna, Amber, Harmony& Melody

Tag: @djinnamon @Flame Demon

"Oh nothing really," Moka said as she smiled. Moka had known Harmony and Melody for a while but ever since the school year had started she hadn't gotten the chance to say hi. Moka leaned into Setsuna's ear and whispered quietly, so quietly that nobody heard what she was saying not even a mouse (lol) "Would I be considered a hoe if I said I couldn't make up my mind on two guys that I like?" Moka told him and began to blush. She couldn't make up her mind at all and that was something Moka didn't like when she had a crush on someone and she was right, it was wasting her time. She leaned away from Setsuna and waited for his response,"I saw you guys but I just didn't get the time to say Hi, so HIIII." Moka said with a friendly smile,"How is everything going?" SHe asked.
Entarriance said:


Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie, Serena

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel @djinnamon

Looking as snowflakes fall on her head, which was the first time that had ever happened in her life , she smiled as she poked at the snowflakes. It was cold, and did pretty much have a texture of ice cream, except a lot more fluffier. And of course, it was cold. Watching as the heated building made them melt quickly on her fingers, it was easy to tell right then and there that it was water. Every ice-crystal was different, but she wondered if the same rule was applied for snowflakes such as these. While they were, artificially created, maybe the same rule follows. It would make sense if it didn't, but it was an interesting topic to float around in. Maybe she should poke around in it sometimes.

"Cool... how is this snow unaffected by the buildings heated? I swear it would've turned to rain right away. Then again, I prefer snow on my head than getting drenched, if I say so myself."

The rain was both a poor but a nostalgic memory for her, so she didn't exactly love or hate it. It was pretty neutral to her, though she did prefer the rain over the blinding sunlight. Not like she appreciates the dark 24/7, but it was just that cool weather where it wasn't ever too hot or too cold for her. Hearing the grunt nearby, as well as the spoken gibberish of a confused male, she looked off in Ronnie's direction. Seeming to come to, he looked around confused. Pointing at the side of her head, she decided to give the boy an explanation.

"You fell over, your pants lost their grip on you, slammed your head against the desk and went out cold. Now you're here."

Bringing that hand to pat Ender's back, her voice seeming to have this 'confident apathy' to it.

"You have Jack Frost here to thank. My name's Ki, by the way."
Ronnie looked embarrassed, he started to turn red, "people saw me make a fool of myself in my underpants again today..... Great....." Ronnie says looking down, trying not to cry from embarrassment.
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Name: Theda Nunnally

Location: Power Controlling


Theda sat there calmly as Ryoichi growled at her. He had every right to angry with her, well not really but she would let him has his moment. "I know. I just want to make sure you aren't standing in your own way." She stood up seeing most of her students had cleared out and sighed as she went to erase her board. "Ryoichi I just want you to know I'm here for you, as for all my students. Please if you have any questions or you just wanna talk by all means do so. I'm honestly here in this room 24/7." She smiled going back to her desk and picking up her plans for tomorrow. She really wanted to give him a big hug, like she wanted to do with all her students but obviously now was not the time. "I enjoyed talking with you Ryoichi.You may go or stay which ever you want and I hope to see you in class tomorrow." She signaled their conversation was over, happy with the turnout. "Oh and please make sure you help Aiko. He seems directionally challenged. I worry about him." She gave a soft chuckle as she flipped through her plans.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Moka , Harmony and Melody

Tag: @sprouhtt , @Flame Demon

Setsuna listened intently and shook his head at her before leaning to her ear and whispering just as low. " No , but I want details who are they I must know. " He said with a smirk , he was ready to hear some gossip. Amber leaned as well. " I want to hear gossip too. " He whispered before turning back to Harmony and Melody and smiling. " So how are you guys. " He
Melody shrugs "Everything's normal, besides the fact Harmony is sleeping even less now" she says earning an elbow in the side "Not my fault I'm busy each night, you don't have to decide whether or not people die" Harmony says and she covers her red eye with her hand "You're not forced to be the goddess of death, it's not fun to decide if someone dies or not" Harmony says and she adds "Everything's going normally as you can see".

@sprouhtt @djinnamon
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen, Aiko, Miss Nunnally

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage @Flecker @Aio

"I wouldn't mind being your guide. Give you 3 a tour of the school." Kiyoko chuckled. "Don't think Ryo will be as willing though." Kiyoko looked at her brother. She did love him dearly, despite the fact he teased her, or despite the fact he had a short temper; he really was a great guy. Kiyoko hoped people would at least give them a chance and fall in love with them; but the chances were quite slim due to their attitudes and behavioural problems.

Ryoichi was quite fascinated with the fact his teacher was being so pleasant with him. Letting out a sigh he glanced at his sister and the small group she was in. "Thank you miss, I'll have to keep it in mind that you're here. And I'll try and help that kid, no promises though." He smirked. Standing up, Ryoichi gave a wave to Miss Nunnally before exiting the class.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna, Amber, Harmony& Melody

Tag: @djinnamon @Flame Demon

"I'm not sure if I want to say it or not, gosh too much attention on me." Moka said as she waved her hand side to side as if shes telling them to drop it,"It would surprise everyone and Setsuna would probably kill me." Moka stated as she turned to look at Setsuna and gave off a small chuckle of embarrassment. Moka turned her head to the side and heard Harmony and Melody bickering off,"Death is an interesting and dark topic if I may say so myself. But I am just like Harmony who cant sleep at night, I was so restless last night since I was sick." Moka said as she let out a sigh and took a sip from her water bottle.
djinnamon said:
Serena sat down and wrote something in her log book. " Ok , you may stay here if you want or you may leave. " She said to everyone.
@SomaFel @The Endergod @Entarriance
Ronnie decided to get up and leave, he didn't want to have to face anybody at this point but he knew he had to go to his next class. Ronnie looks down, still red with embarrassment, and walks to his next class.

Ender Egotarum


Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ki and Ronnie

Tags: @Entarriance @SomaFel


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender pondered Ki's question for moment. "Huh, I've never really thought about that before, I guess its because I made it." He then looked over at Ronnie who looked quite confused about everything. Ki explained everything to him, and he seemed exceptionally bummed out now.. "Oh hey, you're not dead, well that's good. Name's Ender, at your service." He said as he proceeded to jokingly bow and scrape. When he looked back up, Ronnie was half out the door. "Well that just kinda happened..." He said while looking down at Ki.

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Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic

He tucks both of his hands inside hic pocket and glanced at his possible guide with his lazy gaze "He's not like the other guys huh?" The young student adds commenting at one of the girl's brother. He scratches his chin as a sigh escaped from his lips, hearing the suggestion from the male he gives a simple nod "Oh thanks I do appreciate the guide and some people to talk to" He smiles at the two who spoke to him. The young student also noticed that his guide is finished talking, he casts a glance at him before clearing his throat "Well we should get going then? Umm uhh" He stops and proceeds to tap his chin narrowing his eyes at the group before realizing his mistake "Wait a minute, I just realized that I didn't know your names, but anyway my name is Aiko nice to see you all!" Unlike usual he puts a little more energy to his introduction, he's also wondering to himself if he should offer his hand for a shake or maybe that'll be just too much work.
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Harmony gives one of her rare smiles "Most people avoid me because of it, you could say they rather see me gone" she says and Melody taps her chin with her index finger "I don't really feel like going to classes, but we can't skip school" she says and asks "When is the first vacation, my parents have a lodge near a beatiful lake where Harmony and I spend most vacations, maybe we can go there sometimes" she says and smiles brightly. Harmony nods in agreement "We could go there".

@sprouhtt @djinnamon
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Moka , Harmony and Melody

Tag: @sprouhtt , @Flame Demon

Setsuna pouted. " I care about you more than some guy so tell me. " He said to Moka . He turned to Harmony and Melody. " That sounds cool , I would love to go. " Setsuna said and Amber nodded. " Yeah me too. " Amber piped in as he pulled his hair over his shoulder. " Death is actually pretty interesting. " Setsuna said and Amber nodded. " When is the bell going ring. " Amber asked.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Leaving PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

"Lairen and Sairen here. I guess we're the Kyrenei twins," Lairen said, Sairen chuckling from behind him. She even came out from behind him and looked at the boy names Aiko properly. She was still a bit timid, especially as Ryoichi came back to his sister. Her eyes became glued to him, wondering if he would be as kind as his sister. If so, she'd like to get to know them more. As for Lairen, he already considered them friends. "Hey there, Ryoichi," Lairen called out to Kiyoko's brother. Sairen gave him a small, timid glance.


Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary > Cafeteria

Interaction: Ender, Serena

Tag: @The Endergod

Watching as Ronnie runs off flustered, she awkwardly scratched the side of her head, wondering if she should've explained it so honestly. Bringing her hand back down, she nodded towards Serena, who was recording something in a log.

"... whoops. Any who, we're already kinda early out of class. So we might as well grab a snack, right?"

Whether or not he wanted to go, she forced him to go anyway. Moving behind him, she rested both palms of her hands against his back and started pushing, causing the ground to first scrape against the soles of his uniform shoes.

"Thanks, Nurse!"

Waving her off with her hand, she brought it back towards Ender's back and continued pushing him in the direction of the cafeteria. She was glad to have a friend in this school she could pretty much leech off on for now. Re-create Team Rocket except with low funding.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna, Amber, Harmony& Melody

Tag: @iChaotic

Moka leaned in towards Setsuna again to tell him since she didn't want to be embarrassed by anyone that heard who she liked, " Ryoichi Arata and possibly Aratorio Lasarius..but I'm not sure, I think it might be the first person I said..." Moka said and she had a worried look on her face. Moka wasn't sure what to do, she thought Ryoichi was pretty nice someone inside him but he always put up this wall of toughness in front of him making his personality seem arrogant or stuck up. As for Aratorio she thought he was pretty intelligent and very patient with everything. Moka hated this and she didn't know why it was happening to her. "This school is really getting to me," Moka thought to herself and mentally kicked herself.
Name: Ronnie

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: None

Not knowing where he is going, Ronnie manages to stumble into the cafeteria,

@anybody in cafeteria.
"Awesome I'll tell my parents we're bring some friends" Melody says and Harmony looks down sadly "Wish I could still see my parents, until I fully accept my responsebility I'm banned from the house" she mumbles loud enough for the others to hear. Melody puts an arm around her friend saying "I'm sure you will, someday"

@sprouhtt @djinnamon
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen, Aiko

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage @Flecker

"Kiyoko is mine, but you can call me Kiyo. And that's Ryoichi - my brother. You'll have to ask him for permission about calling him 'Ryo'. She smiled. Only then did her brother walk out the classroom. "What's this about asking me for permission?" He said with his thumb on his chin. "Oh Aiko here was just introducing himself. And I said you have to ask for permission about calling you 'Ryo'." Kiyoko answered with a smile. Nodding at Aiko, "Yes you may call me Ryo." He said before his focus set on the other twins. "Hopefully my little sister wasn't giving you too much trouble whilst I wasn't here." Ryoichi said playfully as he glanced at his sister. Kiyoko huffed at his comment, "Don't call me that Ryo." She grumbled.

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Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: Cafeteria

Tags: @sprouhtt

Interaction: Moka

Aratorio would come in the cafeteria only to trip and onto the table behind Moka. His face would smash into it and his hand would connect with it accidentally turning part of the table top into a sword. "o-ouch..." He'd rub his face and looks around making sure no one saw what he did, as he undid the transformation of the table top.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Moka , Harmony and Melody

Tag: @sprouhtt , @Flame Demon , @Arubion Sivart

Setsuna looked ready to faint. " I could understand the second guy but Ryoichi of all people. " Setsuna was in disbelief. " I thought you disliked him. " Setsuna whispered until he heard Harmony's sad tone and looked at her sadly. Amber walked around the table and hugged her gently. After hearing the crash Amber and Setsuna looked at Aratorio in shock.
Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic @Sayuri Tokage

The male was barraged with a lot of names and he wasn't really the type to easily remember things especially people's names. He nods while letting a smile form on his face "Ah I uhh I see" He spoke with doubt knowing that he didn't remember each of the names. The student takes a glance around and noticed the brother here "So uhh what was that all about? Was she angry with you?" He quirks a brow as he slides both of his hands back to his pocket. Of course he's curious when they're called by their teachers it's usually something bad right?
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna, Amber, Aratorio, Harmony& Melody

Tag: @iChaotic @Arubion Sivart

"I know that but I just can't help myself." Moka cried out and even she had some disbelief for a while ever since last year at the end of the school year she finally realized it. Moka had a part where she hated him and another part where she liked him, she just couldn't decide. "Yay sounds like a plan,and I'm sorry to hear that." Moka said and let out a small sigh. Moka heard a thud behind her and when she turned her head she saw it was Aratorio,"Are you okay?" SHe asked him and was a bit in shock to see him, coincidence or not? Moka began to blush and she shook her head slightly and put on a calm face.
Name Ronnie

Location cafeteria

Interaction Setsuna

Ronnie notices Setsuna and says "hey! How are you! I'm not doing so great!" He says trying to stay positive. @djinnamon
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