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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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"Yeah sure go ahead," Moka said as she finished up her food and turned to look at Amber, waiting for her to start on her new choreograph. Moka had a smirk look on her face,"Oh so you do like him?" She said and chuckled a bit as she turned her attention back on Amber. @djinnamon
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen, Miss Nunnally

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage @Aio

"Who's older? Hm, I think it's Ryo; no surprise there. He normally teases me and calls me little sister because he's taller and was born like a minute before." She sighed. "Brothers, am I right Sairen?" Kiyoko chuckled. "What about you two?"

Ryoichi huffed when he heard he had to be some kid's guide. Taking his seat he leaned back on the chair. "Couldn't have given me a worse punishment miss, anyway, what do you want from me?" Ryoichi said as he raised an eyebrow. The teacher didn't seem that mad at him, surprisingly. Most teachers would give him and his sister dirty looks whenever either of them had to stay behind.

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Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie, Serena

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel @djinnamon

"Pardon, but a friend of ours needs a bit of help."

Pushing the door to the infirmary open, she was greeted with the sight of a rather bored looking female with long white hair. She bore some resemblance towards the other male that she saw with long white hair, perhaps they were siblings? It was likely, but she wasn't going to just ask that straight away. Pushing the door open a little more for Ender and Ronnie to get through, she held it open with the toe of her shoe.

"Fell and slammed his head on a desk. Not major, but still bleeding. Oh, don't mind his pants."

Once again, she really didn't have a sense of embarrassment (or does she), so anything that was supposed to be considered shameful just flew right past her. And while this can be problematic, at least it's good for situations like this.

Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic

The student was waiting for his time to get out and received the nod from his teacher. After the teacher just gave the nod he lets out a sigh as a sign of relief. He tucks both of his hands and lets a smile form on his face "A-ah yes ma'am, thank you ma'am!" The boy answered nervously before pulling his hat down in an attempt to cover his face. Just after that he saw the group of people leaving the classroom carrying someone it seems. "Someone's injured?" He thought to himself, wondering where they would take them, the student starts walking to the doors exiting the classroom to see where they head off. Not recognizing the places and fearing he'll be lost again he just stopped at the doors keeping quiet while watching his surroundings at the same time waiting for the other student to finish.
(Sorry, but I feel like everyone here is ignoring my characters and no one tagged me for anything, I'm thinking of leaving this rp since I wouldn't know where to put them in again)
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

"Ahh..." Sairen started thinking before continuing on. "We don't know, actually. We're probably born at the same time," she said. They had never really thought about it. Thinking back the furthest they could remember, they were guardians of a shrine. But such was small details. "Lai spoils me, he just talks too much sometimes." While saying this, she let out a small laugh, which she hadn't done in a while. "Yeah. Haha. We're all each other have, so we're pretty nice to each other."
Name: Setsuna Gregory

Location: Cafeteria

Tag: @sprouhtt

Setsuna glared at Mika. " Even if I did one he doesn't like me , two I'm pretty sure he is straight and third I kinda like Ronnie. " He said with a small blush. Amber laughed and stood in front of the table before pulling out his iPod and putting on the music. When the music began he started.



Ender Egotarum


Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ki and Serena

Tags: @Entarriance @SomaFel @djinnamon


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender walked into the infirmary with Ronnie still on his shoulder. The nurse told him to put him down on the bed near him so he proceeded to walk over to the bed and then plopped him down onto said bed. Not wanting to touch the boy's pants, he moved away from the bed and back over to Ki. "I'd rather not touch him more than I already had." He said over to Serena.

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Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie, Serena

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel @djinnamon


Watching Ender shuffle over next to her, she couldn't help but laugh a little. It's not like she can blame the guy for having some self-decency. She didn't have a strong grip on hers, anyway. Moving over to Ronnie, she nonchalantly pulled his pants back up before moving back, scratching her head.

"What a fortunate turn of events. Hey, Nurse, do you know if this school offers belts?"

It was a genuine question, since Ronnie well needed one. Looking up towards Ender after asking her question, she also brought her hand up, having a tendency to use hand gestures while talking.

"Oh, can you check if we have our powers back yet? Ms. Nunally said when class was over we'd get them back. Which means, Math would be next!"

Realizing that the next class would be math, her eye seemed to light up. Wow, a subject that she knows that she's best at! Bringing both of her hands together as fists, she rocked up and down by the soles of her shoes.

"Math is next, great! I wonder what we're doing~!"

The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Kiyoko smiled when Sairen replied, this was the first time she had answered a question; and she didn't seem nervous at all.
"Yea me and Ryo are only nice to each other, well, you two are an exception." Kiyoko responded as she winked at them. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents." She added, Kiyoko suspected their parents had died.

Name: Theda Nunnally

Location: PC Class

Tag: @iChaotic

Theda smiled at Ryoichi due to his comment then turned serious. She wasn't going to talk to him like he was a child seeing if she wanted his respect she would have to show him respect as well. "You seem like a smart kid Ryoichi. That's why I'm not gonna talk to you like your my subordinate." She looked him in the eye to make sure he was listening. "I don't know if it's anger you hold or something else but your emotions are strong, both you and your sister. I just worry because of this you won't be able to reach your full potential." She looked at him as she spoke. She didn't want to make it seem she was signalling him out but him and his sister were her top priority, she would talk to the others individually later.
Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic

The student was feeling bored when he just stood at the doors, it turns out it wasn't that fun watching people walking around. So deciding to know more about his guide, the young male tucks both of his hands towards his pocket and pushed to doors deciding to enter the class once again. His eyes scanned the room and found a group of people talking and it looks like they're discussing something. Perhaps by talking to them he can make friends or learn the stuff he missed in Power Controlling? The male starts walking to the group with calm steps and once he's close enough he lifts his head up "So what did you guys learn today?" He asked in a simple tone.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @djinnamon

"Yay! That was amazing!!!" Moka said as she clapped in amazement. Moka smiled and kept on clapping, when she heard what Setsuna said she gasped,"Aww you like Ronnie? Are you planning on telling him?" Moka asked with curiosity. The first time that Setsuna told Moka that he was homosexual was a day of happiness and sadness for Moka. She had a crush on Setsuna when they were little kids and when she found out that he liked the opposite sex she was pretty devastated so she treated him like a brother from now on. The other part of Moka was happy as well for him too when she found out when she was younger, Moka wanted Setsuna to be happy and she respected his life choices.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interaction : @iChaotic @Flecker

"Parents?" Sairen looked up to Lairen with a questioning look. They didn't remember having parents to begin with. "Oh, we didn't have parents. We were just born," he explained. Komainu were simply made to protect shrines for gods. Either way, if they had parents or not, it didn't matter. What mattered was that they were together. As Lairen was about to continue, a boy came and interrupted the three. "Hmm? Oh, nothing really. She took away our abilities and that's it," he explained briefly. Sairen retreated behind her brother at the sight of a stranger.

Ender Egotarum


Location: PC

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender watched Ki walk over to Ronnie and pull his pants up before walking back to him. She asked him if we had our powers back, which he was think himself. He then put his hands in front of his chest and then put his right hand on top of his left hand. His hands started to glow a bright light blue color and after a couple of seconds he lifts his right hand off revealing a small base ball shaped cloud floating above his left hand. Then he blew on the cloud which made it float over to Ki and above her head. It then started gently snow on the top of her head. "Seems like they work to me." He said just as she mentioned that math was coming up next. A look of horror spread across his face. "Why did it have to be math?!? I don't know how to math!"

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The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen, Aiko, Miss Nunnally

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage @Flecker @Aio

"What Lairen said." Kiyoko said to the boy as he approached them. "Hey, weren't you the other guy who had to stay behind with my brother? You know why he has to stay behind?" She asked eagerly.

Ryoichi sat up straight at the teacher's comment. "What are you trying to say, that me and Kiyo can't control our emotions?" Ryoichi growled. He didn't take criticism very well. Slowing his breathing, he came to realise the teacher wasn't suggesting that. "Me and my sister can control our emotions fine, you have no reason to worry about us. We're fine." He notified.

Name: Aiko

Location: Power Controlling

Interaction: @iChaotic

The young student eyed the girl moving to hide herself behind the male one. He's actually quite surprised as he played a rather relaxed expression on his face with half closed eyes and not in anyway threatening, he's still green too and naive looking, but then again stranger danger. He heard the male's words about today's activity "Huh? She took away our abilities? That's odd" The boy taps his chin pondering about the reason, but decide to just leave it at that "Ah I don't like using my abilities anyway" He suddenly heard the question from one of the girls, he eyed her with his lazy gaze and quirks a brow "That guy is your brother?" He scratches his cheek for a moment "Well uhh I was about to ask the same thing to you actually, but I think miss teacher said that he'll be my guide or something" The tone in which he speak is like usual unexcited and lazy.
djinnamon said:
Serena placed her hand over Ronnie's head and began healing him. After a few minutes the wound on Ronnie's head was healed. Serena grabbed a smelling salt made Ronnie inhale so he would wake up.
@The Endergod @SomaFel @Entarriance
Ronnie awakes like he was having some sort of dream, when he wakes me says "don't touch my pumpkins!..... Wait... What the.... Where am I? And I have a headache...."
Name: Melody Blake & Harmony Black

Location: Cafetaria

Interactions: No one yet

Tags: @sprouhtt

Harmony and Melody enter the cafetaria and they see a group of other, the two walk over and Melody waves slightly at them before sitting down "What are you two talking about?" she asks while Harmony just sits next to her, not really knowing what to talk about with them.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : PC Classroom

Interactions : @iChaotic

The two watched as the others conversed, Sairen still cowering behind her brother. Even if the man had a relatively calm nice appearance, she still hated the thought of strangers. She looked over to Ryoichi, who was still talking to the teacher. For some reason, she felt extremely uneasy about him. Perhaps it was because she felt he was intimidating? Most likely. Lairen could just sense her uneasiness and continued to pet her gently. "We're not that familiar with the school either. Maybe we should all go?" He asked, voicing his idea.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Class: Power Controlling class

Currently/Location: cafeteria

Interaction: Moka , Harmony and Melody

Tag: @sprouhtt

Setsuna clapped and smiled while Amber bowed. " Thank you , thank you I always aim to please. " He said with a laugh as Setsuna stood up and stretched. When the two sisters walked over Amber smiled at them and waved at them while Setsuna gave a nod of acknowledgement. " Hi there ........ what are your names. " He asked.


Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Ronnie, Serena

Tag: @The Endergod @SomaFel @djinnamon

Looking as snowflakes fall on her head, which was the first time that had ever happened in her life , she smiled as she poked at the snowflakes. It was cold, and did pretty much have a texture of ice cream, except a lot more fluffier. And of course, it was cold. Watching as the heated building made them melt quickly on her fingers, it was easy to tell right then and there that it was water. Every ice-crystal was different, but she wondered if the same rule was applied for snowflakes such as these. While they were, artificially created, maybe the same rule follows. It would make sense if it didn't, but it was an interesting topic to float around in. Maybe she should poke around in it sometimes.

"Cool... how is this snow unaffected by the buildings heated? I swear it would've turned to rain right away. Then again, I prefer snow on my head than getting drenched, if I say so myself."

The rain was both a poor but a nostalgic memory for her, so she didn't exactly love or hate it. It was pretty neutral to her, though she did prefer the rain over the blinding sunlight. Not like she appreciates the dark 24/7, but it was just that cool weather where it wasn't ever too hot or too cold for her. Hearing the grunt nearby, as well as the spoken gibberish of a confused male, she looked off in Ronnie's direction. Seeming to come to, he looked around confused. Pointing at the side of her head, she decided to give the boy an explanation.

"You fell over, your pants lost their grip on you, slammed your head against the desk and went out cold. Now you're here."

Bringing that hand to pat Ender's back, her voice seeming to have this 'confident apathy' to it.

"You have Jack Frost here to thank. My name's Ki, by the way."

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