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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Raven sighed. She had to take her hoodie off and that meant she would not have an excuse to ignore them. As she walked out with her P.E. Uniform she was starting to get approached by boys saying "Why don't you show your pretty face more often?", "You look cute." Etc...
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Aratorio would be wearing the typical P.E. outfit and it'd show his more lean but muscular body. He'd have quickly changed and sat outside waiting for everyone else.
sprouhtt said:

The bell has rung

All students please make way to the gym lockers for Period 5

Girls gym locker to the right and Males gym locker to the left hand side

PE will start in less then 4 minuets.


( You are officially my bff )

Setsuna walked out of the boys locker room while Amber came out of the girl's one. " Let's wait on Moka. " Setsuna said @sprouhtt


Name: Ki

Location: Cafeteria > Gym

Interaction: Ender, Raven

Tag: @The Endergod @The Unamed Beast

Before she could make it to the cafeteria with him, she heard the bell ring. Why did the bell ring? Wasn't the next class supposed to be math? Gah, the system is messed over sometimes anyway. Through the panic of adrenaline rush, she picked up Ender straight off the ground, holding him parallel to the ground right above her head.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to math?! That doesn't matter... let's go!"

Running off towards the gym, she casually put him straight back down on the ground once they made it to the fitting rooms, as if that entire thing didn't happen. Making sure she propped him up balanced, she rushed into the girls changing room. With her physique, she looked really weird heading off into the girls locker room. I mean, she even wore the boy's uniform for gym anyway. Emerging out of the girl's locker room... with the boy uniform.. hey at least she was wearing the uniform. While waiting for Ender to come out of his locker room, she spotted a girl with her hood up.

The whole fact that she appeared like a guy
probably didn't help Raven whatsoever, but she was unaware of that fact anyway. While waiting for Ender, she lightly jogged over towards the girl, moving her head to the side to see hers.

"... you look kind of glum. You okay?"
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Girls gym locker room

Interaction: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @djinnamon

Moka was concerned about Aratorio and if he was okay but she didn't want to be late to gym class. Moka went to the other side of the school where the gym and the locker rooms were and she made way to the girls gym locker. Moka began to change out of her outfit when she had opened her gym locker and she put on the basic gym uniform clothes for girls. "Why do these shorts have to be so damn short," Moka said trying to pull her shorts down just a bit but it was no use so she left it the way it was. Moka ran her hands through her hair as a personal comb and she put it up in a high ponytail and braided her hair so that it wouldn't get in her way during PE. Moka saw Amber walking out and she followed him towards the gym,"How many times do I have to tell you Amber, if you don't have female parts don't go in the girls locker room. They might think you're creeping in there to look at them." Moka said to him knowing that he wanted to be one but the last time he was in there the females screamed at the fact that they were half naked and a guy was in the girls changing room and gave off a small chuckle when she met up with Setsuna and Amber.
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"If guys would stop trying to hit on me that would be fine...." Raven said with a sigh. "Ever since I got here it has been alost non-stop..." she looked around.

(She did not have her hoodie on since she is not alowed to have it on during gym)

Name: Aiko

Location: PC to PE

Interaction: @iChaotic @Sayuri Tokage

The student quirks a brow and stopped his nose picking moment once he heard the bell rang. He had seen the gym before so he can pretty sure navigate his way to the gym but he still uses his map though "Huh it's PE already? Well shouldn't we hurry? I don't wanna be late again, want to come?" He said to the twins that he's talking to. Tucking both of his hands inside his pocket, eyeing them with his lazy expression.
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Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: In front locker room

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart

Interaction: Moka

Amber rolled his eyes. " I got permission and most of the girls know I'm gay so they are okay with it. " Amber said before he and Setsuna noticed Aratorio and instsntly whistled. " Damn Moka look. " Amber said as he pointed at the man. " I understand why you like. " Setsuna said until he noticed Ronnie and instantly a blush came to his face.
Name : Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Girl's Locker Room

Interactions : Open

The two twins had parted as soon as the bell rang, not wanting to be late like last time. Sairen parted with her brother as they both made their way to their respective locker rooms. As she entered, there were already others there. It was a bit uncomfortable for her, but she tried her best to hurry and changed. When she finished, she heard a comment about the length of the shorts from another girl. She silently agreed as she tried to pull them down more, but the didn't seem to go any longer. Her face reddened at the feel of a cool breeze brush against her legs. Despite the fact that she was shy, her legs were well toned and slim, mostly because she and her brother often trained together. After finished, she exited the locker room.


Name : Lairen Kyrenei

Location : In front of the men's locker room

Interactions : Open

Lairen had finished dressing quickly and exited the room, waiting for what to do next. He adjusted his shorts, which were just a bit short. However, the did show off his legs nicely. He made it his mission to become even more fit than he was, and he made sure that his sister was healthy as well. -insert more about how fit he is here because I don't need to babble about how much he loves to exercise-
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @iChaotic @Arubion Sivart

"Oh shut up guys," Moka said in embarrassment and blushed,"I don't even know why I'm friends with you two," She said jokingly as she shook her head slightly and looked away from Aratorio,"Ohhh look who's over there," Moka said referring to Ronnie who looked like he was uncomfortable in his gym clothes. Moka put her hands on her hips and looked at around wondering where Ryoichi is,"Hmm.." She muttered.


Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary > Cafeteria


Tag: @The Unamed Beast

"... huh?"

She was genuinely confused. Personally, she never dealt with the problem herself. Friend-wise, she dealt with a guy who had problems with people constantly admiring and praising him, though he always saw the best in that. This was the first situation that she experienced someone who actually, well, had a legit problem with that. Scratching the side of her head, she stared at the girl. There wasn't anything that she specifically saw appealing on the girl, but at the same time, there wasn't anything that was rather super noticeable about the girl either.

"Uh... maybe you can tell them to stop? I mean, I don't really know what's going on and all... but uh.."

She wasn't exactly sure how to respond in this situation. Maybe leaving her alone would do the best? Looking frantically between the boy's locker room for Ender and back towards her, she was unsure on what she was supposed to say.

"I mean, if it's going non-stop, is this a passive ability you have that's causing it?"


Ender Egotarum


Location: Infirmary and the halls... I guess

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

The bell rang on their way down to the cafeteria.,"Strange, I thought we had math next." He thought to himself. Then suddenly Ki picked him up above her head and ran all the way down to the gym. "This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder, eh, I might as well just go with it." He thought to himself without struggling. When she put him down, she ran off into the female changing room before he could say anything. He shrugged his shoulders and walked into the male changing room and emerged seconds later practically the same thing, this time with shorts instead of jeans. He didn't really feel like taking the scarf or his hoodie off, so he just left them on.

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Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart

Interaction: Moka

Amber and Setsuna noticed the cheer team coming out. Setsuna and Amber looked at each other then Moka before smirking and grabbing her. " Dancing always seduces men. " Amber said. Setsuna asked the cheer leaders to let them try and they said yes. " I'll go first. " Amber said.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

He'd start to stretch and would feel a bit uncomfortable in the shirt as he stretched. He'd instantly drop to the ground and starts to do push-ups. He'd not really pay attention to others when training or working out as he was used to training alone. After doing one hundred push-ups he'd take off his top to show his abs and to be able to stretch easily.
"No.... I is that stupid ranking most guys have for girls....." she said with a sigh. "I seriously don't understand why guys have it.... it is idiotic." she crossed her arms as she waited for P.E. to start. "I don't even know why I am on the list to begin with..."

Name: Aiko

Location: Locker to PE

Interaction: Anyone

He stopped picking his nose once he suddenly heard the bell ran. After walking some steps he finally made it to the male's locker. It was one of the subjects that he quite dislike, he preferred the long lectures from a history teacher than doing PE as he can probably spend his time sleeping or something, in here it's just discipline discipline and discipline. He just put on any PE outfit that he finds without considering comfort or style.

Tucking both of his hands towards his pocket he sets off with the white t-shirt and short pants lightly pushing the gym's door. As he checked what's inside he can already guess what'll happen "Ah more sweaty stuff" The thin built young man walked to the edge and takes a seat on one of the benches nearby. His eyes would scan the entire room spotting a group of people talking and enjoying PE, he still debates whether he should greet them or not.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Setsuna & Amber

Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart

"Seducing is no job for a war god," Moka said as she told Amber. Moka went into shock when Setsuna told the cheer team to let them dance as well,"No thank you" Moka said as she stood behind Setsuna not wanting to put out to dance since it's been a while and plus Amber seemed to be doing a pretty good job. MOka cheered AMber on and smiled, as Moka turned her head to the side she saw Aratorio working out and saw that he had taken his shirt off,"My dear Gods," Moka stated as she stared.
Ronnie was wondering why every time Setsuna saw him he blushed, Ronnie did kinda like the look of him though...


Name: Ki

Location: P.E

Interaction:Raven, Ender

Tag: @The Unamed Beast @The Endergod

"Nonsense! You're pretty, of course you'll be on that list! You, just well, maybe you need some self-confidence in refusal!"

Looking around, she noticed the familiar head of blue hair that walked through the door, head and scarf over him. Who wears a scarf to Physical Education anyway? Moving over towards him, she tugged at his scarf, pulling him over to their conversation. She wasn't usually like this, but the fact that she seemed to be able to make someone who she could consider a good friend, it gave her some confidence to her typically apathetic self.

"Hey, uh... example? Imagine that Jack Frosty here is into you. What would you do?"

Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt@djinnamon

Aratorio would stretch a bit and Moka could see a scar running from his back down to his right side. The scar would cover his left shoulder to his right hip in a narrow line. It'd look a bit stretched out when he flexed and stretched his muscles. He'd find a pull up bar and would start to do pull ups.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart

Interaction: Moka

Setsuna pouted while Amber started the dance.


After Amber finished he and Setsuna noticed Aratorio before turning to Moka. " Dear gods is right ,Would you be willing to share. " Setsuna asked jokingly before he saw Ronnie looking at him and the blush returned.
Name: Aiko

Location: PE

Interaction: Anyone

Finding nothing that really sparks his interest the young student leaned against the wall near the bench and slowly closes his eyes trying to get some 15-20 minutes of sleep before starting PE.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interactions : @sprouhtt

While making their way towards the gym, the two met up, once again glued at the hips. Lairen looked at his sisters outfit, a look of disapproval on his face. "Why are they so short?" He questioned, giving her a slap on the thighs. "But at least it shows how hard I make you train with me," he said with a chuckle. All the while, she simply nudged him playfully. Lairen took some time to look around, especially at the girls cheering. There was one who had immediately caught his eye, which just so happen to be the girl who had been taken to the nurse earlier that day. He found her to be incredibly attractive with her blonde hair and piercing lavender eyes. "Sai, who's that girl?" He said, visible pointing at her, to which she simply shrugged. "Moka, or something." With this newly acquired information, Lairen decided to try his moves on her, leaving his sister alone.

As Lairen approached her, he let out a charming smile. "Hey, so I saw you from over there and couldn't help but come over. Your name is Moka, right?," he said, attempting to sound smooth (like butter.)

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