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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Setsuna & Amber & Lairen

Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart @Sayuri Tokage

Moka put both of her hands on her wide and curvaceous hips before looking at Setsuna with a serious look on her face,"No." Moka stated sternly before breaking out into laughter and she turned back and was completely blown away at Amber's performance. Amber should really teach Moka how to dance since she can't dance at all. Moka heard a deep voice behind her and she turned and saw a guy who towered her in heights,"Yeah my names Moka, why?" Moka asked wondering what he could possibly want from her. Moka was curious since she never saw him before but he was in a few of her classes. Moka really couldn't tell if someone was flirting with her since she thought everyone here was a bit too bubbly for her, but he was cute though.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Interaction: Moka and Setsuna

Aratorio would finish one hundred pull ups and would head over to the group. He'd be covered in some sweat but not to much, showing his endurance he has. "Yo everyone." He'd pull out a piece of steak from a pocket in a bag and starts to eat it.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart @Sayuri Tokage

Interaction: Moka , Lairen

Amber pouted and rested his hand his wider than average hips. " No fair. " Amber said as he cocked his hip , his already short pants going up to reveal more of his toned thighs. The second Lairen attempted to sound smooth it was like a switch was flipped in Setsuna's and Amber's minds because they instantly moved in front of Moka . " Do you need something. " Amber asked roughly.
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Ender Egotarum


Location: PE


Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender spotter Ki talking to another girl who he had yet to meet. Suddenly Ki ran up to him and before he could even say "Hey" she dragged him by the scarf over to the other girl. Ki had asked the girl a weird question and the girl said that she would just ignore him. He was super confused about what was going on, but he just went along with it anyway. His little cloud finally caught up and left a little trail of snow behind it as it floated over to Ender.

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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Setsuna, Aratorio, Amber & Lairen

Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart @Sayuri Tokage

"Here we go again," Moka rolled her eyes seeing that her two best friends were trying to protect her. Moka could handle herself pretty well and they never listened to her when she said that,"Come on now boys, play nice." Moka stated as she patted them on the back gently. Moka saw that Aratorio was coming over and she flashed a small smile to him symbolizing a hello. His body was covered in his sweats and the scent carried over to Moka she wasn't grossed out or anything since when she was in battle she was mainly fighting men and their body odor was something that could knock someone out if they stand too close. Moka loved Amber and Setsuna for wanting to protect her but she didn't want them to try and do that all the time knowing that she could handle herself.
jeez i hate the notification system)

Name: Abel Night


Interaction: Miss. Nunnally

Tag: @Aio

Abel sighed. since the drama in P.C., He had been pondering the teacher's actions. taking their powers. while yes she had right, most people took that really offensively. their abilities were like security. He grumbled, popping his wrist. it seemed like him and Miss. Nunnally needed to talk. soon he found himself back at her class. yes, he had been to PE, but it didnt interest him as much as this. with a quick three raps on the door, he peered inside" Miss. Nunnally?" he had failed to introduce himself earlier. honestly he didnt mind having his powers take. he hadnt even notice.
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Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : Physical Education

Interaction : @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Lairen smiled at her reply, liking her voice. He ran a hand through his hair as if trying to seem more appealing to her, his yellow eyes beaming down at her. "Oh, no reason in particular. Just thought I'd introduce myself to you. You see, my sister and I are pretty new around here," he said, gesturing to Sairen behind him. Seeing this, she hurried over to him, peeking out from behind him. "She's quite shy, but please be nice to her," he said, petting his sister on her head before turning his attention back to Moka and her friend, who sounded like he didn't like him. "Anyways, I just wanted to pay a visit to you. Hopefully we can grow to become friends, yes?" He said, taking her hand in his gently with a smile.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon @Sayuri Tokage

Interaction: Moka

Aratorio would instantly become agitated and it'd be obvious. He'd tap Lairen's shoulder and would smile innocently. "It seems your intentionally trying something, that is rude against a girl... I will have to ask you to back off..." He hates it when a guy tries to pick a girl up without getting to know them first.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart , @Sayuri Tokage

Interaction: Mika ,Aratorio , Ronnie, Lairen

Setsuna and Amber nodded but shoot a death glare up at Lairen . " If you try anything stupid, you'll never sex again. " Setsuna said as Amber glared at the tall man's crotch. After a few seconds both of them back up. Setsuna and Amber waved and smiled at Aratorio. Setsuna looked at Ronnie and shook his head. " No nothing is wrong. " Setsuna said and Amber piped in. " He is blushing cause he likes you. " He said to Ronnie.


Name: Ki

Location: P.E

Interaction:Raven, Ender

Tag: @The Unamed Beast @The Endergod

"If you just ignore him, he's bound to come back again. Try saying no!"

Looking back up towards Ender, she watched as this little snow cloud followed above his head, as if it were a rain cloud in some sort of cartoon. It made her smile. Really, just replace the snow with rain, and it wouldn't be completely wrong from his personality. With him being considerably taller than her, it was hard just to stand and try and flicker it away. Not seeming to mind stepping on his shoes to get a little bit taller, she made an attempt to wave away the cloud. However, she still spoke to the girl.

"I mean, ignoring them is a good tactic, but you mention how they keep bugging you, right? That's when ignorance can't be treated as a bliss anymore, it's just treating them to mess around with you more. That's when refusal needs to step in. Even just a 'no' could work."

"It isn't that I don't appreciate it... It is that I am bad at speaking to boys....." she then shut up as Ender comes up. She blushed a bit and walked a bit. "Thanks for trying to help me bye." she said quickly as she started to walk away. The reason she always wore her hood was because she did not want people to see her embarrassed.

@Entarriance @The Endergod
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Setsuna, Aratorio, Amber & Lairen & Sairen

Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart @Sayuri Tokage @SomaFel

"Oh then Welcome to Kinoshi Academy," Moka said as she welcomed him. Moka was pushed back a bit by Amber and Setsuna a bit when they said that to Lairen, Moka felt so embarrassed and she shook her head. Moka pushed the two aside but not to hard so that there wouldn't be a scene,"I'm sorry about them, if you ever see me please don't be afraid to say 'hi.' " Moka told him with an innocent smile and honestly Moka could be the most oblivious girl out there when it came to men flirting with her. Moka waved at his sister and smiled she looked so adorable hiding behind her brother like that. It's all the same to her now and since all her life she has been surrounded by men during battle and at parties so she can't tell whats flirting and what's being friendly. Moka chuckled a bit when Amber told Ronnie that Setsuna liked him, it was cute because Ronnie began to blush as well. Moka thought it was best to give the two some space so she grabbed Amber and everyone else and walked away leaving Ronnie and Setsuna together.
Name: Setsuna & Amber

Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart , @Sayuri Tokage

Interaction: Mika ,Aratorio , Ronnie, Lairen

Setsuna noticed them leaving and glared at them all. " Traitors. " He said before he turned to Ronnie and decided to just come out and say it. " I like you . " He said truthfully. Amber jumped up and down while squealing. " Out boy had finally grown a pair. " He said to Moka.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Interaction: Moka

He'd approach Moka and would tilt his head a bit. "Hmmm your skilled at combat right?" He'd have already cooled down and his breathing was quite normal. He'd be chewing on some steak and would love the taste of it.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Setsuna, Aratorio, Amber , Sairen & Lairen

Tag: @djinnamon @Arubion Sivart @Sayuri Tokage

"I'm so proud of him," Moka said when she heard that when she was walking away. Moka sighed and turned to get a basketball from the sack. Moka took the ball that had more pressure in it. SHe began to dribble the ball around when Aratorio had walked over to her,"Yeah why?" MOka answered and she wondered why he asked her that since theyre not in combat class yet.
djinnamon said:
Name: Setsuna & Amber
Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @sprouhtt , @SomaFel , @Arubion Sivart , @Sayuri Tokage

Interaction: Mika ,Aratorio , Ronnie, Lairen

Setsuna noticed them leaving and glared at them all. " Traitors. " He said before he turned to Ronnie and decided to just come out and say it. " I like you . " He said truthfully. Amber jumped up and down while squealing. " Out boy had finally grown a pair. " He said to Moka.
Ronnie looked shocked, to hear it from his own lips was, amazing, Ronnie blushed and says"I think I feel the same way about you..." His heart racing.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Interaction: Moka

Aratorio would think for a sec. "Your a War Goddess right? how about a one on one is basketball?" He'd take the ball from her and sinks it in from the three point line. "You must be very strong, and that makes me happy to think that." He didn't know why he said that and he'd finish his steak.
Name: Setsuna

Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @SomaFel

Interaction: Ronnie

Setsuna's eyes widened in shock before he decided to be daring and wrapped his arms around Ronnie's neck while looking up at the man. " Prove it. " Setsuna said
djinnamon said:
Name: Setsuna
Location: gym

Current Class: PE

Tag: @SomaFel

Interaction: Ronnie

Setsuna's eyes widened in shock before he decided to be daring and wrapped his arms around Ronnie's neck while looking up at the man. " Prove it. " Setsuna said
Ronnie, smiling looked him in the eyes and says "very well" and kisses Setsuna! Ronnie has never been this close to anybody before!
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Physical Education

Currently/Location: Gym

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

"You're on," Moka said as she ran over to get the ball and she came back to him. Moka blushed when she heard him complement here,"Thank you, would you try and tell my friends that because honestly they think I can't handle myself." She said. Moka passed the ball back and forth towards him before she took the ball from him and began dribbling towards the basket,"Stop eating and get your panties on Aratorio, show me what you got." Moka stated as she shot from the three pointer as well and made it in. Moka was pretty competitive even at a very young age while growing up with her brothers and sisters. When Moka turned she saw Setsuna and Ronnie kiss and she was completely stunned,"Holy shit!" Moka exclaimed and quickly covered her mouth in amazement and shock.

Ender Egotarum


Location: PE


Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

As soon as he approached Ki and the girl she instantly left and Ender thought for a moment that he cared her off. That thought was soon gone after his cloud hovered over his head. With the cloud following him around now, he thought he should give it a name, 'cause why not. "Cloudy? Fluffy? Snowball? Nah, those are all to cliche." He thought to himself. He was so deep in thought that he failed to notice Ki trying to knock away his little cloud "friend". He guessed that she just got so fed up with missing the little cloud that she stepped up on his feet to get a better reach which in turn caused him to lose balance and fall forward. All the while the cloud still hung in the air.

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Name: Theda Nunnally

Location: PC Class


Theda looked up from her desk at the student who had opened the door. "Yes?" There were papers scattered around her desk, as she tried to quickly clean them up. "Sorry about the mess dear. This was my planning period. I was getting ready for tomorrow." She smiled as she watched him. He was in her class for sure, looking down at her list of names as she tried to remember who exactly he was. "Is everything alright?" She sounded genuinely worried as she looked at him carefully.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: P.E.

Tag: @sprouhtt @djinnamon

Interaction: Moka

Aratorio would get the ball and would run the opposite side of the court and dunked the ball with ease. "Your on Princess" He'd smirk a bit loving the competition between them. He'd dribble the ball a few times and passes it to her.

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