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Fantasy Welcome To Amber Academy For The Gifted And Special


Gotta start somewhere, huh?
Welcome to Amber Academy.

This academy was created for the Gifted and The Speacil no matter what you're kind is you could be human with a special gift or you're a demon, angel, half-anything practical anything you're always accepted and welcomed to this academy.

Rules Of The Rp:

  • No Gmod.
  • No bullying.
  • You can talk OOC in the rp as long as you talk with parenthesis.
  • No bullying or anything like that.
  • You can use anime character as long as you change them abit and nobody else is using the same character.
  • No killing or injuring another person's character without their permission.
  • Cussing is allowed but no sexual content.
Natsume stood at the entrance of the school with a scowl on her face and her suitcase in her left hand while miki sat on her right shoulder. "This place look's awesome!!! Doesn't it master." Natsume let out a small sigh and patted miki's head with her free hand. "Yeah...I guess so anyway let's get to the office to get our schedule, dorm room and all that stuff." Miki let out a giggle and looked ahead while natsume walked into the school.


Roommates list:

Mavis And Frost = Room 103

·Catie And Sebastian = Room 102

·Natsume And Isaac = Room 104

·Aria And Elijah = Room 106

·Jailene And No One At The Moment = Room 105

·Rin And No One At The Moment = Room 107

·Spencer And No On At The Moment = Room 108

Warning!!: My Best Friend Is The One Who Did The Roommate Arrangement So Please No Complaining


The Rp May Start Now!!!!!
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"Wait a sec--" a duffel bag was thrown forcefully at Isaac's face before he could continue, causing him to fall backwards and stumble to the ground with a grunt. His older sister with biker gloved hands and a helmet over her head carefully placed a fishbowl containing a small turtle by Isaac's side on the ground.

"Have fun~!" chirped the woman as she waved down at Isaac goodbye. She hopped onto her motorcycle and drove off, leaving Isaac dumbfounded by the school gateway.
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Natsume continued to walk into the school when miki jumped off her shoulder and run over to some guy sitting on the ground with a duffle bag and fishbowl that has a cute turtle inside it. "Hello there mister...why are you on the ground?" Natsume walked over slowly and stood right behide miki while crossing her arms over her chest. "Need a hand or something?" Miki looked up at her master then walked over to the fish bowl with a small smile and stared at the turtle.

Rin landed carefully near the entrance of her new school, she wasn't going to enjoy this. Her magic leather pack was strapped to her waist, which made carrying her swords irritating and uncomfortable. What did Kaze call it again? She wondered absentmindedly, that's right a... "fanny pack". She willed for her wings to disappear and they did so. Surpassing a sigh, her gaze flickered to to assortment of other students. They don't seem too horrible...
At the sight of the talking creature, Isaac blinked and eyed it for a moment longer in amusement, watching it stare at Bo. His aquatic pet poke it's nose onto the glass from inside the fishbowl, as if it's small gesture resembled a greeting. Hearing another voice, Isaac glanced up to face a brunette standing nearby with arms folded arrogantly, probably the red panda's owner.

He then stood up, carrying the duffel bag by the handle with his right hand as he replied casually, "Nah, I'm good, but thanks-" noticing the height difference, Isaac went silent for a moment before bluntly continuing with a genuine yet cheeky smirk, "Woah, you're pretty short,"
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Miki stared at bo and let out a giggle when he poked his nose out of the water as some kind of greeting. "Hello Mr.Turtle my name's Miki." Miki sat in front of the fishbowl with her tail neatly wrapped around her legs while natsume stared at isaac with a death glare. "I'm not short i'm fun-sized!!" Natsume stomped her foot lightly and continued to death glare at him while miki giggled at her master being child-like.
Spencer stood looking at the window as Aria walked up. "Okay new school" Aria sighed then walked in looking at spencer "Hi" spencer smiled "you must be Aria, your Dorming with me!" Spencer Stood looking at Aria's bags "need help?" Aria nodded "Yes..Please!" then they walked to the dorm and stood. Despite the fact that Aria had no clue who this Spencer was she was willing enough to trust her. The Dorm door opened in complete silence "So..." Aria whispered thinking to either go in or just stand and wait, "Oh right..." Spencer walked in to the Dorm signaling for Aria to come in. The dorm was like every average dorm; a couple beds, wardrobes, windows, lights Etc; Spencer pointed to Aria's bed "it's a little dusty, Sorry bout that" Spencers hand moved to the back of her head "that's okay" Aria placed her bags under the bed and looked at spencer "So...What now?" Spencer took a glance at the hall "I'll show ya' round, how bout' that?" Spencer was full of energy and excitment towards having a new student. Aria nodded and they left the dorm unattended for.
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Isaac bent down and picked his pet up by placing his free arm around the fishbowl, "That's just what midgets say," he joked to the brunette and stuck his tongue out as if responding to her childish reaction.

He shifted his bespectacled gaze, glanced at the school building and the others around from his spot, then looked back down at the girl, "Say, do you know where the dorms are?"
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Natsume kepted her arms crossed and puffed out her cheeks when miki run over and sat in front of isaac with a smile. "Me and master were going over to the office to find out, You wanna come with us." Natsume bent over and picked miki up then grabbed her suitcase while miki climbed on to her shoulder.
"Sure," he casually replied to the red panda. After a minute of silence as they walked and neared the office in the school building, he told the girl and her talking pet, "By the way, I'm Isaac,"

He glanced down at the fishbowl he was holding, the porcine snout of his turtle slightly popping out of the surface of the water, "And this little guy's Bo,"
Natsume glanced over to isaac and let out a sigh then looked up ahead while miki climbed on to the top of natsume's head. "Natsume...My name is Nastume and the little red panda's name is Miki." Natsume kept her gaze forward while miki turned her head toward isaac with a smile. "Its nice to meet you isaac."

(Sorry for the very, very late reply)
Isaac stared at them for a moment in thought before shifting his gaze to the front as he nodded, "Likewise,"

They finally reached the office and took their schedules. Isaac placed his duffel bag down to take a look at the dorm number on the piece of paper. He read out in a mumble, "Room 104, huh..."

(It's alright. Sorry for the late reply also lol.)
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Natsume followed behide into the office and grabbed her schedule, dorm number. "What's our dorm number?" Natsume looked to miki then back to the paper. "We got...Room 104."
His revealed grey eye widened slightly in surprise. Serious? He looked down on Natsume's schedule, glanced at the schedule he held, then back at hers again. Eh? Thinking that it was a mistake, he turned to the lady at the counter and asked while pointing incredulously at Natsume with his paper, "...Miss, is this shrimp really in the same room as me?" he was not intentionally being rude, since he just spoke frankly without a second thought, but he was certainly curious with the unusual arrangement.
"Who you calling a shrimp huh?!!" Natsume stared at isaac with a death glare and if looks could kill well...isaac would be on the ground dead. "Now, now master no need to be loud." Miki tried calming natsume down but she was doing it horribly for natsume was very, very angry and being very childish while the lady at the counter with a small smile looked up at isaac. "Oh no its right...Oh i guess i forgot to tell you that every student here has a dorm and a roommate."

(Again i'm sorry for the late reply....i was really busy today ('
:) ))
"Yeah, I get that, but..." Isaac told the secretary, only to trail off at the sight of Natsume's scowl which made him blink and tense up a little. It's not the usual single-sex dorms, huh... He shifted his tedious gaze away from the brunette, still having the nerve to respond with, "Haha, sorry, it's the first thing that came to mind so--," he stopped, laughing wryly at the intimidating aura coming from her, and cautiously shuffled a small step backwards while holding Bo's fishbowl close to him in instinct. Remembering that the school he was obliged to apply for was not exactly a place simply for humans, he wondered hopelessly over his future knowing that his actions and especially his mouth might rile up probably most of the student body. Sis, I might die before I could even graduate in this school, ahahaha...

(It's alright ^^)
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Miki let out a sigh while jumping off her master's shoulder and onto the counter. "Hmm..Master!" Natsume stopped glaring at isaac and turned to miki with What-Is-It face or something like that. "Calm down....Think of painting or sunflowers!!" After staying quiet for abit natsume let a small smile slip on to her face while miki let out another sigh. "It's good that she calm down and all or there was going to be a problem if she got even more angry." The lady at the counter stood up gathering her belongings then looking back to natsume and isaac. "Anyway you should get going alot more students will come into the offices and i need my break before they come in."
Isaac raised a brow at the Natsume's sudden change of attitude, a faint hum of wonder escaping his lips as he eyed Miki. The red panda's a savior!...But why sunflowers? Upon hearing the woman at the counter, Isaac nodded and casually thanked her after she had instructed them of the way to the dorm. He sloppily shoved his folded schedule in the back pocket of his dark jeans and picked up his bag from the ground once more, his other arm occupied with the fishbowl.

Turning to face the other two, a blinking light bulb appeared over his head a few seconds, "Uoh! Hey, chibi-- I mean, Natsume. Just to make things a little interesting, wanna make a bet?" he suggested with an excited glint in his grey eye.
Natsume 's smile disappeared as she turned to isaac with an emotionless face trying to ignore that he called her 'Chibi'. "A deal?...What kind of deal?" Mik looked at natsume then to isaac with a curious look on her face as she jumped on natsume's shoulder.
"How about this, first one to reach the dorm room gets to order around the other for the whole week!" Isaac boldly stated as he pointed to the direction of the dorms, despite knowing that he might lose in terms of comparing his abilities to someone he just met... Especially when he has yet to witness Natsume's powers and such. It was a risky idea, but he merely wanted to see her capability before school officially starts. A small racing game would probably be better than starting a fight. "What do you say? You'll have a chance to get back at me for my rude behaviour," Isaac mentally slapped himself as he immediately regretted adding that part.
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"I can do this, I can do this" frost whispered to himself repeatedly. He was gonna have to carry his huge bag full of luggage to.... Well he honestly didn't know, but he was determined to find out. He picked up the huge bag and carried it in his arms for a few seconds. "Nope can't do this" frost huffed and dropped the bag quickly.
Mavis Jinx

Mavis strolls onto campus with her limited luggage of a duffle bag, a backpack, and a rolling suitcase. She has managed to balance her duffle bag on top of her suitcase, so her other hand can hold her dry-erase board as she walks. On the board's surface, the girl has neatly written: "Hi! My name is Mavis. Do you know where I get my room key?"

The teen-aged elf smiles rather shyly and holds the message outward, so someone might read it and point her in the right direction. Her lavender hair is brushed free of tangles, and Mavis had braided a red feather into it, after she found the feather this morning. Mavis' outfit consists of brown, low-waisted shorts and a tight orange tank top that stops right above her belly button. The girl's flat stomach is exposed, but this makes her feel more confident rather than nervous.
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After 30 minuets of tugging, panting, lifting and pulling, frost finally reached what looked like the front desk. He saw a girl standing there too, her clothing choice made him blush but he ignored it.

He waited in line behind her, and avoided all eye contact towards her body. "Why does this happen to me" he silently whispered to himself again
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((@Chexxx — Perhaps you should ask SkyDust101 which dorm room Mavis is in, it doesn't look like she's on the list. She could be roommates with Rin, if you'd like.))

Rin walked onto the campus with little interest of everything around her. Office, office, office... She thought, as her gaze flickered around. Her eyes finally landed on a tall, lavender-haired girl holding up a... What was that anyways? She must be mute, Rin concluded from reading off whatever she was holding up, that or very shy. She walked up to her slowly. "Hello... Mavis, my name is Rin. We get our room keys at the main office. Would you like to come with me?"

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