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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Alexa went below deck to get Victoria. Her violet eyes flashing red then turning back to normal, she found Victoria "Big sister...Big sister, they're attacking. I can sense it"
(honestly if you insist to fight me do it 1 on 1)

Death looked out at the settlment and raised his left hand, opening his black skeletal hand and shouted out a dark incantation. Hollows and ghouls rose from the harbor and headed into the city, screeching and yelling deathly words that couldn't be understood by mortals. Death called upon something more mightier than you could imagine, all there was to do was wait and kill these enemies.

Crane calls his men off,"Men hold off I will fight him one on one and if I die Fane you will be the captain," Crane whispers words no one could hear as he finished a red glow comes aroung his Pistol firing a red fire beam piercing deaths torso,"I hate to do this but I have known magic for many years but I hate that I know how but I have to use this to win,"
"No" said Death grabbing Crow's shoulder and dragging him in the air. Death took the red beam that seemed to pass right through him. He looked at Crow "This is my fight" he stated, walking right through the wood on the ship and walking towards Crane.
"I'm pretty fucking sure that it's my fight with the guy who specifically targets me to talk to." He goes to Crane again. "Now fight me, fucker."
(Alright.) "...Fine. For some reason Death wants to get some kicks, who am I to stand in the way of that."
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](Please dude. I haven't gotten ANY action and I've really been looking forward to this :P just this one fight)

Crane screams,"you fucker" crane screams a spell and cannon balls fall from the sky and slam the hull of the ship hitting crow and throwing death to the ground, he walks over and slashes a fire beam with his sword cutting through the air.
PrarieMan said:
Crane screams,"you fucker" crane screams a spell and cannon balls fall from the sky and slam the hull of the ship hitting crow and throwing death to the ground, he walks over and slashes a fire beam with his sword cutting through the air.
Death allowed this to happen but in a second appeared behind Crane and absorbed the fire beam, basically knocking it away, then grabbed Crane by the neck and started slightly choking him.
Crow shouts something and suddenly the cannonballs in the sky above the ship are gone in explosions, and he's in a different place than he was before.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Death allowed this to happen but in a second appeared behind Crane and absorbed the fire beam, basically knocking it away, then grabbed Crane by the neck and started slightly choking him.

"You bitch why won't you die men CHARGE" The army of pirates charges through but not all of them only 10 of his best men,"Help me you fools and the others leave take the ship back to the kingdom I'll get out of here my self," the men distract death as crane whispers a teleportation spell quickly appearing on the ship."why won't you attack me for once I have all the time on the world".
Death shouts a hex and drags Crane with chains back to the ground at the harbor "You're going to die" he whispered, stabbing him in the chest with his scythe and then slashing it in mid air to cut a group of his crew in half. The hollows either devoured or scared the men back but the battle was just beginning.

(I gtg I'll be back in a bit)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Death shouts a hex and drags Crane with chains back to the ground at the harbor "You're going to die" he whispered, stabbing him in the chest with his scythe and then slashing it in mid air to cut a group of his crew in half. The hollows either devoured or scared the men back but the battle was just beginning.
(I gtg I'll be back in a bit)

All the men in the army charge death stabbing him and shooting him as crane uses the most powerful spell he knows to banish death to the under world for a few minutes as he retreats to his boat and gets back to the kingdom.
(Hey prarie! Guess who's cs I didn't see in the cs tab! Yours its OK if you want to rp but you have to follow the same rules as anyone else. I didn't see any cs from you and I've checked twice so why did you start rping out if nowhere? Unless I missed your cs? @PrarieMan )
Tylor guillory](Hey prarie! Guess who's cs I didn't see in the cs tab! Yours its OK if you want to rp but you have to follow the same rules as anyone else. I didn't see any cs from you and I've checked twice so why did you start rping out if nowhere? Unless I missed your cs? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16431-prarieman/ said:
@PrarieMan[/URL] )
(I have one I see mine here)
PrarieMan said:
All the men in the army charge death stabbing him and shooting him as crane uses the most powerful spell he knows to banish death to the under world for a few minutes as he retreats to his boat and gets back to the kingdom.
(Honestly dude wait for me to respond don't make everything so quick and official0
Crow sits down on the deck. "What a pain this Crane guy's turning out to be." He flops onto his back.
(Well if you can show me you can in a quote then we're good I just checked and didn't see it so thats my only concern thst and your kind of forcing your way into the story we had planned a story arc already @PrarieMan )
PrarieMan said:
All the men in the army charge death stabbing him and shooting him as crane uses the most powerful spell he knows to banish death to the under world for a few minutes as he retreats to his boat and gets back to the kingdom.
"Coward . . ." muttured Death, going back on deck. He looked at Crow "Get ready, we're getting to that island my way . . ." he stated, taking the helm and preparing to set sail.

@Tylor guillory @sprouhtt @Am2aM @BELL @RetroAkabane

(Enough jibber gabber wasting time lol. Time for some ACTION!)
PrarieMan said:
Crane reaches the island and sets up his defences stationing them at every possible entry armed with pustols and swords as crane watches from a distance in the watch tower waiting.
(How the heck are you able to get everywhere in the snap of a finger? Like you gotta make it longer and more interesting)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](How the heck are you able to get everywhere in the snap of a finger? Like you gotta make it longer and more interesting)

(Yeah sorry I do need to work on that)

Crane sails on the ship contemplating on what he needs to do next.

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