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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Colt was half way down the ladder to be put in a cell. He waited for the last minute, when they where about to strip him, to pull his sword out and dual them. He disarmed the first and kicked him into the cell then dropped his sword and drew his pistol at the second. He took the keys from them and locked them in the cell.

"Stupid marines!" He chuckled as he made his way to the cargo haul. He found an empty barrel and stuck it in the back corner of the haul so no one would look for it or find it. He took the lid of and sat inside before slipping the lid back on. He drew his pistol and pointed it towards the top of the barrel and waited for the cloak of nightfall to make his escape.
Unfortunately for colt the were on a Marine battleship full of marines and one Marine had seen him do all this got a thousand other marines and they all came rifles aimed at the barrel. "Excuse me mister pirate id suggest you come out peacefully before we blow you to pieces. @Blacknife
(If I had intended to kill you I would of if you were really going to attempt a escape you should of jumped overboard i mean hiding in a barrel really?)
(( I tried to play along and keep it interesting but if that's what your gonna do then fine))

Colt was still on the Black Rose.

Sipping his rum and polishing his gun. He felt a cool breeze and nothing more.
She looked up directly into his eyes " were pirates that's what we do we fight we win and then we leave." She stared at his face just studing the way his lips and eyes were that perfect and amazing."

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BELL said:
Crow wakes up. 'What the hell..?" He gets up and brushes himself off.
Crow opens the letter nad it reads,"Hello crow this is crane and if you have this my men are either dead or returning I don't really care with either any ways I have sent you this to give my demands, you will give the location of death and be spared or if you refuse I will set siege to the island you are on and torture you, decide fast I will be there shortly if you refuse."
Fin fills the sack up loot then within moments is back on his ship with it."Alright now we need to head to the island that holds Pandoras box." Fin said giving orders to his men. They quickly set off having managed to snag a map of the supposed location of Pandoras box. @Embaga Elder @sprouhtt @BELL @Am2aM (going to sleep
Roman who was on the deck of the ship waiting on Fin suddenly heard the dudes voice. He looked over and saw that Fin had a sack a gold and mentioned something about Pandora's box.

Alright Fin let's!! Glad to see that you're alive. He said with excitement as he grabbed the helm sailing behind Fin's ship.

@Tylor guillory
(Okay I got no notifications. Where is everyone?)

Death looked out at the sea before turning around and getting off of the ship to look around a bit.
(finally back) Crow crumples the letter and laughs. "C'mon Squishy. Let's get back to the others." HE starts walking, then asks, mostly to himself, but also to the baby kraken on his shoulder, "I wonder why he's taken an interest in me...? And how'd he know my name?" @Tylor guillory @PrarieMan
"Who knows who cares probably just some fool who believes he's big and bad like all the others." Squishy said from Crows shoulder "I'd ignore him he's bluffing besides for all we know Fin could already have the box." Squishy pointed out. @BELL
BELL said:
"Well, Crane was the guy who broke our ship." Crow gets back to his friends. "Fin probably almost has it." @Tylor guillory @Am2aM @RetroAkabane @sprouhtt @Veyd Sahvoz
'Don't be so sure…there's still time' said Death in Crow's mind. Death called upon 4 more hollows and whispered a hex. Darkness surrounded Anthea's ship and the ships wood was repaired, but there was now a dark taint to the ship.

@BELL @sprouhtt
"Any fool with a cannon can wreck a ship doesn't mean their anything bad." Squishy said before the ship began repairing itself."Anyways lets forget this crane fellow we have more important things to do. Fin is far more dangerous anyways."Squishy as stated speaking the obvious. @BELL
"Well it'll probably be the gods I mean they could do just about anything if they felt like it." Squishy said as they board the ship."Now if I'm correct Fin can't be to close to the box by now. But he should be making his way there as we speak." Squishy said moving his tentacles around for dramatic affect. @BELL
BELL said:
Crow goes about preparing the ship for sailing.
As the harbor felt quiet and still the screams from the town alarmed the 3,"So crow you don't agree with my terms, shame you just ended all these live you fool you will pay for what you have done or not done,"Crane is seen shooting inocent civilians as his army slices through buildings with cannons.
Victoria sat below deck in a corner behind a barrel thinking to herself, as her brain drifted from one thing to the next.. She leaned back closing her eyes as she kept thinking of more things...
Am2aM said:
Victoria sat below deck in a corner behind a barrel thinking to herself, as her brain drifted from one thing to the next.. She leaned back closing her eyes as she kept thinking of more things...
Alexa went below deck to get Victoria. Her violet eyes flashing red then turning back to normal, she found Victoria "Big sister...Big sister, they're attacking. I can sense it"

PrarieMan said:
As the harbor felt quiet and still the screams from the town alarmed the 3,"So crow you don't agree with my terms, shame you just ended all these live you fool you will pay for what you have done or not done,"Crane is seen shooting inocent civilians as his army slices through buildings with cannons.
(honestly if you insist to fight me do it 1 on 1)

Death looked out at the settlment and raised his left hand, opening his black skeletal hand and shouted out a dark incantation. Hollows and ghouls rose from the harbor and headed into the city, screeching and yelling deathly words that couldn't be understood by mortals. Death called upon something more mightier than you could imagine, all there was to do was wait and kill these enemies.

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