[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

you're saying all this about rounds, but since we're not in combat that's fairly moot isn't it? Given that a round is like 6 seconds.
I would have just gone with a Take 10, but I wasn't sure if you would let me.

Ability Checks and Caster Level Checks: The normal take 10 and take 20 rules apply for ability checks. Neither rule applies to concentration checks or caster level checks.
Rounds is a unit of measure for time. Just because we aren't in combat, doesn't mean it doesn't apply. Still, 1-6 rounds is less than a minute, so you can complete the action within the spell duration. And since the action could put us into initiative, I just wanted to make sure people knew its duration.
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What if we used the window item over a section of wall that contained a shackle? Would that leave the wall bolts dangling or just waste our magic item?
It would remove the wall, but since we can take 10 to avoid failures to get people free, it would effectively waste a magic item. I expect we will want to use that to get into a treasure room with a serious lock on the door, and regain our stuff. Or possibly to sneak out of a corridor by going through another room, or possibly through the floor to a level below.

I also suggest that we only take the following from the veil to start with. 2 daggers, holy symbol, spell component pouch, and the thieves tools. The rest can wait until we need them. The gold and the clothes can certainly wait until we are free, unless we can bribe someone.
I feel like I'm probably insulting your intelligence to point this out, but I'm just following instructions in the book on this one...

You do have three days. As long as your ability to get free isn't discovered, you can gather as much information as you can (admittedly limited from your cell), decide what time to make your attempt, etc. You are certain a single, well-planned attempt will go better than multiple haphazard attempts. Once someone realizes you have the skills to get out of the cell, things will get much more difficult.

As regards the clothes - while in the cell they'd be noticeable, once you're out of the cell, you're less likely to be challenged at every turn in normal clothes. It won't be enough to let you stroll out of the prison, of course - especially not if an alarm has been sounded - but it is enough to make people ask questions first instead of assuming that you're escaping prisoners.
We should probably wait and strike late at night. Brandscar seems to be somewhat badly run, so there's a good chance we could catch someone asleep at the switch.
I agree. But...

Couple of questions then.

What is the current time of day?

Do the guards frisk us randomly? At shift change? Only if we are let out?

How often do guards change shift?
The current time of day is a tough one, but it's safe to assume visitors aren't accepted at night, so it's probably day, at least.

The guards enter the cell block, but not the cell, when they patrol, which is no more often than hourly, and no less often than once every three hours. As long as you're not displaying any contraband and you pretend to still be manacled to the wall, they don't notice anything without cause to make a Perception check. They don't frisk you normally - they don't open the cell unless they're coming to punish disobedient prisoners. It seems safe to assume that if they do notice a prisoner is free, they don't open the cell without backup.

You think they either change shifts at sunset and sunrise or else at noon and midnight. So, the next shift change would indicate it's become night. Since you've specifically mentioned listening for them to change shifts, I have a new bit of info to post to the main thread now ^_^ I'll get that done as soon as I find some food.
What would their response be if we started making a racket, say singing bawdy tavern songs? If it went on for a while?
Hee, I like the way you think. While it's hard to draw assumptions about exact policy - you'll probably need hard evidence - it seems safe to assume if you annoy them, they'll come try to put a stop to it.

I went ahead and advanced us to where you're reasonably sure it's night, and assumed everyone is unlocked from the walls and each other, but not the cell door yet (since that's a bit more noticeable). It is also DC 20 (these locks are antiques!), but no +2 for similarity to the previous locks this time. Which is ok, since I'm rather certain Akane can hit that taking 10.

In unrelated news, I've been re-reading the Girl Genius webcomic. It gives me such high hopes for Exthalion's character...
gatherer818 said:
In unrelated news, I've been re-reading the Girl Genius webcomic. It gives me such high hopes for Exthalion's character...
We think along similar lines. I have also been scouring Paizo and third party for rules regarding these sorts of things (since you said you didn't want to modify things too much and having rules is better than requiring arbitration every time.)
Oh, Ingenio, that went straight over his worldly little head. I think he and Tyrné will have some wonderful conversations in the future.
Heh, there's plenty of mad science to get into, though. Craft Construct is a rather broad feat, and I'm pretty sure rules already exist for the clockworks, as well as of course the golems. And then a handful of necromancy spells as you level give you room to really diversify, so many undead templates, so many creatures to apply them to, so little time...

EDIT: Oh right, don't forget summoning and calling. Oh dear...

In case it matters, I'm fine with you spending downtime "researching" summonable outsiders with specific feat or skill selections outside the normal for their species. That means you are mostly free to customize feats and skills for your summoned monsters as long as you do so ahead of time. You can generate as many of a single species as you want, but you always call them in a specific order (unless you have to skip one because he was killed or banished in the last 24 hours), and if you hit the end of what you have prepared, you summon normals. Called creatures might take you more time to research and exact combinations might not be available, but you can, say, call an erinyes and interrogate it to discover the name of another erinyes with the feat you want, then call that one next time. Feel free to go full on diabolist/necromancer/madboy or any combination of the above once you have some time to yourself.

EDIT2: Sephiroth, is Alexi planning to take a spirit bond or a mount? I didn't think I'd need to ask so soon, but Ingenio has forced my hand :P
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I know I am planning to go 10 ranks into Diabolist. I'll have to see what options I have when summoning devils into our group.

Also, what do members of our group know about the wizard that runs this prison? I know we know nothing about the layout of the prison, so not sure we will even find the path to the wizard's tower.
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I didn't bother to mention rolls for the disable device checks since we appeared to have reached a consensus that I would take 10 and subsequently pass each check.
Let's be frank, if he was a good wizard, he'd be a liche, not an old man ineptly running a prison.
solyrflair said:
Also, what do members of our group know about the wizard that runs this prison?
About him? Not much, besides what you just learned - he's relatively new here and completely uninterested in actually running a prison. Sergeant Blackerly really runs the place, it's just the old wizard who has the commission to do so. You expect he'll be informed about any obviously magical stuff you get discovered doing, though - like bypassing the cell door with a magical window - since he's the one who knows all about that.

I have discovered (last weekend) that I can access RPDom from the site I work weekend nights, which very much surprised me, as they have rather strict nanny-policies set on their computers (for good reason, on most of the computers, to be honest). So I added the AP to my Kindle so I'll have access to it while I'm there as well :D so I won't be out of commission, for those of us who are awake late into the nights.
Just going to say... Wizard's are kinda.... Wizards either are cowards, to live long...


IE- Either weak, or an ARchmage.
Recall that they don't normally open the cell. They just walk around the paths between the cells and look in. If you're in the cell, they will likely pass on by. Then again, there are two of them, maybe it'd be best to try to get one alone somehow?

I just realized I should probably make them a chibi or marker of some kind so I can represent them on the map with something besides a white square... I will do that soon, but it might be Monday. Sunday really sucks for me since work decided a third shift Sunday into Monday can be followed up by a second shift Monday afternoon on a regular basis without driving me insane. (I begin to suspect they are wrong.)
My idea is to slip out of the cell and wait by the door leading to the cell block, not the cell itself.
Right, it seemed Akane was waiting inside the cell, so I thought I should point it out.

I put Inuyasha on my Kindle to watch at work. It's your fault, you know that, right?

I have no clue why this picture made me think of this game, but it did. And I laughed. The puns are so bad.

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Oh, well I was waiting in the cell partly because I thought they might've been coming in, but also because it's obviously the least conspicuous place to be while guards go past.

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