[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

Question: can I get a Kn: Nobility roll or Kn:Religion to see if I recognize the woman, or might know who she is? Can I get a Spellcraft Roll to determine the control she has over him, if it is a magical ability? And Lastly, What would I use to determine if there is anything special about the veil?
Well, actualy, I share Gatherer's opinion, with one exception- I also, strongly, disliked her portrayal of vampires- but as a Story, to read? IT was enjoyable, apart from the Flatness of the two Main Charachters, and how HORID a role Model Bella was.
You'll get a chance to examine the veil at length if you can get it back to the cell, at which point it'll give up its secrets without a roll required. No result on a Kn: Nobility roll will give you anything on her, nor will a Kn: Religion without some form of magical perception (and if she notices you casting something on her, she's not likely to remain very friendly...). Taking 10 on a Spellcraft roll will likely suggest an enchantment effect of either the Charm or Compulsion subschool. Theoretically, you could oppose her Disguise check, but she has a +33 after taking her alter self into consideration. Assume she took 10.

I like the psuedo-scientific take on vampires (you know the sparkling is also why they're indestructible - the process of becoming a Meyer-ian vampire converts the carbon in your body into a diamond-like format), I like the pack-mind thing going on with the werewolves. I like nearly every character save the main two (and their kid), and actually, Edward was awesome before he met Bella and became emo.

Edward: Rampaging vengeful god of the night barely retaining his humanity by preying only on the worst human monsters. I've played that character in VtM before Twilight existed.

Jacob: Cocky teenager with a social stumbling block the size of Alaska when it comes to the girl he likes, with a lycanthropic hormone problem complicating it further. I've played that character, too.

Carlisle and Esme: Vampires who have attained Golconda and attempt to bring others along into the light leading by example.

Jane and Alec: Holy hell, awesomeness dressed up like jailbait and garnished with hints of incest.

The Volturi: The Sabbat, only a little less anarchic. They've already won, now it's time to maintain the status quo.

The Amazons: Oozing sexuality and ferocity, these are possibly the best vampires I've ever seen.

Alice: Yes, please. Creepy lolita fortune-teller pulling everyone's strings. Sides with the "good guys" because she knows they'll win.

Jasper: Forget his emotion control power, even if it is kinda cool. He's covered in enough scars to make Two-Face jealous, and only runs with the good guys because he's banging one of them. Also, there was that time he nearly had tasty Bella-snacks and prevented the extraordinarily mopy first half of New Moon from ever happening. He was a quarter-inch away from being my eternal hero instead of Lin Bei Fong.

Yeah. If Bella had never showed up (so Edward could slip back into his dark-anti-hero state and there was never a chestburster baby that could use the Lunar-Taming Leash before it was freaking conceived), Twilight would have been awesome.
To clarify, there aren't any guards left in the cell presently, though you expect them back soon. If you're yelling loud enough for them to hear through the door, that's fine, I just wanted to make sure that's what you mean to do.
@solyrflair Heh, turns out that last Sense Motive won't matter after all. Not sure if you're just trying to impress Tiadora or being selfless and returning the spotlight to the group, but I figured you were going to ask a few more questions first. Anticipated questions that wouldn't have helped at all would have included "Who are you?", "Why should I trust you?", "What did you do to the guard?", and "Who are working for?". A question I expected you to ask that might have helped, at least a little, was "You've charmed the guard somehow, can you ask him to unshackle us?" ^_^ However, the question you did ask I didn't expect, so bonus points for that.

I'll assume Alexis's Bluff takes place while Basquiol is being escorted back to the cell, and so while it gets a few of the lower-ranked guards, Tomas will be able to stop them from doing anything stupid...

however, that is a hella Bluff check, so I'll give you some information here that you could have earned another way.

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A minute of handling makes it's purpose plain, no Spellcraft check required. We can skip over Basq telling the others the stuff you already know from looking at the item description - or everyone can assume the first time he pulls an item from it. Your chains are just long enough to pass items from one to the next, so you can pass the picks down the row to whoever has the best Disable Device...

Disable Device checks are made at -2 for being manacled, get a +2 from the tools being masterwork, and after you get yourself free, the manacles and the shackles locks are all similar enough to get a +2 for repeating the same work. DC for these locks are all at 20, you can take 10 if you can hit it that way, but cannot take 20 (the locks don't jam if you fail by 5 or more, that's been replaced by a custom penalty for failure).

I believe I failed to mention (or notice, even, despite reading the whole freaking thing five times) that the south door has a small window in it, undoubtedly designed for the guards to hear through. Whispered conversations won't be noticed. Loud arguments will.
If I'm reading Akane's sheet right, she can take 10 once she gets free, but she needs an 11 or better to free herself.
*fails to interpret Sephiroth's comment* We can handwave what we need to speed the game along, assuming we plan to work together we don't have to wait for Solyrflair to post again (although he's on pretty often, IIRC). Trinios (or anyone else with Disable Device) can post something like "Akane asks Basquiol to pass the thieves' tools so she can get started on these locks..." It seems safe to assume the Cleric will take the holy symbol and the Wizard will take the spell component pouch, which will leave the Paladin and Magus lacking for just a bit. Another unholy symbol will have to wait until you escape, but there could be another spell component pouch sitting around...

I'm so ready to get the actual prison break going ^_^
Welp. I'll just, y'know. Use my Fangs to fuck some shit up, till we can get out- but I'd like to keep RP steady, so wait for Solyr's response, then timelapse past the IC discussion, and get to the IC Breakout, wuith OOC planing?
However you guys like, but that sounds good. Whether by stealth or by force, I'm sure it won't be long before everyone has a weapon in hand.
I have played D&D for over 30 years, I have written modules for RPGA play. Sometimes, I know what the answers are going to be, because I know how these things work. So here are the assumptions:

1) Any question about who/what the woman is will be deflected to just provoke more questions, waste the time I have with her, and to bring the scene to an end too quickly, perhaps even make her angered.

2) Questions about our interested party will lead to vague answers, perhaps enough for us to assume the person is Asmodeus or perhaps one of his higher servants. In any case, the choice will be obvious later, and the option to decline his help would end the scenario.

3) Asking questions about how the charm was done or what the veil is should be something we can figure out later. For instance, spellcraft checks on the veil will let us know what it is and does. Observing how the guard acts will tell us what spell or ability is being used on the guards. Asking questions will be seen as trying to figure out who she is.

4) Generally, as an author, the servant presented here is well above the level needed for the job, to ensure success and to get the mission started. There is 0 chance of failure, and if the PCs need confirmation that they are working for someone powerful enough to help us, this being/person is more than capable.

So, I was looking for questions, as I said in my post, that would not be answers I could find out easily by spending a few minutes with some skills. I have a Spellcraft of +6, so I would have a likely chance to figure out the veil, or the charm. Others might be better than me, so asking those questions would be redundant. As I said, Evil expects you to answer the easy questions yourself.
I just listed the ones I expected you to ask and had answers ready in advance for (like I said, most of them were useless), and honestly, most of them were in the AP as likely questions from you. I didn't mean to imply you did something wrong somehow ^_^ but that is why I mentioned you could ask them in batches, because I figured you'd hit all those just in the name of thoroughness, even if you didn't expect a real answer to all of them. And you're right, other than an amusement factor for one or two, most of them were going to get deflected. They'll take the time to explain more if you survive - and decide to meet them at the manor.

The servant is, yes, ridiculously more powerful than she needs to be. The best case scenario would have been to somehow get her fighting the guards, but not only would that have taken some extraordinary creativity, it probably would have irritated her and not carried the same weight as it will when you personally slay Tomas ^_^

While I know ~you~ know how that Q and A was going to go down, I expected Basq to be more curious. Then again, she's using known abilities of most devils and obviously working in some kind of hierarchy, it's a safe assumption for Basq's Kn:Religion that she's a devil of some sort. Nailing which one down specifically would require penetrating her disguise to get the check, since she's successfully disguised as human right now, and the Perception DC to do so is beyond the ken of even the most astute first-level characters - which I told you not to bother rolling Kn:Religion.
Don't worry, I didn't take it as you saying I did anything wrong. At the table, I might have run through some of those questions, but here, I was just more interested in getting back to the group and getting this started.

I figure she is probably an erinyes or an ice devil, though the erinyes would alarm me more. Killing Tomas would probably be worth a lot of bonus points if she is.
Would you believe more powerful than that? :D she summons erinyes when sufficiently threatened, or when she can't be arsed to do the killing herself. She's got the patience to do the subtle manipulations, where an erinyes might have had trouble getting past the Mitran symbols on the walls without smashing them, or retaliating fatally when Tomas "accidentally" touched her ass twice on the stairs.
I can give a +1 to Akane as a bonus so she can take 10 and save us any issues from one bad roll.
A +1 would be good, I'd prefer to take 10. Whenever I roll for something that I only need like 11 or 12 to pass, I get below 5, consistently.
Yes, Guidance is a spell that gives a +1 to any skill, attack, or save for 1 minute. It takes a DC15 concentration check to cast while shackled, so I needed to spend 4 rounds to cast it properly (stupid 50/50 chances). Picking a lock takes 1d4 rounds, so you have time to Take 10 to pick the lock once you have the tools from the veil.

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