[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

Yeah, we really dont Care- also, when it comes to Evil Outsiders... I and Basque are also both already worshipers of Asmodeus. xD

.. Oh, and you're starting all this within an hou of my bedtime- as I Post this, I am shutting down my comp to go to sleep.
g'night ^_^ I just wanted to get it done tonight since I'll be rather distracted for the weekend - got called into work Saturday and Sunday, darn it, I've been looking forward to Saturday for three months - but at least Friday I'll be RPing with my usual Sunday group, making up last Sunday I missed for work again.
gatherer818 said:
So the AP tells me to take a socially competent PC, preferably with Sense Motive trained, to be the main character of the first scene (after you get a little "who are you, what are you in for" time). The highest Sense Motive in the group is Basquiol Monvidari, but the strongest general social character is Alexei. Any volunteers?
Where's this coming from? I may not have any bonus to sense motive (yet), but I have +9 in diplomacy and intimidate as well as +8 in bluff.
I think a lot of us realized that there would be a great deal of social manipulation in this. Most of us are pretty competent in social situations. But I think our DM is looking for someone to have Asmodeus appear to, or one of his servants. Not entirely sure, but seems logical.
Ah, sorry Trinios, I didn't look further past your character's Sense Motive. I should have said, the strongest general social character who has a high Sense Motive is Alexi. I honestly don't believe the person I pull aside will be rolling anything else but Sense Motive ^_^

EDIT: I just noticed Exthalion's question he edited in a half-page back. Non-specified material components just require you to have a spell component pouch. I'm guessing they removed the description planning to add one that didn't seem like it should take several rounds to cast, and never got around to it. In 3.5, the component for an arcane caster was powdered silver, which you used to draw a 3-foot circle around the creature to be warded.
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Thank you for the response. I would like to know what the garments we are wearing are made of because wool and fleece are two of the material components of my memorized spells. I would prefer to be able to cast ghost sound without asking for donations of ear wax from my fellow inmates (ghost sound is a small lump of wax or bit of wool).

Also, while I did imagine Ingenio as bitter and sardonic, he has been talking more than normal in an effort by me to keep the conversation going. I think I am going to chalk it up to him being a bit manic due to the situation.
I like Exthalion's creativity ^_^ I think it's most likely to be wool, and that rewards your idea, so we'll go with that.

You may attempt to interfere with Basq's visit, but there are seven armed and armored men in the room ready for a fight. Up to you.

In case it needs to be said, Basq wasn't expecting any visitors.

Last but not least, if Basq's player could make three Sense Motive checks for me, and everyone else make one, I'd be much obliged. (They might not all be necessary, but asking for the checks when they crop up gives a bit away...)
Well, it seems I hit a few break points with the skill checks. Hopefully DC20 will be good enough.
If I attempt an escape artist check and pass it, would it be stealthy, or really obvious that I slipped the shackles? (presuming the DC isn't super high)
Hah! I know. :P

I was mostly joking, and As you saw Alexi is amused. Simply sayin.... wait, whered she even get hte glitter joke from, in a world without twilight?
There are certain one copper novels concerning the affairs of aloof beauties and the virginal, elegant vampires who love them...
xD . I see, I see. Although- Alexi is far from Virginal.. though, in the Original Pirate concept, I was thinking Jack Sparrow as an Anti-Paladin
Tyrné knows he's not virginal, she's been in pubs with him. She was being just a wee bit rude. She's just one of the lads, at heart. :P
With them in the room, you'd need to pass it with a large margin for them not to notice. If you make the check while they're away, though, you can pretend to still be shackled when they come in the room with a very easy Bluff or Disguise check (+10 bonus opposed by their Perception, and they normally take 10 if they don't have reason to believe anything weird is happening). I'll be ready to move forward if I get your Sense Motive before I get home today, Trinios ^_^

There was a Twilight discussion while I was writing this post. It's a reply to Trinios's question, darn it. I wish there was a shower here...

Ignore that, I decided to lower the Sense Motive DC so that some people passed it, owing to Alexi's well-timed comment. I'll post the next bit as soon as I get home today, around 8 or 9 am EST.
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Rather than double-post in the main thread, I edited a post there and double posted here to nudge your alerts and watches and stuff. :D
It's highly unlikely Basq's conversation will take 20 minutes or more. Taking 10 doesn't get you close. You feel like slipping these manacles will either be extraordinarily difficult or impossible for you - they've held the worst criminals in the history of the nation, and there's never been an escape before. The fact that they're not maintained like they should be might make them easier to break, but it doesn't aid you at all in trying to slip free.
In response to wishing there was a shower. I can actually kill people with those fangs- I deal 1d3 Damage with em, and latch on!
oh yeah, I just remembered that the DC for manacles is 30.... so it's literally impossible for me at level 1. Well I hope the disable device DC is lower so I can at least free everyone else, if the locks are average or lower quality I at least stand a chance.
Sephiroth, I honestly liked the Twilight saga, except for the two main characters. The others were well written and fairly awesome...

Trinios, you are correct. The DC on that check is 30, but it can be done if someone brought the right feats or spells.

Typing on my Kindle sucks.
gatherer818 said:
Sephiroth, I honestly liked the Twilight saga, except for the two main characters. The others were well written and fairly awesome...
gatherer818 said:
Trinios, you are correct. The DC on that check is 30, but it can be done if someone brought the right feats or spells.
Trinios should have tried harder to sneak in the hat.


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