[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...


If I basically remade Alexei for this other game you speak of, what would be your feelings on the matter?
I'd be fine with that. I'm in no hurry to start a new game, though, so expect to sit on your idea a while :P

the system is called Fantasy Core, if you're wondering, and it looks to me like a mix of 3.5 and Mutants and Masterminds. Point build system replaces classes, with the spell system reworked and lots of heavy editing done. Class abilities and feats were combined into "Traits", while a new category of mitigating factors called "Limitations" give players additional points to play with. The skill system is basically the same, with lots of new skills added and combat capability made into skills as well. Three defensive stats - Armor (which is now DR and reduces Dodge), Dodge (essentially AC, 'passive' defense) and Parry (active defense). It seems best built for representing medieval, DnD-style campaigns but is open enough to run a decent game in any setting.
Really sorry to see this one fade. Basq was my first real evil character, and I was looking forward to really hyping up the evil once we got into civilization. That said, I understand how a life event can bring a thread to a crawl and some of the players are a little fickle with how a slight decrease in activity can end their interest.

That said, I hope to see you putting up a new game once the new forums come up. This was fun while it lasted.

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