[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

I'm here. Sorry, I've been remiss on prompt posting lately. I'm currently knee-deep in the college semester, including a midterm (WHY?! IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HALFWAY THROUGH THE TERM!). I'll get caught up soon.
all good, I just tagged you in case you stopped getting alerts ^_^ 'tis Trinios I'm worried about. But this is the worst time of the year for RPs, hopefully we'll all just show up some day soon and get right back to it.
Captain Hesperus] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7650-gatherer818/ said:
@gatherer818[/URL] Is this game still going?
Captain Hesperus
we're giving a player some time to respond before we NPC them and move on, but as time goes on I become less hopeful. But yes, we're... some brand of active.

My other game, btw, is just on hiatus waiting for this ridiculous work assignment to be over (it was SUPPOSED to be done by January 1st). I'll nudge someone in the request thread for it when we're ready to pick it up again.
alright, last attempt at a roll call, I'll make a new thread for it. We'll give it a week and NPC anyone who can't make it, replace them between this act and the next if they still haven't appeared.
@tr4nsience , you still interested in this game? We could give you the character that got abandoned until we get to a point where it makes sense to replace her, then bring yours in as Akane refuses to swear fealty to either the Prince of Devils or his servant...
*sigh* indeed he was. Exactly two days more recently than the player we were waiting on, if I recall correctly. I'll just NPC Akane for now probably just allow the count to fall to four after we escape here. If I do so, I'll alter the exp counts so you'll have the correct amount as though there were only ever four of you, so you won't be behind. Expect a post probably Wednesday...

Akane, Alexi, and Tyrne are up front, with Basq, Ingenio, and Grumblejack hanging back unless the lead team needs help, right?
Yes, that is so. I could also take the role of Rouging- I'd prefer to make my own rouge, but could take Akane if that's easier.
Can we kill Akane and reap xp from the dissolution of his soul? (At least until we need to power a magic item at which point we call back his soul and trap it in a different sort of eternal torment.)
SephirothSage said:
I like this plan. Let's feed Akane's soul to the Demon to seal our pact with Asmodeus.
Something like this?

On a certain day, at a certain time, the faithful gathered to perform certain rituals, hoping to gain a glimpse of their master. The day was correct, the summoning true.

Slashing a smoking tear through the Veil, She, her-very-self, appeared before them, terrible and resplendent. She came arrayed in ebony darker than a moonless night, wielding a blade burning hotter than the surface of the sun. And though she wore the guise of a Dunmer warrior-queen, she towered above them like a statue carved from the Red Mountain itself.

"Why have you disturbed me?"

Surprised, the first among them prayed:

"O Boethiah, Prince of Plots, Deceiver of Nations, Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction, we come to worship thee!"

She looked down upon her followers, gathered to bear witness. Frowning she asked the first:

"Tell me, you who profess to know me, how shall I know you?"

Afeared he exclaimed:

"Each night I pray to thee, each night I call out thy wondrous names. Surely thou must recognize the sound of my voice? Thy most devoted of believers?"

She frowned and let out a long sigh, and then of a sudden he was gone, the air from her lungs dispersing him.

Turning to the second she asked:

"And you? How shall I measure the worth of your existence?"

Stunned by the power of her voice, he bowed before her darkening visage.

She clapped her hands, and he too was gone.

To the third:

"And you, tell me, how shall I know you apart from such as were they, of whom there is no trace?"

Shaken and speechless from the nullifications of his brethren, he whispered:

"Have mercy upon us!"

She blinked twice. Once, he was in agony. Twice, he was destroyed.

She cast a withering glance across those remaining and said:

"I do not grant mercy."

And so it was with the others. She putting them to proof, they offering none.

Finally she came to me, eyes aglow with anger, tongue wet with hate, and said:

"Of all my believers, but two remain. Tell me, second-to-last, with what shall you prove your existence?"

Without hesitation I drew forth my blade and buried it in the chest of the other who stood beside me, and without fear replied:

"Ask him whose blood now sprouts from my blade if I exist."

She smiled. And the gates of Oblivion opened between her teeth. Then she said:

"Tell me, now-last of my followers, wherefore do you remain where the others do not?"

I retrieved my blade, and offered it up saying:

"I am alive because that one is dead. I exist because I have the will to do so. And I shall remain as long as there are signs of my handwork, such as the blood dripping from this blade."

Accepting my gift, she nodded and said:

Sorry I've been a little slow this week. I screwed something up and refused to admit it until now. As soon as I rectify the situation, I'll have Grumblejack reveal his find.
*Salute* Hey, no probs man. Patience, I have it. We wouldn't still be here, if we didn't all have patience, and understand. I think I speak for all of us when I say- we're for you man!
No worries. Just him (the ogre) being an evil creature, I wouldn't put it past him to try to keep something he finds. So I called him on it. So, I am good withy the minor delay. I also had a tough week.
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I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to say anything T_T it was my fault our attention was elsewhere for a while, anyway... maybe they're deciding whether to fight you for the awesome sword :P

I think you have everything from the wizard's quarters. The map, the potion, the scroll, the stone, the sword, and the portable lab. And a handful of noble's outfits. All the useful books from the second floor, and you know about the tapestry to return for if you decide it's worth carrying. Someone name where you're going next - the towers, the gate, the fort? - and I'll set that scene for you :D
As much as I hate to see it go, pretty sure I managed to kill another one. Me and my unpredictable schedule claim another game as victim. T_T Now that I'm back and actually ready to update, the interest has drained out.

It was fun, but this module just doesn't translate well to PbP. My RL group is running this one occasionally and it's going much better. I'll give the others until the new control panel is up and running to prove me wrong, and then if we still haven't experienced a miracle I'll archive it. I learned a bit about the players at least, and made a short list of people to specifically invite if I decide to make another foray into GMing. I have a neat system I bought on sale recently, if my schedule stabilizes I might nudge you about it. It's nominally a d20 system, based on the 3.5 OGL, but it changes basically everything except the six main attributes and is incredibly setting-agnostic. I have an idea for "champions from across time are brought together for the ultimate defense of our dimension" scenario with characters roughly equal in power to 20th level Pathfinder characters <3 you can play a modern-day spec-ops, a bronze age psychic, dark ages Inquisitor, future-tech cyber-samurai, or anything in-between...

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