[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

View attachment 2751 I'll re-up this with the guard posts marked when I have some more time. I'm marking them on Roll20 now.

EDIT2: Sometimes I feel like an idiot. The guard posts are areas 1, 3c, 8, and 17; the patrol route is all the 6's (including 6a). Hope that helps. Please note that 3c and all the 6's overlook the courtyard.

EDIT: On Roll20 the four guard posts are marked with orange X's, the one place it's easy to miss has a note, and the patrol route atop the wall is marked with an orange line. There are two guards scheduled at each post. Please ignore the attached roll, determining a random 50% chance.

[dice]2709[/dice]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Branderscar.jpg.43619858b1eadf9bf7aad528f37fc69a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Branderscar.jpg.43619858b1eadf9bf7aad528f37fc69a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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So, the two guards in 17 are dead. One guard in 8 is dead. Both guards in 3 are alive and on watch. Same I tower 1.

I think our next plan is to open the cupboard #13 after checking for traps and picking the lock. We can equip ourselves if there is anything valuable there. Then maybe move to the bedchamber to loot useful items from there. Not sure if we will try closet 14 or skip it.

After that, we should set a window and get out to the wizard tower once we can observe the watch routine and pick a moment when the guards will not see us.

How does that sound? @gatherer818
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Meta gaming is a tried and true method of survival. Generally it isn't so transparent. But, there are worse things than being in league with a devil. At least you know that they tend to be loyal for as long as you perform. Better than the demonic hosts who might just rip you apart to sate their anger, even if you are their greatest champion.

@gatherer818 I figure if we give you a plan of action, you can move us along until we need to make more rolls. We can probably take 10 on locks and searching for traps on doors. Most perception checks can probably be done as Take 10 as well. The question of whether we go to room 14 depends on what we find in our search, and if we are interrupted at any point. Placing the window will only happen once we are equipped as best we can.
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Err, I might not have been clear at some point, but you're IN room 14. 13 and 15 are attached, 12 (and 10) can be reached from the main storeroom, 9 and 11 can be reached from 10.

I'll go ahead and assume, since you know 13 is empty, that you search it. As 15 is more of a risk (you haven't seen inside it yet), I'll wait until someone opens it IC or a majority say to hit it OOC ^_^

Of course, 13 is locked, so I'll need a Disable Device roll... feel free to assume guidance unless Exthalion objects, for an extra +1.
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You don't hear anything from any of the doors (I forgot which one you're listening at :P ) , the only thing really holding us up is the DD roll to lockpick the room. As a normal Disable Device roll, there is a penalty for failure, so I don't want to make assumptions about taking 10.
I am listening to the bedroom door.

Alexei is listening to the hallway door.

We just need @Trinios to make his Disable Device roll to get going
I'll go ahead and tell you the DC is 25 for that lock. Most of the cell locks were 20, there's one 30 in the area, and nearly everything else is 25. There are also keys for all of them somewhere. Thus far, you've found the cell keyring (opening any door in the cell block) and three unmarked, similar keys off dead guards.

Nothing prevents anyone from trying the west door while Akane works on the north one.
I figured when a 21 was a fail by less than 5. I didn't want to get into another room until we got the cupboard open, but if we think the bedroom will get through faster, I am willing. Especially since the door to the bedroom didn't have a lock.

Perhaps we can get Tyrne to sneak in and make sure it is empty before we make our move to there.
I figured you didn't want to "split the party" (even if it's just by a single open door), but since that door isn't locked and you can't detect any signs of life in there, AND you're reasonably sure Akane won't be ambushed in the storage room (since you neither heard anything nor saw even lights in the room, precluding most humans), I figured you might want to do the one while we waited for Trinios's next post.

Or you can come back to the more difficult locks if you find the key, of course... Any PC with a non-negative WIS mod can guess who has it :D
I could do the harder lock if I took 20, in which case I wouldn't need the guidance buff. I'm assuming it would be ok? Some DM's agree with what I've read that say you can take 20 on disable device since it doesn't really incur any failure penalties while some say you can't since you may break the lock or any number of other things. This is assuming we'd have the few minutes to spare that would be required to actually take 20.
I... am actually ok with that one. The doors here will jam if you fail them by 5+ twice, but the lockbox is too well maintained for that. Too bad for Sergeant Blackerly...
To clarify, the doors between areas 13 and 14 and between 8 and 12 are the locked doors. 13-14 is the one Akane already tried a few times and hasn't gotten (it's pretty hard for one you can't take 20 on, though). Am I reading the main thread right in that Alexi is going to go try door 8-12? We know it's locked, but aside from the fact I don't think I made that clear, the characters don't know it yet anyway, so might as well get that out of the way ^_^ just making sure I'm reading things right. I'll post what Akane finds in the box with that post too.
Not yet. Once we get into the box, the group will likely move to go into the other room. Akane will have to pick that lock and hopefully get us in before we set up the window and move to the wiz roared tower.

If you can post the contents of the box, we can work from that point.
*nudge* box contents are posted. Six-pack of alcohol and enough money to found or buy a small town or large village, including the supporting farms and furnishings for the businesses.
We still have a bunch of guards to kill before we can spend it and wizard to kill. Next plan is to go pick the lock (if there is one) on the other storage room and get some equipment.

I suggest we have our ninja, anti paladin and our chaotic sneak forward to that room. The rest will stay here and cover you in case someone comes out of the other rooms, we can flank them quickly.

@gatherer818 think we can get to there without needing more stealth rolls? And a Take 10 to pick the lock?
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All the locks here are the same difficulty as the one Akane's already failed to open twice, and it's the other storage room that's the only locked door left.. Stealth rolls are probably unnecessary unless someone decides to go somewhere besides the rooms they're already in.

I might mention that the stone walls are reasonably thick, you ~might~ not attract undue attention if you bash the doors in. Barring that, you could make sure the entire fort is empty and then kick down whatever doors you like, the guards on the outer wall would have virtually no chance of hearing that.
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