[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

Myth-weavers works well, or just formatting it into a forum post (so you can edit it without having to upload a new PDF every time) is fine. I'm not picky on how your character is displayed as long as I can go see it when I have questions :D
I count five sheets up. Are we ready to get started? I don't have to bother with preludes and stuff since you all know exactly how you got here and why... I could have the first story thread up later today to give everyone the weekend to respond, if the general consensus is go. ;)
I say we go ahead. I only have to choose spells memorized. And post my background. I would call it fluff but I have a hard time calling hardened criminal activity as fluff.
gatherer818 said:
I count five sheets up. Are we ready to get started? I don't have to bother with preludes and stuff since you all know exactly how you got here and why... I could have the first story thread up later today to give everyone the weekend to respond, if the general consensus is go. ;)
Go ahead.

solyrflair said:
I say we go ahead. I only have to choose spells memorized. And post my background. I would call it fluff but I have a hard time calling hardened criminal activity as fluff.
Is that a statement or a challenge? We could almost certain commit enough atrocities to make it fluff, though that seems inefficient.
Heh... I'm not as concerned with backstories as I could be for this game, since they're basically just rope to hang yourselves with... pun not originally intended, but I'll leave it. I do need to go compare the Player's Guide to the full AP to see what all "common knowledge" is left out of the AP... like, Acts Three and Four might not make a ton of sense if you don't know that the Watch Wall stretches across the northern border of Talingarde and today mostly keeps out bugbear tribes that would otherwise invade and harass the northern regions. They're a nuisance but not a real threat, since they can't work together to save their lives, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to breach the Watch Wall.

It has a very Game of Thrones feel. I want to name a random soldier on the Wall Jon Snow, just because I can.
Okay, wrote my story. Background is complete. I should probably add the link to the House Barca in the story, but other than that, I am pretty much ready to go.
Also- on that Game Of Thrones Feel....

.. I'm gunna make, like.. If Jaime, had Tyrions Brain. And then, not. Just, had the thought then realized I propably wont actualy be like that.

But god that would be an Epic Mofo.
for those interested in using Roll20, you can find the campaign here: https://app.roll20.net/join/215881/W8flCw . It remains entirely optional, but you are welcome to it. If you would like to create a token, you may, it just needs to look decent at 70x70, you can send it to me (a post works fine) and I'll toss it in there. The page you'll see when you sign in is blank so as not to give anything away yet, I've got the prison map tied to another page I'll move you to soon :D
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SephirothSage said:
Mw.. mwah...
My Clerical COmpadre- shall we convert them to the one true faith?
I can't help but picture you guys going around to people's houses all "Do you have a minute to talk about our dark lord & savior Asmodeus?"

Also, got my icon sorted:

View attachment 2594 Solyr, is this what you were looking for?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8bfdfb1048_Asmodeansymbol.jpg.52f10e7d79eb125e08339e94ed6f4b29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8bfdfb1048_Asmodeansymbol.jpg.52f10e7d79eb125e08339e94ed6f4b29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Asmodean symbol.jpg
    Asmodean symbol.jpg
    1.7 KB · Views: 15
So the AP tells me to take a socially competent PC, preferably with Sense Motive trained, to be the main character of the first scene (after you get a little "who are you, what are you in for" time). The highest Sense Motive in the group is Basquiol Monvidari, but the strongest general social character is Alexei. Any volunteers?
It could be either of us. I think I have better general social skills, but Alexi can lie through his ass.
hehe. That's why I asked if either of you had a preference. I honestly think Basq is better suited for the particular situation, but maybe not being able to see through all the lies would make things more interesting? On a side note, if anyone needs friendly contact with an evil outsider, I mean, there's friendly contact with an evil outsider, and THEN there's "friendly contact" with an evil outsider, if you know what I mean.

.....I almost can't believe I quoted OotS... not sure if that makes me epic or just terribly nerdy. Don't care. Entirely up to you guys - I won't move things on until everyone gets a chance to say hi, so we have time to work it out :D

Will this picture be acceptable? (I wonder if this image, which I hadn't remembered until I saw it, inspired my idea of character description.)
gatherer818 said:
hehe. That's why I asked if either of you had a preference. I honestly think Basq is better suited for the particular situation, but maybe not being able to see through all the lies would make things more interesting? On a side note, if anyone needs friendly contact with an evil outsider, I mean, there's friendly contact with an evil outsider, and THEN there's "friendly contact" with an evil outsider, if you know what I mean.
.....I almost can't believe I quoted OotS... not sure if that makes me epic or just terribly nerdy. Don't care. Entirely up to you guys - I won't move things on until everyone gets a chance to say hi, so we have time to work it out :D
Depends on the evil outsider. With an evil god the aphrodisiac of power might make up for any shortcomings. Any others will have to meet some standards.

Edit: I apologize for the double post.

Edit 2: What is the material is the garb we are wearing made of? Also, what is the material component for protection from good? It isn't listed anywhere.
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I'd forgive you, but I think we've established that's more of a burning-at-the-stake offense ^_^

"Hear ye, hear ye, this forum-goer, being of considerably moral turpitude and not possessing sense of class, did accidentally post twice to the same thread - yes, the same thread - without waiting for another person of sounder character to post in-between. In light of this heinous offense against God and Reddit, we hereby consign this wayward child of the interweb to the sacred pyre. May the Mods Above forgive thee thine transgressions, else your soul be cast into the YouTube Comments below. Trolls, please commence the epic burn."

No but seriously, no one minds that much :D

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