[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

It is, just not an easy place to strike them from. Especially since they'll almost certainly notice if you already have the cell door unlocked. Sorry if I didn't make it clear they don't normally open the cell when they patrol back around this post.
So, Trinios, we're agreed: ambush them as they come through the door to the cell block. I could also nail them with Color Spray as they enter.
It's awesome how every effect of color spray gives me automatic sneak attacks. Which are unfortunately less effective since I only have one weapon. I'm also paranoid of missing a lot before level 3, since I took two-weapon fighting before weapon finesse, so at level 1 I actually take a -1 if I use both weapons.
Hmm. Wouldn't it be better to grab Weapon Finesse first and then branch out into Two-Weapon Fighting later? Gatherer might let you swap out.
I think I actually would prefer to swap it, if that's ok. Also, I just realised that you'll need a spell component pouch to cast color spray and I presume the full blown wizard is taking the one in the veil.
You could hand the pouch off, since you have a few rounds to prepare. Grab the stuff for your color spray and then let the wizard keep the rest. So you guys are going to basically crowd the door and hit them as soon as they open it, right? *just making sure I'm understanding this correctly*

Feel free to swap feats you haven't used yet around a bit, character creation is a little wibbly-wobbly until the first fight anyway ^_^

Also, in case you didn't see my status, sorry for my sudden absence. Work decided that I could get 20 hours of work (and 7.5 of driving to and from sites) done in 32 hours of time, from 11 pm Sunday to 7 am Tuesday, I honestly worked 20 freaking hours and slept less than two and a half.

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Due to my fear of not getting another spellbook, I am just going to be casting Guidance each round. Once we are out of here and I have rescribed the spells in my head I will be a little more profligate.
That all looks good to me! I just need some colored sand out of the pouch to nail them with Color Spray. On top of that, I can spend a point from my Arcana Pool to make my dagger into a +1 weapon.
Weapon Finesse (Combat)

You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.

Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
Bite is a natural weapon, so yes.
Skrakes is entirely correct :D

Akane and Tyrne need a Stealth check of 11 to not be noticed until the guards get past them, everyone else only needs a 10, feel free to take 10 if you can since you have time to set up. Casters, if you want to already be holding the charge on a touch spell, say so. If your Stealth isn't good enough for taking 10 to work, go ahead and roll... as soon as we get five "ready"s, they'll come through the door ^_^
Ok, I swapped my feats around, so I should actually hit things now. I'm gonna take 10 on my stealth check, since you told us that we only need 11 I could've rolled and passed as long as I didn't crit fail, but knowing me that's exactly what would happen.

Unless I missed something, Seph, you could've taken 10, since you onle needed a 10 anyway. Anyone could take 10 here as long as they don't have a negative mod.

Also, Ready.
Eh, I'm assuming it's a standard action casting time, you had time to get everyone. That's why I was asking everyone to say they were ready, so we could get all the last minute stuff clarified since you actually have a chance to prepare these things this time. I'll post later today to the main thread.

EDIT: Welp, I lied, somehow with all this craziness I missed a day and didn't realize it's bedtime already. I will try to post tomorrow, but it might be Friday, sorry for the delay. Posting from my Kindle is awkward and difficult, but I'll attempt it from work ^_^ the text box is about |------| this big and I can't easily swap between the web browser and a pdf. After tomorrow, my work schedule should be back to something resembling normal and I'll have more free time than I know what to do with during the week.
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The world conspires against me. I will post before I go to bed tonight no matter how late it is. Sincerest apologies for the wait, I know it is one heck of a cliffhanger.
I assume we roll initiative. Even if we surprise the guards, we get a partial action in the surprise round before we get to normal initiative. The guards should be flat footed, so sneak attacks would get their bonuses.

Holy Crap! I completely suck at initiative. Even in the superhero game I roll 1s for initiative.
You can roll initiative with your surprise round actions - since no enemies act in the surprise round, order doesn't matter much. I'm assuming Tyrne and Akane were walking right behind the two guards, so they're already in position to provide flanks (and receive flanks > :) ) as soon as someone else steps up in front.

EDIT: Updated Roll20. Tyrne and Akane are adjacent to the two adjacent guards.. Everyone else is 25 ft to flanking positions. Everyone but Basq has guidance.

Turn order is technically...





the scenery


The guards will roll at the start of the next round. I expect them to be low, but positive :P
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