[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

Each guard is carrying: chain shirt, heavy steel shield, longsword, leather club, longbow with 20 arrows, key

In addition, one of these is carrying a lantern and a second key; Basq recognizes it as the one they unlocked the cell block door with when he was being escorted back from his visit; the other carries a small horn, no doubt used to alert other guards in case of emergency.
To all our nobles, I have learned something interesting:

Fed Up refers to a falcon which has been flown and fed so that it no longer shows interest in hunting. Such a bird has a full crop which is raised relative to an unfed bird.

Under My/Your Thumb refers to a falcon which is sitting in your index finger who's leash is pinched by your thumb.

Wrapped Round My/Your little finger is a further falcon control, when the leash was wrapped around the pinky finger to keep the bird secure.

Also, the frame that carried extra falcons was called a cadge. The one who carried it was called the cadger. The word caddie, as in golf, has the same root.
Sorry I kinda missed the whole confrontation, I've been busy the last day or two. In general I prefer to use passive perception since it avoids the whole OOC knowledge thing, so unless I decide otherwise I'll take 10 for a 16 on perception.
it's no problem. We're moving quite a bit faster than the expected post-per-week, and really, the entire confrontation was "Color Spray!" *both guards fall down, coup-de-grace x2, now to decide what to do with the loot*
Right now, we have to decide who carries what. Our inventory is limited, but we can certainly start moving things to people who can use them best.

Alexi is our Damphir Anti-Paladin, so I suggest he get the clothes, chain shirt, longsword, and shield to be our front line fighter and can bluff us through as a guard. Alexi should carry the warning horn.

Akane should be our other guard/ninja, with clothes, longsword, chain shirt, shield or dagger (her preference). Her bluff is good enough to keep us moving.

Tyrne should carry one of the bows and arrows for now, and keep one of the daggers. As a magus, you are already lower on spells and should try to save your other spell unless we get into a bigger combat.

Basq will carry a club and either the shield or dagger (whichever Akane doesn't want), and the padded club. I'll keep the holy symbol.

Ingenio, as our wizard, should have the component pouch and a club. As an elf, I say we give him the bow and arrows.

IF we can get to a guard shack that is relatively empty, I think we can get some more clothes and if a guard has to die, then we can get some more equipment to divide. I would like to keep the normal clothing attached to the veil for when we get out, rather than have them soaked in the blood of the guards.

Now that we have the soft clubs, we have a way of knocking people unconscious for long periods of time to strip them down before we slit their throats.

Anyone have a cleansing spell to get some of the blood off the ground or clothes? Also, I have a light spell that lasts for an hour I can place on an arrow or other object should we need to light up an area farther ahead of us.

Also, just for story sake, I say we put the two guards we killed into the shackles and rags as a decoy for anyone peeking in later on. Maybe buy us a few hours.
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Not much point in me having the longsword, I'd imagine it'd see better use with our magus. I also don't have much need of a shield, especially if I get some of the armour. Also, I have good diplomacy and intimidate as well as memory lapse, so I can retry a failed roll once a day (they do get a save).
You need it as part of your disguise, and I'm a finesse-based character too.

I'd say Solyr has the right of this one!
Drat! Stupid dice roller. I was hoping to get a +2 to Akane so she could just take 10 and get to a 21 on a diplomacy roll to get the big guy to join us. Oh well, I guess she will have to use her normal wiles to get us a brute to come along. Or... We shoot him to keep him quiet.
Well there is a +2.

If this works, are we going to hold our new minion jointly or make a gift of him to one of us? I say this because if we let the one who convinces our thralls to serve us keep them then our socialites will have them all. I don't know about you, but when slave gangs are building my vanity projects I would like someone both suitably loyal and evil there to crack the whip when they cry out to Mitra.
Hahahahahaha! At least someone can roll well.

I think the thing is to get out of the prison before we worry about dividing the minions between us. Don't worry, if this goes right, we should all end up with armies following us around. I doubt we will take down both king and princess without bringing armies to bear.

That said, if you RP that he is your buddy/retainer/lover, I am sure we won't need to roll dice to see whose side they join. Diplomacy rolls get them to join our side, RP actions will make them loyal to an individual. I am sure we can work out specifics as we get a few loyal companions on our side.
Before you get to attached to Grumblejack, I should mention he isn't likely to remain an ally during the early parts of the campaign, just because having a hulking ogre following you around isn't compatible with some early stealth-related goals. However, he IS a potential recurring character, so getting him out of the prison and winning his eternal gratitude is still a good plan.

It's just that no CR 2 combat encounter is going to survive contact with an ogre ally :P he meets back up with you when an ogre cohort is CR-appropriate, I believe.
Clearly, the solution to that problem is to apply so much mind control magic on him that he follows us around anyway. Or, we could keep him in a portable hole for stealth.
SephirothSage said:
Indeed.. Indeed. So- I have what for equipment, now?
solyrflair said:
Alexi is our Damphir Anti-Paladin, so I suggest he get the clothes, chain shirt, longsword, and shield to be our front line fighter and can bluff us through as a guard. Alexi should carry the warning horn.
Also, I believe you have some diplomancing to do, My Lord the Moon.
I do Bluffing. I think you two got the Ogre, so far, with Diplomacy and RPing it out. But dont worry- I do plan to be Diplomancing.
Just need @Trinios to use diplomacy on the ogre to get us going. And hen maybe pick the lock.

@gatherer818 Do we have a key to his cell in our keys, or is picking the lock the only option at this point. I know we found keys on the dead guards. Can we confirm if either works on his cell?
Well I assume with that aid another bonus I could just take 10 on the diplomacy?

Just to check, how many attempts could I make to pick that lock if we don't have a key?
technically, you can take 20 now on the lock. Take 10 is good enough for the diplomacy, too ^_^ None of the three keys you have now work on that door, though. It's only DC 20 like the others.

Be glad that was a Bluff, and not a Diplomacy check, Sephiroth ^_^ Bluff doesn't care what you roll, you just either lie successfully or you don't. It's Diplomacy where a failed check makes things worse.

As this AP is stacked against you enough as is, I don't plan on implementing a critical fumble rule, especially not on skill checks (where you don't normally fail on a 1 anyway). You can't fumble a Bluff check. You still can fumble a Diplomacy check, and you don't need to roll a 1 to do so...
With Masterwork tools, Akane gets a +2 making her adjustment a +11. She should be able to take 10 to exceed a DC20 check.

For those less familiar with the Pathfinder system, there are two sets of rolls in D20. Opposed rolls where you need to exceed your opponents roll. Stealth works this way where your Stealth roll needs to exceed their Perception roll.

The other is a difficulty roll, where a difficulty check number is assigned. The DC is the target you need to reach. If you meet or exceed, you are successful. If you exceed by 5 or more, you can sometimes get a small benefit. However, if you miss the check, you fail. If you fail by 5 or more, you actually hurt your situation. It's why a lot of people don't even attempt to help if they don't have a good chance to begin with. The odds are too heavy that you will just make things worse.

For those that already know this, like Exthalion, sorry. But I have seen people play without understanding that failure is always an option but extreme failure needs to be minimized.

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