[Way of the Wicked] Idle Threats...

That is just their bodies. Their souls will be safely in whatever afterlife Mitra provides. We also cannot resurrect them since they will know we are evil if we try. Dear, Asmodius! we are sending them to a Lawful Good afterlife! Killing them is doing them a favor.

New plan, we maim them horribly and force them to live the rest of their natural lives in such misery that they curse Mitra and turn to worship of the Forsaken out of bitterness.
This works also. I am given to understand that rocks with souls in them are worth a significant amount of money on the inter-planer market. I wonder if we can't use them to make magic items. I am sure that magic katana I am making would be much improved by having souls folded into the blade a hundred times.
IKR? Would be awesome. Hey, how about.... *Whisper Whisper* So basicaly, a ritual once I am a vampire, to turn me into Alucard. Posssible? :P

((Editors Note: HES KIDDING)
SephirothSage said:
IKR? Would be awesome. Hey, how about.... *Whisper Whisper* So basicaly, a ritual once I am a vampire, to turn me into Alucard. Posssible? :tongue:
((Editors Note: HES KIDDING)
Sure, we can get that going about the time I become a litch and transform into Settra the Imperishable.
Let's give it a review.

Race: Undead. Okay.

Feats: None of these exist in Pathfinder.

Special: Able to drain blood. Drain 50 individuals. Okay.

BAB and Saves: Dreadful, identical to the wizard's. Any Paladin would be slaughtering his stand-in-melee ability.

CHA+4 skills: WTF.

Class Skills: Balance, Climb and Tumble? Just those three? WTF. This legendary vampire needs to pay double to advance his knowledge of vampires and magic?

Hit die: d12. Not sure why, doesn't feel like a d12 class.

Proficiencies: None! Author failed to include them.

Spellcasting: None! Already in trouble.

Now we get into class features. Already this is a mess of a PrC, at least for any melee character. Will they redeem the class?

Blood Memory: Useful. Not sure if you could break anything with the skill bonus, but doubtful.

Blood Drain: This could be pretty damn broke. Add all your Vampire God levels? Even half your class level would be iffy.

Blood Frenzy: Rage for vampires. Pretty hefty bonuses, but again, it's late-game, you probably took a level adjustment to get here and you still have half BAB and you still don't know what your proficiencies are.

Blood Plane: Wizard casts Flesh to Stone at your weak Fort save! The issue with powers like this is that, yeah, if a Barbarian is hammering on you with a Greatsword, you might use it. But at this level a lot of the stuff you need to be scared of are instakill spells, or near-instakills; this might save you from being beaten to death, but there are so many save-or-lose spells at this level that it's not going to be the deciding factor.

Vampire Prowess: Wizard casts Flesh to Stone!

Blood Prison: Kinda cool. Summoning's so broke anyway it hardly matters.

tl;dr: Kind of a mess, in my opinion. Doesn't know what classes should be aiming at it, what synergies its powers have.
Well, the thing is.. they had to be VERY Carefull not to make it OP... and your thing would work- if it wherent for the fact that, the feats- the ones from Third Edition.. by the time you qualified, your saves where justt fine.... and it doesnt seem aimed at any Class, just aimed at vampirism.

Like I said- no way in hell it's for Pathfinder. It's from 3.5 Homebrew.

Well. Then again. It's very capable of wild imbalance. *Shrug* Like I said. I linked it mainly... for the Lulz.
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I imagine the d12 hit die is because in 3.0 becoming undead didn't replace just your racial hit dice with d12, it replaced all your hit dice with d12's. That is, Undead only use d12, ever, no matter what class they are. I'm pretty sure the BAB and saves are based on the Undead default as well, which explains a bit, as using the default racial bonuses instead of a class's bonuses.... yeah. That PrC could probably stand to be split into a melee and a caster version, with some more specialized abilities for each. Also, when it says Blood Plane can sacrifice hp to shrug off effects, it needs a guideline, but I think that was meant to protect from insta-gib spells when you had it full. I'd probably use (spell level)^2 hp from the Plane to negate the effect of a spell on the Vampire God...

but realistically, without re-working the whole class, it's a little weak. Still, the Blood Drain ability alone makes a grapple focused fighter very dangerous, even if he gave up some feats and BAB to get there. Added to Blood Frenzy, it's a powerful boost to a grappler's damage output (since a vampire grappler measures his DPR in Constitution). Get your hands on some SR and the Fort save from being a Fighter before you went Vampire God and you might be dangerous.
Or, be an Anti-paladin First, and be getting your Charisma bonus- which was called the Blackguard PRC, in Third Edition- and basically... Fighter 10, Blackguard 10, Vampire God 10, is very Dangerous. Also- the Blood Memory, Blood Plane, and Blood Prison, are a rather dangerous set of abilities, if you have enough preparation time... which an Adventurer might not, but their main Baddie might. *Shrug* Any-who- I'm very sorry for derailing the OOC Chat with a silly 3.5 Home-brew PRC. Back to the game at hand?
ah, it's all good. Yeah, Paladin to 10 then go Blackguard and trade them for 10 Blackguard levels, so you end up at 20 as Blackguard 10 Vampire God 10 would work fairly well, if the Blackguard got the "add Cha to all saves" thing (I don't remember). That and an SR amulet should be solid. I believe I posted the turn order (AND mentioned it didn't matter for the surprise round) a while back, so it's all you guys < 3
Yeah, does that mean I can roll my attack, and we just acknowledge it takes place after Tyrnes?


That Class was actualy mainly meant to simulate Alucard, from Hellsing Ultimate's unique Abilities- and I'd note that undead in general where a bit weak in 3.0, due to not getting any bonus to their HP. Regardless- the reason for only three class skills, was because Blood Memory could allow you to be a real cheap sunofabitch, just by seeking out and eating highly skilled individuals. I agree with your interpretation of the Blood Plane, as well.... And as for your level split, well. Pathfinder stops at 20. 3.0, did not, and I love and Cherish my copy of the Epic Level Handbook.
I didn't want to be the first to go since I can only exclude 2 people from my channel. And without a weapon don't have any good attacks at range.

I'd rather avoid using my Command spell on someone likely to die quickly. Rather use it to halt someone that might run away or get someone to approach when they are holding a passageway.
Welp, you can afford to hit me with your Challen, so just exclude Tyrne and the Ninja, and we're good, right? The Channel being Negative energy, right?
from where you are, you can 5-ft south-east and get both enemies, while missing both Akane and Tyrne, so only Ingenio has to be excluded from the blast (since Alexi likes it). For some reason I remembered you having a higher CHA, hrm... I must be getting old.

I just use 20 as a benchmark because leveling past 20 gets very slow. Also, that PrC seems to shine even less compared against epic-level stuff. To simulate Alucard, I'd probably give it 3/4 BAB and all good saves.... and "if you have monk levels, Vampire God levels count as monk levels for the purposes of flurry of blows and stunning fist". Yum grapple monk. I need to finish watching Hellsing some time...
I think the mention of who was getting hit was directed at me, with my use of selective channeling.

Step one is going to be killing the guards with as little blood letting as possible. We need to preserve their garb, as well as dress them as prisoners and put them in chains, as part of the ruse. We might want to use similar tactics on the next few guards until we get 5 in chains.
it was, no one needs to save. Could I get everyone to specify whether they'd prefer to take 10 on Perception or make checks - and anyone who prefers to use checks go ahead and roll five so I'll have them already? Anywhere but the IC thread would be great ^_^

(If you'd rather use passive Perception, if you post your take-10 result, you'd be doing me a favor ^_^ my access from work is understandably spotty, and looking up characters is a chore from here)
I am +6 between my Wis and Racial Bonus. If everyone else wants to roll, I have us covered up to 16 opposed rolls.

16 Perception (take 10)

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