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Fantasy Way of the Blade: First Contact

Gieo stood at the shore, watching the two boats collide and the far-off figures fight. The explosions made him jump slightly, and now smoke covered the fighting peoples from his sight. "What's happening over there?" Another boat approaches, raising a blue flag. He recognized it as one of the boats from his own island. The ocean breeze blew against his face. Everything was so calm where he was yet chaos was happening not far from the shore. He decided to move quickly to offer help to them.
"Our ship's structure has been irrevocably damaged by your assault." The Commander sneered, idly spinning on of his two scimitars in his hand.
"Yours is so much nicer. More well equipped, faster.. I dare say we shall make it the Flagship of a new Skaleshi Navy!"

It was then that the commander and Farim were obscured by a thick smoke. The two could only see each other, in its blinding shroud; though they could hear the pained cries of men all around. They nodded to one another, taking up ready stances, watching each other's flanks. Their breath was steady, their eyes focused, and their sword hands ready to strike or defend. As the smoke began to clear, Farim spotted Basil, readying an attack on the Commander. All it took was the expression of alarm on Farim's face for the Commander to turn around on instinct. With a scruffy grunt, he crossed his scimitars into an X, catching the rapier in between his blades. Alas, this was a guard motion more suited to defend from slashes, not stabs. The rapier began to slide further towards the Commander's neck. His teeth grit tightly, as he tried to think of a way to avoid getting pierced. Farim remained motionless, worried if he tried to attack Basil would throw the Commander in the way of his attack.
As he felt the pointed end of the rapier jab at his skin, threatening to puncture, the Commander heaved his arms upwards, feeling the pointed end scrape his cheek open as he freed himself of the threat of neck impalement. In the next motion, he crossed his blades into another X, swinging them right for Basil's midsection!

Farim made his advance, here, as well. He rushed forward, Target Shield guarding his chest, as he wound his sword arm back, and on the final step of his dash, swung his Falchion upwards. Due to the angle of his attack, the sword threatened to slash Basil's right arm.

AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
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A slight breeze brushed over the land and the trees swayed blissfully in the distance. The breeze was quite refreshing, it almost seemed as if this gust was a reward for all of Okura hard work. Today he was taking a lead of absence, this was a tradition he upheld every couple of months. It gave him time to clear his head and ponder many different thoughts; It would appear there would be no better day to do so. He sat calmly under a sakura tree meditating. Although the wind was rejuvenating something felt queer about it. It brought a sense of concern, the air itself felt tense and uneasy. The young man quickly opened his eye's, they were a soft shade of brown. His eyes did not show any signs of fear or terror, only curiosity.

(This is Okura's favorite place to hang out. Correct me if I am wrong, but I would Imagine Sakura tree's to be scarce on this island.)

He contemplated the thought for a while but his desire to discover the unknown quickly overcame him. Okura slowly rose to his feet and followed a dirt path back to the village. The path was unkept and was overrun by many rocks and shrubbery, it was clear that this path was rarely stepped upon. Okura was dressed in white robes with a black trim. These robes concealed his black shinobi armor. His jet black hair was tied into a bun and bobbed up and down as he walked. It was not long until he wandered into the village. His little path put him out next to the marketplace. It was usually heavily crowded but today it looked as if a plague had wiped out the village, it was rather empty. This puzzled Okura quite so.

His attention was soon pulled towards the docks. Many people crowded the small platforms anxiously watching the sea. Many thoughts bounced in Okura's mind, it was not often for the villager's eye's to be captivated by the ocean. Much of the crowd seemed to be bewildered by the acts of the sea. The sun was only beginning to set and the sky was a wonderful shade of light blue, therefore there were no typhoons approaching the lands. Perhaps there was another giant squid that washed ashore. It was only a year ago when that phenomenon occurred, it fed the city for days on end. This thought was quickly crossed off his list, if there was another squid the crowd would be in a triumphant roar. The crowd remained silent, and still.

Okura quickly approached the docks in search of answers. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what he did. Two ships were locked in battle, none of the ships flew the Fukuyan flag. This begged the questions were they friends or foes? The battle seemed quite gruesome, for one of the ships bore weapons that his eyes did not recognize. The boat was equipped with giant crossbows. The young man simply stared in astonishment. Moments past before he could divert his attention elsewhere. He was quite curious about the matter, but perhaps it would be best to watch from afar and see now this plays out.
Basil Karlo

Basil dashed backwards as the captain slashed at him, effectively dodging his attack. But what he failed to notoce was the Sutavo charging towards him, swinging his sword upwards. The falchion made contact with his side and the underside of his arms, opening large cuts.
Basil stumbled backwards as he placed a hand over his side's wound. He took a glance at it before looking back up at the two with gritted teeth.
Play time was over. His eyes were locked on them, determined to take them down.
His men - or what was left of it - soon surrounded the two intruders. They themselves seemed to have dealt with a lot, as their clothes were tattered and they had cuts and bruises. This made Basil relax; these were the best in his crew.
They exchanged looks. Basil glared at each one of them, and they all nodded back, showing him they were ready. Basil nodded, and at the same time, everyone attacked the two in the middle of the circle they had formed, some with slashes and others with stabs. Basil aimed to bash his shoulder against the Sutavo, hopefully throwing him off his feet.
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
Honestly she felt like some sort of easily forgetable side character right as the pirates went to circle the Suvtavo and Captain. What was she? chopped liver? River could probably do a jig right now and nothing would happen. Probably because some sort of weird person out their writing her fate down would deam such an action as unoticeable. But enough breaking the fourth wall. The fight had moved and she wanted to move with it.

What ever was left of the pirates had their attention on the Sutavo and Captian. Certainly not on her at all. Orange smoke poured from her pores as she used the last bit of strength she had to boost her speed and ensure her stabs would meet pirate flesh, River charged forward, both scimitars in hand, skewering two attackers in the wall of enimies surroundher her nation's leader and ship captain.
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
Soon, they were surrounded again. Their men were dead on the deck, yet they had reinforcements below, and on their damaged ship. Out the corner of his eye, Farim could see the sailors and his soldiers bringing their supplies up to their deck, ready to jump ship; though they appeared concerned as they saw their Sutavo completely surrounded.

The Commander and Farim stood back to back, their expressions identical save for the Commander's grit teeth.

"Have a plan, commander?" Farim asked him, not once taking his eyes off the surrounding enemies. The Commander said nothing, but he knew what he had to do. His life was meaningless before the Sutavo's well-being.

He would die saving him.

The instant the pirates were commanded to attack, Farim devoted himself to defense. Every attack he saw coming, he deflected it with his Target Shield in a graceful sway and flurry of parrying motions. This bolstered his confidence, his faith in his skill had not wilted with age, he thought. His blood veins glowed a healthy yellow as he felt his X-III invigorate him.

The Commander let out a bloodcurdling roar as he rushed his attackers, killing all directly in front of him with swift, coordinated slashes. There was no defense in his stance. He was just attacking as swiftly and as lethally as possible, to ensure no attackers got to Farim. He felt himself be cut and pierced all across his back by those who flanked him; and his white and brown robes began to stain themselves red. He did not quit. He struck and slashed more and more, until he felt a bit of cold steel enter his spine, and then, from the waist down, he felt nothing. He felt the air leave his lungs, as he collapsed to the floor, still tightly clinging to his twin swords. He must. He had to. He needed to protect the Sutavo, he still thought.

With the assistance of his Commander and River, Farim's crew had felled a great many pirates. When Basil's shoulder rammed Farim, the old man tumbled backwards, his fall broken by the bleeding and dying bodies of pirates and his own men. He rose to his feet quickly, reasserting his defensive stance, as he locked eyes with Basil.

"Hooks! Prepare for ascension!" A voice from below echoed. The escort ship's began to toss up ropes tipped with multi-pronged hooks, which latched onto the rails of the ship. It would seem they were preparing to climb up the walls of the Lockjaw! Taking note of this, Farim looked to Basil, then to River, to the remaining pirates on the ship, then back to Basil.

"This is your last chance to surrender your ship. I am a man of mercy. Go peacefully and I will sail this ship to the shores of the archipelago. There I will let the civilized people who inhabit this place called "Fukuya" dole out justice for your crimes.. or I can throw you overboard now, and you can swim to shore, hoping they do not realize who you are. Take your pick quickly, pirate."

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Reachigh, Eufice
"Hold on!" An authoritative, female voice rang out, stopping Siegfried dead in his tracks. The departing folk looked back to see who had called out to stop, and it was none other than Melinda Hyde herself. At her side was Nigel Trodden, his hands cupped together as he looked down, away from the stares of the people.

"I don't know about you lot, but I know preparing for war against anyone can take months, since our fastest means of communicating is Criers on horseback! We won't hear anything else about this war his Majesty is readying for for a while. Why not just have the tournaments now, eh?" Melinda smirked as she saw people stop, murmur to one another, before nodding in agreement and clapping. The reigning Lord of Reachigh, knowing Ferrel may chew him out by not readying his conscripts, took a deep breath, and called out at the top of his lungs.

"Our annual Reachigh Tournament shall be held over the next few days! Please enter the town hall for purchase of tickets, as well as signing up for our tourneys. If any need a reminder: Team Melee and Archery n the first day, Joust and Duel on the second, Darts, Mead Drinking and Beast Slaying on the third! Er.. disclaimer: If the battles of the Duel last a while we may hold further duels on the day after, so our participants may nurse their injuries. Long live the King!"

Well. Siegfried was in no hurry now. He calmly walked his horse back to its stable, and carefully headed towards the town hall, amidst the crowd of people.

Soviet Panda Soviet Panda DVationz DVationz
Connor reigned in Stepper as he heard a feminine voice rise above the general clamor. Turning around, he sees a woman next to a man with his hands in front of him and looking at the ground. Well, if they were in a relationship, he knew which one wore the pants. The woman went on to say that they should hold the tournament anyways, stating that it takes time to gather an army anyways, a day or two longer wouldn't hurt. And he agreed wholeheartedly. So he turned Stepper around, and returned him to the stables, the squire that followed him giving an exacerbated sigh and following after.

Where was he to go? The town hall? Arriving at the well to do building, Connor can clearly tell which line he was to stand in. One was full of farmers wearing their best wools, and the other was a line of men and a few women with weapons strapped to their sides and occasionally in armor. So he went to that line, growling as the squire sidled up next to him. Why wouldn't that boy just leave him alone. He hadn't taught him a thing since he started following him, the only thing the boy had learned was to not get in his way. But the boy refused to leave his side as they made their way to the front of the line.

"What events will you be participating in." A bored looking clerk said from behind his desk, glasses slowly falling down his face, quill and parchment at the ready.

"Dueling. Jousting. Mead Drinking. Beast Slaying." Rasped out Connor, quickly listing off the events. He expected himself to do well in all but the jousting. But perhaps he would be placed against the champions on the first round. Well, that was what he wanted in the end, so if that were the case then all the better for him.
Basil Karlo

His purple shirt was quickly getting stained with his own blood. The swipe from the Sutavo's blade probably cut an artery. If that was the case, he needed to do something, and fast, before he bled out.
He looked around the deck. Almost all of his men were dead or in the process of dying. He glanced down at his satchel. One smoke bomb and one incendiary "grenade" was all he had left. He gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows at the Sutavo.
"You old hag! You will never have this ship! I'd rather see it destroyed than let it be managed by foolish men like you!"
Basil hastily retreated back up the stairs of the helm. He made his way towards the naphtha-filled barrels and removed one of the lids, tossing the barrel all over the helm. The fuel dripped through the wood and slowly reached the helm's stairs. They'd eventually make their way to the deck.
Basil took out a match from inside the satchel and lit it, proceeding to toss it at the fuel. The naphtha quickly burst into flames, the smell of smoke mixing with the sea's odor.
The pirate jumped down to the deck once more, shooting a glance at the crippled captain and the old man before retreating into the captain's quarters.
Basil searched around like a madman for the blueprints. He was going to destroy the Lockjaw, but that wouldn't stop him from continuing his life as a pirate. He would build a new vessel; a better vessel. After he found the papers and stuffed them in his bag, he made sure to stuff as much gold in the satchel as possible.
Basil made his way towards the windows and took off his bloodied shirt, throwing it on the floor. He climbed over it, and dived into the ocean, with Fukuya the destination he had in mind.
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
Farim lacked the agility to halt Basil as he retreated. He considered throwing a chakram, but by the time he could reach for one, it would have been too late. As he saw the flames, Farim looked in alarm, as he additionally took in his own allies attempting to board. He quickly tried to get a hold of the situation.

"Abort! Abort! This madman has taken drastic measures! This ship is burning! Return to the Bilford! She will make it to shore!" The reinforcements, understandably surprised by this change of events, obeyed the voice of the Sutavo and rappelled down back to their own ships, doing their damndest to retreat as they saw the Lockjaw burst into flames.

Farim looked down at his incapacitated Commander. There was no way he could carry him back across the Bilford. It was then that his eyes spotted River. He gestured to her, requesting her help.

"Please, assist me madam! I don't think he can move on his own!" Farim pleaded to her.

"Just... forget about me! Forget about me and go!" The Commander harshly rasped out in between his pained gasps. He was losing quite a lot of blood from his injuries...

"No man living shall be left behind! Now help me hoist you up, if you can!" The moment they were able, Farim would return to the Bilford with his limp commander and River. Farim took the man's arm across his withered shoulders, hoping for River to do the same.

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Reachigh, Eufice
Siegfried entered the town hall, gently moving his wide frame apart from all the commonfolk who could afford tickets. One ticket was all one needed to witness all three days worth of events. It was a neat deal, propositioned by the King himself. When Siegfried reached the tourney applications, he saw a man had already beaten him to the clerk. He was a good head shorter, but just as wide and entirely made out of rock hard muscle; unlike Siegfried, whose mead-belly stood out when out of his armor. The way this man dressed though, he resembled a Barbarian, Siegfried thought. His choice of participation, too, gave the sensation that this man dripped pure barbarism. He said nothing on the matter as he approached the Clerk next. With a jaunty hand raised straight upwards towards his chest, Siegfried listed off his desired tournaments.

"I shall partake in the Team Melee, the Duel, as well as some Mead Drinking and Beast Slaying!"

The Team Melee.. a few more questions had to be inquired about that, the clerk thought.

"So, will you be joining an existing team, or do you have the patience to form your own?"

"Ah, well.. which teams are currently in use, and with vacancies, this year?"

"Hm.. looks like the Sunlight Heirs have a few openings, as do the Blood Seekers, the Eclipse Sisterhood, aaaand.. the... Cheery Beer Bunnies? Who the bloody hell names their team that?" That last team name made Siegfried chuckle, as he protested in their defense.

"Someone with taste, I dare say! I believe I shall join the Cheery Beer Bunnies! Ah-ho-ho-ho!" Shaking their head, the clerk signed him off on his team, as well as his participation in Dueling, Mead Drinking and Beast Slaying. Since Team Melee was held on day one, he needed to go locate his allies immediately! He rushed out of the town hall and into the arena barracks!

As Connor would step away and finish his applications, the Duel Champion and Joust Champion would approach him, having eavesdropped upon his choices. Melinda always carried a smug look which complimented her aristocratic look. The rapier which had fallen many aspiring duelists lay tucked away at her hip, with her buckler shield harnessed upon her belt. Nigel stood beside her, tapping his fingers together as he looked down at the floor. Despite his apparent age he still behaved like a nervous youngling.

"Dueling and Jousting, eh?" Melinda asked Connor, her tone mocking and utterly punchable, befitting of her high, arrogant voice. "Don't disappoint. Haven't had a single challenging man or woman in aaaaages."

"A-and mister." Nigel spoke next, his voice breathing heavily of the Euficen countryside, what with its deep drawl. "I may not be the sharpest quill with the best ink, but I been-a Joustin all my life. King Ferrel even called me one of da best, so um.. yeah should be fun!" Nigel began to wander off towards the barracks, dragging Melinda with her.

Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
River looked over at her Sutavo and immediately went to sling the commander’s other arm across her shoulder. The fire spread across the deck as what ever that liquid was burned into the wood.”Let’s get out of here before our only escape is to the waters and I don’t mean literally sir...sirs.” Even is it was literally and they had to jump to the ocean below like that scoundrel before them the three of them could as well have their chi return to Life’s eternal waters.

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
(Sorry it’s short)
Farim boarded the Bilford with urgency, easing the bleeding commander down onto the planks. His adrenaline finally wearing off, the Commander started to groan and cry out in pain. Farim didn't even need to call out for a medic; one was already on scene as he heard the Commander bellowing in pain. The medic set to work, fastening the Commander's slash wounds with crude stitching before wrapping up his entire torso in bandaging. All he could do in response was twitch in pain, as his legs had no sensation, and his upper body was experiencing some heavy shock and exhaustion. The musty yellow wrappings were gradually stained red, but to the medic this was a sign that the bleeding had slowed. He pressed his hands against the Commander's injuries, keeping pressure upon them to further halt the bleeding.

It was then the captain of the ship, having taken cover after Farim boarded the Lockjaw, spotted another ship approaching the Bilford. Their blue flag was raised, and so he could only guess these must have been the natives of the Fukuyan Empire. Their ship was at the mercy of the tides after the attacks of the Lockjaw decimated their sails... it would seem they would have to depend on this next ship if they were to reach the shores.

"Lower the supplies to our escort ships!" The Captain bellowed, as the sailors began to lower ropes to their escorts, doing their best to fasten the barrels of their inventory down to them. They didn't want to lose the Bilford, but getting to shore was more important. Perhaps one day they could go to get it repaired...

Chen Gong Chen Gong AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
"By my ancestors..." Yuan whispered as the ship he was in sailed closer, he had seen the entire battle and was surprised that either ship hadn't sunk by now. Calmly, he ordered his fellow samurai to move into position, katana's and other weapons in the front with Yumi bows in the back with Yuan in front of them all, channeling his chi so that he could attack in needed. He quietly mumbled some prayers that he hoped would wake his ancestors to help with whatever mess this was. Anaslying the situation, Yuan could piece together that this was some sort of royal convoy that was attacked by what appears to be rebels or pirates. That was what he believed happened.

Now much closer to the scene, Yuan called out"What in the world happened here?! Do you have wounded?!? Require assistance!?" A few of the samurai on the boat glanced over at Yuan in annoyance. Most of them thought of the Invaders from a few months ago but most of them were smart enough to know that these people meant no harm. Once within range, Yuan, using his chi, slowly floated down one of the escort ships, he was in a non aggressive stance, "We're here to help."
The soldiers aboard the escort ship were taken aback as the natives arrived. Their dress was so different, it was something quite unusual, more extravagent and colorful than the Skaleshi warriors and their dull white and brown garbs. Gaining their senses back, the soldiers got back to work carting the supplies of the Bilford down to their own ships. One soldier looked to Yuan, figuring he needed an explanation.

"We have wounded. Our ship is immobile and so we're taking its supplies. Our leader, Sutavo of Skalesh, was interested in opening up relations with the people here. What were they called..? Fukuya?"

By the time the supplies, the livestock and every last member of the crew had descended down to the escort ships, they had begun preparations to move forward. Farim was the last to leave the now empty Bilford, having made sure the Commander made it down safely before he went himself. As Farim touched down, he spotted Yuan, merely nodding, smiling and waving hello at him.

"Sails out! Proceed forward!"

Chen Gong Chen Gong AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
"I don't plan to disappoint." Connor said to Melinda, his dour face in contrast to her smug smile. But to Nigel, he smiled. "I doubt I will get far. Lances don't fit me. But I only planned on getting far enough to test myself against you. I hope I see you in the first round." And with a nod, he sees them off.

Turning to his squire, he finally acknowledges his presence. "Boy, be useful and find me someone willing to teach me how to hold a lance. If I'm not to face Nigel in the first round, I want to make it to the round where I do." And nearly throwing the boy bodily out of the building, Connor began to walk to where he suspected his lord to be to tell him that he wasn't going to leave just yet.
((Short crappy post, sorry))
"Fellow Samurai! Sail back ahead of these ships, and send words for aid!" Yuan called out to the ship he had floated down from, the samurais there mumbled and a few nodded, turning back to the soldier he had gotten the information from, "Our empire is that of Fukuya. Our people are the Fukuyans. Could you possibly point me towards this...Sutavo? Wasn't it? I wish to speak with him, speaking off, I will reside on this ship until it reaches landfall. Just to make sure that you group don't try anything...ahem...shifty." Yuan said the last sentence with a minor lick of venom in his voice, showing that he was not lying.

With the samurai ship sailing ahead, a certain face stared out at it from Matenichi[New character incoming bois], it was old, it's hair greying into white in places, it's skin was pale and it looked racked with some sort of sickness, it quietly watched the approaching ships with a calm glint in it's dull eyes, "New people. Foreign. I...I wonder if they can cure me?"
The things happening around River were a blur. The use of X-II during the fight took a lot out of her. She was still fairly new to the chi form. Her vision darkened and lighten as she climbed onto an escort ship and found a place to just rest. The chatter of those around her in awe of the forign people. It was odd. River couldn’t seem to concentrate on much. Her limbs felt devoid of energy and those hits to the face might of rattled her more than she wished they had. A small skirmish between maybe three people was her strong suit, not a fully surrounded pirate battle. After taking some deep breaths she set her eyes on the shores of Fukuya. Once River lands she’ll disappear into the towns and be free to explore. Hopefully...

DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
(Sorry it’s short)
Basil Karlo

The salt water burned Basil's eyes and bit at the large gash by his side, invoking a sour frown on his face. He swam as fast as possible to distance himself from his former ship, hoping that the men he fought with wouldn't follow him with one of the escorts.
He directed his eyes down at the water before diving into it, searching for any shipwrecks or interesting land marks he could loot. Even after having a near-death experience, all he could think of was riches. Unfortunately for him, however, the water was too dark for him to see anything. So he continued swimming towards the shores of Fukuya.
It was at this time that Hiroshi finally arrived at the southern beach. It appeared as though someone amongst the Shogun' s forces had already arrived on the sea, but the scene that greeted Hiroshi's eyes was truly unusual. There was one sophisticated looking vessel completely on fire. Another one appeared to be torn apart, with burn marks at the bottom of the ship, and their sails ripped to shreds. From what he could tell, they were lowering supplies into the several triremes that surrounded the larger vessel.

"Well, that is their problem now, not mine." Shiva murmured to himself as he patrolled with his steed across the beach. Soon, though, he spotted something in the water, approaching the shores. He was trailing red behind him, obviously injured. Hiroshi, seeing this, halted his steed and dismounted it, approaching the figure swimming to shore cautiously. He looked between this person and the burning vessels a few times, wondering if they were connected somehow. He shrugged, deciding the others would have that figured out. Once Basil was within earshot, Hiroshi called out to him.

"Best hurry to shore. Vicious Sharks are known to lurk in these waters!"
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen

Farim spared Yuan the trouble, waving towards him as he approached. Yuan would see an elderly man with sun-kissed skin, a large grey beard, withered brown eyes decorated with a black turban, white flowing robes and a leather cuirass beneath it. He had stowed his weapons away earlier, during his escape of the Lockjaw. He was a bit shorter than Yuan was, and so Farim had to look up at him.

"Yes, I am Farim. Me, the old man. Oh-hoho.." He chuckled to himself, before getting back to the matter at hand. "Some time back I had sent out a few men and women, looking to colonize these islands. At the time I had no idea there were people already here, and so I thought I should come in person, in order to apologize on behalf of my entire nation. I lead the Democratic Republic of Skalesh, in the southern sands of Loltha. I am Farim Hakae-Omba, Sutavo of the Skaleshi court. Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing today? I do apologize for the mess. We were ruthlessly attacked by a vicious band of raiders, I lost several men and my Commanding Officer is heavily wounded..."

AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Chen Gong Chen Gong

It was truly a shame, not having a squire of his own. His previous squire had abandoned him after their Lord died. It was truly a tragedy. The aristocracy believed Siegfried to be cursed, and so he was not so much a knight as he was a sellsword wearing knight armor. It was this sense of self-doubt which influenced Siegfried not to participate in the Joust. Jousting was the sport of nobles and chivalric knights; not a man such as himself. Sure, he knew how, but it wouldn't feel right without the appropriate title to his name.

As he set out, looking for his team to join for the Team Melee, he ran across the boy that had been aggressively thrown out of the way. Seeing no one else to speak to, Siegfried inquired with Connor's squire.

"I beg your pardon, young man. Do you know where I might find the meeting area of the Cheery Beer Bunnies? I am to meet up with them for the Team Melee!"

Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
Okura Kaori

The people watched eagerly in hopes of a resolution. Skirmishes soon broke upon the deck of the opposing vessel. The crowd stood there, breathless, watching the conflict. To their immediate surprise, the ship was set ablaze. A figure could briefly be caught escaping the scene taking sanctuary in the ocean. From the looks of it, he was swimming to the main island of Fukya.

The flame swiftly consumed all in its path leaving nothing in its wake. The smoke loomed over the village, threatening any sailors to keep their distance. The queen's army soon took hold of the situation. To Okura's surprise, they took the victims of the battle with open arms. Typically Fukya was skeptical of change and anything that threatened it's natural order. Perhaps they were merely saving them in efforts to avoid war with other nations.

Okura sighed, he knew that in order to obtain any other information he would have to travel into the heart of the lion's den. He cursed under his breath. If the village was going to survive they needed to know what they were up against. If these foreigners were to side with the queen they would surely squash the village into oblivion. The young man quickly snatched his pipe from his pouch and smoked for a spell. Before long he concluded that he will venture into Fukyan territory and determine the threat.

The Graceful Typhoon addressed a letter to his master informing him of what he witnessed earlier that day. After he found a courier he hired a boat to take him to Fukya.

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