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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

Wolf was sitting beside Ace, licking his blood covered paw, purring softly. Five felines were sprawled on the ground, pelts covered in blood. They had attacked the rouge pair, for trespassing on their 'territory', yet Wolf and Ace cut their lives short with easy. Ace put one of his large paw on the throat of the only living tom left, the tom's eyes were dull, his belly had been clawed open, and he was slowly slipping from this world. Ace laughed mercilessly, the tom's eyes widen with agony as Ace plunges his unusually long claws into the tom's throat. Ace withdrew his paw once he was sure the tom had bled out. He huffs softly, staring down at the corpse, his face frozen in fear and agony.

Ace twitches his ears, the soft sting makes him growl softly, it was the only injury he had sustained from the small quarrel.

Wolf looks toward his kin, "That was enjoyable." Ace nods briskly, "it's been too long since we've gotten to kill, all the cats within the city know us too well." He chuckles, Wolf smirks, before standing up. "We should continue on, let whatever clan they were in find them, it's no longer our problem." Ace nods again, and the pair begins to walk toward the lake.
Willow yawned, she hadn't slept in days and the tiredness was catching up to her. She slowly made her way towards the small group of trees by the river. She scrambled up one of the trees, finding herself a forkin the branches where she could curl up and sleep without falling off the tree and that's exactly what she did ( good night guys ;) )
Wolf slowed his pace, inhaling deeply he twitches his ears. The scent of another feline making his tail twist in anticipation.

Ace looks to Wolf, before inhaling, he could smell it as well. Several felines were about this area, and it made Ace's Paws prickle and itch.
( I'm switching to my other cat, shadow for a bit) shadow sniffed the air. She couldn't find falcon song. "Figures, separate me from my sister and then ditch me some where." shadow murmured sourly, looking around for some way out of the pine forest, but she couldn't fine one. Everything looked the same, pine trees,pine needles,pine trees, pine needles. She lashed her tail in frustration. How was she supposed to help rebuild the clans if she didn't even know where she was for star clan's sake!
Wolf and Ace continue toward the source of water, they needed to wash down the taste of blood in their mouths.

Wolf stands at the edge of the weak flowing stream, he looks down into the water, at the silver fish swimming about, avoiding their shadows. He twitches his ears slightly, before plunging his paw into the icy water, and swatting out a fish. It falls onto the ground, flopping about. Wolf proudly picks up his catch, looking to Ace.

Ace rolls his golden eyes, "
oh please! I can do that far better than you can." He taunts, to which Wolf smirks, laying down by the stream to eat his catch, and watch Ace make a fool of himself.

Ace stares at the stream intently, waiting. A rather large white fish slowly flows closer. Ace licks his whiskers, before attempting to swat the fish out of the water, losing his balance, he plunges into the icy water. He quickly resurfaces and growls. Wolf wheezes and laughs in amusement.
Sub-Zero flicked his ears, hearing the two splashing and making a lot of noise! He snarled, stalking forward and keeping low before spotting the two. While Smoke was busy doing whatever Smoke does he watched Wolf and Ace with his icy blue eyes. He growled again, his big paws and big claws kneading the ground in irritation. (@Cyber Wolf )

Two cats could be heard in the distance near Shadow. "Oh be quiet brother! There is no need!" It was Reaper's voice. Scarecrow pitched in. "I am only stating, sister, that Shadowclan cant be rebuilt as easily as the other clans!"

"And why is that?" R

"Because everyone else doesnt listen!" S

"Oh but they do, just to the wrong cats!" R

"Wrong cats indeed!" S

"What is the warrior we spoken to?" R

"Spiderbite I believe" S

"Oh yes! Spiderbite!" R

"They dont listen to her" S

"Oh no not at all!" R

(@Undercore )
Wolf tossed the fish carcass into the stream "youre great a slaughtering felines, but not fish?" Ace growls, clawing himself out of the water. "Oh how clever you are." He growls, beginning to lick at his wet fur. Wolf shakes his head, the breeze drifting toward the pair, Wolf's eyes narrow as the scent of cats feels his nostrils. He growls, this feline wasn't far, possibly even stalking the pair. Yet Wolf wasn't about to go tracking some cat through the forest, he'd much rather the feline approach it's death head on.

Ace stretches out, he was rather large, and muscular, unlike Wolf. Who was slender and as small as an average she-cat. Ace can smell the feline, yet he doesn't mind. As long as they weren't approached with hostility, The pair wouldn't have to get their paws dirty again. Ace rolls onto his back, letting the warm sun bask onto his soft underbelly.
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Shadow froze, before diving behind a tree. Who was spiderbite? Shadow wondered maybe it's one of the dark forest cats falcon song was talking about... She peered out behind the tree trunk, spotting the two rogues. she wanted to hiss at them, but that would have given her location away, so she remained silent, watching the two siblings talk. shadow remained alert, fearful that whoever they were talking was nearby....
Sub-Zero sighed, these two were... They were confident. He rose to his full height, dipping his head. "From all the noise I thought a few kits had wandered into the river" He commented with a slight chuckle. "But I see two capable cats before me"

"Even if they did listen they wouldnt be able to use her gifts of teaching" R

"Of course not! They follow only their train of thought!" S

"She said we would need a leader" R

"A leader she said we would need" S

"Where would we find a leader like the one she talks about?" R

"The cat who stalks maybe?" S

"No no, the cat who kills obviously!" R

"But that would be too bloody, dear sister! Clearly its the cat who hides!" S

"A hiding cat is a cowardly cat! The cat who hunts!" R

"I would say not, the cat who speaks" S

"Wait, we might be thinking about this the wrong way" R

"Oh yes, most defiantly" S

"I think I know" R
Shadow narrowed her eyes . what where these cats talking about? She took a deep breath, maybe she could just ask them.. That sounded like a really bad idea, but she had nothing to lose. Shadow carefully stepped out behind the trees, her pawsteps nearly silent. " reaper? Scarecrow?" she called out carefully.
Ace twists, still laying on the ground as he looks to Sub-zero, his golden eyes evaluating the new tom.

Wolf raised his head, narrowing his gaze, his pupils thin slits. "
cats capable of what?" He questioned, this tom had been watching them, as Wolf had guessed, Wolf twitched his silky black ears, his deep golden eyes as well evaluating the new tom, who was dipping his head in respect.
The two looked at Shadow at the same time, pupils going to spits at the same time and they spoke at the same time with identical flicks of the ears and smirks. "Shadow, glad you you to... stalk by" They said in unison with identical chuckles. "Why were you hiding?" Reaper asked. "Were you killing?" Scarecrow added. Then they both gasped and looked at each other, "The cat who speaks!"

Sub-Zero didnt move from his place, these two could attack at any given moment. "It doesnt matter what your capable of, it just matters if its for killing prey or cats" He seemed to growl at the end.
Wolf chuckles, Ace smirks, sprawling out slightly on his belly, his silky fur was stained with blood in certain areas, especially around his white paws. The two tom's indeed carried the scent of blood around on them.

Wolf stood up slowly, "Indeed, killing is one of our..." Wolf glances to Ace, who returns the glance with a smirk, "specialities."

Ace slowly sits up, shoulders haunched slightly, he curls his long tail around his hind paws as he scratches behind one of his ears carelessly.
Shadows tilted her head " okay... That was creepy. Just so you know, I wasn't hiding and I haven't been killing cats. The main reason why I came is because I want to know what you've been talking about all this time." shadow's tail twitched. " it's obvious that you know something, something that could help the clans."
(After this post I gtg, I a tired bunny)

Sub-Zero growled, he already didnt like this. "Is it a sport for you or just plain fun? If you kill, you kill for a reason and a damn good one too" He said, narrowing his eyes. A couple of cats who didnt appriciate life, oh good.

Reaper and Scarecrow looked at each other and smirked then looked back at Shadow. "Do we know anything about the clans, brother?" Reaper asked, the two getting up and started slowly circling Shadow. "I'm not sure, sister, so we?" Scarecrow asked. The two watched Shadow, "The cat who speaks says we do, must it be right?" Reaper asked. "It has to be"
" Would you please tell me? I'm trying to rebuild shadowclan, but I need help. ( rom wasn't built by one man, well technically it was, the legend says so but whatever, this is so not relevant) I can't do this alone." shadow meowed. She stood upright and tried to look serious.
Wolf narrowed his gazs, his pupils as thin as a sheet of paper, "we kill if We need to protect ourselves." He growls back, his long black tail flicking slightly.

Ace flattens his ears, standing up, the handsome tom steps beside his kin. "
I'm Ace." He says, twitching his ears with slight uneasiness.

Wolf flicks his tail again, as his dismissing the hostility. "
Im Wolf." He sits back on his haunches. The teeth on their collars glint in the sun, a few stained with what looks like blood, and torn slightly in a few areas.
The sisters took one last look at the male cat in front of them, racing off to land they know. Bellies low to the ground, paws barely skimming the surface of the forest floor. They continue to run but freeze when they see two large tom cats. One was soaking with water. Dawnlight stared at then for a bit. Nightsong hides behind her sister.

((@Cyber Wolf ))
Wolf's ears twitch, and he looks to the young she-cats. His golden eyes a blaze, his pupils as thin as needles.

Ace looks toward the she-cats, and he flicks his tail, smiling softly, before he looked back toward the tom who had approached them.
Sub-Zero looked at the two she-cats then back at Wolf and Ace with a snarl at their collars. "Your presence does not need to be here" He snarled, remembering something about collars like that.

"You need our help?" Reaper asked in mock surprise. "I thought you hated us!" Scarecrow commented, flicking his ears. "What could we possibly do to help you?" Reaper asked.

"Kill like them?" S

"Hunt like them?" R

"Stalk like them?" S

"Speak like them?" R

"Hide like them?" S
Wolf laughs mercilessly, and twitches his ears. "I see no owner of this area." He growls deep in his chest, lowering his head below his shoulders, his golden eyes wild.

Ace twitches his ears, glancing to Wolf. The wind drifts with the stench of decay, the cats her had murdered not long ago were already beginning to decay, yet for all this cat knew, they had nothing to do with the death of those toms.
Sub-Zero snarled at him, fur on his hackles raising. "You dont want to fight, its pointless!" He snapped, tail lashing back and forth.
Wolf growls deeply, "What are you snaping about?" He hisses, unsheathing his unusually long claws, "I am not fighting, yet you accuse me of such." He retorts.

Ace growls softly, the fur along the back prickling uneasily.
Dawnlight kept her head high, watching them. "Enough. The smell of decay reeks on you two. You needn't fight in front of the lady," she said, fur bristling as she walks to the other tom's side and glared at the other two. "I'm warning you two, do not mess with us."

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