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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

Wolf twitches his ears, and smirks, before sitting back on his haunches, and sheathing his claws. Wolf glances to Ace, who returns his gaze with a smirk. "Who would.. 'us' be?" Ace questions, flicking his silky striped ears slightly. He had no interest in fighting, yet it was Sub-Zero who had become hostile.

Wolf wraps his long tail around his paws, and watches the three felines, his golden eyes like daggers, clearly not the slightest bit intimidated.
Dawnlight growled. "Us is me and this tom. Don't piss us off," she hisses, fluffing her fur out a bit.

"Enough. Please stop fighting," Nightsong pleaded, walking calmly to them. "I am Night song at midnight. Or just Nightsong. Please calm yourselves."
Wolf twitches his ears slightly, "I'm Wolf, and this is Ace." Ace sits and curls his tail around his paws as well. While the collars were a symbol of death, the pair were not murderous without reason.

Ace nods slightly, "
pleased to meet you.." His gaze shifts toward the other two cats, "All of you."

Wolf glances to DawnLight, he admires her slightly, as he guessed most tom's did. She seemes bold, she was definitely beautiful, and quite bossy.
Nightsong smiled, holding out a paw and bowing her head. "It's lovely to meet you. We come from the Tribe of Rushing Water. Forgive us if we disturbed you," she said.

"Sister.... we should leave," Dawnlight said, rubbing her cheek against Nightsong's cheek. "Phase excuse our intrusion on your territory." She shifted a bit after seeing the glance Wolf gave her. Not many in the Tribe admired her. She looked at him curiously.
Wolf tapped his rather large paw against Nightsong's. He twitches he ears slightly, "this is not our territory." He meets DawnLight's gaze, and bows slightly. Ace narrows his gaze, and Dios his head slightly as well. "We are merely wanderers." Ace says softly, meeting his golden gaze to NightSong's, he flashes her a handsomely devilish smile of his white teeth.
"Oh. Sorry for the mistake," Nightsong said, looking embarrassed. Her good eye started back at Ace, unaffected by his smirk. She was always forbidden to have kits do she had lost all interest in having them. She didn't fall for this.

Dawnlight bowed back. "Do you mind if we camp with you tonight? My sister needs her rest..." She smiled at them both, her eyes soft. She was a tall she cat, taller than most males. Her fur was soft and shiny. Long and giving her a gentle look. She was all but that.

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf glances to Ace, who shrugs lightly. "I don't mind." Ace twitches his ears. Wolf nods, "I had seen an abandoned badger den not far from here." He stands up, he was small for a tom, and slender, yet he was definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Nightsong smiled. "We have taken camp among the grasslands. Maybe you'll like it there? The pretty is plentiful," she said, looking at the two with bright eyes.

Dawnlight smiled at Wolf. "That den seems wonderful. I'll take first watch if you don't mind."

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf shifted paws, and looked to Ace, who was watching the trees, they were shifting as the wind blew through them, dark clouds rolling in from the horizon. Wolf turned toward the direction that the den was in, "This way." He began to lead toward the den.

Ace walked slightly behind Wolf, the scent of rain was heavy in the breeze.
Sub-Zero laughed inwardly, sitting back and watching them go. Two polite she-cats had stopped a possible fight, he had never seen such a thing. He was glad the fight was stopped though, retracing his steps he made his way back to Smoke who was curled up asleep.
The sisters fluffed their fur against the wind. They followed the males, something in their eyes. They didn't like the rain.

"Will the water get into the den?" Nightsong asked, fear in her voice. Dawnlight pressed against her in comfort.

"She's scared of the rain," Dawnlight whispered in Wolf's ear.
"Ah, but rain is something beautiful" A hiss came from the shadows near them and two green eyes stared at them. "I recognize those collars, Bloodclan had the same" The voice said with a hint of amusement. "But then I see two female tribe cats walking with two Bloodclan males, something that has never before been seen"
Wolf shakes his head, "no, it had a dense cover of vines and leaves, the water shouldn't be able to enter." The tom leads them into the forest, he stops near what looks to be a small bush. He bites onto one of the thick vines, and pulls back the covering, the hole was large, and led to a small cave on the inside. Ace sat by the entrance, letting the she-cats go first.

Wolf's harsh gaze snapped toward where the voice came, Ace glanced toward the she-cats, "
a new generation brings change." He meows, yet he is silenced when Wolf glares toward him, then toward the shadows, "What do you know of bloodclan?" Wolf growls, twitching his ears. He resembled Scourge so closely, that if his father hadn't been murdered in the battle with Thunderclan, Some would think he was still alive. Wolf was the leader of BloodClan, yet he had decided to keep that a secret from the two she-cats they were with, Ace was the deputy, the two had left the territory to find new territory.
Dawnlight growled, staring at the eyes. "Show yourself or feel my claws rip through your throat," she hisses, positioning herself in front of the others protectively. "A new time has begun. You leave my family alone."

"Dawn," Nightsong whispered, shrinking away in fear. She had terrible fears when not healing the wounded. She was scared out of her fur at the moment.
"Calm cats, I am not here to hurt you" She said, stepping forward. "I am Spiderbite, late warrior of Shadowclan. I was watching when Bloodclan nearly took this whole forest, shame that such a strong and well kept clan was brought down by the murderer of Scourge, in which it seems he stands here before me" She said, fur flat and claws sheathed.
Dawnlight growled. "I don't care. Just stay away from us. We want to sleep and rest now. Please leave us alone."

"Wait... are you a cat with stars in your fur?" Nightsong asked.
Wolf twitches his ears, "Scourge was my father." Wolf says, sheathing his claws. He glides his long tail along DawnLight's back gently, in a comforting manner. He stares at SpiderBite, evaluating her every move, twitching his ears slightly.

Ace stands in front of Nightsong's protectively, once the she-cat reveals herself, he steps up to stand beside Wolf.

I am Wolf, leader of BloodClan." the clan's name was like posion to most cats, Ace stands tall, "I am Ace, Deputy of BloodClan."
Spiderbite nodded, "One can only presume you two are the highest of Bloodclan" She said, keeping calm and hardly even blinked. Her eyes looked at Nightsong, her long fangs showing more then they would if she wasnt smiling. "You mean Starclan dont you? No, I am something greater. Something that can give both the tribe and Bloodclan what you both want without cost" She purred.
Dawnlight calmed, her fur laying flat. She pressed up against Wolf, showing that she was calm. Her gold eyes lock onto him as he started his position. Oh... She wanted him in Windclan. With her.

"Dark Forest," Nightsong hissed, standing tall. "You are an evil. Evil that does not being here." She looked at Ace, showing a bit of fear. "Why come to us?"
Wolf flattened his ears, and shakes his head slightly. "There is nothing BloodClan needs that you can offer." He growls softly, something was off about this cat.

Ace looks to Nightsong, and steps in front of her, blocking SpiderBite's view of her. He flicks his striped tail slightly, protectively.

Wolf glanced toward the opening in the trees, and sees a small black cat, it's collar glistens with many dog teeth. His stomach tightens, it was Scourge. He Swallows hard, and glares toward SpiderBite, he glances back to where he had seen his father, yet the cat was gone.
Dawnlight growled. "Leave us. The clans do not need your help. We are fine without you," she hissed, fur fluffing up. She stepped in front of Wolf, head high.

"Ace," Nightsong whimperd, cowering into the den. "I'm scared."
Instead of snarling at them, Spiderbite only shakes her head and sighs. "Oh you foolish cats. Dont you think if we were beaten once before then we wouldnt change our tune? Oh, we want to help rebuild the clans from the ground up and hopefully they can welcome the tribe and Bloodclan into the forest as equals instead of enemies. Learn from each other and become the greatest of conquorors the world has seen!" She painted the picture of the Dark Forest being the new Starclan. Of course this was a lie, but if anything the Dark Forest was known for deceit. "And you would never have to part ways"

(BRB for a few)
"You lie!" Nightsong screeched, looking at the cat. "I've dreamed of Starclan! They warned me! Just leave us!"

"Sister..... calm yourself," Dawnlight said softly
Wolf stares at SpiderBite, oh how he resembled Scourge, yet he had learned from his father's mistakes. No. The words were not his own in his thoughts, he growls. "Leave us, snake." He hisses.

Ace looks down at NightSong, he glances back at Wolf, figuring the two could handle it for a moment, he slipped into the den entrance with NightSong, "
This way, hurry." He leads her to the very back of the surprisingly roomy den, "Stay here, I'll be right at the entrance. I won't let any cat harm you." His gaze was gentle, almost loving. Without another word, the striped tom turns and begins to claw his way out if the den.

Nightsong started after the male with wide eyes. What was this feeling? She couldn't place it. But she only knew that she wanted him here with her.

Dawnlight bared her teeth and arched her back. "If I tell you to run, don't argue with me," she said to the males. "Take my sister with you. Please do that..."

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