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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

Spiderbite laughed, "You are fools! Putting your own thought into your way to stop yourself from making the right decision!" She hissed, her tail flicking back and forth. "You dont know what death you just sealed, it could be yourselves or your future kits but I know one thing is that I will have my quarry!" She snarled, standing up. "I already have two rouges on my side, and about to be three to make this place great again!"
"Back off! We will not fall to your tricks!" Dawnlight snarls. "My sister and I will never fall to the power of the Dark Forest. We have a reason why we are here. We will not fail our goal. We will revive the clans!"
"The clans were wiped out because they were too small and weak! But joined with the tribe and Bloodclan they will be unstoppable! You are blind to reason, young cats, and I cannot help you see what you choose is wrong." She snapped.
Dawnlight hissed, "We have chosen our fate. We will not fall to the Dark Forest again. If we must join with Bloodclan, I'll gladly do so. Anything to protect my family and the clans!"
Wolf hissed, lashing his tail. "I'm not leaving you behind. We're in this together." Wolf bares his sharp fangs, unsheathing his unusually large claws, "If BloodClan and the Tribes are meant to merge, they shall." He hisses, "yet only time may tell." His tail lashes, "Now leave us be." He gives his last warning, the fur along his back bristling.
"I'll make sure you feel grief" Spiderbite snarled, fading away and back to the Dark Forest. It seemed all quiet for a minute before yet another cat appeared. "Thank the gods you didnt listen to her!" It was an actual Starclan warrior. "I knew you didnt need me to tell you what was wrong"
Dawnlight turned to Wolf. What he said made her heart ache with an emotion she didn't know. Her eyes went wide as the she cat fled, and another cat appeared.

"Ace.... get Nightsong please," Dawnlight said, pressing back into Wolf.
Ace obeyed, and slipped into the den. "NightSong, it's safe you come out now." He purred softly.

Wolf rubbed his head on DawnLight's for only a moment, he looks to the starclan cat, BloodClan was known for not being the type to believe in the afterlife, yet Wolf was different, as was Ace.
Sunshade purred, she liked seeing cats get a liking toward each other. ith that brings kits and with kits brings clans, it all falls into the same place. "Wolf and Ace of Bloodclan, I am Sunshade of Starclan" She said, dipping her head.
Wolf dips his head slightly, Ace pulls himself from the den and dips his head slightly. Wolf meets Sunshade's gaze, he had many, many more moons left in his life. "Pleased to meet you." Wolf purrs slightly, a very rare sound.

Ace smiles his genuine handsome smile, meeting SunShade's gaze unknowing that his day we're numbered. "
Pleased to meet you miss!" He meows, his long tail curling around his paws.
Nightsong crawled out, staring at Sunshade. "You are..." she started but was at a lost of words. She finally met one face to face.

Dawnlight rubbed her cheek against his in return. "Hello Sunshade... I believe I've heard of you from Grandfather...."
Sunshade smiled, her tail still. "It is wonderful to meet such intelligent cats, and I'm even more pleased to see Tribe and Bloodclan cats getting along so well. Its something that comes with these new clans that will be rebuilt." She purred. "Of course, there will be cats who will try to stop you"
Nightsong smiled but then frowned. "I'm not allowed a mate, am I?" she asks sadly, looking at Ace. "It's a pleasure to meet you too..."

"What of Windclan? We need a leader.... and the only I find suitable for it is already a leader of another clan...." Dawnlight said, looking at Wolf.

@Bonnie the Bunny

@Cyber Wolf
"Thats your choice, Nightsong" Sunshade said, her tail wrapped around her paws. "Of course, what rank do you serve as a Tribe cat?"
Wolf looks to DawnLight, shocked. He twitches his ears, "My clan.. they are wonderful and strong felines.." He looks to SunShade, "would it be possible for BloodClan and WindClan to merge?" He questions, BloodClan was plentiful with cats, new kits being born almost every spring. They mainly live off rats and small dogs from the city, yet if they lived in the forest... their numbers would be even greater.

Ace looks to Wolf, "
What would the clan be called?" He looks to NightSong, his chest fur ruffles in shyness, if she could mate.. would she choose him?
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"You would have to adopt Windclan's customs and abandon what you know about the clans. Merging them will be possible but it will be difficult to tell your other clanmates. After all Bloodclan was almost the death of all four clans, they might not allow such a thing even if they werent there" Sunshade sighed.
"I was a cave guard..." Dawnlight said. "But merging the clans might save us! We can save Windclan! And... And Wolf can be our leader."

"I want to have kits. I want a mate," Nightsong said, looking down at her paws. "The clan can be what it is made to be. A clan of wind and blood... Ace.... will you be by my side?"

@Cyber Wolf

@Bonnie the Bunny
"Not to ruin it, but I think you should spend more tie with each other before asking that question. It can only be asked once you know" Sunshade said,
Wolf looks to DawnLight, then to SunShade. "Consider it done." He meows, "BloodClan and WindClan are one, from here out." He looks to DawnLight, "We must get to the city soon, to inform them. Anyone who denies to become one with the clans, and follow the Warrior Code, may be cast out from our land." He nods.

Ace stares at NightSong, and then to SunShade. "
Clan cats Mate for life.."
"I'm saying that if this doesnt turn out how you want it, you'll be forced to choose between two which would be Windclan and Bloodclan if they cannot merge. Choosing between the two, one that has your destiny in it and the other having your mate in it, is very hard and something I wouldnt be able to do myself" Sunshade explained.

Sunshade looks at Wolf, ears flicking. "And if they all go against you?"
Dawnlight pressed against Wolf again. "If you don't want to do this, I understand," she said softly, had down as she pads to her sister's side.

"If I choose my mate, so be it," Nightsong said, standing up. "I must sleep now. Goodnight..."

Both she cats walk side by side into the den, laying down but not sleeping.
Sunshade blinked and sighed before fading away. She would choose a different clan with her mate then rebuild Windclan...
Wolf narrows his gaze, "they won't, I know my clan. They are loyal, and they are like my kin." He was quite skilled, and cocky like his father.

Ace steps forward, "
not only that but most of BloodClan is family, and they have followed Wolf this far. They know Wolf does what's best for their future."

Wolf shifts paws, "
if they do turn on me, then it's a sign that WindClan and BloodClan are not destined to be merged."
Dawnlight and Nightsong laid their heads on their paws.

"What do we do?" Nightsong asks softly.

"No idea. But we must follow what we think is right," Dawnlight answered, looking up the hole to see of she can see the male cats.

@Bonnie the Bunny

@Cyber Wolf

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