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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

Sub-Zero was a big cat, and he wasnt about to let up. "Then that is their fault. A clan looks after its own, and if they are too slow then its their fault. Starclan made the clans separate for a reason, keep it that way. They were merging clans, forbidden"
Willow struggled a bit more, before she went limp. It was probably too late anyways, even if I did start running to find her, i would make it in time... And mayb sub-zero was right, maybe we had to stick together, all clans for themselves... " ok, I-I understand... It just, I've never not went to help a cat before, even when my sister said it was too dangerous..." Willow whispered. She sifted her head so that she could look into the forest. I wonder if shadow is ok?
"You can help in time, dont worry" Sub-Zero said. He had learned to help when needed, and he hated not getting there and being too late. So he stopped trying to help a lost cause in which the cat who got hurt was probably one of those. "Besides, if whatever attacked then it is probably still hanging around"
Willow nodded " then would you mind getting off of me? We should get to a safer place, the lake shore is too open and whatever might have attacked the cat, might come and find us." willow looked at smoke who was still sitting by the shore. " we should protect your son, I'm sure he's very important too you."
Sub-Zero looked away from the stars, blinking and stepped away. He looked over at Smoke and nodded, "The young tom has his mother's ignorance. Of course I say that as a father would, not calling him stupid of course" He said, starting to walk back to where Smoke was curled up. "I'm surprised to say at the least that he didnt go with his mother, he seemed to love her more"
Dawnlight watched the fox retreat. What was going on? Nightsong came into view, wailing and trying desperately to save her.

"I'll be fine.... I promise," Dawnlight said, closing her eyes.

"You'll be okay.... You'll live," Nightsong murmured, licking the wounds
Willow stood up, shaking herself to get the stones out of her fur. " But that must not be true, since he is here now, with you." willow meowed, walking after sub-zero. " besides, he's not ignorant, just a dreamer.." willow trailed of looking over her shoulder. She felt like she was being watched, but shook her head and looked forward again. She was just imagining things, ever since she'd met those starclan cats, she couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was watching them.
As Nightsong showed, Spiderbite smiled. Her abnormal long fangs glinted slightly before she disappeared fully, her eyes being the last to fade away.

Sub-Zero shrugged. He sat down beside Smoke, making it clear he wasnt going to move one inch. The river had been his home for a while so he was going to stay there. "He's young, maybe your age, and he... He's just young" He sighed, cleaning his face.
Nightsong continually cleaned the wound, trying all she can.

"I'll be fine..."

"Stop saying that! You're going to be healed! Just stop!"
Willow sat down too, ears twitching nervously, but she tried to play calm by wrapping her tail over her paws " youth is a cats greatest weakness...." willow sighed " and yet somehow people find ways to use it as their greatest strengths."
Spiderbite's voice whispered to Dawnlight. "Look at what you did, your upsetting your sister. Just let go and she'll move on like she was a stranger to you. Trust me, its inevitable. Just. Let. Go" She growled.

"It is what it is" Sub-Zero said. "It could be weakness or strength, just how you look at it is how it is. Whether it be insolence or intelligence" He said, looking at the water and the reflection of the stars. "Why did you look for other cats?" He asked.
Willow sighed, her shoulder shagging. " honestly, me and my sister where trying to get as far as possible from any cats around, but then we met starclan cats and it changed. It's like we got this sudden urge to help, to rebuild the clans but...." willow closed her eyes, her heart aching. " our new goal to rebuild the clans has taken me from my sister. She's the only family I had after our parents where killed. She protected me, always cared for me, I-I never thanked her. And now I don't know if she's even alive! She might be wandering alone in the woods, bleeding to death and I'd never know. It's killing me and Im not so sure about this anymore." willow murmured. She felt stupid. Why'd she even begin this if she could finish it? She was useless, she depended on her sister, she's always depended on her sister and now that's she was gone...
Dawnlight ignored Spiderbite. "I'm sorry.... I'll stop now."

"Thank you sister. I'll get your herbs," Nightsong said, racing off before coming back.
"Why doesnt she listen?" A male voice asked from above Dawnlight and Nightsong, two pairs of eyes looking down at them. "I dont know, brother. It would seen most useful" The cat with green eyes said. Their tails swished together in sync. "She is already hurt, a clear sign" Scarecrow said. "A sign so clear it'd be stupid to ignore it" Reaper commented. "The cat who loves has been injured, a bad omen" Scarecrow hissed. "And the cat who heals is trying to heal the cat who loves. Is that a better omen?" Reaper asked. "I would think so, I am not sure what omen this is now" Scarecrow said.

Sub-Zero listened quietly and after she finished he talked. "Sounds like you had a great bond, split apart by destiny. Starclan is watching over her, dont worry. I bet she's fine, if she's one of the cats needed to rebuild the clans then Starclan wouldnt let her die" He assured, dipping his paw into the water. "Believe she is fine and she will be, its easy at that"
Willow's gaze darkened " that didn't work the last time...she growled softly, claws digging into the soft, muddy lake shore. " and starclan cats save everything, that was proved many moons ago." she looked back at the forest, the pine trees swaying gently in the breeze, seemingly harmless,the dark shadows under the trees however, those were nt to be trusted, never to be trusted, because to willow, shadows lied. Her sister lies.
Sub-Zero felt the mud expand as she pressed her claws into it. He blinked, what had gotten her so irritated? "Calm down, whatever happened that you just thought of or something along that line is probably in the past. Right now you need to think of the clan, your for Riverclan right?"
Willow blinked, staring down at her muddy paws as she retracted her claws. " yeah, I'm a riverclan cat, my sister is shadowlcan." willow fluffed out her fur against the cold night air ( it is night right?) " sorry for my little outburst, won't happen again." she looked up at sub-zero with an apologetic smile.

Sub-Zero nodded, looking back to the water. "Shadowclan and Riverclan had worked together once before, maybe this will prove that... Nevermind, it proves nothing right now." He said.
Wolf remains unfazed, "you must be mistaken." He meows, his ears flick back when he hears the wail, it was DawnLight. He turns without another word, sprinting despite his injury.

Ace whines, he wants to follow, but his injuries prevented him from doing so.
Nightsong looked up at to Wolf. "Thank the stars you are here. Dawnlight is hurt. I need your help to help her. Please... She can die without the right help," Nightsong whispered, eyes wide with fear.

"Wolf...?" Dawnlight murmured, trying to look up at him
( just noticed that all of our posts start with our cats name...)

"What would it prove?" willow asked, slightly irritated. She didn't like it when people trailed off, even tough she did it herself.
The cat standing over DawnLight quickly faded out in a thick smog like substance, Then Wolf ran over. He pants, "I came as quickly as I could!" He meows, his eyes soften when he sees Dawnlight..
Rain watches Wolf leave and looks at Ace, "Do you want me to go see what is wrong?" She offered. "And bring a report back to you?"

Scarecrow and Reaper watched further. "Here comes a cat, a cat that kills" Scarecrow said. "You must be mistaken, its the cat who leads" Reaper said. "He leads, but I know he's killed" Scarecrow commented. "And he leads, but kills less I think" Reaper said.

"You'll find out, dont worry" Sub-Zero said, chuckling at her. "Hopefully this rebuilding wont take long"
"Hi.... can I have some water?" Dawnlight asked, closing her eyes.

"Sure. Wolf... watch her please. Don't let her fall asleep," Nightsong said, running to a stream.

"I'm so sorry," Dawnlight said, opening her eyes to look up at him. "I just wanted to get everyone some food."
Ace pants slightly, licking the wound in his soft underbelly, "if you please." He meows, rolling onto his side.

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