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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

(Mo got it. Thanks!)

Crow could smell other cats near by. Her claws coming in and out, the need to kill was all she could think of. She ran quickly but very quietly. She jumped over logs and leaped over a gorge with running water. She was running to the other side of the forest.

(So sorry it's bad I'm in class and can only type this for a second)
(Heh, it's 11 pm where I'm at. I'm supposed to be asleep... )

Shadow's ear twitched. Something felt off. She glanced over her shoulder, staring into the dark depths of the woods. Her sister had never liked the dark or the shadows, shadow never understood why. She loved them, how she could melt into them with ease. They disguised secrets. Who,what,why. She loved that, but shadows where never your friend, just an occasional ally. And right now she felt something else was in the same shadows she was in. Something she felt, that should be avoided.
Fox nods slightly, "it's quite alright." She meows, when the two she-cats hold out their paws, Fox looks to Wolf. He twitches his ears, as if speaking to his sibling without speaking. Fox carefully raises her paw, and taps it against the two she-cats.

Wolf nudges Dawnight gently, before slowly beginning to lead her to the den again. Once they arrive he allows her to lean against him as the two make it to the far back of the den, once she lays down Wolf rubs his head against hers. "
I promise I won't go long, I'll be back before sun down." He meows.
Crow had to stop, her lugs burning, her legs hurting, but it didn't bother her that much she just needed to breath. But as soon as she caught her breath she was off again, this time the scent of the cats grew stronger, until she saw cats go into a cave. 'So there they are.' She thought to her self, she snuck around in the undergrowth. She made sure she was down wind before she sat down curling her tail around her front paws. She peered her eyes through a bush that was shaded by another tree her eyes glowing.
Dawnlight pants heavily as she lays down, her around bleeding again. She rubbed his head back. "Be safe... Please.... I'll be awaiting your return," she mewed, looking at him with her large gold eyes.

"Is Fox to stay here?" Nightsong asked, starting at the she cat curiously
Wolf nods, "she shall stay here, she and Ace can protect you both. Now, NightSong, I shall be on my way. You and DawnLight must not leave the den, unless you absolutely need to." His eyes serious.

Fox nods slightly, before looking around, the eerie feeling of eyes on her made her fur prickle, she knew they were around, the only question was where are they? Her eyes flicker to the tree tols, she can see the faint outline of a cat, yet she doesn't take it too seriously, trained just as well as Wolf and Ace, she too was a force to be reckoned with.

Ace slowly makes his way over, sore, yet still strong, he sits beside Fox, watching as Night says his goodbyes.
Crow chuckles silently to her self. 'How sweet, there protecting each other.' She flexes her claws and claws the ground, she maid a slight nose doing so but didn't care. She was one of the most feaird cats from the city and was well known in the forest, almost all the cats knew her name. She looked at one of the cats as they walk towards the entrance of the cave.
Dawnlight pressed her head against his one last time, before laying back. "Goodbye Wolf. I'll be here..."

"Fox, did you see something?" Nightsong said, looking out of the den.
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Fox looks to NightSong, "oh, no. It's nothing to worry about, dear." she meows.

Wolf pulls himself out of the den, Him, Ace, and Fox wore the collars that only city cats wear. BloodClan. He glances about, before muttering a thing or two to Fox and Ace. Wolf's golden glare snaps to where Crow was hiding, he looked so similar to the greatly feared Scourge, older leader of bloodclan, yet that was Wolf's rank now. The massive dog teeth on his collar glisten as they reflect the morning sunlight that pours through the tree tops. He growls softly, Wolf feared nothing, and no one. He looks to Ace, mumbling under his Breath softly, and the BloodClan deputy slips into the den without another Word. Fox follows after Ace, Leaving Wolf in the small clearing alone. He pulls the dense bush covering back over the den, and looks around, inhaling deeply.
Nightsong nodded. "Okay. If you say so," she said, going to check on Dawnlight. "Ace, how're your wounds?"
Ace shrugs slightly, "I'll live." He purrs softly, curling his tail around his paws. He stares at her for a moment, before curling up near the entrance of the den, before motioning with his tail for them to remain silent. It was unsafe to be speaking when they were vulnerable, and cats could be anywhere.
Crow chuckles. "So the second in command of blood clan, out her with cats he didn't kill yet?" She thought to he self, she shook her head sighing. "I thought we made a good choice." She mumbled under her breath. She stayed where she was, her claws coming in and out, the 12 dog teeth and 4 cat teeth on her collar stained with blood.

(Jay could crow be the leader of blood clan for the time being, or is Scrouge alive, or dead.)
Dawnlight let's her sister help, purring as the healing juices worked.

Nightsong finished her and went to Ace's side, curling up next to him before cleaning his wounds again. She gently licked his wounds, trying not to hurt him.
(Ahh ok I guess I didn't know that, well I know now oh btw crow was Scrouges sister but they didn't like telling other cats, but wolf should know this.)
(So will she be more.. poliet to her nephew, and accompany him on his journey to the city to retrieve BloodClan, so they can merge with WindClan?)

Ace's eyes remain on the covered Den entrance.

Wolf gazes around, beginning to walk toward the city slowly for now. His golden glare watching the shadows carefully as he made his way away from the den where his future Mate, her kin, and his were hidden.
((Okay, slowly melting at the terms future mate. That is so sweet....))

Nightsong secretly licked herbs into his wounds, not wanting him to get infection. "You're tense... calm... I doubt anyone would attack us right now..."
Ace's tail curls around NightSong's. "better safe than sorry." He says softly, resting his head on his paws, as he stares at the entrance. Inside the den was warm, and smelt of milk. A mother badger must have given birth and left the den with her cubs not too long ago, yet they were definitely long gone.
Nightsong curled closer to him, rubbing her head against his before trying to go to sleep. She was tired.

Dawnlight stayed up a bit, watching the entrance.
( good morning) shadow continued to watch. Good,one of the blood clan cats is leaving, she thought, but what to do about the other one? I don't know if I can trust them. ( why are so many cats watching thm?) she narrowed her eyes, scanning her surroundings for anything she could use to her advantage.
(It's Cause wolf is leaving for a bit, leaving the other vulnerable. I swear to StarClan, if these cats die, I'll ruin who ever kills them.. RUIN THEM)
Crow watched as wolf as he walked into the clearing and then he was making his way to the city. "Where are you going?" She thought sneaking out from behind the bush and crept quitely till she was hidden in the undergrowth, her collar gets stuck on a branch and it cracks, snapping in two.

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