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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

"I guess the other one can tell you when he gets back, I dont really do blood and guts" Rain said, sitting down. She was planning to leave, but why did the she-cat go hunting? Rain had given them the bird, they could have shared that.
Wolf shakes his head slightly, "I know, DawnLight.." He meows softly, curling uo beside her. He begins to gently clean her fur of the blood.

Ace nods, laying his head on his paws, his wounds throbbed, yet they weren't severe.
Dawnlight purred softly. "I thought the fox ran off.... I wanted to make sure there was enough prey to go around.... and I wanted to do something for you... I don't want to be weak anymore..."

@Cyber Wolf

((Anyone on...?))
Dawnlight rubbed her head back. "But it feels like I am... I couldn't even fight off a fox. I don't know how I'll show my importance in the clan...." she says, looking at him seriously

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf shakes his head, "you'll learn our ways soon enough, but that doesn't mean put your life in danger!" He twitches his ears seriously, "I shall leave for the city soon." The sun was beginning to rise in the distance. "I should be back before nightfall." He rubs his head against hers. "Ace shall watch over you and NightSong, he would die before letting you two die." He nods, "I shall help you back to the den, you, Ace, and NightSong must remain inside until I return." He looks at her seriously, "that's an order."
"I wasn't trying to put myself in danger! I was trying to make sure my sister had enough food and herbs!" Daylight said, her gold eyes narrowing a bit before she sighed. "I'll miss you... I'd go but I'm injured.... be safe please. I'll take care of them. And thank you...." She pressed her head against his, eyes closing.

@Cyber Wolf
He licks her head softly, "once NightSong returns, we shall take you to the den, you will need to rest while I'm gone, as we must travel to the old WindClan territory Once i return." He meows, looking around for NightSong.
Dawnlight sighs, licking his cheek. "Okay. She'll be back soon. I hope... I seriously need to get that fox our of here... we might've taken a possible nursing den," she said, looking around as well.

Nightsong padded into view dripping moss in her jaws. "You guys okay?"

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf nods at NightSong, "I'll be leaving for the city to get BloodClan soon. Once DawnLight drinks, we need to take to back to the den so she may rest." Wolf looks to DawnLight, "I will find the fox, and kill it, and any other predator I may encounter on my way to the city." He nudges her gently.
Nightsong nodded. "Of course. I'll make sure the two are well rested," she said, looking at the two.

Dawnlight winced when he nudged her side. "Ow... and thank you... but you don't have to if you don't want to," she said, looking up at him with large gold eyes

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf shakes his head, "it's important that I do." He meows, curling his tail around his paws. He twitches his ears at the sound of the morning birds chirping.
Dawnlight smiled looking at him. "You're a wonderful leader, Wolf. I'm glad I've met you," she said, trying to sit up as well

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf twitches his ears, "don't strain yourself." He shifts so he is beside her so she can clean on him if she needs it. He looked to NightSong, "NightSong, let's get her to the den." He meows.
Dawnlight leaned on him, panting heavily. "Thanks," she whispered, trying but to cry out in pain.

"Let's. She'll need her rest...." Nightsong said, looking at her sister in worry
Scarecrow and Reaper look at each other, still watching from the tree, and looked back to the group. "Oh dear, the cat who loves lives" Reaper tsked, shaking her head. "The cat who leads has found an attraction to her as well"

"Disgusting" S

"Yes, very" R

"If one does not die then something is wrong" S

"Something is wrong then if one does not die" R

"Shall it be the cat who follows?" S

"Maybe, but I have had an idea" R

"What is this idea?" S

"Why, the cat who leads will be leaving, no?" R

"Yes" S

"And the cat who follows will be left with both cats who love and heal" R

"What are you getting at?" S

"You should know by now brother" R

"Your right, but I cant put my paw on it" S

"If the cat who loves in injured," R

"Then the cat who heals will tend to her" S

"The cat who heals will need herbs from the forest to heal the cat who loves" R

"And the cat who follows will be left alone with the cat who loves" S

"Yes, but the cat who heals will be much more alone." R

"You are devious, dear sister" S

"Yes well one has to recognize opportunities when they see one" R
Wolf stands sturdy, walking slowly, careful not to rush her. He wraps his tail around hers to ensure keep her clam.

His twitches his ears when he hears rustling from the underbrush, he growls softly, two emerald eyes staring back at him. "
Wolf!" The she-cat cries, pulling herself from the shadows. The beautiful ginger cat stood in front of the two, her front right paw white, as scourges had been. Wolf perks his ears, "what are you doing here?" He hisses slightly, the two we obvious kin. "I came to find you! The clan thought you may have been captured by the humans.. or by the forest cats! I left Bear in charge." Her gaze flicks to NightSong and DawnLight, then to her brother.
"Oh, look at this" R

"How irritating" S

"Very" R

"If this she-cat gets in our way," S

"I know, she wont be breathing" R

"The cat who leads as been missed" S

"Missed obviously" R

"Captured by the forest cats?" S

"I did hear that too" R

"We wont want a Bloodclan in our forest anyway" S

"That is a very good point" R

"They didnt listen" S

"I know, it is their undoing" R

"I am getting impatient" S

"I know, I am too" R

"Then lets attack" S

"Wait, there are something we must consider" R

"Oh yes, I remember now" S

"We wait" R
Dawnlight continued to pant, but she smiled when he felt her tai wrap with hers.

"Who are you?" Dawnlight hissed, bristling slightly at the sight off the she cat.

"Calm. That is his kin," Nightsong said, staring in amusement

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf nods, running his tail over DawnLight's back gently. "This is my littermate,-" The she-cat looks at DawnLight, "I'm Fox."she mews, dipping her head slightly in respect.
Dawnlight calls siren, fur lying flat. "I'm Dawnlight. Sorry for being aggressive," she said, bowing her head and holding out a paw.

"And I'm her sister, Nightsong. Lovely to meet you," Nightsong said, doing the same
Shadow padded trough the trees, keeping downwind, her eyes narrowed as she watched the cats talk. She had never seen them before and one of them was injured, two of them looked dangerous, with those collars and all. Her mother had told her and her sister stories about bloodclan, blood thirsty,merciless killers. But those didn't look like they where going to kill the injured cat.... But she couldn't be sure. She leaped up a tree, silently scrambling up and balancing on the branches. A shadow hidden in the shadows.
( somewhere near a place with trees, near the edge of a forest I guess? A cat is injured, two may or may not be killers, another can heal, there Is a terrified cat called rain, scarecrow and reaper are stalking all of them and my cat is sitting at the edge.)

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