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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

Wolf and Ace slip into the den a few moments later, Ace curls himself into a ball beside NightSong.

Wolf lays beside DawnLight, twitching his scarred ears as he listens for a sound, any sound, to show his father was around. yet ni sound came, it was merely his imagination.
It being quiet was only lasted a few seconds when a hiss cut through the air and a cat ran as fast as it could away from something. It had blood basically covering it and one ear missing, but what the most noticeable thing is that it had no fur. She panted, her pink-ish skin wrapping around her bones tightly. Behind her was a fox, trying to catch the cat. She was younger than both Bloodclan cats and the Tribe cats, small frame. Probably many moons younger than them, and an easy target for predators.
Dawnlight curled tighter in a ball, fur bristling in her sleep. Another nightmare. Another dream of her sister dying.

Nightsong was wide awake, staring at the others. So peaceful they looked. She's hoping that she made the right desicion
Ace flicked his ears up, instinctively he rushes out of the badger den, the clouds above were dark and threatened to pour down rain. Ace chases after the fox, before delivering a nasty bite to the large fox's ankle. It screeches and tumbles to the ground, before looking back at him, growling loudly. Ace releases the Fox, and growls loudly, his fur bristling. The fox lunges, jaws snapping, Ace dodges with ease.

Another lunge, jaws aimed for Ace's throat, he dives under the Fox, scraping his long talon like claws down its belly. The fox yowls in pain, leaping away. It pants heavily, growling.

Ace growls back, when suddenly he gets a sharp pain, and he is lifted off the ground and thrown.

Wolf looks to DawnLight, "
Stay here, protect your sister." He orders, he was her leader now.

Wolf runs out of the den, watching as a second fox sinks it's fang's into Ace's back, throwing him. Wolf hisses in ragd, sprinting forward he leaps and sinks his fang's into the fox's throat, using his massive claws to slash through it's chest and throat. It screeches and tries to throw him off, blood covering his black pelt.

The second fox growls loudly, and bites into Wolf's hind leg, The slender feline releases the other fox, and rakes his claws down the second fox's eyes, it drops him and whimpers, fleeing.

Wolf pants, limping to Acewhich had a few deep bite wohnds, but would surely live. The second fox laid on the ground before them, life slipping from it as it bled out.
Rain stopped, turning to see the two take down the foxes. Oh jeez, if they could take down two foxes what could they do to her? Her legs hurt from running, she was no Windclan descendant that was for sure. She wasnt sure if she should approach them, but instead she had an idea. Slinking forward close to the ground to show her inferiority she approached the two tom cats and dropped her bird she had caught in front of them. "Thank you" She said, shaking both from fear and cold from the shade of the rainclouds. She was probably the size of a new apprentice.
Dawnlight awoke at the sound of fighting, standing over her sister protectively. Nightsong cowered into her sister's side before racing out at the smell of blood. Her eyes widen at the sight.

"I need herbs! Dawn, go find them!" Nightsong ordered, racing to the cats sides. She almost wailed at the sight of Ace but started licking his wounds, trembling slightly.

Dawnlight nodded, racing into the forest. She knew enough to help her. But that's all. She prayed that they would live.
Rain jumped back as the two she-cats raced from the den. Herbs? Was this she-cat a medicine cat? She got instantly intrigued, "Can I help? I know some about herbs" She said quietly, head low still.
"Yes. Start licking your wounds clean," Nightsong ordered. Dawnlight raced back with herbs plentiful in her jaws.

"I'll start on Wolf," Dawnlight said softly, going to him after she placed the herbs down
Wolf looked to Rain, and winced, his leg was bloody, but nothing major. "Are you alright?" Wolf asked, he sniffed the bird for a moment, before looking back at Rain.

Ace purred softly, enjoying her gentle tongue lapping at his wounds.

Wolf looked to DawnLight, "
my wounds aren't severe, focus on Ace." He meows.
Rain blinked, she didnt mean help herself but she guessed she should listen. She sat down, making sure the bird was still by them so they could take it. She looked over at Wolf and nodded, "I would have been shredded if it werent for you, I owe you my life." She said, starting to lick her bare back. It stung terribly but nothing as bad as the two toms. "Sorry I got you two injured, I didnt know you were here" She said.
Wolf flicks his ears, "it's a good thing we were, or else you'd be crow food." He meows, beginning to lick his injured leg.
"Or fox food. How'd ya'll know how to chase them away?" She asked. It was obvious she wasnt from the lake at all but she wasnt a kittypet, but more a loner. She had slept in the back of the truck and it transported her here unknowing from Texas. Once she woke up she left and found herself lost.
Dawnlight rubbed her cheek against Wolf's. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, looking up at him in worry.

Nightsong was surprised that he was purring. "You very brave," she said, looking up at him
Wolf purred softly, a rare sound from such as feared cat. He looks to Rain, "I'm the leader of BloodClan.. and of WindClan. In the city, we kill Stray dogs.. when he have to of course." He meows, and flicks his tattered and scarred ears. The embedded teeth in his collar were clearly dog fangs.
Dawnlight got up and padded away. "I'm going hunting. Please stay here."

Nightsong started the ointment for their wounds. "Be safe sister..."

"I will. Always..." Dawnlight murmured, starting the hunt
"B-Bloodclan?" Rain trembled in fear again, backing up and flattening her ears. "They, I... I didnt know...." She said, now starting to breathe fast. She should have recognized those collars, before she had been in Texas she had been in the same city that Bloodclan was in. And her family had a bad history with them, she was a loner because of Bloodclan. Of course they had been so desperate to try and steal from the clan, bad move. "I-I'm sorry... I was hungry..." She mewed, now recognizing the same cat she had seen for a split second before running for her life. He looked just liek Scourge.
Wolf twitches his ears, "Why are you apologizing?" He questions, the difference between him and his father, was merely that he had golden eyes. Wolf even had the similar white paw, yet it was on his hind paw, not his front Paw.
Willow sat up, yawning and looked around, confused. Where was her sister and where was she? Then she remembered the past day and sighed, jumping off of the tree, surprised to see all of the cats from earlier gone. She flicked her ear slightly annoyed. So much for trying to find other cats, she sighed, well I guess that's my fault for dozing off...
Rain couldnt help only seeing the blood stains on Wolf, and thinking of how she barely got out with her life. Bloodclan were merciless and blood thirsty, she had never seen anything other than that from the clan. "So many cats probably died by your claws, you wouldnt remember killing my family even though they all had no fur. We stole food from you, or tried. No matter how many times we apologized, you killed them. I... I survived because I was a coward and ran." She said, blinking. She had been scarred mentally and suffered from it.

Sun-Zero never left his place by the river, so he wasnt gone. Smoke was asleep. But he stared at all the stars, silent.
Willow ran down to the lake " hey! Sub-zero! Where did all of the there's go?" she called out. She stopped in front of him and sat down,tilting her head couriosuly.
Dawnlight was frozen in fear. A fox. It snarled at her before lunging at her. Dawnlight returned the attack, eyes blazing. Minutes later, a piecing wail escaped her lips and echoed around the forest. A large gash was open on her stomach, bleeding heavily. She laid panting, eyes watching the fox ad it stalked toward her. She couldn't move. She was going to die
Willow jumped up, fully alert after she heard the horrifying wail. " someone, someone needs help!" she gestured for sub zero and smoke to follow, then ran into the forest where she had heard the cry. Branches and leaves whipped her across the face as she ran blindly trough the undergrowth.
Sub-Zero flicked his ears, not blinking. "They all left, not-" He cut off and flattened his ears as Willow ran. He leapt at her, pinning her down. "Dont, her kin will help her." He said, looking back up at the stars. "Let clan take care of clan" He said.

Near Dawnlight the same green eyes watched the she-cat bleed. "Didnt I warn you?" Spiderbite asked, tail flicking in satisfaction. "But nobody listens to me"
She looked up at him, eyes wide. " but what if they don't make it in time?! What if she dies just because we didn't help her!" she hissed, struggling to get out of sub-zero's hold.
Nightsong looked up at the wail, quivering. "Dawn...?" she whimpered, racing in the direction of the wail. "DAWN!!"

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