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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

"I am not the leader. My sister is our medicine cat though. It was wise. The leader of our clan is brave, strong, and a great leader. We are lucky to have him."
She nodded " I look forward to meeting this tom you speak so highly of...I wish I could join a noble clan like yours, but I have chosen my path, or rather , my path was chosen for me." Shadow sighed " I am the future leader of shadowlcan, one of the main four clans with the darkest past, I am grateful for this new chance for my clan to become great again, but.." she closed her eyes, hanging her head in defeat, her shoulders slumping " I fear my clan shall never be as good as the others, we have always been cast out as the one with dark secrets, the liars and cold hearted ones..." she opened her eyes,smiling. " Despite my doubts, I have high hopes for your clan, even if my clan should fail, I hope yours will prevail."
Dawnlight looked at the cat. "My path was chosen without my consent as well. I swore to my brother to protect our sister. And that I will. If you want.... I'll teach you a few things," she offered, a bit of pain in her gold eyes as she remembers her brother. "I know a few things that could be of use to you. All you have to do is trust me. The tom I speak of... I believe he wants us to be mates.... Maybe one day you'll find yours as well.... but it is your choice. As it is your choice on how to lead your clan."
Shadow nodded, her eyes darker than before, thinking about something. But she quickly shook her head and her eyes brightened. " now what would you like to teach me?" she meowed.
Crow watched as wolf attacked a fox, her eyes gleaming and a small purr came out. But it one moment she swore she could have seen Scrouge at the moment of the attac, but she shock it off. "Nice work, wolf." She said looking at the leader.
Wolf's muzzle was stained with blood, and blood dripped from his claws. He walks toward Crow, and smiles slightly. His tail held high in victory, he purrs. "We are almost to the den." He meows, the cats yowl again. Wolf begins to sprint. His silky black fur dancing against the sunlight.
"How well is your fighting?" Dawnlight asked, getting up and circling the cat. "How are you going to defend your clan?"
Shadow tensed, as she stood up, her eyes narrowing, following the cats movements. " I fight best in the shadows, it's one of my advantages, I blend in, wait and then strike, but..." She turned around so that she was facing dawnlight " If there are no shadows, nothing to hide and wait in...." she smiled grimly " I use anything that is available."
Crow dashed off and soon caught up with wolf. "So, looks like we did raise you well." She said keeping her eyes looking forward.
"Come tomorrow night. Here. At the moons highest peak. I must be going. I will teach you. From clan to tribe to clan again. I will be your mentor," Dawnlight said, smiling at the she cat before padding away
Shadow nodded " I'll be here!" she meowed lowdly, watching the cat pad away. She looked up at the sky and sighed. " oh,sister, where are you... I hope you're safe and that we'll meet again." then she turned around and headed back into the forest.
Dawnlight padded quickly back to the den, hoping Wolf wasn't already there. She was disobeying one of his orders. She sighed. The tribe was free to go out. She was used to traveling on her own. She knew how to fight.

"What am I doing?" she hissed, stopping. "I am a strong she cat. I can go back to the mountains... but what about the others? Whoever is looking at me now must be ashamed. I'm weak and pathetic."

She down in another den, one only small enough for cats. She didn't know what to do. "I'm so sorry Wolf... Maybe you'll find me... I hope you do... but you'll only find me weak and pathetic...."
Wolf pushed through the thick undergrowth, his chest fur ruffles at her praise, yet he remains silent. He approaches the den, turning to his clan, "you shall not attack any feline, without my orders." He growls, seriously. He approaches the den where he had left the three cats, he moves the bush aside, and meets Ace's gaze, his eyes go wide, in what seemed like fear. Wolf looks to NightSong, then glances around for DawnLight. His blood begins to boil, "Ace!" He hisses, his eyes ablaze. "Where is she?" He snaps, Wolf's tail lashing wildly, a few of the cats growl at Ace, their eyes set on him, awaiting Wolf to tell them to attack. Ace flinches, "s-she, and Fox left while NightSong and I were asleep, Wolf." He meows, Wolf growls loudly.

Fox had been following DawnLight, watching her conversation with the other cat. She sighs, following DawnLight to another Den. The she-cat growls softly in disapproval. This was the she-cat Wolf fancied? Sad.

Fox steps out from the shadows, "
DawnLight." She growls, her emerald eyes locked on her. "Why are you disobeying Wolf?" The words come out like a his laced with poison.
Dawnlight looked up, glaring. "Because I'm sorry to say that I needed some alone time. Go ahead, rat me out. I'm just another she cat. I was born tribe. Stoneteller basically had no word in what we did. I am used to their ways. Forgive me for missing my home. Forgive me for missing my brother. Forgive me for disobeying an order!" she said, laying her head down, sadness deep in her eyes. "I just needed some time to think. The Tribe of endless hunting don't walk these skies. I'm not sure what to do. Forgive me..."
Fox growled loudly as the she-cat raised her voice. Once she noticed the sadness, she understood. Fox twitches her ears, and sits down in front of the she-cat, "change can definitely be strange, DawnLight, As many cats fear change." She meows gently, "yet change often helps us not fall as those before us have, and it more often than not, saves us all." She purrs gently. BloodClan's rank scent made her quiver slightly, she wouldn't miss that at all. "I'm guessing BloodClan is here, I'll inform Wolf about you being safe, yet he will most likely seek you out, once he sets the clan in WindClan's former territory." She nods, "I shall leave you be now, stay safe, DawnLight." She meows, Before vanishing into the undergrowth.

Wolf looks to NightSong, "
I thought I told you to watch her." He clearly valued DawnLight highly, his words were laced with anger and worry.
Dawnlight sighed, sitting up. "Thank you Fox... I owe you one," she said, watching the feline disappear. "I'm breaking my promise... I'm sorry Redleaf... I'll do better from now on..."

Nightsong growled, a sound that should not belong to a gentle she cat like her. "On this day, four moons ago.... She watched our brother die. She was told to stay back.... She watched him fight for his life. She was powerless. She goes out every night just to talk to him in a sense. Now back off. If you truly fancy her, let her know you're there for her. I can't do anything. She went tell me how he died or who killed him. She acts strong but she truly isn't," Nightsong said, sadness in her own eyes
Ace shakes his head, She made a mistake.

Wolf hisses loudly, and Bear steps beside him, baring his fangs in anger, unsheathing his massive claws. Wolf growls at Bear, and the large tom steps back. Wolf meets NightSong's eyes harshly, "
I understand the sadness of losing kin, yet you shall speak to your leader with more respect." He growls deeply, the massive mod of cats behind him stare at NightSong. Wolf looks to the clan, "we shall move out to WindClan territory now." A few yowls echo out, and the few cats in the den exit. Wolf turns away from Ace and NightSong, exiting slowly.

Ace glances to NightSong, twitching his ears slightly to the she-cat, he follows after Wolf quickly.
Nightsong stayed where she was, curling her claws into the dirt beneath her. He dare speak like that? "I will speak with the same respect as given to me. I am your medicine cat. You may be my leader but without me, your clan will fall to illness and infection," she said softly, curling into a ball. She disliked cats who tried making themselves bigger in front of their fellows. "Maybe I was wrong.... Maybe I should have just started in the mountains...."

Dawnlight pressed tighter into her den, smelling cats nearby. She unsheathed her claws, ready to strike at any given moment. "In a strong she cat... I was the best in the tribe... I can do this," she whispered to herself, shaking off her fear.
Woof growled loudly, "And without a clan to protect you, you shall become crowfood." He snaps back at her, then he turns his back to the den, and she-cat, he had no time for foolishness, he wanted nothing to do with a she-cat who dont know her place within the clan.

Bear growls, "
what a drama queen." He looks to the spotted tom beside him, who chuckles.

Ace growls at the two toms, his eyes sad as he looks back at NightSong, he flattens his ears, yet he didn't join what he thought was supposed to be his future mate, he instead remained beside Wolf.

Wolf begins to lead the group away, Fox slides into the mob with ease, and follows after her leader, who was heading toward WindClan territory, leaving NightSong behind.
Nightsong slid out of the den, a cold glimmer in her eyes as she watches them leave. "You can come out now, Dawnlight."

"He fancies me.... Nightsong.... we were only here to reunite the clans... Have we dug in too deep?"

"Apparently so sister... Let's follow them." Nightsong walked forward, her sister following closely. They both walked up to where Wolf and Ace were but didn't do anything too acknowledge them.
Wolf comes to the river, and looks around, before noticing a several stones leading to the other side. He looks to the clan, "we must cross here, and then we are in our territory." He meows, several murmurs of excitement buzz through the cats. Wolf leaps down onot the first stone, before quickly crossing the river. He steps onto the other side and sighs.

Ace crosses after Wolf, who sat by the edge to ensure all the cats crossed safely.
Nightsong and Dawnlight wit patiently for more orders, three eyes glowing in the moonlight.

"Follow us. Wet know the territory," Dawnlight said, the two she cats turning around and started running out of sight. That find a wonderful place to make camp. A camp they've been using.

"Sister.... Are you okay?" Nightsong asks softly.

"I'm fine," Dawnlight answered, sneaking a look at Wolf.
Wolf nods, and the mob of collared cats follows the pair. Wolf noticed DawnLight's glance, yet he decided it's best to leave her be for now. He looks around, the clan buzzing with excitement. "It's great." He meows, the scent of cats is stale, yet recognizable. "Bear, Sock, and Bee. You three go on a patrol and mark the borders." The three nod, and set out to do so. Wolf slowly begins to smell around. The scent or milk makes him purr, the Queen Den is under a Fallen tree, Wolf looks to one of the larger she-cat named Moon, "begin to dig a larger entrance from under this tree." She nods and begins to do so

Ace can recognize the apprentice den, hidden by thick vines, it was perfect. He then approaches the massive rock like cave, the scent of herbs strong still. He twitches his ears, "
NightSong, this is your den." He purrs.

Fox slips into another decent sized cave, guessing it was the Warrior den. She purrs, she could get used to such a roomy den For her and the others.

Wolf approaches the two large slanted rocks in the middle of the camp. He knew this was the leader's den. He inhales, it smelt of honey, and that was all. He begins to push the old pine out of the den, to make room for fresh bedding.
The cats look around sadly. Where they right to take these cat's out of their territory? That seemed happy enough. That will be fine for now.

"Wolf," Dawnlight said softly, padding into his den. "I'm sorry for leaving the den.... I just wanted to talk to my brother..."

Nightsong looked at Ace with a look of amusement. "It is. I already started stocking up on herbs. Anyways.... I had a question. Do you mind sharing the den with me tonight?"

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf looks toward DawnLight, using his tail to brush the den floor clean. "It's quite alright, DawnLight." He meows, his chest fluffs up slightly. "As long as you're safe, I'm fine." He purrs softly.

Ace's chest fur fluffes up. "
I don't mind, I'd rather sleep along side you then the other cats." He purrs.

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