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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

Sunshade purred loudly, "You recognize us when your told." She said. "We have something important for you cats, something that will make this place home again" Falconsong said. "What do you prefer, shadow, water, open space, or living among the trees?" He asked, watching them as they made their decision.
Shadow looked up " I'd rather hunt in the shadows, I've always loved the pine forests, the soft needles beneath my paws and enough space between the trees to walk freely." willow looked at her sister doubtfully " I'd rather live by water. I prefer the feel of gentle water lapping at my paws than prickly needles. Besides , fish tastes better than any vole or mouse." willow curled her tail, stepping closer to her sister. She could already guess where this conversation was going.
Sunshade and Falconsong looked at each other then back at Willow and Shadow. "You are two different cats, which means two different clans. Shadow, you are born Shadowclan. And Willow, your born Riverclan. To bring everything back to balance out the forest, you must separate" Falconsong said. "Have some heart, but yes, he is right" Sunshade said, giving Falconsong a quickl glare/
Shadow bristled and hissed " I will not leave my sister just be-" willow cut her sister off, her gaze calm, with a hint of sadness in it . " sister, you knew we couldn't stay together forever. It was only luck that you found me a couple of moons ago, if you had not we would still be wandering separate paths. This is no different. We are merely taking different paths, that will cross again. It makes me sad too, but if it is what I must do, I will do it." shadow flattened her ears, claws digging into the ground " but... I have to-" willow silenced her sister with her tail " shadow, please don't make this harder than it is." shadow closed her eyes, shoulders slumping and lowered her head " it's no use is it? You'll leave to do whatever they say, no matter what I say." shadow opened her eyes, nuzzling her sibling " ok, I'll let you go, but..." shadows eyes flashed " dont regret your decision, because I won't be able to help you anymore." willow nodded and the two young cats turned to the star clan warriors.
Sunshade hated to see them split but it had to be done. Falconsong flicked his tail, beckoning to Shadow. "Come with me, even though I am not Shadowclan I will teach you their ways until we can find a Shadowclan warrior from Starclan" He said, getting up and walking. Sunshade looked at Willow, "I will lead you to the clan descendant Sub-Zero and his kit Smoke" She said, walking the opposite way of Falconsong and Shadow/
Shadow nodded. Sending her sister one last sad glance, she took a deep breath, before following the starry warrior deeper into the forest,without looking back. Willow watched her sister's form melt into the trees, wanting to say something, something that could bring her sister back. Her sister. The cat who had alway taken care of her, the cat she trusted with her life. Willow blinked a couple of times, trying to keep the tears away. She mustered up her courage and followed her ancestor, Sunshade. Willow walked a couple of pawsteps behind Sunshade, her he'd hanging. Had I really made the right decision? What if , what if something happens to shadow and I don't know about? Why do we have to separate? Is this truly the right answer! She thought, staring at the waves lapping at the rocky shores of the lake.
Falconsong walked in silence, ears down and fur almost on end. He didnt like Shadowclan territory, he was killed in it after all. "Perhaps the two troublemakers can teach you about Shadowclan" He said.

Sunshade looked around, "Dont worry, we'll find Sub-Zero in no time" She said, sounding enthusiastic. Though she knew Willow was down because of the split.
Shadows's ears perked up. " what troublemakers?" she asked, hurrying up to catch up with falcon song. " who are you talking about? Are they dangerous?"

Willow looked up, giving sunshade a reassuring glance " don't worry, I'll be fine, it's not like it's the first time we've been appart..." willow trailed off, spotting two shapes in the distance " is that them?" she asked hopefully.
"You've seen them, and they really are a pain in the tail" Falconsong snarled, his claws digging into the ground as he walked. "And they know something you dont"

"Maybe, go see. You should make the first apperance" Sunshade said, starting to disappear. Sub-Zero and Smoke were watching the water closely, eyes narrowed.
" wait, what do they know? Are they reaper and scarecrow? Why are we even going to them?" shadow growled, stopping, her tail lashing.

" wait. What should I say?" willow yelped, but sunshade was already gone. Willow stared at the spot where sunshade was, before turning away, muntering " traitor " and walking towards the other cats. Willow stopped a few paces away from them. She was downwind, do they wouldn't notice her. She wanted to wait for them to catch a fish or something before greeting them, she didn't want to disturb them, that would be a horrible first impression. So she sat down carefully, but some rocks loosened under her paws and rolled down the short and made a *blob* sound as it fell into the water. Willow flinched. Damn it, why can't I be as silent as shadow?
Falconsong sighed in irritation. "First of all, ditch the attitude" He growled. "And second, they have known about the four clans and rebuilding it before you two did. Thing is we never told them, someone else did and I would bet you the next mouse I catch that its a Dark Forest cat" He growled. "We arent going to go to them directly, but listen to them. They might drop some hints on where to start"

Smoke was the first to react, jumping up and turned, hissing at Willow with his fur fluffed up. He was probably her age though was as muscular as Sub-Zero. The older tom cat looked up, ears pricked and piercing eyes looking at Willow. He looked to Smoke and flicked his shoulder lightly with his tail and Smoke dashed forward though skidded to a halt in front of Willow. He studied her for a minute before seeming to relax. "You dont seem like a troublemaker"
Shadow stared at falconsong. " so... We just find them, try not to be spotted, listen to their conversation and hope that somehow they just happens to be talking about shadowclan? Shadow asked, giving the tom a disbelieving look. " but if that's what we've gotta do, then it's what we've gotta do." shadow sighed, tail swishing the pine needles on the ground apart. She sniffed her surrounding, trying to find the two rogues scent. Her eyes widened and her ears pricked when she caught the faint scent of reaper.

Willow jumped " ah! No, no I'm no trouble, I actually just came her to talk to you..." she meowed, her tail twitching nervously. " really, you can go continue fishing once were done and i'll just keep on walking if you're not interested in what I want to tell yo."
Dawnlight grumbled. This land is different from the mountains. She continued to hunt. She had a sister to feed. She lifted her muzzle, opening her mouth slightly. She caught the scent of rabbit and so the hunt began. Stalking forward a bit, she kept low to the ground, no sound coming from her. Wiggling her haunches when she readies her attack, she took a deep breath and pounced. The rabbit screeched in fear but it was too late. Dawnlight delivered the killing blow and walked off to her sister, the rabbit dragging beside her.

"It's a rabbit!" Nightsong said excitedly. "That's what must've been eating all the herbs!"

"All I know is that it's going to be a good meal. Let's eat before it gets cold," Dawnlight said after laying the rabbit down. Both she cats crouch by the prey, eating slowly. It's been a long time since they've eaten.
Redfeather was chasing a olumy heathly rabbit her muscles rippled with each silent and powerful step her pelt swayed back and forth as she went through the motions on catching the rabbit and she ran past the lake she didn't seem to notice to their two cats she had her eyes locked on her prey and soon after passing the two cats she caught the rabbit and bite its neck killing it

@Bonnie the Bunny
Willow whipped around in time to see a fox red pelt rush past her. She looked after the young she cat and watched her tackle the rabbit and kill it in one swift bite. " Hey!" willow shouted , getting to her paws, her ears perked and tail curled into an arch. " Who are you? My name is Willow!" she shouted. Maybe this cat knew something about the clans and could help her?
Redfeather lifted her head and saw a young cat talking to her and she blinked " My name is Redfeather " her voice was naturally soft and smooth which was normal for any shecat
Willow padded over to her, her gaze bright and cheerful " sorry to disturb you and I don't plan to take away your rabbit, but do you know anything of the clans that used to live here?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.
Redfeather blinked and looked down at the much smaller cat whom now stood up front of her then asked about the clans and she said " They have long been destroyed, my grandmother was only a kit when she was told the story and then she told my mother and my mother told me about all the clans, their borders, ancestors and even how they lived "
"That's great" willow mowed. " we want to rebuild the clans, river clan, thunder clan, wind clan and shadowclan. I'm gonna be I'm riverclan, but my sister left to rebuild shadowclan, falcon song guided her to pine forest and sunshade led me here, where I found those two cats over there." willow nodded in the direction of the two toms that where sitting by the lake. " it would be rally great if you could tell us more about the clans." willow purred, eyes smiling hopefully at the taller cat in front of her, not dazed at all by her strength and bulky form.
The she cats finish eating, sighing a hole to bury their prey. Dawnlight watched her sister carefully. She didn't want her to get hurt. Funny thing odds, Nightsong is blind in her left eye. She had to look after her. She promised to.

"Come on, the lake is waiting," Dawnlight said softly. Nightsong nodded, walking to her sister's side.

"You think there are other cats here?" Nightsong asks softly, looking up.

"Yes I do. We'll make this our new home. I promise."

"I'll hold you for that promise. Thank you sister."

"Always.... Look! The lake!"
Redfeather looked up to the other cats then back down to Willow " It would be and honor to rebuild such a legend once more " she meowed
Willow nodded " yeah, this world has gone on long enough without the clans." willow sat down and started grooming her ruffled pelt. " I wonder whose territory this was, you know, which clan's." willow murmured looking around and spotting a River leading down to the lake with trees and bushes creating a mini forest around the middle of it.
" Much of what I have seen is this is Riverclan " Redfeather looked around and then she looked back down to Willow her fox red pelt light up in the sun
"I hear voices.... let's go check it out," Nightsong said softly, padding forward to the sound.

"I'll follow you, sister. Always. But if it comes to a fight, you follow my orders and run," Dawnlight said, starting by her sister's left side.

"Okay. But I'll try stopping any fight. Just because we are bigger than most cats doesn't mean we attack anyone who fluffs out their fur."
Willow smiled softly " then this is the right place for me.." she ran her paw along the ground beneath her. " my ancestors,the original river clan cats, they walked here, along these paths, guarding their territory and hunting their prey, right?" willow asked, her blue eyes staring at red feather, hoping for a confirmation.

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