War in Regar (IC)

Azania sighed as he hung in the air, he had given up on running away and looked at the dragon, snarling at it.
Flower smiled and nodded. "Yes." She said and then looked at him. She looked inside and then looked back at him. "I'm Flower, welcome." She said not exackly sure what to do now.
"Yes!" Cas cheered. He spun to Flower and shook her hand excitedly. "Thank you. I'm Cas by the way, short for Castiel." He then scratched his head. "Do you know where an inn is?"
Flower shook her head no. "I would offer for you to stay here...but I am a guest here myself....I was going out to look for the owner." She said sighing deeply but smiled at him anyways. "I'm sure she would know of a place for you to stay." She said and then looked out behind him. BC her white lion guid came out and sat by Flower. He looked at the new boy.
Knight snickered and looked rather proud to have won.Nadia and Agile return to where the dragon sat with the vampire in his mouth.Nadia gasped and looks at the two "are you OK?"
Azania sighed and folded his arms, he was spinning slowly from the way the dragon had a hold of him, "gotta admit; this is a little embarrassing." he said, using his full vampire strength to kick the dragon's jaw.
Cas sighed and looked around. When he noticed the girl looking at him, his faced red and he quickly turned away. He was never really good with people looking at him. " C-could you s-stop staring?"
Knight tosses him in the air but after getting dirty looks from her he still catches him."need some help getting down? "Knight shakes his head no wich probably made him swing a lot harder.
Azania sighed as he began to spin a lot faster, "I'll be fine." he said, digging his claws into the dragon and bringing the spinning to a halt; he started pulling on his shirt, but it wouldn't budge. He was glad he wore a jacket over his shirt and he wriggled out of the shirt, quickly buttoning up his jacket and hiding his slightly muscly chest to prevent it from burning in case he forgot when the sun came up.
Knight gets even more upset and pounces on him.Nadia runs over and hits the dragon on the nose."bad you are a naughty dragon.you can't just eat people. "Knight Blinks and growls at her wich got him more scolding and another smack.
Flower looked down. "I'm sorry..." She said and then looked at her guid. BC simply sits there. She walks out. "I must be looking for my friend...if you want a place to stay she would be the person to ask....you want to help me find her?"
Cas nodded. " Sure. I don't have much to do anyway." It would probably be best to find this person. He would need a place to stay before searching.
Flower looked at BC. "Come on BC...Mind tracking her scent." The huge Lion got up and then sniffed the air. Flower got on his back. "Got it?" The lion looked at her. "What am I? A dog? I can smell a kill but something still alive is a bit harder." He said looking around. Flower sighed.
Kage Walked into the front room of the house, He looked around and noticed evryone had gone or was asleep. He figured he would look for Nadia to see if anything had happened, he closed his eyes and senced her aura at that momment he looked for her. A dense blue mist fillled the dark void that he saw, he noticed her aura had increased intensly in color. He evaporated at that moment and traveled in the direction of her aura. moving swiftly through the black void he came apon the auras sorce imediatly, she was standing amoungst four other beings, a dragon, her spirit guide, a vampire and a small bat. He decided to pull a small prank on Nadia and so he reapeared for only a moments upside down above her head, he kissed her gently on the lips and then vanished only to reapeare apon the dragons head. he stood their looking down apon all of them verry content with himself. "Well that was fun" he smilled grinning at her as he rubbed the draggons head with his soft tail, he never liked his tail but it did give him extreemly good balance. "sorry if i scared you" he shivered only slightly as he cold morning air bit at his unclothed chest, he loved the morning air as it reminded him of his home wich was allways cold.
Nadia blinked out of shock.she runs her finger lightly over her lips as the dragon trys to eat the man on his head.Nadia slightly started glowing pink from blushing.the dragon stoped to look at her as the glow became stronger.Nadia paniced with every one staring and because she was glowing because of her feelings she runs in the forest trying to hide her self.
Azania sighed at the person that just appeared out of nowhere, "is this your dragon then?" he asked, growling and hissing at it while his bat jumped on his shoulder and blew rasberreys at it with it's tiny tounge.
Kage looked at the dragon who seemed verry flustered by him, he scratched it on the neck and then proceded to chase after Nadia, "Hey not so fast, i didnt mean to upset you!" he vanished into thin air before he hit the ground and reapeared infront of her causing her to run right into his open arms. "slowww down nadia" he grasped onto her tightly and lifted he into the air by a few inches due to him beaing taller then her. "whats the matter?"
Niro sat from an far watching what was going on eating an apple with one eye open only haveing his red eye open. "I wounder what's going.down.there" he said softly as he placed his hoodie on his head and closed his eyes. He then slowly got from his hideing place and walked to.the quitely still eating his Apple.
Azania watches as his bat flies off his shoulder before the dragon got a chance to eat him. The bat flew over and landed ontop of Nadia, shaking slightly.
Cas watched as the lion tried to find a scent. He wished he could be more helpful but he was human and Jirou was a swallow. Neither was much help in the dark.

"So how long have you been here?" he asked.
Flower looked at him and then held out her hand. "Come on it'll be better if we ride together, that way you can keep up with us I need to be able to get there quickly." she said and then patted the side of BC. "Don't worry buddy hopefully they are not to far." BC sighs deeply. Flower still had her hand out to the boy. "Of course if you can run as fast as a lion that's be great." she said with a light smile. "And I've been here just today."

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