War in Regar (IC)

"sorry i snaped but you are a trusted friend i can tell by how you act around your guid" she smiles and walks in the kitchen makeing dinner.she turns to her " you must be hungry what do you want with dinner mead,ale or tea?"
Flower looks at her and then smiles as she follows her. "Um...i don't really care whatever you want." She said and then smiled at her. "Thanks." She said and then looked out of a window wondering about BC. She looked at Nadia and then smiled again.
"Dont worry about your guid theres a force field around the place i worryed about Agile to when i first got here." Nadia pours her a glass of homemade honeybrew mead and hands it to her "let me know if you need anything it gets my mind off of shadow" she smiles as she addes choped veggies,garlic and rosemary lastly she adds the rack of lamb then puts it in the oven. next she starts makeing bread.
Flower looks at the cup and then looked at her. She smiled and then looked at her setting the cup down smiling. "Want some help?" She asked wanting to help her out.
Nadia pauses and smiles "ok just dont over work your self." she says hading her bread dough "you can knead that while i start some soup." Nadia dident want her to feel less at home by not leting her do some work so why not every one needs to earn there meals some how right.
Flower smiles and then starts on the dough. She smiles and then looks at her. "So, your guid is a white tiger huh? Sweet." She looks at the dough kneading the dough. She smiled happy to help. She stopped putting her hair behind her ears and then continued.
"hmm yeah Agile was a cub when i found her well my brother found her and i had her as a guid she always reminds me of shadow."she pauses from cooking and looks out the kitchen window then shakes it off " we are meetig shadow tomarrow so if he bothers you flick him on the nose" she giggles after saying such silly words as she pours the soup she made in a pot to heat up.
Flower giggles slightly. "Is he always like that?" She asked smiling. She looked at the dough. "I think that's good don't you?" She smiled at her and then looked at the soup. She smiled and then looked out the window. She smiled thinking about how BC was probably still sleeping. She looked back at the dough.
"yeah but he is not as cocky as he seems and yes thats perfect the bathroom is over there why dont you take a bath i will finish up here" She smiles taking her arm and leading her to the bathroom before she gose back to cooking.
Flower blinks and then looks at her and then looks at the bathroom. "Um..." She blinked and then closed the bathroom door. "..." She sighed and then filled the bath with water. She undressed and then quickly took a bath. Once she was out and dressed she cleaned up the bathroom making sure nothing was wet. She walked out and then pushed her damp hair behind her ear. She smiled happy to be clean.
Nadia was seting the table when flower got out. "Just in time." she smiled puting freash hot soup and bread on the table.She had placed Flowers mead from earlyer on the table to."I hope you enjoy!" Nadia was always happy and bubbley with other people.Being a high elf she never treated one wrong. Nadia walkedto the bathroom "you eat up lamb will be done soon." She closes the bathroom door and bathes .after she sat at the table and ate with her.sometimes she would pause and smell the air to check the lamb.
Flower looked at her and smiled. She was happy to eat with someone again. She looked at her drink and then took a sip drinking it slowly. She smiled and then looked at her. "So um....it's been a long time since I've eaten with someone other then BC....who might I add had terrible table manors....but he's a lion so I let him get away with it." She giggled and then looked down at the table. SHe had lost her real family when she was six and now she was seperated from her other father. SHe sighed a bit.
Nadia giggled and said happly " You live here now so your gonna be the little sister of the family!" Nadia smiled widely and ate anothe spoonful of soup."Are you done cause the lamb is." she stood up and huged Flower. "you dont have to be alone anymore you have us.we will never replace you real family but we can stick togather likeo one." her voice was calm and soft she was trying to make her feel better but you could tell she was not jokeing about her being a part on the family.
Flower giggled a bit. "Oh no...Not another older sister." She smiled at her and then nodded, she had eaten all of her food that she gave her. "Yeah I'm finished." She said with a smile. She was happy that she was appart of the family but it all was just going quite fast. Although, she didn't really care. She gave her a quick hug back and then set her hands on her lap. She just kept smiling. "I wouldn't mind sticking around."
View attachment 2882(I got the pic! Flirt worthy enough? Anyway, Lala has silver hair and blue eyes.) Feel free to finish your talk before responding to this.

Lala sat against a tree, facing the sacred river. The melancholy notes of a violin filled the air around her. After a while, she placed the instrument next to her and stared at the river. It was truly a beautiful sight. Cas would've loved it. She felt herself tearing up when a wet nose poked her arm. She turned to find Alucard, her spirit guide and hellhound, though at first sight it seemed like a normal doberman. He dropped a dead bird down as if he were giving it as a gift.

"Oh Alucard," she said while petting his head," . . . that's disgusting, but sweet."

And she turned back to watch the river flow.
Nadia smiled and served her a plate with lamb and veggies.she felt happy she liked being in the family

Shadow landed next to the water she was looking at he never saw her but Kight his dragon kepted looking her way slightly uneasyed

"calm down knight no ones here" Shadow insisted
Kage Appears out of nothing slowly wandering out of the woods, He grimmices as he breaks the end of an arrow out of his shoulder the head still stuck deep inside of his muscle. "well i wasnt expecting that to happen" he laughed semi heartedly as he made his way toward a dimly lit entrance, he aproached the house with caution checking for signs of life "lets hope their friendlier then the last batch" he walked up to the door and collapsed to his knees. the lack of blood was starting to show side effects, he reached out for the door handle as his vision began to fade he could tell he was close to death, the door slowley opened as he fell forward blacking out. "help m......." he managed to mumble before he faded away.

(I have work but ill try to check back on this, sorry my internet is down at home so i will only be on for short amounts of time untill i get a new wifi card this next week)
Flower smiled until she heard someone. She got up and hen ran to the door. She opened the door to find a boy with ableeding shoulder. She kneeled down and then lifted him. She slowly walked to her room and laid him down on her bed. She looked at his wound and then proceeded to take the arrow head out. Once she did and then even pulled out a few splinters from the arrow. She ran into the kitchen and then got water. She cleaned the wound and then wrapped it in cloth. She rolled him from his side lightly on his back. "I need blankets!" she said Nd then looked at the boy.
"calm down high elfs have healing magic he will be fine." Nadia gets 2 blankets from a shelf and gives them to her.she was rather calm for some one bleeding out in her house. after she went into her room and soon returned with a wooden staff in her hand the orb at the top was clear and the wood was smooth she walk in flowers room and sits next to him.her face turned from calm to worried in a matter of secounds.
Flower looked at her and then blinked. "What's wrong?" She asked and then became even more worried. She looked at the guy and then looked at Nadia. She gently sat down by the foot of the bed. She looked at him and then backat Nadia. "What's wrong?" She asked again a bit more quietly then the first.
"he's almost dead.I could die trying to save him." Nadia took the orb out of her staff and held it in her right hand while her left hand hovered over his wound.she closes her eyes and the orb glows from the clear to a blue then green .the same happend to her hand and the man lieing down .first his blood was being restored then it started healing his wound.
Flower slowly watched unable to help out. She stayed quiet and just waited for her to finish. She looked at her lap kicking her feet quietly. Her ears were pointy, unlike a human but she was human for sure. She sighed and closed her eyes.
Soon Nadia fell to the floor gasping for air.the orb rolled across the room slowly as it changed back to a clear color.Nadia soon burst out the front door leaving flower behind.Agile got up and ran after Nadia in the forest."I could not let her seeme so weak Agile." she says shakeing on her feet.Agile layed next to her understandingly as Nadia layed on the grass.
Flower blinked and then looked around and then frowned. She looked at the boy and then sighed. She stood up again and then checked the wound. She looked around again unsure of what to do now.
Nadia writes a letter saying " take care of him" and gives it to Agile she runs and give flower the letter as nadia sleeps

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