War in Regar (IC)

Flower sees Nadia's Guid coming. She opens the door and then kneels down her hand out for the tiger to give her the letter she sees. BC runs into the house and then checks on the boy her huge lion then laid down beside the bed. Flower looks at BC and then rolls her eyes.
Victoria walked through the dark forest with her hound, Toronco, next to her. The huge dog glanced up at her with blackened eyes, no color at all, and than looked down. He spotted a fox staring curiously at them from behind a bush, and he snarled loudly.

"Toronco. No. We do not kill things until night." She scolded, glaring down at him. His head sank slightly and he stared down at his paws while they walked.

When will we be there?
He asked silently when he looked up at her again.

"Soon." She replied simply. She liked to be away from the city and towns before they both turned into there true forms. It was safer that way for the humans. She didn't like to kill them, but she usually had to, or else she would be sent back from where she originally came from.
Lala jumped when Alucard began barking at something. After silencing him, she peeked out from behind her tree to see two figures coming in the distance, a girl and dog? They were a bit scary looking but Lala was used to uglier (not to say that you're ugly). Were these people searching for the river or were they enemies?
Shadow sneaks up behind the succubus and taps her shoulder "sorry your dog gave you away miss." he smiles as his dragon Knight lets out a low growl.Nadia sits up not being able to sleep with out Agile gaurding her.she was to weak to really move so she gazes at the stars instead.
Flower reads the letter and then blinks. "hmmm....why does everyone like dropping stuff on me? First her brother with protecting her and now her with the strange guy I don't know." She puts a hand on her forehead. "Ugh." She looked at the guy and then walked back over. He sighed and then looked at BC. "Well what now?" BC looks at Flower. "Just wait till he wakes up." He answered and then closed his eyes. FLower nodded and then pulled up a chair and sat down.
Agile walks back to the spot she left her and then bursts through the door of the cottage panting "Nadias been taken!"Agile whinnes blameing herself
Flower eyes widen and gets up. "Oh crap! BC you stay here."

"But Flower!" BC tries to reconvince her but Flower stops him.

"Protect him BC Please While I go get her back." Flower says by the door now. BC gets up and then looks at the white tiger.

He sighs deeply. "Flower you and I both know you need to track a scent. " FLower looks at BC with a stern look.

Flower opens the door and then taps her sword. "You and I both know that Tiger's can track scents just as well as Lions. Come on before they get to far!" She yelled and then ran out. BC sits down pouting.
Kage layed for a moment longer probing the room with his mind, He senses somone has worked on his shoulder as the pain has ceased for the moment. He slowley opens his eyes looking around at the people in the room, normally its just a hot iron to the wound but he could feel the magic pulsing through his veins. he smiled slowley and let his blue/black striped cat ears show as a sign of saftey to others. "Thank you" he said outloud as he sat up, he could not yet evaporate due to his shoulder still healing so he felt a bit awkward walking and stumbled into the chair next to him, he laughed and got up "walking isnt the easiest when you have been teleporting your dody through a time rift all night" he glanced around and tried to keep his balance as he tried to find the sorce of the healing power wich he had been selfishly sucking from another being. He cut off the supply and felt around in his pocket, it was at this moment he relized he had not been wearing any clothes for a whle now and he then proceded to cover up some less mentionable areas, he at once grabbed the blanket that had been covering him and blushed trimedesly as his ears tucked back againts the top of his head. "umm i wonder if anyone has some pants i could borrow......"
Agile returned to where she left Nadia."We need to go back to Flower shes all alone back there." Agile insisted Nadia nodded ant went back with her to find the man awake."um yea hold on."Nadia blushed seeing him and handed him some of her brothers old black jeans.Agile hid her face under her paws.
Kage Blushed as Nadia entered his line of sight, "Oh I see you were the on that healed me, I owe you my life please take this as a gift" he outreached his arm holding a soft blue stone that was pulsing with a magical presence. "Im part fox so i cant use magic like most Cheshire's" he looked down at himself still behind the semi see through sheet and blushed more "um do you think i could...." notioning towards the room, "is it possible to not get changed infront of you two" he said with a grin as the two of them still had not left the room. "thank you agian" he said.
"um thank you." she takes the stone and walks out leaveing the jeans on the bed "Agile come here peeping tom!" Nadia closed the door behind Agile when she left.Nadia though he may be hungery so she put some cooked lamb she made earlyer on a plate
Kage laughed at her remark and put on the pants, still topless but he liked it better that way, he had been working out recently and you could really see the defenition in is chest and abbs. He gathered his thoughts and decided to figure out why the mood was so bad at the moment, the air was hostile and cold he could tell something was on eeryones mind. "well at least someone can make good use of the tailsman" he said to himself as he thought of the stone, it was a verry odd stone indeed he had risked his life in getting it all to not be able to use it. ive heard legends of how powerfull it can make a mage but idk if its anything to be worried about.

Nadia and Agile stared at the stone as it started moveing.

They watched it none stop and it strated to shine bright enough to make you half blind.

"um Agile i..i cant move"

Nadia was holding the stone in here hands and her or Agile couldent stop lookig at it.

"Agile i cant feel the floor."

"nore i Nadia."

now they where both flouting in the air the stone shaters into two peices.one half stabs its was through Nadias body and the other half Agiles.

The two drop to the floor but they looked diffrent.

Flower looked at her and then smiled. She stood up and then left the room when Nadia did. When Something strange started to happen Flower was a bit confused and then worried. She tried to keep her mind off the boy, he was kind of cute in her mind, ok she thought he was hot but that wasn't the issue at the moment.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Just stating something doesn't mean flower has feelings for him or anything lol. I like to keep my character's crush open for a while)
"um..Agile why do have wings..." Agile lookedat her wings and ran outside "awsome i can fly!!" nadia follows wearingher new flowing godess like dress.Agile gets a runing start and starts fly until she went face first in a tree
Flower eyes widen and then she just stands there completly confused. She rubbed the back of her head as she thinks about what just happened. BC stands tall beside Flower shaking his large mane. He looked at Flower and then rubbed his head under her hand. Flower smiled and petted him.
"oh Agile.." nadia runs by her side and pets her lightly.Nadia turns to Flower "uh sis what just happened." she askes helping Agile in side.Agile was walking like she had a bit to much mead and wouldent stop raming into Nadias leg
Flower raises an eyebrow. "How should I know?" She asked her hand still petting BC's head. "All I know is that both of you have wings now while the little human stands here like an idoit because she has no idea what's going on." She said with a bit of a smile. "Someone more experenced in other speices might know...but me I have no clue."
(I must be tired I'm getting confused here lol.)

Flower blinks and then looks at her. "Oh sorry you don't" She said and then looked at her guid. "Hmmm....I have no idea." She shrugged and then looked at Nadia. "Now, now...it's not that bad....if anything this just means it gave you more power....now please calm down."
(no cause im confussed to)

nadia breathes slower and calms down."Ok Agile go to bed and sleep.flower sit before we both getcso confused our brians die." Agile just plops on the floor and sleeps as nadia sits down
(Sorry for replying too late, missnoblerose. Also if Cas is alive, he'll come as soon as I figure out how he's alive.)

Lala jumped at the touch clutched at her chest. Her heart was beating furiously out of surprise. She turned to see a man, a dark elf behind her, and a dragon. She backed away as quickly as she could. And Alucard jumped between her and the elf. "W-who are you?"
"oh sorry dident mean to upset you.im shadow.pleased to meet you." Knight roars at the dog leting out a strong stench of death in his breath."stop that shes no threat the only thing your doing is killing her with your breath" Shadow snaps

Nadia sighs "i need time to think please watch Agile flower." nadia stands and leaves.she had no idea where she was going and really dident care so much just happened she dident even see that she had wondered into the dark forest.
Lala let out a soft laugh. "It's okay. My name is Lucretia, though people usually call me Lala. It's less of a mouthful. And this is Alucard." She still kept her guard up. He seemed like a good guy, but she wasn't sure when her last "feeding" was.
Azania saw someone walking through the dark forest and smiled; He hadn't fed for a while. He watched the girl from the trees, when he was close enough he jumped down and pinned her to the ground, sharp teeth gleeming in the little light that got through the forest leaves.

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