War in Regar (IC)

Lite nodded. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He said as he reached over his shoulder and pulled out a small war hammer. He steadied the chain's weak point. "This may hurt slightly." He said with a quick pause before smashing down the hammer for three quick strikes braking the chain. Lite then moved to the other side and did the same. He caught Flower before she fell to the ground. "just hold on to me, I'll get you out of here." Lite said as he pulled her on his back. Lite peeked out the hatch making sure nothing had changed. "We have to hurry!"
Flower looks at him and then nods. "O-ok. Just get me into the light....I'll start feeling better." She whispered to him her voice strained probably from screaming. She held onto him as best as she could. She looked at him and then managed to smile once more. She looked around and then looked at lite. Could she risk leading him into a room. They had her mother's ring andf father's necklace which was very important to her. Also her father's sword which she had to get back. "There is a room....down the hall....their keeping my stuff in...please it's all I have of my parents. I need it back." She said to him hoping he'd understand.
Lite groaned a little. It was raining and dark out so there wasn't much a of a chance for flower to gin her strength again so Lite was guessing he would have to do most of this on his own. Lite looked down the hall. There was some noise but not a large amount. "Fine, just stay quiet." Lite told her. As he silently carried her down the hall. He stayed crouched and hidden in the darkness aiming to be unseen by someone that Lite couldn't see as well. As he found the treasure where they kept most of the trophies and stolen loot Lite noticed a small orcish creature looking through everything. Lite pulled a small knife out and hurled it at the little creature. Luckily he got a perfect hit and punctured the back of it's head. "Hurry and find your stuff." Lite said as he quickly let Flower down to find her trinkets. Lite stood in the door way scouting for any oncoming orcs.
Flower looked around and then found the ring and the necklace. She looked around and sighed in releif as her sword was laying on the ground seemingly untouched and undamaged. She grabbed it and then held her head. she was getting dizy. Darn it...she was so weak without light....it was a major flaw in her power. Her light power was deeply rooted into her very DNA that she almost needed it to live. She shook her head and slowly walked back to Lite. "Thank you." she whispered to him feeling safer with her father's sword. She looked and then bit her lip as Orcs found out she had excaped. They were now going to be on alert. This would be harder then she thought.
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