War in Regar (IC)

Lala smiled. "I-if it's not too often . . . I could give you some blood. I know orc is an . . . acquired taste," she said, remembering how disgusting it was when she began feeding on orcs.
Lite could hear the sound of a waterfall in the distance. He took a few whiffs of himself and thought it was time for a bath. As he began in that direction he heard sounds of people, hopefully some sort of civilization. Lite has been traveling aimlessly for a while since he lost map a long while back. Lite marched on finding nothing. He began to lose hope again until he heard the sound of voices. Lite smiled and quickened his pace.
Flower looks at him and then wipes her face off. She glares at him and then smirks jumping in the water beside him splashing him back. "Oh and what was that?" She asked leaning towards him with a smile.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Sarah heard someone coming and then looked to see who was coming. She narrowed her eyes trying to see who was coming in the distance. Killer stood up and then raised his tail growling slightly.
"dont worrie about it we will fight it out in a min" he said picking flower up and geting out of the water not leting her go
Flower looks at him and then smiles alittle. She put her arms around his neck loving being held. She moved some of her wet hair out of her face. "Aw." She giggled and then looked at Shadow. "Come on you were looking at me so if it's about me can't I know." She asked looking into his eyes.
Lite felt a sense of achievement as he now approached people. He had been traveling for far to long without any contact with intelligent creatures. Lite stopped. He heard the sound of an animal growling. Lite let out a sigh of relief. The sound of the growl wasn't deep and bothering giving Lite the feeling that it was a fairly small creature as well he turned his head to the direction the sound came from. Lite smiled to a girl that didn't give to much a kind expression in his direction. Lite wasn't very heavily armed. On his cloak was a half plate, spaulders and arm-guards. He carried a dagger and a longsword both on his left hip. Lite would think he showed more of a lawful figure instead of a threatening one.

"Hello there young lady!" Lite greeted. "Could you tell me where I am?" Lite asked as he continued moving towards them.
(Killer isn't small....he's a pretty big wolf.)

BC stood up, he was a large white male lion. He looked at the new stranger and then looked over at Flower and Shadow. He walked over and then sat down.

Sarah raised an eyebrow and then crossed her arms. "You are near the River of Angles. The last safe place." She said and then looked over at Killer. "Calm down Killer."

Killer looked at her and then nodded sitting down. He scratched his ear and then looked at him. "She's right sir." He said and then gave a wolfish smile.
knight was the first to get to lite and he raored.shadow could see she liked it and walked over by knight.she wasnt heavy at all so he didnt mind carrying her.
Flower looked at Shadow and then looked at the new guy blushing a bit. She looked at Shadow and then lifted herself up by his shoulders and then stood on her hands on Shadow's shoulders and jumped off landing on her feet. She giggled a bit and then turned around standing beside Shadow now. She didn't want to be held in front of a stranger.
Lite grinned finding some accomplishment in his short struggle to find this place. He waved his hand at the little wolf. He considered it small due to the fact that Lite has taken down Wolf men and they scaled to very large sizes compared to the wolf he looked at now. Lite caught a glimpse of the Lion, that he hadn't noticed before. That was something that he didn't to go against at the moment. If He was better equipped then perhaps another time. Lite nodded, "Is there a leader somewhere? I must speak with who ever is in charge!" Lite proclaimed as he began to quicken pace towards the girl stopping when he was in a good talking distance.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Sorry! you guys post fast!)

Lite completely ignored the yelling of another beast and continued to the young male elf of the three.
"i am!" shadow said he was always in charge and his dragon of death stood by him growling.blue firey smoke came from his mouth and his eyes looked evil and anry until shadow rested a hand on his head.
Lite chuckled. They were obviously the picture of death, the shiny blue colors and the pretty markings they've drawn upon themselves. Lite bowed, showing no sign of fear. "I am Lite Rige! The Hylion of the East." He introduced himself. "I hale from the Academy of the Rising Sun. We Hylions go about doing good deeds to causes we see as worthy." Lite explained why he was there.

Lite looked the guy over. Lite guessed the elf boy was a rather arrogant kid who claims dominance by using strength. "I'm sure you can all handle yourselves with your whole..." Lite pointed to the menacing animals, "but I'm inclined to help with whatever I can. I may only be one, but one Hylion is like an army for you." Lite winked. He pulled back his hood showing his handsome complexion. Lite was prepared to prove his worth if he had to. He guessed with this Anarchy that these people lived in he would most likely have to.
Sarah looked at him and then chuckled. "I see, an honorable man." She looked at Flower who was smiling. Sarah walked over to Flower and then smiled. "Well I'm not sure what you can do for us. I'm Sarah Moon and this is my little sister Flower moon." She said and then giggled slightly.

Flower looks at Sarah. "I can say my own name you know." She looked at the boy and then smiled. "Well like she said I'm Flower." She looked over at BC. "That Lion over there is BC."

BC heard his name and walked up sitting by Flower bowing his head. "Hello." He looked at Flower and then smiled as Flower petted his head.
nadia steped forward with a smile and looked at him(btw i love assasins creed ezio is the best looking ever so nadia might flirt with you)shadow crosses his arms watching him
Flower looked at Shadow and then raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong?" She asked and then smiled at him. She slightly leaned on Shadow looking up at him.
Lite let out a small sigh of relief expecting a much more aggressive welcoming. Lite nodded, "Nice to meet you three as well as your animal friends." Lite was slightly confused by the talking animals but left it be. He looked over them all with slight interest in the high elf. Lite was a High elf as well so naturally he was attracted to her. Lite being the royalty he is immediately began judging them in his mind. The male was stubborn and self-confident and would most likely by a thorn in Lite's side. The one named flower was clinging to the male, obviously the mate of the leader type deal. Special privileges to the leader's mate of course. The little one was as much as a dog as the wolf that followed her about.

Only the silent one interested him at all. She seemed to have a much more royal sense to her. Lite found her silence a tad annoying though, he hopped that he would just need to open her up a little and she would let him in. (;P)

"Could I ask the current state of affairs?" Lite asked with a nice smile spread across his face.
"She's mine! " shadow snapest pulling flower close.Nadia rolled her eyes and sighed being ignored.shadow watched Nadia walk off and sit alone by the water.
Flower looked at Shadow and then raised an eyebrow. "Um...Shadow...you ok?" She asked and then at Nadia. "Um." She looked back at Shadow. She didn't exackly like to be claimed like that.
Lite was utterly confused. What the male did was no where close to what Lite was asking. He shook his head and looked around. The elfish girl that was walking away caught his attention being the only one without something stupid on there mind. Lite followed her, she hadn't mentioned her name so Lite didn't know it. "Excuse me!" He called to the elf women. He caught up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Do you know whats going on?" He asked her
she looks up at him then stands "yes i do sh-" she shoved lite out of the was and punched her brother dead in the face as he was charging for lite to take him out.her eyes turned from brown to black and she angrily sighed."You are just like father sometimes!" she yells kicking him in the side until Agile her white tiger and his dragon knight get infront of her at wich point she runs off into the dark forest.shadow gets up and punches lite "that was your fault!"
Flower's eyes widen and she grabs Shadow's arms putting them behind his back. She pulled him back and kicked him in the legs to make him kneel. "Shadow it was your fault! You are acting like an idiot! Not stop it he only wants to help!"

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