War in Regar (IC)

Lite felt relieved since someone actually responded to him, but it was short lived once the male began to cause a disruption. The two had a little squabble then the male insisted on it being Lite's fault and even more the male decided to lay a hand on Lite. As the fist came Lite merely moved out of the way to avoid putting any blemishes on his face. "Excuse but I'm not the one going around attacking people! I've been offering to help this entire time!"

Lite was done playing with this wannabe Alpha male. Lite approached casually then made sudden aggressive attack. He moved under his arms then tackled the male lifting him up and throwing him to the ground on his back. Lite spat on the male, "Try to by a more hospital host next time!" Lite rose his foot above the male's head and slammed it down aiming to shut the male up.
shadow blinked he didnt really like geting ganged up on and he jumped to his feet.he had just been torn up he wanted to watch over flower,kick lites arse and help nadia get unmad at him but she was gone and they where mader.he walked over to knight and jumped on his back taking off to find nadia but a few mins after he left him and knight went flying back over to flower and lite.they landed in the ground hard and when he got up nadia sent him flying into a tree.(some ones in trouble O.o )
Lite gritted his teeth frustrated that the male would just run away, but perhaps he figured out that he was to much of a wimp to take on Lite. Now Lite looked to the girl who called herself Flower. She wasn't very interesting to her but she would have to do with entertainment until he had the suitable information he was looking for. Lite bowed again, "Flower was it? Are you the Alpha male's lover?" He asked politely but very frankly.
Flower looked at him and then smiled a bit. "I'm not sure if the term lover can be used quite yet. We are I guess together." she sighed looking down. "I'm sorry about him." she looked at him and then continued to smile, even though she felt quite bad for the way shadow treated him. "As for the information you want I suppose we are just hanging out here for a while. It's the only safe place." she rubbed her head. "The girl that ran off...that was Nadia. I stay with her because I don't have anywhere else to go." she looked down again. "She lives here." she sighed. "I'm sorry I hope I am giving you what you want."
Lite felt the weight of the world fall off his shoulders. Thank the Sun! "Your giving me the information I've been begging for!" Lite grinned, "Another question! What is going on militarily? Have you began any uprisings or even began to try to make some head way against the orcish invaders?" Lite asked. He realized that this girl could be much more useful then it seemed. Lite was quick to judge and judged as as he did until proven wrong. Perhaps there is hope for these people.
Flower shook her head no. "Not really, right now I think most of us fleeig here are just trying to get away. I think basically keeping them out of here is all that is being done." she smiled happy to be useful. "They area around here is protected by magic. Or at least the area around Nadia's house."
shadow and nadia returned.shadow looked a littleworse for where.nadia was fine"we should returne home take care of my sister flower." he kissed flowers cheek and left after huging nadia.nadia was still silent and she just looked at them.
Azania shook his head, "thank you for the offering, but when a vampire needs blood they become completely different in every way. They make blood a number one priority and get it in the most fun manor, but it only takes a second of blood to fix them back up." he said, watching his bat fly around aimlessly and then land on Lala's head.
Lala laughed a little at the bat on her head. "Okay then." She looked back at the bell on her leg and thought of her brother. "I think my big brother would've liked you. He liked anyone really."
Lite nodded. "I see, so I'm the only one here with thoughts of a military come back?" Lite rubbed his chin and thought of any other questions he would like to know. "Does anyone have much of a good idea on how to lead an insurrection against the orcs?" Lite asked before hearing the load roar of incoming trolls and orcs. Lite looked to them approaching. "This place that is protected by magic. I think we should head there now!" Lite said drawing his sword. It was a fine longsword, made of reinforced heated steel. A proper weapon for a master Hylion. Lite stepped in front of the girl in a protective way "Well! Get a move on!" Lite said to her as a small unit charged them. Lite defended from the attacks and countered back killing a few. Lite was skilled in combat and knew how to hold his own against brutish warriors that outnumbered him but not while he had to protect a defenseless girl. Lite cut down a few more with quick half arced slashes that were to fast and to heavy for the orcs to defend from. Lite's style was all about speed, fluency, relentlessness, and adapting and overcoming.

But the Trolls would put a damper in his kill streak.
Flower smirked and then grabbed her own sword. "Oh do not worry about me." She said drawling her sword. "BC NOW!" The mightly Lion roared sending Orcs flying. Flower jumped up and flipped in the air landing purfectly and killing the knocked down orcs. She spung around and cut a few down. She moved fasted and gracfully. She turned, her moves highly advanced. She was one of the best fighters, well in her mind. The trolls. She rolled out of the way of one. "BC!" She yelled (guids can have powers....that's why mine can talk and BC can send out a roar ably to knock down trees sometimes.) BC attacked the troll's legs and ackles. Flower cut into the thick skin sending it to it's knees. She cut it's back and then managed to cut the head off. She continued through the raid.
(Well everyone in general honestly)

Lite took down a few more then peered at the girl who almost magically took down a troll. One would wonder how they even lost there land in the first place. He cut down a few more with what seemed to be ease. He moved back instead of advancing not daring to take on multiple trolls at once. The armored one stepped from the other singling itself out. Lite saw his chance and dashed forward. The troll hadn't noticed him coming and Lite was able to quickly scale up it's back and find a good position on the troll's head. Lite rose his sword and drove it down the soft spot in it's skull. It went down slowly after Lite pulled his blade back out and thrust his blade back down for the tenth time.
Flower moved towards Nadia's house. "Lite, Sarah, this way!" She called out and then looked around. She was serrounded suddenly. Flower looked at all of them and quickly moved fighting them off. She killed most of them, but one got behind her and stabbed her in the middle of her back, the knife didn't go deep though because she moved out of the way. She screamed none the less. The last troll soon blocked her off from the others, even BC. Flower could not be seen either.
Knight burned a larg group then ate them happily.he loved the crunchyness of there skin and armor.Nadia saw one of the trolls try to smash lite and with out thinking ran up knights boney tail wich made him raise his head.it was the perfect chance for her and she jumped off knight fliping once in the air and landed on the trolls shoulder wich made him hit himself with his weapon trying to get her off.Agile had orcs all over her back when it came to agile and fighting she would most likely get hurt with out help.shadow wasnt geting attacked by the orcs and he wasnt fighting them ether since he had to live with the orcs he couldnt touch then so he was no where to be found since he couldnt do anything.
BC saw Agile in need of help. He couldn't get to Flower so he ran to help Agile. He killed the orcs around her and then roared at a few more knocking them over. He looked to see if Flower could be seen yet. He couldn't see her. He was starting to worry. He looked again and again while helpping agile but she couldn't be seen.
Lite took a few looks around noticing that most of these people were surrounded. "Is this your flaw?" Lite observed that they were very unorginized and ran off each in separate directions. Lite began to think if he were to guide them in to a military body and he, himself work as the brain then they would have a chance against the vast numbers of the orcish army. Lite first noticed one girl in serious danger, surrounded and almost out of sight. Flowers, he believed she was called. Lite began swatting his blade making a path to her.
Flower's back was bleeding but she still fought. She looked to see BC. She looks at Lite and then created a light ball in her hand. Flower was Hal high elf and had light magic. Her ears were pointy and her hair was snow white. It was pretty noticeable. Flower started blast ligh at the orcs. She was a natural and kept using light. The Orcs began running away hating her light. Flower grabbed her fallen sword and then ran cuttin down all in her path till she met up with lite. "Thanks." she said. Her hands were red from the light burned in fact but she ignored the pain. She looked around and then blasted more orcs burning them and or killing them off. She even blinded a few.
Lite put his free hand on her shoulder and put some weight on it. "Don't over do it!" Lite safe guarded her from any more orc attackers. "Find someone to protect you. You'll last better, in fact, gather everyone!" Lite pointed to a path to the animals "Go there, they'll protect you better than I can protect you." He said before continuing to shop down the orcs surrounding him.
Flower looks at him and then blinks. Just as her light burned her it healed her to. She looked and ran to the animals. She grabbed her sword and then cut down more orcs. She looked at Killer and her sister who was taking down alot of orcs and the Orcs seemed much more numbered. Flower smiled a bit and then fought with BC. FLower got on BC and they ran around as Flower quickly killed more orcs. Flower found Nadia and then smiled. "Need any help?"
*Trying to revive this*

Three days later

Flower was chained up in a dark room. She stuggles but her wrists were chained to the brick walls. Her normal white hair seemed to be more black now, she hadn't seen to much light and her eyes were darker as well. She probably got extreamly pale but it was to dark to really see anything. Her wrists were red from her struggling. "..." As she stops she looks down feeling like she wanted to cry again. She had been kidnapped by orcs and it is a wonder why she still is alive. It is something she doesn't understand but she hasn't eaten so it was not like she could think straight. She only got water from the rain and the leaky window that let little light in. It was cold and damp and her clothes were slightly torn from them pretty much taking anything she had on her. Including a ring that belonged to her mother and her father's necklace she kept in a pocket. She was so weak it was no use. She didn't end up crying though, right now that was a waste of water that she needed.
The rain was heavy and the dark was blinding. Almost impossible to see. A small outpost controlled by the enemy. A place where war prisoners are kept. atop the roof of the watch stood a high elf cloaked and hooded, armored and battle ready. The fateful events that happened three days ago may have sent everything into a dismay but Lite still had a job to do. As well he felt an obligation to rescue the few that had been with him during the attack. He had heard that one was being held here. So here, Lite will save the girl and be renounced as a hero... well some thing like that.

Lite scouted the area, his elf eyes having stronger senses letting him see clearer through the dark and the rain then the orcs. He saw a little room being guarded and the scent of dying and dead bodies coming from it. He would guess that would be the room to check first. Since Lite was alone he wasn't going to take on the entire outpost. He would to keep things much more sneaky like and keep from messing up. He noticed a guard patrolling and the bottom the watch stand. Lite pounced off the top and landed perfectly and as silently as he could on the orc killing it quickly and without much noise.

From there Lite began weaving his way to the main room. Instead of taking out the guard he found small window that he was able to slide into. He peered around and found the dead, no one alive. Maybe it was just the wrong room. He sighed but before he touched the door he noticed a hatch on the ground. Lite opened it and peered around inside. It was pitch black in there. the only light coming in from the open hatch. He squinted and saw a girl chained up against a wall.

Lite quickly dropped in and hushed the girl. "I'm here to save you. Sorry I'm late." He quickly checked the chains.
Flower looked at him and then nodded. She tugged at the chains but she was weak and had looked like she was torchered. She was also cold to the touch. She managed to gt herself to stand, slowly, showing her full form which was pretty beat up at the moment. She would heal but there wasn't enough light for her. She looked at him and then looked away hating to be seen so weak. She was ashamed and probably would be for a long while. To let this happen was pretty bad. She tugged on the chains again showing a weak spot she had started but was unable to break. She was happy but her small smile couldn't be seen under her hair that was darker then it was suppose to be. Her hair was white because of her light and without it, it was black as the the room she was in.

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