War in Regar (IC)

Azania giggled a bit, "so something that was already dead and doesn't age wouldn't have any effect from this." he said, looking around then back at her, "you see when my family reach the age of twenty, which is an official adult, they stop ageing like normal vampires; you know if a vampire has a child and the child is a vampire then it would be stuck as a newborn baby forever." he said with a grin.
Flower looked at Nadia. "Well that's weird." she looked at shadow and then puther hand in his hair again seeing he liked it. She smiles slightly and continues to play with his hair. She heard something and turns to look. There was nothing. She looks back at Shadow.
Lala began laughing too. "I guess not. But if that someone is already dead, there would be nothing to feed on."
he smiled at flower in his sleep.agile and knight watched them like her touching him was a huge deal."you know he killed a man just for messing up his hair.."nadia added.
Azania thought about that for a moment, "what if it was the living dead?" he asked, giggling at her giggle from his giggle. kouko snickered to himself and decided to sit on Azania's shoulder like he normally did.
Flower looked at Nadia and then chuckled. "Look he's smiling....I don't think he's having to much of a problem here." She said then looked at BC who was licking himself dry again. She looked back at Shadow and then just rested her hand on the side of his head. "Besides...there is no way this guy could kill me. I'd kick him down before he got a chance to try." She said and then giggles a bit.

BC shook off his fur still trying to get dry. He got up angry and then walked off where no one could see him but at least it was still fairly near by so he could still hear what was going on.

Flower looks at Shadow still. "Oh course he fell asleep here so it was purfectly in my right to mess with his hair since he pretty much got me stuck here with nothing to do unless I want to wake him up. So if his hair is messed up it would be his fault so he would have to kill himself if he gets so mad about it." She said and then giggled.
"Ah, but you're still dead," Lala pointed out. "You're like a woman, if I feed on you I might as well die. It's like poison."
shadow yawns opening his eyes they had turned blue again and he didnt look as angry.he take flowers hand and kisses it gently but he never got up or moved from her lap.in fact he seemed pretty happy where he was.nadia giggled as he f ixed his hair but he never complaind once.
Azania sighed, "that's a shame." he said, then grinned at her, "oh well." he said in a way that said 'I tried' way. Kouko snickered at Azania and stuck his tounge out at him.
Flower looked at him and then smiled at him. She stopped and then looked away. She didn't want to admit it but by her actions it seemed she couldn't keep it a secret. She looked at him and smiled once more.

Sarah watched her Nadia, Flower, and Shadow. She stared at Flower, she seemed so fimilar. Sarah wondered, was it really Flower? Who was that boy with her then? She stared some more, she looked at Flower. Yes, it was FLower! She smiled, she looked so grown up.
shadow looked at agile,knight and nadia as they stared at him "do you guys mind we are trying to do somthing!" he snaped then they looked away and he kissed flower geting up.
Flower giggled at them untill Shadow kissed her. Flower kissed back letting her guard down for once. She started hearing more noise but she ignored it not wanting to take her attention off of Shadow.

Sarah was about to see if the girls name was indeed Flower Full Moon. Her eyes widened as the boy kissed her suspected sister. She stopped and stayed hidden watching.
tbe kiss was long and deep and when he did pull back he just smiled and walked off to pick on there guides he didnt want to pick on flower beacause she really opened up to him.
Flower had a blush on her face as he walked away. She smiled though having enjoyed their kiss and then looked as Sarah jumped out. Flower ducked out of the way of Sarah's fist and then kicked her in the chin. Flower grabbed her arm and threw her down pinning her while holding her arm in a painful position.

Sarah looks at her and then glares. "Ok um ow...Sorry I was testing you, I didn't know you were this good of a fighter....of course I have a question. Are you Flower full moon?" She asked looking at Flower. She surely looked like an older version of her younger sister.

Flower blinked and then nodded. "Um yeah...who are you?" She asked and then looked as BC ran up. His eyes were wide.

"Sarah!" BC yelled and then looked at Flower. "That's your sister!" As Flower hears this she lets Sarah up. FLower was shocked and she backed away staring at Sarah.

Sarah smiled and got up. "BC...you've grown...and so have you Flower." She smiled and opened her arms. "What no hug?" Flower smiled and hugged Sarah. FLower was overjoyed.
Flower looked at Shadow and Nadia. "Hey! Come over here...This is sarah...my sister." She said happily slowly letting go from their hug. She smiled happy as could be.

Sarah looks straight at Shadow. "So who is this guy who I saw kissing my younger sister." She said staring at Shadow with a who's this look.
shadow ran his hand through his hair "uh me im just no one." nadia smiled holding shadows hand "hes just shy since his last girlfriends sister tried to kill him" she said looking at him
Sarah reaches out her hand and grabs Shadow in light pulling him towards her. "What's your name dark elf?" she said glaring. "I won't kill you just give me your name."

Flower's eyes widen. "How did you do that?" she asked looking at Sarah and then looked at BC who sighed.

"Ugh just tell her already!" he yelled angry that Sarah showed off.

Sarah looks at Flower. "You don't remember? Remember why our parents were killed?" Sarah asked but Flower shook her head no. Sarah nods and then sighs. "Father was a high Elf Flower. We are not full human. How coul you not know?"

BC looks at her. "I can answer that. Flower's power has been sealed. Right now only a small amount of light is getting through. Even her me ories of her dad being an Elf were sealed." he said and looked at Flower. "I didn't tell her because I don't know if the seal can be broken."
Knight looks up and growls shadow sighs looking at flower"I need to go" he kisses flower and hugs Nadia then gets on Knights back ready to leave.
Flower looks at Shadow and then frowns a bit. "Bye Shadow..." She said and then looked at Sarah who was glaring at her. "I'm older now Sarah....I think I can have boyfriend or at least like someone." Flower said and then looked at Nadia. "That's Nadia....Shadow's sister."

Sarah nodded and then smiled. "Hello Nadia....I'm Sarah." She looked at Killer walked in. He was a big white wolf with a x scar on his forehead. He shook off his fur and then looked at Sarah and then at Flower. "Ah....Flower dear....you survived did you?"

Flower looks at Killer and then smiled. "Killer." She kneeled down hugging the wolf around his neck. "I'm so glad to see you!" Killer chuckles at Flower licking the side of her face.

BC looks at Killer and nods. "Killer old boy. Nice to see you again." BC smiles and then walked over to Agile.
Lite started up the trail through the forest headed for, what he had heard, the last of the people of Regar. He was assigned to aid the people in reclaiming there lost homeland and he sought to make sure that happened. As he moved on he found no sign of life but perhaps in time he would fine someone interesting to him, as well as be able to give him some information on his mission.

Lite walked casually along the dirt trail. He seemed proud, and happy.
Agile was looking at stuff upside down to see if it made her dizy. Nadia watched as shadow was about to take of but she stooped him and whispered to shadow.they where both looking at flower Wichita mentioned they where talking about her.after a while shadow got off and sat by the water with Nadia.
Flower looked at Shadow and then raised an eyebrow at him and Nadia. She looked as they sat by the water suddenly confused. She looked at Sarah and then smiled a bit. Flower looked at Nadia and Shadow. "Ok what's up?" She asked knowing they were talking about her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

BC smiled at Agile and then chuckled. "Dizzy tiger now huh?" He looked at Killer who was watching him. Not that BC minded to much, it was just Killer and him didn't exackly get along. However they could be nice to each other.
Flower stepped back. "Did....Did I do something wrong?" She asked and then rubbed the back of her head. She looked off to the side having no idea what just happened.

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