War in Regar (IC)

"to bad" shadow says before tilting her head up and kissing her but it was not a joke he kissed her deeply in a caring and loveing way.he kissed her like how a romantic first kiss should be like.when her pulls back he smiles at her then looks upset "thats how the first time should have been like sorry i recked that first kiss feeling for you.." he gets out of the water sadly and lays on the grass.(by the way prowl im not fighting for the succubus anymore flowers the perfect girl for shadow and i was blind not to see that i withdraw your challeng)
Flower eyes widen when he kissed her yet again, but this time it was a real kiss. She closed her eyes enjoying it and then blushes even deeper when he pulls back. "Y-yeah." She watched him get out of the water and then looked down at the water. She turned away from him and gently traced her lips. She looked back as BC starts laughing. "Flower and SHadow sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes-" He sang before Flower jumped out of the water and lunged at him her arms wrap around his neck and she picks him up. "Aw says the big bad lion who likes the big bad tiger." She threw him into the water.

BC roared with his was thrown into the water and got out shivering and hissing at Flower. "HEY!" He shook off his fur. "Come on so so enjoyed that kiss." He yelled at her looking at his fur. He couldn't resist licking himself. "Must....lick....Self....dry!"

Flower blushes and then laughs at him. She looks at Shadow and then smiles lightly. "You know shadow...you don't have to feel so down about messing upo my first kiss. I don't like to make a big deal out of things like that. You don't have to be sorry." She said and then blinked. "But stop making a habbit out of kissing me when I don't want you to!" She said shaking a fist at him.

BC starts snickering and then opened his mouth to say something but Flower glared at him. "Say one word you stupid cat and back in the water you go." Flower said (Creepy anime style!) BC shut his mouth and crawled on his wet belly back to his tree his tail under his legs.
shadow laughed at BC and huged her tightly agile helped BC lick himself dry knight was asleep and nadia was floatin in the water shadow looks at nadia"hey flower if i jump in can you cover me from her rampage?"
Flower looked at Shadow with a *Can't you not touch me for 10 seconds?* Look and then looks at Nadia blinking. "I don't think so." She said and then elbowed him in the stomach. "I mean if you do I may not be able to handle a womens rage. If you were a real man then you would be able to handle her yourself." (Lol! Flower is trying to reject her feelings towards him....I thought it might make things more fun. Sometimes a good chase is better then an easy catch when it comes to adding druma in a role play. SO she might insult him a lot more. lol) She waved him off. "Sorry but you'll just have to get butt kicked."
"wha- bu- ho- i will never understand girls besides the fact that there EVIL!" he grouns holding his stomache then whispers somthing to nadia wich made her tackle flower
Flower looks at Nadia. "What!?" She said looking at her and then looked at Shadow. She looked back at Nadia. "What was that for?" She asked.
"that was for insaulting my hair!!" nadia splashed water in her face and not in a nice way"that was for insaulting my looks!!" in the background shadow was laughing like theres to tomarow
Flower looked at her and then blinks. "WHat the heck are you talking about!? I didn't say any of that! I just refused to help out Shadow if he jumpped in the water with you saying if he couldn't handle a women's anger he wasn't a real man! He was hugging me so I eljowed him in the gut as well." She said and then pushed her off. "I didn't say anything bad about you why would I?" She said crossing her arms. SHe looked at Shadow and then glared at him with anger. She looked away thinking about shoving him back into the water.
"should we get a little pay back" soon after shadow took off "that little how did he?" knight nuged her ashamed of himself for picking sides.
Flower sighed and then looked at the water. She went back to the edge and stuck her feet in. "I don't really care." She said. She played alittle bit in the water and then looked at BC. He was hidding something from her....she knew it but she would tell him later. Right now She rather focuss on something that didn't annoy her. She gently traced her lips remember that kiss and then mently shook her head. No, she didn't want to think of shadow either. She looked up at the sky and smiled lightly.
(sorry for the late short posts im trying to put a full rp togather from small pieces in my head and im haveing to find all of these pictures then edit all of them on my own to get the image thats in my head and i dont know if im just wasteing my time because no one joins my rps anymore.)Shadow stops and looks over at flower as did nadia."what do you think shes thinking about....." shadow asks nadia shrugs."we should leave her alone i guess if she wants to have fun i guess she join us" nadia says and they walk over to the side shes farest from to mess around on there own
Flower glanced at Shadow and then laid down. Her feet still in the water. She looked over at BC who was almost dry now. She smiled a bit but then looked back up at the sky.

BC looked at Agile. "Thanks for the help." He said and then laid down looking at her. "I never thought Flower would be strong enough to throw me in the water." He laughed a bit.
BC chuckles. "Aw I was only spilling out her feelings right in front of her." He looked at Flower. "Flower....well she afraid to even like a guy. For that matter I saw how she reacted to Shadow's kiss. She rather ignore it or just force Shadow away by acting mean but...she's got smart guid who is one way or another going to get that girl to admit it." He whispers so no one else but Agile can hear. He chuckles again. "I guess I'll let flower think it over for now."
"yeah that would be the best idea" agile looked at knight who had just sat next to agile her growled at BC and snuggled up with agile
Azania smiled at her and followed her to the place to relax, not sure what to expect when he got there.
BC gets up hissing at Knight and slowly walks away. He looks at Agile and then lays by Flower. She looked a bit worn out. Flower got out of the water and put her arms around BC's neck. She smiles and snuggles up with BC. She was purfectly warm with him and even as well fell asleep. BC chuckles at her. He smiles and then looks at Nadia and Shadow. She wouldn't sleep long. She looked so peacful though and adorible they way she was snuggling up to BC for warmth. Flower was quite use to sleeping on the ground with BC. On cold nights he practicly had to sleep ontop of her. He didn't mind she was alittle wet either.
nadia sighed geting bored as did shadow and they walked over to flower they bothe stood over her just staring at her.agile looked over at bc then she layed down with knight
BC looks at them. "Hey stops that, she might wake up with you two standing over her." He said and then looked at Flower who moved a bit. BC sighs. "She's probably worn out from all the magic she was exposed to." He said looking at Nadia. What he really ment was all the magic she released. When she came here, the plants started feeding on the light she gave off making them healther but she slowly started to feel drained. He looked at Flower and then smiled at her. She was so peacful when she slept.
"sorry she's just beautiful.." shadow said kneeling by her.he moves hair away from her face with a smile."look at that beautiful face." shadow says you can tell by his voice he meant every word he said.shadow kisses her cheek and leaves her be.
BC looks at shadow and then looks at Flower. He smiles and then looks at Shadow. "Careful shadow, this little rose has poison thorns." he chuckles only joking. "I know I told Nadia this but her parents were murdered when she was young. She had an older sister as well but her body was not found but after a while we think the murders just took that body. She probably is dead. Flower here still remembers the whole thing. It is a very rare sigh to see her this peaceful because she's always having nightmares about it. That fear has been deeply rooted not even a large lion like me can help surpress that fear." he said and then looked at Flower.
Lala led him over to a waterfall, but when they had got there, she stopped. There were already people there. She thought about what to do.
Azania smiled at her and the waterfall, "it's a very beautiful landmark." he said, watching the water as it fell. He hadn't notices the other people there so he didn't even take his sight off the falls.
shadow pick nadia up and throws her over his shoulder and tossed her in the water wich made her scream because he made the water ice cold.

he then lays next to flower to keep her warm.
BC decides to be mean to flower and get up. He uses his paw to roll her over. Flower feeling cold now that BC got up moves towards shadow and snuggles up to up. She was still asleep though and BC was chuckling. He looked at Shadow and then walked back to his tree. He sat down chuckling to himself trying not to laugh for fear it would wake Flower up and she would probably kill Shadow. He put his paw on his muzzle and snuck it on the ground trying to keep from laughing. Flower lived in the forest for years so developed a tendency to move towards something warm when she slept. It was kind of like sleep walking. BC knowing both there feelings fo each other could't help himself. He looked and saw people. He walked over to probably freezing Nadia. "Hey look a few others have arrived."

(I am planning on adding Flower's sister Sarah to the role play. I could add a guy to if you wish.)

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