War in Regar (IC)

Nadia smiled and got on Agile who was trying to lick her paw but gave up after nadia got on her back.they took off and whent to a field with a waterfall off to the side and nadia got off agile.the water as clean and the grass was green yet this place was still in the dark forest so you could tell nadia used magic.

shadow way no where to be found and nadia put an arm around flower "don't worrie hes always late"
Flower looked at her and chuckled. "I wasn't worrying..." She said and then looked at the water. She pulled off her clothes leaving her swim suit and then sat by the water sticking her feet in. She looked at BC who was laying under a tree grooming himself rather then getting in the water. He was a lion so getting wet wasn't his favorite thing to do. However Flower did expect Agile to jump in seeing as she was a tiger. Tigers loved the water.
Agile wanted to wait for knight before haveing fun as did nadia.soon you could see knighs shadow above and they landed .shadow hugs nadia and looks at flower "hows my girls doing today" shadow winked at flower and sat on the ground next to nadia.knight and agile took turns splashing each other with water.
Flower looked at Shadow and rolled her eyes. "Just fine." She said and then looked at BC who was sleeping. "Why do I get the lazy guid?" She giggles only joking and then lays back in the grass.
Shadow pick flower up and stole a kiss on her lips before throwing her in the water.nadia jumped up and ran knowing he would go after her to.he soon caught her and thew her over his shoulder thowing her in the water two.
Flower eyes widened when he kissed her and she blushed. She screamed when he threw her into he water and then called BC she got out of the water and had BC ran after Shadow. "Bad idea shadow!" she said running after him planning to throw him in the water.
"Y-yeah," Lala said. "Just . . . walking down memory lane you could say." She looked down at the ribbon again.
Azania giggled a little, but not at her, his bat was climbing his back and it was tickling him quite badly. Eventually the bat climbed up onto his shoulder and sighed a little in reflief, then turned to it, "morning." he said.
"sorry kitty i have no plan on geting wet" Agile and knight laughed.Nadia climbed out of the water and sigh twisting her hair so its not dripping."hey we should invite more people!" shadow stoped runing and let BC crash into him."ow" he said holding his side."i think he cracked my rib"nadia rushed over but soon kick him in the side "dont do that!you scared me !"
Flower glares at Shadow. She looks at BC who sat by Flower trying to calm her anger. Flower traced her mouth. "Not what I wanted for me first kiss." She said sighing deeply. "SHadow you do that again and I will murder you." She said glaring at him again.
"ha i was the lasses first kiss this is awsome" he yells jumping up to his feet just toget pined down again by nadia."attack flower now is time for sweet revange!!"
Flower glared. "Not awesome you idoit!" She said as BC helps pin him down. "In the water?" He asked as Flower runs up glaring down at Shadow and then looked at Nadia. She grabbed his arms making sure they were down. She chuckles. "Oh and by the way I'm sure I can break his ribs for real."
Lala couldn't help but start laughing. At least it got her mind off of bad memories. "I was thinking of going out today. Um . . . can you even leave the house?"
"KIIGHT!" he yells but since Agile was helping BC he left him.nadia laughed and picked some of shadows uper half up."to the cold water!"
Flower lifts the remaining lower half of him and heads to the water BC being under Shadow helps carry some weight as well. Once by the water Flower looks at Nadia. "1.....2..." SHe giggles waiting for Nadia to say three so that they can throw him in.
she shouts 3 and throws him in.shadow looked rather upset as he got out he was shirtless and driping wet wich made him look hoter than he already was.
Flower takes one look and then looks at BC petting him. She tries not to look at him again. She pushes her hair out of her face and then continues to play around with BC.
BC runs after Shadow. He runs at top speed while Flower was laughing at the two. Flower looked at the water and then jumpped in. She dived under and then came back up and rested her arms on the edge.
shadow jumped in after her knowing it would be the only safe place.he madea flyig leap and water splashed every where and he rested next to flower.
Flower looks at him wipping off her face glaring at him. She looked at him and then looked away hiding a slight blush. Hardly noticiable. She looked as BC hissed at Shadow resting under his tree. Flower started playing with weed.
shadow smiled and taps flowers shoulder "hey dont you think its a little cold in here?" he flashes her a wink before diveing under water and the water turns into a bubbley hottub he comes back up under her wich causes flower to be lifted up on his shoulders."ha she's lighter then i thought"
Flower blinks and then blushes when he comes back under her. "Oh come on!" She yelled at him flicking his nose. She crossed her arms not liking his trick. She put her hands on his shoulders and slid off now being behind him.
he smiles and hopes out.nadia shook her head and stood "hey flower watch this!" she grabed shadows hand and there hands glowed blue when they touched. they both charged at the water and powerslid onto of the water.they used there magic togather to make it towhere they could walk on the water but once nadia let go of his hand they both droped in the water.

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