War in Regar (IC)

Cas looked at Flower and smiled. "Thank you. It has been lonely. We used to always be together after all." Then he turned to Nadia. "Do you know where I can get a place to stay?" It was really late so he'd have to start searching tomorrow.

Lala threw a knife at one of the other orcs. As the knife struck its eye, she rushed toward it and gave the orc a kiss. Its body began almost deflating as she sucked its life energy out. The body fell with a thud. "Thank you for the meal," she said before taking her knife back.

(Sorry but I can't post much today, I have a 6 page paper due.)
Flower smiled and nodded and then looked at Nadia. She had just got here and it was hard for her to help out others having no clue about where anything is. She rubbed her head looking down and then at BC who seemed to be having fun with agile.
Ananzia shrugged a little, "that's actually not a bad idea." he said, running up to another orc, wrapping his arm around it's neck, spinning so he was behind it and digging his teeth into its neck untill it dropped to the ground completely lifeless, "eugh, that's just nasty." he said, kicking the body.
Lala laughed a bit. "Yeah, but it still fills you up." Soon the three were down and the bodies disposed of, kinda. She really had no idea what Alucard did with the corpses, he just dragged them off into the forest. After which, she showed the vampire to his room and retired for the night. (Sorry if this seems sudden but I'm kinda blocking the way for others to post so I'm going to end the day now.)

Cas laid in the bed of an inn thinking about how his first day, sort of, in this haven. He may not have found his sister but he did meet two new friends. Thinking of both Nadia and Flower, he couldn't help smiling to himself. Both seemed strong . . . and cute. Finally he closed his eyes and drifted off into the next day.

(Also, so you all know, Cas will never be seen during the day. The reason why is a secret for now, but please bear with me. So go along with your lives and if someone could subtly or blatantly tell me when sunset is, that would be much appreciated. If you must know why then pm me. It has to do with how he's still alive after Lala kinda killed him.)
Azania smiled at his room, he turned slightly to the succubus and smiled a little, "it's great, but vampires don't need to go to sleep." he said, shrugging a little, "think of it like constantly drinking coffee, you're able to sleep, but you're way too active to do that." he said, looking around his room once more, "also I don't believe I got your name." he said, giggling at his bat that was flying around his head like a planet in orbit of a sun.
Lala suddenly realized that he was right. Holding out her hand she smiled and said, "My name is Lucretia, but you can call me Lala. And this is Alucard." The hellhound was sleepily walking away. "And what can I call you?"
Azania looked at her, "that's a lovely name you have. You can call me Azania and the bat is keuro." he said, giggling a little as Kuoro started flying above The hellhound, too high up for it to reach, but low enough to make it try. Azania made a high pitched noise with his mouth and Kuoro rolled back in the air a little and landed on Azania's hand as he shook Lala's hand. When he stopped shaking the hand Kuoro went back to annoying the hellhound.
(God, I know I should be working on my paper but it keeps pulling me back in.)

Lala said good night to both Azania and Keuro, and dragged Alucard back to her room to get some sleep.
"Come on lets go home flower."Nadia smiled geting on agile.

agile smiled at BC "race ya home." Agile said taking off

Kathrine shifts in bed and talks more. "Lord..father of darkness."

The next bunch of words where muffled by a pillow and she pops up as if she had a bad dream.
(good luck with the paper, I'm going to sleep now anyway :D )

Azania smiled at her and walked into his room, Kuoro short behind, "goodnight." he said, however he didn't get to sleep untill the early hours of the next morning.
Aeradom's ears peaked up when he heard the Lord of Father, and slowly he found himself walking over and standing next to the bed. He leaned over and tried to make out what she was saying...
Katherine shifts away from the pillow that was muffling her.

"I don't want to be princess of darkness

.."she opens her eyes right after to see him standing over her.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" she yells siting up
Flower was sitting in a tree humming a song. Her voice was very lovely. She closed her eyes just humming and then stretched out her arms ready to just sleep in the tree.
Aeradom backed up and feigned a smile, "I was worried, you ssemed to be having trouble sleeping." He mulled over what he had heard, but would need more information before deciding on a course of action.
"oh..." she really dident know what to say about that no one had ever cared so much.she felt like doing something nice for him in return so she huged him thinking it was what a human would do about somthing like this. "um thank you no ones ever worried about me like that..." she get out of bed and drinks some wate.she never wanted to be dark she wanted to do good and be a healer like her mother but her father frowned apon it and refused to let her even dream about it.
BC looks at her and thne chuckles. "You would win." He said and then looks up at a humming flower. "Lions can only run at top speed for a short time." He looked back at Agile and then watches Flower come down and starts walking home smiling at Nadia. BC looks at Nadia and then looks at Agile. "I do have something to talk about to Nadia....so if you would let her know for me that would be great....do not do this in front of Flower please." He said and then started walking.
Aeradom tentatively wrapped an arm around her and gently pat on her back. He wasn't quite sure what to make of her dream state revalation; the idea of her being some sort of dark princess didn't seem to mesh with her personality or actions thus far. As she went to get a drink of water, he reached up and touched softly on the branch of his wing. He knew that he'd have to get back to Elysium to get it fully healed, but he wasn't quite sure how to get there without the ability to fly. A soft frown of regret formed on his face as he looked down.
she sighed and raised his head up with two fingers."hey dont be sad i know some one that may be able to help."she reasured him and let her hand fall to the side.just then shelly troted in and droped his silver tray looking at the two as if they had kissed.kathrine backed away and looked back at shelly "uh....crap" she said then ran out the door.she flew off and her snaked followed her to a cliff."what was i thinking!" her snake hissed slightly. " shut up i dont like hes just an angel..a kind,careing angel that did not care if i was daemon or not he still watched over me.."her snake nuged her slightly "i dont want to hurt him but if father finds out hes here then..he could die." she looks at her snake then flys up "we have to find those damned orcs that hurt him.."

Agile nodded.they arrived home and nadia watered the flowers then Agile told her what BC said.Nadia headed over to him when flower was not around and kneeled to his hight."you requested me?"
(I don't know if this is ok or not if it is not ok with you just ignore this post k? :) )

DC looks at her and then nods. "Yes. I am sure you have noticed Flower is quite different from normal humans. For one her white hair and two her pointy ears." he looked around. "I was chosen for flower for one reason. She has high elf DNA in her. She doesn't know it yetbut Flower is not full human. Her parents were killed for fear of their child being to powerful. I am not sure why they would think that or maybe they didn't like the idea of a half human half elf. Flower has a magic inside her though. Light magic. It is what makes her hair white and why she finds herself soaking in the moonlight or sunlight. However her power was sealed and only a small amount gets out every now and again."
Aeradom stood there in confusion as the Daemon ran off, glaring at the shackling skeleton. He twitch towards him to scare him off. Once alone, Aeradom took the time to poke around the hideout to find more clues as to who this mysterious woman was.
nadia looked at BC and nodded " so what do you wish of me?"she had seen the hite hair and pointed ears and just blew it off but now she was slightly worried.

kathrine had a gold chest under her bed but she kept the key to it on a necklace she had around her neck it was charmed so you could only use the key.

shelly had run out side to await his princess not thinking about what the angel was doing but soon kathrine returned with a orc on his knees beging her to let him go as she demanded the angel to come out side.
BC looked at her and then sighed. "You are a high elf as well. I don't want you to do anything yet for Flower....I just want you to look into something to brake the seal." He said and then looked at Flower who was preparing to rest a while. He sighed. "I have been looking for someone to help her. However releasing the seal all at once could be to dangerous. She will have no control over her power since as a child she didn't get the chance to practice it when it was still weak. Now that it probably has fully matured like her, it will over whelm her."
He examined the chest in great detail, but realized that he would have to get closer to Katherine to able to discover the contents. Before he can discover any further, he heard the Daemon call her. Slowly, he went outside and looked at her. He looked almost annoyed from being called out from what he was doing.
kathrine looked at him then the orc "say it" she told the orc and he beged the angel for forgivness from burning his wing.

nadia nodded and stood geting the lion somefood and water
Flower walked up to Nadia and smiled as BC seemed to look as happy as ever. Flower giggled, "Oh now you got his love." She smiled at BC. "Hey I think I will head off to bed I'm really tired." She said and then rubbed her head. BC nodded smiling.

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