War in Regar (IC)

The angel quirked an eyebrow, "Just like a daemon to be so prideful. The offer still stands... if you want it." He turned and released his grip for her and began to walk off.
Flower looks at her. "Wow." she said and then giggles slight. "Still have a lot to learn about you huh?" She said and then smiled at her.

BC on the other hands was laying down. He looked at the others laying his head on his paws.
"Hey you can't just leave me here!"She gives him a look of help me pleaseYet still dosent say it."....please don't leave me alone."She was slightly scared of what he would say to that
Buried deep in the genetic code of every angel was a desire to defend those he needed and more importantly, wanted the help. No matter whether it was a innocently little pixie, or a daemon who's motives he suspected. Still, he wasn't about to leave her like this. He outstretched his good wing and curled it around her, in a simply gesture that he'd watch over her.
Lala laughed. "Follow me . . . or rather follow Alucard. I still get lost in this forest sometimes." And she, led by Alucard, led them to her home.

View attachment 3005 She opened the door and turned on the light to a large room which acted as a living room, dining room, and kitchen. She pointed to a couch and said, "You can put her there for now. I'll go get my first aid kit."

Cas' eyes widened in disbelief. "So you would know everyone who lives here, right?"
Kathrines face turned red slightly and she leaned on him then whispered "thank you" when she saw the house she rolled her eyes "not to be rude but my house brings more darkness and no one disturbes me."

Kathrine really dident like the house it seemed nice and she liked to be nice but being who she is it was frowned apon.

nadia noded happily and pated Agiles head "why do ya ask?"
Flower leaned against a tree and then listened. "Hmm..." SH esaid as she thought to herself. She looked at BC who looked at Flower. Flower looked back at them and then crossed her arms smiling only slightly.

BC looked at Flower and got up. He sat by Agile and then looked at the two people. He yawned and then shook his big mane. He looked at Agile and then looked at Nadia. He was a bit bored, for a cat that sleeps 16 hours a day.
Aeradom turned and glanced down at her, smiling warmly. He said nothing though, not wanting to betray any intentions on his part and instead doing his best to fulfill his role; his head pivoting from side to side in constant surveillance for any threat.

The brisk night air caused a quiver in his wing, that shook a little on the Daemon's arm. He stood in silence as she protested the nice home. For a moment he considered not saying anything and simply escorting her to her place. But Aeradom saw her as his charge, and he didn't want to choose between protecting the others and her.

"Perhaps you can sleep outside with me... I'm not going to sleep so I will stand watch over you and the others." Aeradom looked her and smiled softly, a look in his eyes that was almost pleading with her to give in.

Lily just glared at the Daemon, quickly getting protective of Aeradom. "And I'll sleep out here as well, I can be as rough and tough as anyone!" Aeradom turned and met her with a glare, a look that left no uncertain terms that she was to go inside. Lily sighed and flew on into the house and found a lit candle to sit infront of to warm herself.
kathrine looked at her snake wich was just about try to bit him when she hisesed back rather angry.

"im fine on my own." she says but it was clearly a lie as she stumbled to get on the snakes head.

"im sure shelly is awaiting us.."she said to her snake as it helped her up.
Azania followed behind everyone, not saying anything and keeping his eyes fixed to the floor the whole time.
Lala held the first aid kit in her hands and stood there awkwardly. Partly because Katherine wanted to leave but clearly was in no condition to go. And partly because she took a good look at the angel's wings. She was still a novice when it came to first aid and well . . . she had no idea how to start on . . . that . . .

Cas' face lit up. "Then you can help me find my sister?"
Kathrine looked at her then the angel she could leave now or help the Angeles wing.

She Knew she would be better for the job since her mother was a healer so she was born with the

magic to heal other's.She paused for a moment then slid down the basilisks tail.

"Clearly you have no idea how to use that your just gonna kill him let me do it..."

She tryedto make it to where she wasn't doing a nice thing but I was kinda hard.

"Now Mr. Craby sit and don't move."

Nadia smiled with a nod
Azania sat on the roof of the cottage, looking around the trees, waiting for his bat to wake up. He shivered slightly, but didn't do much in the way of moving other than that.
BC looks at Agile. "Hmm...so Agile...you have a good name, it suits tigers really. If only Flower's dad would have given me another name....BC is short for Big Cat." He said and then looked at Flower. "Of course Flower just calls me BC because that's the nickname she gave me since her dad didn't want to change it." He chuckles.
(Just to let you know I'm pretty sure tigers can not purr most big cats can't)

BC chuckles and then looks at her. "Hmm." He looks at her and then stands up unsure how to take what she was doing. He lowers his head and then rubs his head on hers. He looked at Flower who raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled. He looks at Agile. "So I see you have wings now." He said noticing the feel of the feather's on his fur. He looked over the wings.
(i know but i wanted her to :P )

"yeah but last time i tryed i hit a tree" she covers her face with her paws trying to hide so he would not make fun of her.
Cas smiled and said (I'm sorry if Cas seems like a wierdo after this. Also this is something that just cannot be described.) . . .

View attachment 3009 (Also if it's okay with you, I'd like Cas not to find his sister until later in the story.)

Lala handed Katherine the medical supplies and backed away, not wanting to be a nuisance. She looked at the vampire on the roof. He was being awfully quiet. Deep in thought, she noticed Alucard on the roof too, trying to sneak up on the boy, probably for the bat. "Alucard!" she shouted, "No!" The hellhound then slipped and fell off the roof into the bushes below.
BC smiles. "Hmm, one timne I was running so fast in the forest I slammed right into a hole in a tree, It took at least 30 minutes before Flower stopped laughing and then two hours to get my head out of the tree. Lions weren't made to run in forests and Tigers weren't made to fly." He chuckled. "It was your first time after all."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower covered her mouth slightly trying not to laugh at Cas. She looked away hoping no one notices her trying to hold back giggles. That was so weird she couldn't help but want to laugh. Once it pasted she looked back at the two.
nadia cover her mouth hideing a smile "...i-i see" it was hard to speak after that as she was about to laugh to.

agile giggled "im sorry to hear that..."

Kathrine shook her head "I have no use for that." She stands perfectly still and closes her eyes her hair floats like air.

The wind was still and the feathers he lost where flying over to him like a group of buterflies .

She moves her hands slightly to guide them she worked until she couldn't any more though she ended up fixing half of his wing
BC nodded and then slid a paw down his head. "Yeah I think I have a scar from that." He chuckled and then looked at her. He shook off his white fur and then sat down again.
Aeradom watched the exchange between the two as they argued over who would heal him. He didn't care which one would attempt to; he doubted their primitive magics would be of much help anyways. But he certainly wasn't going to make the process more dificult for whomever decided to work on it. And thus he knelt down onto once knee and beganed to breathe slowly.

Glancing back at the Daemon, looking awkward at the idea of one of those creatures working on such a sensitive area. He watched as the feathers flew by his face, brushing the small strands agaisnt their faces, caressing them. Suddenly, he felt his wing begin to grow and suddenly let out a loud groan. His hands gripped into the dirt as he resisted showing any signs of weakness and pain, allowing her to do her work.
(wow, you're such a good drawer amdreams!)

Azania hadn't noticed that alucrad had been up there with them, he was starting to worry if his bat would ever wake. Slowly the bat's little eyes opened up and made a little yawn like noise, then started to fly around Azania's head happily and Azania smiled and laughed happily, "you're ok!" he said, grinning and playing with the bat, "I'm really sorry!" he said, smiling at the energetic bat.
kathrine opened her eyes "i....i can't.." she was breathing heavily as she just used the last of her energy on an angel of all people.she had no idea why she would even thinkof hering him much less use magic to heal him.she rests on her snakes head "i will return home now."
Aeradom looked over at his wing and flex it a little. Most of the spine of the wing had reformed, and in time the feathers would grow back. It was much more than he had ever expected from a Daemon.

He looked over at her and let out a sigh, "Healing me most of exhausted you... the Vampire looks more than capable of protecting the party here. I will accompany you." Aeradom was not going to give her a choice in the matter as he walked up and stood next to the snake, glaring at him and ready for any move of hostility to me.

Lily had already gone inside fortunately, because Aeradom knew he would get an earful if she knew what he was doing.

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