War in Regar (IC)

"no its fine." she insisted not wanting to get him in trouble.the snake still tryed to bit him to gethim to back off she had given up trying to stop her basilisk from biteing him she just wanted to get home.the snake started slithering away to a grave yeard near by.
Aeradom, expecting the snap, jumped back from the Basilisk's grasp. He opened his hand up and in his palm a ball of Celestial Fire begin to spin in his hand, charging to give the Basilsk a reason not to snap at him.

But before the confrontation could escalate, he watched as the Daemon turned and began to move off on her Basilisk. Aeradom was never want to let a debt go unpaid, and no Basilisk or Dameon's pride was going to get in his way. Despite her objections, the angel followed the pair as they headed off towards the graveyard.
She jumped off the snake and land next to the angel "stay here. "She said pointing to orcs that guard the graveyeard

She straightens up and walks over to the bunch.When they see her the jump to there feet and bow there heads.

"I hear there's an angel around."the orcs nod "is he dead? " they shake there heads in shame. "then why are you here instead of trying to find him you dumb fools!!!" the orcs take off runing in the forest. "there you can come out now..." she says walking in a coffen house a ruby skull lever sits on the wall she pulls it down and a coffen in the center of the floor moves to reveal a set of stairs going under ground.
Azania smiled and the bat landed on his shoulder, then he jumped off the roof and walked into the cottage, smiling at the place, "this place is lovely." he said, spinning around a little, his bat did a little nod in agreement.
Aeradom set back and allowed her to do what she needed. A moment of anger boiled hot inside him, his hand gripping tight onto the handle of his sword. For the briefest of moments, the fires within him burned hot, as he prepared to scorch the entire area. To his surprise though, the orcs listened and ran off another way.

Coming out from behind the tree, he walked up to stand next to her. With a quirk of his eyebrow, he asked curiously, "Would it not have been simpler to just eliminate them ... they will return will they not?" Aeradom paused and looked inside, suddenly getting a bad feeling about all of this, and having second thoughts about following her here.
She paused and shook her head.she couldent just tell a random angel she is the daughter of the king of darkness the one that took over the land but for the river.that's why they listen so well to her only.

She walks down and the lights turn on.she looks at a pile of bones and claps her hands

"Shelly wake up we have a guest." The pile of bones form into a skeleton with a red bow tie.
He followed close to her, but just behind her, showing that he wasn't fully trusting her just yet. For the moment, he wouldn't press the issue and simply looked around the area as he was gathering inteligence. When the skeleton popped up from no where, he quickly drew his sword, knewing that this was a trap. But once he saw the red bow, and how farmilar she seemed with it, he sheathed it once more.

"You have a .... strange home here... You never did tell me your name." Aeradom glanced at her and walked over to an oposite wall and slid down along it, keeping her and the skeleton squarely in his sights.
"Shelly's my friend please don't kill him." Shelly's bones started shakeing as he said "p-please sir I dident do anything to you did I."
Aeradom signs out exaserbated at having been so jumpy. Normally, he wasn't so judgemental... but the loss of his wing had made him a little more jumpy. As a sign that he didn't mean any harm to anyone, he undid his belt and let the sword drop down next to him. "I dont mean any harm to anyone here, I'm just here as a guest ok?" His pants were secure enough that he didn't need the belt, and it was in fact only to hold his sheathe.
"T-thank you, but it's nothing really. You should see some of the homes next to the river. They're so lovely." Lala said before going inside. She looked out towards the direction that Katherine and the angel had gone. "I hope they're okay. It's really late out." She then turned to the vampire. "There's an empty bedroom upstairs to the left. You can use that. It was originally for my brother but . . . Anyways, it faces the west so you don't have to worry about tomorrow morning. I'll get some heavier curtains tomorrow." She would've said more but a loud crash came from outside.
She lays on a queen sized bed with black and purple sheets.

Shelly serves them both waterfall water and insists on the angel

Siting in the liveing room.there where no walls between

The bedroom's, living room or kitchen everything had a dark black and purple

Azania looked confused for a moment then it hit him, "oh don't worry about the sun." he said, grinning a little then hearing the crash from outside too. He opened the door a little and looked through it trying to see what the crash was.
Aeradom glared up at the skeleton but relented and took the glass. He eyed the glass suspiciously, wondering if it could be poison. His angelic physiology made him immune to all natural poisons and diseases.. but this Daemon certainly had shown a talent with magics with his wing. For the moment he just looked at the glass as he mulled over drinking it.

"So Daemon, what's your name? If you even have one..." He said spitefully.
Lala was afraid that there were orcs outside, although they were never daring enough to come this close to the river. She watched the boy open the door to find Alucard. He had dirt and pieces of a broken flower pot on his head, the rest was on the ground below him. The succubus sighed out of relief and began brushing the pieces off him. "You had me scared for a moment there." For some reason, Alucard was struggling a bit. Then she realized it. The flower pots are all by the gate, not the cottage. A voice surprised her from the dark.

"Are YOU the succubus that lives here?!" The question put her off guard for a bit because she had demonic wings on her back and head. It was obvious and such a stupid question. But she looked up to see 3 orcs, the one in the middle slightly smaller than the others.
"Katherine?" Aeradom said with a curious look. For a long time, he had been away from his sources of intelligence, so their wasn't anyway for him to know at the present that she was the princess of darkness. That didn't mean he didn't have his suspicions already. There was still the matter of why those orcs seemed to fear her, and more to the point, why they obeyed her so readily.

For the moment though, he couldn't confirm anything so kept up the polite appearance and simply said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. You should get some rest. I will stand watch."

Aeradom stood and walked over to the entrance of the small hovel. His feet snapped together and he stared at the doorway, prepared to strike down any uninvited intruder.
"Relax no one will come." She looks over at Shelly who was dusting away the cobwebs.

"Shelly feed the snake please. "Shelly gasped. "....sorry do it now!"

Shelly then happily marched out side.
Azania looked at the girl, "shall we take care of them, or are they friends?" he asked, looking back through the door as his bat started sticking his tounge out at the hellhound.
"Well that really depends on what they-" Lala started before the middle one lunged toward her, barely missing the succubus. "Yeah, definitely not friends."
Azania sighed and ran up to the one that had lunged at the girl, striking it in the neck with his long vampiric nails. He didn't even give the Orc a chance to do anything before he curled his hand into a fist and propelled it straight for the orc's chin.
Aeradom stepped aside to allow the shambling skeleton to pass, and then turned around with his back now to the door. "I know they wont... but I'd still like to stand watch if you dont mind milady." He said, and then gave a polite bow.
"As you wish." She covers herself with a blanket

and fell asleep.she was sleeping peacefuly when she started talking in her sleep.

"Angel....I will find and kill the orcs that hurt you.."
Aeradom narrowed his eyes at the Daemon and looked at her softly, cracking the tiniest of smiles. He glanced over at the door and then back to her but remained standing at attention, saying nothing for fear of waking her.
Flower looked around and then back at the boy. She managed to stop laughing at how he dicribbed his sister. "I will help you find her...I mean I will all that I can. I know how family....being appart from them can be stressful." She said putting it mildly. She sighed deeply, her family was dead.

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