War in Regar (IC)

Aeradom walked over and looked down at the orc, narrowing his eyes. War was a very inpersonal matter. For "burning his wing" as the Daemon had put it, he probably wiped out the majority of his regiment when he launced his strike at he position that fired at him.

In the battle he had come from, he had killed countless numbers of this one's kind without ever thinking about the individuals. He doubted that had anything similar to familial structure the most other races had. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if this pathetic creature had a wife waiting for him to return, or maybe children longing for his raising.

Angels had no such families, for the most part. There were some that had chose to settle down on this plane, but to do so came at to high a cost for most. Aeradom reached out, watching the orc flinch as he drew close. "My war is not with you, simple creatures; It is with the masters that seek to throw you agaisnt me." For a brief moment he back up at Katherine. While he was unaware at the moment of her background, the chill that such a determined look gave was unmistakenable.

Clearly, he didn't blame these orcs for shooting him down. He blamed the ones who sent out the order.
Kathrine looked rather pale by now little did he know in battle with her own kind a knight of the dark king ran her threw.she used all her magic on him and she just wraped up her waist to hide it.kathrine looked around she could not see straght do to bloodlossand she leaned on the angel slightly breathing hevily.

Nadia smiled then walked inside allowing BC and Agile to eat in peace.she was still up easy about everything but she knew she could not tell Flower she sat down in her room to think about what BC said.
Aeradom rested his hand on her midsection and sensed the wound that hid within. He picked her up and cradled her back in his arms and carried her off to the cave, dismissing the Orc to go and rejoin his comrades.

Once inside, he placed her carefully on her bed. Afterwards, he pressed his hands on the wound and began to work at the wound. It had been of great severity, and would take time for him in his weakened state to heal. The problem wasn't the ability, it was the energy which was the reason for the length. So he pressed his hand it and pushed gently agaisnt it and the area began to glow gently as he began his long work, knowing it would take most of the night to do.
Flower stretched out and then went to her room and laid down on her bed looking up at the ceiling. She sighed closing her eyes. She looked at her window wondering what BC and Nadia were talking about. She sighed rolling onto her side.

BC yawned and stretched out. He shook his large mane and then looked at Flower's room. "Hmm...normaly she would want me as her pillow...she use to snuggle up with my mane."
Kathrine rather enjoyed that he cared but she grabed his hand to stop his healing.being stubbern as all hell she sits up. "im fine..why do ou care so much if i live or die anyway?"

Nadia sighed and whent to sleep as agile rubed on BC's side "i can sleep next to you"
BC looks at her and chuckles. "Alright." He lays down and then yawns loudly. He licks his paw starting to groom himself.
"aw grooming yourself for me?" Agile giggled and layed next to him then rubs her head on his main before going to sleep.

(now its morning we needed agile,BC,nadia,flower to sleep before morning)
Flower was sleeping peacfully. She rolled over and then moved her head slowly stiring. It was morning, she could tell by the light in the room. She didn't really want to get up. She slowly rubbed her head on her pillow slowly waking up.

BC was sleeping. While he was sleeping his paw over Agile. His tail was slowly moving as he was staring to wake up.
The sun was shining in through the windows as Lala stood motionless in her living room. Apparently, the angel's fairy had been sleeping on one of the couch cushions. Not sure when he was coming back or even what his name was, she pondered on what to do. She looked up at the door where Azania was staying and out the window to the bright and sunny day. He probably wouldn't be able to go out of his room until nightfall.

She decided that she'd have to leave for town soon. So she closed the all the curtains because the only bathroom was on the first floor, although do vampires even go to the bathroom? She also left some fruit out for the fairy, should she wake up hungry. Her last step in getting ready was tying a blue ribbon, with a small bell attached, around her thigh. She touched it and thought of her brother. He would've been 21 by now.

(To Kage Kitsunami, Lost_In_Paradise, and Kuroi Tenshi: I am wondering if you're still in this and if you'd be okay with me finding you.)
@ amdreams Lost in paridise was banned kage and kuroi will try to join in when they can but they more than likely not beon most of the time so it would be best to leave them also this goses to every one i have made a new rp called Demons in Olamar check it out)
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower was sleeping peacfully. She rolled over and then moved her head slowly stiring. It was morning, she could tell by the light in the room. She didn't really want to get up. She slowly rubbed her head on her pillow slowly waking up.
BC was sleeping. While he was sleeping his paw over Agile. His tail was slowly moving as he was staring to wake up.

(Reply please....Sorry I'm way to busy to join your role play. :( WAAAAA! I wish I could but I'm stressing myself out.
nadia was already awake she dident get much sleep so she just made breakfast in stead.Agile yawned and licked BC until he fully awoke.

"hey wake up lazy cat"Agile joked geting up.nadia called flower to the table after food was done

(dont over work your self fire)
Aeradom, not understanding her resistance, simply pushed her back on the bed and went back to continue healing, ignoring the question to the best of his ability as he pressed his hand once more agianst her, and tried to focus once more.
BC opens his eyes and then looks at Agile. "Hm? Ugh I'm a male lion....of course we're lazy." He chuckled and then slowly got up. He looked as Flower came out her hair brushed and she was looking nice.

Flower stretched out and then looked at Nadia and then at the food. She smiled. "You made breakfast?"
Kathrine pushes him away once more and sits up again.tears ran down her face and she hides her face in her hands until a tap on her shoulder.everything was black and white with the same young boy as before.she cryed even harder as she now see's the woods "come on jamie" a little girl and boy ran passed her and she stood."hey!" kathrine yells she knew who they where her and her brother when they where young.she could remember why he died it was her fault.they had snuk out of the casle and high elfs where hunting them.she had got hit and died but her brother saved her with his magic and it killed him just to save her.
Azania slowly woke up and crawled out of his bed with equal slowness. He got himself dressed, putting a special thing over his face since it was exposed to the sun daily, then yawned and stepped out of his room. He narrowed his eyes at all the closed curtains, wondering if Lala was even awake yet, "morning" he said, not sure if anyone would hear him or not.
Aeradom gripped tight onto Katherine's shoulders and looked into her eyes. His eyes flashed a brilliant yellow as he tapped into her memories and looked through her eyes....

In her wakened dream, he wandered up next to Katherine as the two watched the scene unfold. Aeradom spoke in a soft, but even tone, "Your brother gave his life for you, he loved you. It was his decision and not yours, and I doubt that he would want you to continue to blame yourself."
she looked down as the next seen started this one showed kathrine still as a girl stumbleing to the dark kings feet "m-my lord jamie is dead" the young girl cryed and fell to the floor.kathrine looked over at the angel and held his hand she got closer to him and he could feel her shakeing as she slightly hid.the king scolded her saying it was her fault and she would have to live with seeing him every where.he pulled a leaver next to him and they fell.the flash back was over hand kathrine was still shakeing in fact she was froze there just stareing into space.well now he knew she knows the dark lord and more than likely where he stays (oh and yes i saw fireof hearts post but you need to rest so you are not allowed to post as flower today..see thats how much i care)
Lala broke out of thought when she heard Azania's voice. She turned toward the stairs. "M-morning."
Nadia smiles and nods proudly"we will see shadow today s hury up i aint waiting" she starts brushing her hair then packs some snacks in a basket."bring a swimsuit to"
Flower blinks and then rubs her head. "A swim suit?" She looks at BC and then lightly touches the table. The table starts to burn and BC runs over and pushes her back to the room. "GO on get your bathing suit." He said and then looks at Nadia. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked looking at the table. He stared at the burn mark. "Hmm...well it appears more light is getting through then I thought." He said and then looked at Nadia.

FLower grabbed her bathing suit and then started walking out. She put her hair in a pony tail and then walked out. FLower looked good in a pony tail.
View attachment 3182Nadia looks at the table and places her hand on it she burned herself but she ended up repairing it"there now she will not ask about it.since its a wooden table i can still heal it" she says then smiles at flower "looking good" she when and put on her bathing suit.
Flower had a white two peice one she was wearing under her clothes. "Yeah thanks." She quickly eats a little bit of the food and then looks at Nadia. "Shall we go then?" She smiles petting BC on the head. He always loved it when she petted him.

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